Aesops Fables孔雀和鹤A Peacock taunted a Crane with the dullness ofher plumage.Look at my brilliant colors,said she,and see how much finer they arethan your poor feathers.孔雀嘲讽鹤的羽毛色泽暗淡,她奚落道:“看看我的羽毛,多么鲜艳华丽呀,比你那灰暗难看的羽毛强出百倍。”I am not denying,replied the Crane,thatyours are far gayer than mine;but when itcomes to flying I can soar into the clouds,whereas you are confined to the earth like anydunghill cock.“我不否认,”鹤说道,“你的羽毛比我的华丽,可是,要说到飞行能力,我翅膀上的羽毛能在空中翱翔,而你却只能像公鸡一样,在在地上行走。”