1、Aesops FablesA Dog and a Cock became great friends,andagreed to travel together.一条狗与一只公鸡成了朋友,他们准备一起去旅行。At nightfall the Cock flew up into thebranches of a tree to roost,while the Dogcurled himself up inside the trunk,which washollow.到了晚上,公鸡一跃跳到树枝上栖息,而狗则蜷缩在下面空洞洞的树干里过夜。At break of day the Cock woke up
2、 and crew,asusual.A Fox heard,and,wishing to make abreakfast of him,came and stood under thetree and begged him to come down.天将破晓时,公鸡像往常一样啼叫起来。一只狐狸听见了鸡叫,想以鸡肉作为自己的早餐,便跑来站在树下,请公鸡下来。I should so like,said he,to make theacquaintance of one who has such a beautifulvoice.The Cock replied,Would you justwake my porter who sleeps at the foot of thetree?Hell open the door and let you in.“多么美的嗓音啊!”他说,“我很高兴能认识一位声音悦耳动听的公鸡。”而公鸡则回答说:“你能先叫醒树洞里那个看门的吗?只要他一开门,我就可以下来。”The Fox accordingly rapped on the trunk,when out rushed the Dog and tore him inpieces.狐狸立刻跑去叫门,里面突然跳出来一只狗,把他咬住撕碎了。