1、Aesops FablesTwo men were travelling together,one ofwhom never spoke the truth,whereas theother never told a lie:and they came in thecourse of their travels to the land of Apes.有两个人一起去旅行,其中一个从不说实话,另一个却从不说谎话。他们碰巧走进了猿猴国。The King of the Apes,hearing of their arrival,ordered them to be brought before hi
2、m;andby way of impressing them with hismagnificence,he received them sitting on athrone,while the Apes,his subjects,wereranged in long rows on either side of him.听说有人闯进自己的领土,猿猴王就吩咐手下将这两人捉拿归案,为了让他们对猿猴国的富丽堂皇印象深刻,他令所有的猿猴在两边分别列队,自己则坐在中间的王位上接待他们。When the Travellers came into his presence heasked them wha
3、t they thought of him as aKing.一切准备妥当后,那两人被带到猴王面前,猴王询问他们如何看待面前的这个猴王。The lying Traveller said,Sire,every one mustsee that you are a most noble and mightymonarch.And what do you think of mysubjects?continued the King.爱说谎的人回答说:“任何人都能看出来,您就是一个最高贵、最有权力的国王。”“那么,你如何看待旁边的这些随从呢?”猴王接着问。They,said the Traveller
4、,are in every wayworthy of their royal master.The Ape was sodelighted with his answer that he gave him avery handsome present.那人连忙说:“他们都是猴王您的得力干将。”猴王听到他的这番恭维十分高兴,给了他丰盛的礼物。The other Traveller thought that if hiscompanion was rewarded so splendidly fortelling a lie,he himself would certainly receivea
5、still greater reward for telling the truth;另外一个说真话的人心里暗自琢磨,若是同伴的一番谎话都能得到如此丰厚的回报,那么,我这样一个说实话的老实人,肯定会得到比他更多的奖赏了。so,when the Ape turned to him and said,Andwhat,sir,is your opinion?he replied,I thinkyou are a very fine Ape,and all your subjectsare fine Apes too.于是,当猿猴国王转过身来问他:“先生,您是怎么看的呢?”他回答道:“我认为,您是一只最优秀的猿猴,而您的所有随从也还可以。”The King of the Apes was so enraged at hisreply that he ordered him to be taken awayand clawed to death.猿猴国王听到这些真话后恼羞成怒,下令将说真话的人带走,处以死刑。