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1、期末专项复习练习用单词的适当形式填空一用所给单词的适当形式填空1. This is _ (we) school.2. How many (lesson) do we have?3. Its a _(sun) day today. 4. Wang Bing _ (have) a new coat.5. Rose _ (make) a _(snowmen) this afternoon.6. We dont have_ (some) lessons today.7. This is _ (you) picture. Its nice.8. Whats the matter with _(he) ?

2、9. Can you see _ (some)trees in the park ?10. These _( is ) my new shorts.11. Yang Ling can _ ( has ) dinner at six this evening. 12. Here _ ( be ) some trees. Can you draw _ (they) ?13. Whats the matter with _(she) ?14. Lets go _(swim) in the river.15. That_(make) a week.16. I like _(sandwich).This

3、_(sandwich) is nice!17. Let _( we ) go to the park.18. Yang Ling can _(have) picnics this Saturday.19. She _(want) to go to bed at nine.20. _(he) sweater is so beautiful.21. I (like) this coat. Try this, please. 22. _(she) dress is too big for her.23. Look at _(me) _(mother) dress. Its so beautiful.

4、24. This is Mrs Green _. (speak)25. I_ (can) make cakes, its too difficult for_( I )二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What _ (subject) do you like?2. How many _ (mango) do you have?3. I can see _ (some) flowers but I cant see_ (some) trees.4. I _ (have) a dog. Yang Ling _ (have) a dog too. We _ (have) two dogs in al

5、l.5. Where_(be) the cats? Where_(be) the water? Where_ (be) the book and the bag?6. I like_(swim). But I cant_(swim) tomorrow.7. This is Wang Bing_(speak). May I _ (speak) to Nancy?8. Look at _(this) _(shoe). Theyre so nice! I want to try _(this) pair!9. I like _(dance). I want to _(dance) with you!

6、10. _(who) tiger is this? Its_(Wang Bing). _(who) Wang Bing? The boy over there!11. _(he) happy! And_(he) eyes are big! 12. - _(be) you hungry? - Yes, I _(be). - Here_(be) some bread for you.13. - _(do) you have a cake? - No, I _(do). I _(do) have a cake.14. I can _(read) books at school. I like_(re

7、ad) books. I have a _(read) lesson this morning.15. Look at these _(boat) on the river! Lets go _(boat).16. We have four _(season) in a year. Which_(season) do you like best?17. - I cant_(hear) you! - Im sorry_(hear) that!18. Here _(be) any water for you. But here _(be) some pies for you.19. - Whose

8、_(dress) are they? - _(they) Yang Lings. - Whose _(juice) is it? - _(it) Yang Lings.20. - _(I) cap is on the desk. - OK. I can see _(you) cap. Here_(you) are.21. I like_(flowers). I like_(spring) very much.22. - _(be) your good friend ill? - Yes, he _(be).期末专项复习练习按要求改写句子一按要求改写句子1. I have some lesson

9、s on Monday. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ lessons on Monday ?2. Its time to go to school. (改为同义句)Its time _ _ .3. I usually watch TV at seven. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ usually watch TV ?4. Its eleven oclock now. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is it now ?5. She can see a hot dog on the table . (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ _ _ a hot dog on the tab

10、le ? _ , _ _.6. I can swim . (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ ?7. What time is it now ? (改为同义句) _ the _ now ?8. Whats the matter with you? (改为同义句) _ _ with you ?9. It is a big cake in the kitchen. (对划线部分提问) _ the big cake ?10. Helen is my sister. (对划线部分提问) _ your sister ?11. This is my hat. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is this

11、 ?12. We all like spring best. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you like best ?13. Its summer. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it ?14. I fly kites very well. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ fly kites very well ? _, I _.15. I can see some flowers under the tree.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ you see _ flowers under the tree? _, I _.16. Su Hai has a cold

12、. (对划线部分提问) _ the _ with her ?17. I am very cold. (改为复数形式)_ _very cold.18. They are tired and hungry. (改为以he为句首的形式) _ _ tired and hungry.19. I go to school at five. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ go home at five ?_, I _.20. Mary is fine now. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ fine now ?21. I like English and Chinese. (对画线部分提问) _ d

13、o you like?22. Its Monday today. (对画线部分提问) _ _is it today?二、按要求改写下列句子。 1. I like Science. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you like?2. Id like a glass of milk. (对划线部分提问)What _ _ like?3. That is a flower. (改为复数) _ are _.4. I have a basketball match today. (用Mike代替I) _ _ a basketball match today.5. Here is a dress fo

14、r you. (改为复数)Here _ _ _ for you.6. I can see some cakes. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ _ see _ cakes? No, _ _.7. Theyre my bags. (对划线部分提问) _ _ are they?8. I can play football. (对划线部分提问) _ can you _?9. I have Chinese and PE this morning. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you have this morning?10. I go to school at seven. (对划线部分

15、提问) _ _ _ go to school?11. Im cold. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_ _ cold? Yes, I _.12. Heres a book for you. (改为同义句) This _ _ for you. 13. The woman is Mrs Green. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the woman?14. Its time to have lunch. (改为同义句) Its time _ _.15. Whose shorts are these? (改为同义句) Whose _ _ shorts?16. Tina and Bobby are

16、at school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Tina and Bobby?17. I have a cough and a fever. (对划线部分提问) _ the _?18. I can have some noodles. (改为否定句) I _ have _ noodles. 19. Hes tired now. (改为复数) _ _ tired now.20. This is Helen speaking. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ Helen speaking?21. We dont like our sweaters. (改为单数) _ dont like _ _. 2

17、2. I have a headache. (改为否定句) I _ _ a headache. 期末专项复习练习排列成通顺的对话1. A. Hello, Miss Li. I cant go to school today.B. Hello, this is Liu Tao. May I speak to Miss Li ?C. Whats the matter ?D. Hello, Liu Tao. This is Miss Li speaking.E. I have a cold and a fever.F. Thank you, Miss Li.G. Im sorry to hear t

18、hat. Take care, please.2. A. Whats the matter ?B. Sure. Here are you.C. Mum, Im not happy.D. Im hungry. Can I have some pies ?E. Thank you, Mum. 3. A. Try these, please. These are short.B. Look at my trousers.C. Thank you. Lets go to the party now.D. Oh, theyre too long. Whose trousers are they ?E.

19、Theyre my fathers.期末专项复习练习根据中文,完成句子一完成下列句子1. 这个学期你们有多少门学科?_ _ _do you have this term?2. 现在是上体育课的时间,让我们一起去操场吧。Its time _ _. Lets go to the _.3. 你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。What _ do you like? I like _. Its _.4. 星期五早上你有什么课?_ _ do you have on_ _.5. 苏洋每天有一节游泳课。Su Yang_a _lesson _ _.6. 星期日是一周的第一天。_ is the first _

20、 of a week.7. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。Mike has _ _ _ in the afternoon.8. 这条连衣裙对我来说太大了。This dress _ _ _ for me.9. 你的英语书在哪里? 它在椅子的下面。_ your _ book ? Its _ the _.10. 现在几点钟了? 十二点二十五分。_ _ is it now ? Its _ _.11. 这是迈克的外套吗?是的,你猜对了。Is this _ coat ? Yes. Youre _.12. 这些是谁的手套?它们是我表姐的。_ _ are these ? They are my _,13. 那个人是

21、谁? 他是我的弟弟。_ that man ? _ my brother.14. 我会做蛋糕。它是如此简单。I can make_. Its _ _.15. 我喜欢蛋糕,你呢?I _ _. _ _ you ?16. 他想要去看你,你好点了吗?He _ _ come _ see you. Are you _ _ ?17. 她的姐姐不饿,但是很渴。_ sister is _ _, but shes _ _.二、中译英1. 我爸爸妈妈每天晚上八点二十看电视。My _ and dad _ TV _ _ _ every _.2. 让我们在公园里画画吧。_ _ _ some _ in _ _.3. - 我咳

22、嗽并头痛。- 我很抱歉听到这个消息,保重身体。- I have _ _ and _ _.- Im _ to _ that._ _.4. - 怎么了?- 我的双手受伤了。- _ the _ ?- My _ _.5. 我酷爱在冬天游泳。I _ _ in _.6. - 这是谁的鞋?- 这双是我表弟的鞋。- _ _ _ _ ?- _ my _.7. 树上有一只风筝。Theres a _ _ the _.8. - 你们有什么学科?- 看我们的课表。我们有英语、语文、数学、美术、体育、音乐和科学课。- What _ do you _ ?- _ _ our _. We have _, Chinese, _,

23、 _, PE, _ and Science.9. - 我们周六没有课。- 让我们去爬山吧。- We dont have _ _ _ _.- Lets _ _.10. - 我渴了。- 喝杯橙汁吧。- Im _.- _ _ _ of_ _.11. 你的裤子太长了。试试这条。_ trousers _ _ _ . Try _.12. 我是凯文。请玛丽听电话?_ _ Kevin _. _ I _ _ Mary?13.- 我是梅。你是刘涛吗?- 对不起,刘涛现在在上学。- This is May. _ _ Liu Tao?- Sorry, hes _ _ now.期末专项复习练习看图完成对话一、观察图片,

24、完成对话,每空一词。1.A: _ you see _ _ _ the desk? B: Yes, I can. How _ _ can you see? A: _. Lets play _ now. B: Good _!2. A: It is _ in winter. _ can you _? B: I can _. What _you? A: _ _.3. A: Whats the matter? B: _ _. A: Heres some _ for you. B: Thanks.4. A: _ the _? B: Its _ oclock, Nancy. _ _ hungry? A: N

25、o, _ tired. I want _ _ to bed now. B:OK. Dont _ your_. Good _, dear.5. A: Hello! _ is Uncle Li _. May I _ to Mrs Wu? B: Hi, Uncle Li. _ is Mrs Wu. A: Im very sorry. I cant come this afternoon. B: Whats _ _? A: I _ ill. My leg _. B: Im _ to hear that. Ill come to see you tomorrow. I can take _ fruit _ you. See you. A: See you _. 6. A: Do you like winter? B: No, I _. Its _. A: Which _ do you like best? B: I like _. Because we can fly _.


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