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1、译林四年级英语下册期中综合复习题 一、英汉互译。(10分)1. 两门学科 2. Welcome back to school 3. 今天下午 4. Nice to see you too 5.体育课时间 6. go to the playground 7.上一节美术课 8. our new timetable 9.多少节数学课 10.like Music and Science 二、单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. How many _do you have this term(学期)? We have five.A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D.

2、an subject( ) 2. Its time _ English. Lets go to the classroom(教室).A. at B. for C. in D. on( ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We _ Chinese, Maths and Music.A. do B. have C are D is( ) 4. A: Do you have _ PE lessons this week(星期)? B: Yes, I do.A. any B some C a D an( ) 5.The Science book is

3、 _ the bedroom, _ the chair.A on; in B in; on C at; on D in; in( ) 6. _ a timetable for you. A. Here B. Heres C .Here are D. It is ( ) 7.Art and Science _ fun. A. is B am C are D not( ) 8.A: How much is the Art book? B: _A Its five. B Theyre four yuan. C. Its four yuan. D. They are four( ) 9.What _

4、do you like? I like English. It is fun.A. subject B. subjects C. a subject D. an subject( ) 10. Here are _ English book and _ Art book for you. Thank you.A. an; a B. a; anC. a; a D. an, an三、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)( )1. Look at my English book. I like English. A. Nice to see you too.( )2. Would

5、 you like a timetable? B. Six.( )3. Do you like PE?C. Chinese.( )4. Dad, wheres my football? D. Its nine yuan.( )5. Nice to see you, Bobby.E. Yes, please.( )6. What subject do you like?F. Id like two Maths books.( )7. Can I help you?G. No, I dont.( )8. How many subjects do you have? H. Lets go to th

6、e playground.( )9. How much is the Maths book? I. Its in your bedroom.( )10. Its time for PE. J. Me too.四、连词成句。(10分,每题2分)1. you what do subjects like (?) _2. subjects many have do you how (?) _3. three I this lessons have morning (.) _4.do what this lessons have you afternoon (?) _5. an how is book

7、much English (?) _五、根据情景,选择合适的句子。(5分)( )1. 你有一本美术书,你说:A. I have an Art. B. I have a Art book. C. I have an Art book.( )2. 当你问别人有多少门学科时,你说:A. What subjects do you like? B. How many subjects do you have?C. What subjects do you have?( )3. 当你们开学刚到班时,老师会说:A. Welcome back to school. B. Nice to see you. C.

8、 Nice to meet you.( )4. 当你询问两本科学书的价钱时,你说:A. How much is it? B. How much are they? C. Can I help you?( )5. 同学问你下午有什么课时,他会说:A. What lessons do we have this morning? B. What lessons do we have this afternoon?C. How many subjects do you have?六、根据中文,翻译句子。(共10分,每空1分) 1.这个学期你们有多少门学科,有7门。 _ _ _ do you have

9、this term(学期)? We have _. 2.现在是上数学课的时候,让我们到教室去。 Its time _ _ _. Lets go to the classroom(教室). 3.你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。 What _ do you like? I like _. Its _. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.七、从下列单词中选出读音不同的一项。(5分)( )1. A. Dad B.sad C. grape D.cat( )2. A. Kate B. hamburger C. sandwich D. has ( )3. A. ha

10、ve B.cap C. play D. happy( )4. A. cake B.bag C .table D. skate( )5. A. family B. Saturday C. match D. make 八、英汉互译。(10分)1.在星期四 2.get up at ten 3.过来玩 4.some lessons 5.星期二呢? 6. all right 7. 在学校有七门学科 8. play table tennis after school 9.真遗憾! 10.have a football match too 九、单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. Its time _ Mat

11、hs.A. to B. for C. on ( ) 2. _ is the man? Hes my father. A. Who B. What C. How( ) 3. We dont have _ lessons on Sunday. A. some B. any C. many( ) 4. _ you like PE? No, I _. A. Do , do B. Do, dont like C. Do , dont( ) 5. I have a _ lesson today.A. swim B. swimming C. swiming( ) 6. _ is it today? Its

12、Thursday. A. What subjects B. What day C. What time( ) 7. _ are they? Fifty yuan.A. How many B. How C. How much( ) 8. I _ Art.A. dont like B. cant like C. not like( ) 9. Yang Ling_some lessons this Sunday.A. have B. has C. like( ) 10. _ the timetables? They are on the desk. A. Wheres B. Where C. Whe

13、re are 十、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)( ) 1.What day is it? A. Its Wednesday.( ) 2. Nice to see you. B. Five .( ) 3. What subjects do you like? C. At eight.( ) 4. How many lessons do we have? D. Lets jump and run.( ) 5. Get up. E. Nice to see you too. ( ) 6. What do you have? F. I like Maths.( ) 7.

14、Its time for PE. G. All right.( ) 8. When do you go to school? H. I have some fruit.( ) 9. What would you like? I. How nice.( ) 10. Look at my skirt. J. Id like some pineapples.十一、连词成句。(5分)1. on, up, Su Hai, at, get, morning, Su Yang, six, and, Monday (.)_2. do , every, skate, when, you ,day ( ? )_3

15、. Chinese , we, on, and, have, Maths, Tuesday (.)_4. Science, a, lesson, I, have, Friday, this (.)_5. kitchen, cap, the, your, in ,is (.)_十二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. This is _ (we) timetable.2. That_(make) a week.3. How many (Maths lesson) do we have?4. Its Sunday. We (have ) any lessons.5. Yang Ling _ (

16、have) a new cap.十三、根据中文,翻译句子。(10分)1.星期三早上你有什么课?_ _ do you have on_ _.2.苏海和苏洋在学校有一节游泳课。Su Hai and Su Yang_a swimming_ _ _.3.星期日是一周的第一天。_ is the first _ of a week. 十四、根据短文对话,选择正确答案。(5分)Tim: Good morning , Sam .Sam: Hi, Tim.Tim: When do you get up this morning?Sam: I get up at seven. What about you?Tim

17、: I get up at six.Sam: We dont have any lessons today.Tim: Yes. Lets go and play football.Sam: Great.Tim: What about Liu Tao?Sam: He has a swimming lesson today.Tim: What a pity!Sam: David can go. He doesnt have any lessons today.Tim: Lets go to the playground.( )1. Tim gets up at _. A. eleven B. se

18、ven C. six( )2. Tim and Sam go and play _. A. table tennis B. football C. basketball( )3. _has s swimming lesson today. A. Liu Tao B. Tim C . Sam( )4. Sam gets up at _.A. ten B. seven C. five ( )5. They will go to the _ and play football. A. classroom B. farm C. playground十五、英汉互译。(10分)1. 在七点起床 2. do

19、 my homework 3. 两节游泳课 4. watch TV at night 5.九点钟睡觉 6. welcome to go home 7.过来吃中饭 8. on Tuesday morning 9.踢足球 10. have dinner after school 十六、单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. I have breakfast_ six thirty _the morning.A. on; in B. at; on C. at; in ( ) 2. Its time for _ . A. go to school B. school C. goes to school(

20、) 3. Yang Ling _this Friday. A. have some lessons B. has some lessons C. has any lessons( ) 4. _? Some cute dolls. A. What can you see over there ? B. What is it ? C. Where are the dolls ?( ) 5. Wang Bing and Mike usually _ at six fifteen.A. has dinner B. have a dinner C. have dinner( ) 6. -Its elev

21、en thirty. -Its time to_. A. have lunch B. have breakfast C. get up( ) 7. _ a nice schoolbag! I like it very much.A. How B. What C. Whats( ) 8. -_do you watch TV ? -I watch TV_ eight.A. When; in B. When; on C. When; at( ) 9. What time_ ? -Its _.A. is it; twelve B. is it; a cake C. it is; one( ) 10.

22、Su Hai usually _ lunch at twelve. A. have B. go C. has十七、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)( ) 1. What lessons do you have ? A. Its five oclock.( ) 2. Who is the girl in red dress ? B. What a pity !( ) 3. How many books does Mike have ? C. .All right.( ) 4. What time is it now ? D. Ten.( ) 5. Yang Ling c

23、an see a thin boy over there. E. She is my sister.)6.When do Su Hai and Su Yang go home every day ? F. She likes English and Science.( ) 7. Where is my new cap ? G. What a thin boy !( ) 8. Lets go to the library. H. We have PE and Art.( ) 9. Sorry. I have a football match on Sunday. I. At four fifty

24、.( ) 10. What subjects does she like ? J. Its on the table.十八、连词成句。(10分)1. go, morning, seven, to, I, in, fifteen, school, the, at, usually (.)_2. do, Music, have, when, a, you, lesson ( ? )_3. swimming, for, a, is, time, it, lesson (.)_4. two, every, she, lessons, Thursday, has, Chinese (.)_5. and,

25、 Miss, at, six, Su Hai, meet, Su Yang, Li, thirty (.)_十九、将下列句子排列成通顺的对话。(5分) A. Its Sunday. Lets go and play basketball. B. I hope (希望) you have a nice day. C. When do you have a swimming lesson ? D. What day is it today ? E. At nine in the morning. F. Sorry. I have a swimming lesson.D二十、根据中文,翻译句子。(1

26、0分,每空1分)1. 我每天放学后踢足球。I usually _ _ _ _ after school.2. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。 Mike has _ _ _ in the afternoon.3. 他们在晚上六点十分吃晚饭。 They have dinner _ _ _ in the evening.二十一、选用括号里适当的词填空。(10分,每空1分)1.I get up (in / at ) six every day.2. Lets go and play football (in / on) Sunday.3. Su Hai has a skating lesson (for /

27、 after) school.4. My brother (have / has) a swimming match on Saturday.5. Do you have (any /some) English matches on Wednesday? No, I dont.6.We can see many stars(星星) (at / in) night. 7. Its five in the afternoon. Its time (for / to) go home. 8.I like (panda / pandas), what (after / about) you? Me t

28、oo. 9. Lets do (our / we )homework at seven. OK.二十二.单项选择题(10分)( )1. -What can you see the lake? -I can see a boat. A. at B. in C. on( )2. -I can see some birds. -Can you draw ? A. them B.it C. the( )3. I can play . A. footballs B. the basketball C. basketball( )4. -Can you draw pandas? -Yes, A. I ca

29、n B. I cant C. I do( )5. -What that? -Its apple. A. are; a B. is; a C. is; an( )6. -Lets go and plat table tennis. -Sorry, I a football match. A. have B. has C. like( )7. -What are over there? -They are peaches. A. these B. this C. those( )8. We dont have lessons on Sunday. A. any B. some C. the( )9

30、.-What lessons do you have Monday afternoon? -We have PE, Art and Music. A. in B. on C. at( )10. -What time do you go to school? - A. Its seven B. At seven C. At four can you ?二十三.句子配对(10分) I II( )1. What can you see in the park? A. Nice to see you, too.( )2. Can you draw a boat? B. I can see some f

31、lowers.( )3. What can you do? C. I can make a cake.( )4. When do you have lunch? D. OK. Lets go.( )5. What subjects do you like? E. Its Saturday.( )6. Lets go and play football. F. Its five.( )7. Nice to see you. G. At eleven.( )8. What time is it now? H. I like Chinese and English.( )9. What day is it today? I. Sure. Here you are.( )10. Can I have a look? J. Sure.二十四.将下列句子重新组合成对话,并将序号写在方框内A. What can you see in it?B. Hello, Bobby! Whats in this box?C. You can have a look. Its great fun.D. I can see a boat on the lake.E. Wow! A lion!F. Try again. What can you see.


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