英语外研新标准(三起)五年级下册-Module 7 Unit 2 I'll be home at seven o'clock教案.docx

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1、新标准英语三年级起点五年级下册Module 7教学设计 双流协和实验小学 唐蓉第二课时教学设计教材分析M7U2的课文情境是傍晚Sam、Amy和Ms Smart轮流给Mr Smart 打电话,询问他何时到家,Mr Smart 都回答说七点。Mr Smart 觉得很奇怪,为什么大家今天这么在意自己几点到家呢?Mr Smart 回到家推开门,Ms Smart、Sam和Amy 一起对他说:“生日快乐!”原来今天是Mr Smart 的生日,大家要给他一个惊喜。本单元的话题是说明活动、行为或事件发生的时间。在语言上主要是巩固一般将来时的用法。课时教学目标知识目标:1. 词汇:能理解和运用单词quarter

2、.2. 句型:能在课文语境下理解和运用Ill be home at 7 oclock.能力目标:1. 能够听懂、理解,朗读课文内容。2. 能够理解和运用重点单词quarter.能够听懂,会说,并在情境中运用句型Ill be home at 7 oclock.情感目标:通过本课时的学习,帮助学生树立自信心,通过小组合作学习,培养学生的合作意识及与他人沟通交流的能力。教学重点与难点1. 能够理解课文,并朗读课文。2. 能够理解和准确运用句型:Ill be home at 7 oclock.3. 能够准确运用一般将来时的几种表达句型。教学辅助PPT,教学光盘,点读笔,单词卡片,人物卡片等。教学方法交

3、际教学法,合作学习法,任务型教学法。教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1: Warm up & Revision1. Greetings.2. Play a game.T: Lets play a game. What time does he/she?Guess!1. Greet the teacher.2. Look and guess.通过师生之间的问候,营造宽松、愉悦的课堂氛围。通过猜一猜的游戏复习旧知,为引入活动一埋下伏笔。Step 2: Lead in 1. Show a picture about Daming. T: He gets up at 6 oclock

4、. How about Daming? What time is it?Ask the questions.Q1: What time does Daming get up?Q2: What time does the school start?2. Watch and read.3. Then show another question.Will he be late?1. Look and read the picture. Learn the new word: quarter.2. Watch and read, then answer the question.3. Look and

5、 read the picture, then answer the question.在听读活动一前,教师通过先引导学生观察图片再设问,并让学生在回答问题的过程中加深对图片的理解。Step 3: Learn the text 1. T: Look at the picture, Whos he? Yes, Mr Smart is on the way home. What time will he be home?Listen and watch the video.2. Learn the text picture by picture. P1: T: Look at picture 1.

6、 What time is it now?Who is calling Mr Smart?Where is Mr Smart? Q1: What does Sam say?Q2: What does Mr Smart say?Watch and read.P2:T: Look at picture 2, what time is it now?Who is calling Mr Smart?Where is Mr Smart?Q1: What does Amy say?Q2: What does Mr Smart say?Watch and read.P3:T: Look at picture

7、 3, please describe the pictures in pairs. Then discuss “What do Ms Smart and Mr Smart say?”Watch and read. P4:T: Look at picture 4, why are they so happy?Listen and repeat.3. T: Point to the blackboard.4. Listen and repeat. 1. Think about the question while watching the video. Then answer the quest

8、ion:He will be home at .2.P1: Look at picture 1, listen, watch and read, then answer these questions.P2:Read the two questions, then watch and read, find out the answers.P3:Work in pairs, describe the pictures. And discuss “What do Ms Smart and Mr Smart say?”Watch and read, then check their answers.

9、 P4:Read the picture.Then read part 4 by themselves and answer.Then listen and repeat after the reading pen.3. Boys and girls retell the text according to the blackboard design.4. Listen and repeat. 在引入对话时,通过观察图片,并询问引导性的问题来引起学生的思考,并播放整个没有字幕的文本动画,让学生通过听来初步整体感知文本。逐图讲解,帮助学生加深对文本的理解及核心句型的运用,并有意识地让学生模仿语音

10、语调。在P1的教学环节中,以三个问题的形式What time, Who, Where先开展师生交流,引导学生带着问题积极思考并理解课文内容,再通过听音模仿,学习、理解P1。 在P2的教学环节中,教师继续带着学生读图,理解课文情境,再通过问题:What does Amy say? What does Mr Smart say? 引导孩子关注故事情节的发展,并为下一环节的教学奠定基础。在P3的教学环节中,通过两人合作描述图片及推测人物语言,可以拓宽学生思维,保持学生的学习兴趣,增强孩子交际的欲望,有效地促进语言的习得。在P4的教学环节中,通过学生自读找到问题的答案,培养学生自主学习能力与独立思考能

11、力。通过复述课文,进一步加深孩子们对课文的理解。 通过再次跟读点读笔,培养孩子良好的语音语调。Step 4: PracticeShow the three pictures and demonstrate.Work in pairs, talk about the pictures like this:A: What time is it now?B: Its 5 oclock in the afternoon now.A: What time will he watch TV?B: He will watch TV at 7 oclock in the evening.通过两人合作学习,培养

12、学生的合作精神,激励学生的学习兴趣,促进学生之间的共同进步。Step 5: ProductT: Childrens Day is coming, please talk about your plans on Childrens Day.Where will you go?What will you do?When will you be home?Work in four, talk about their plans on Childrens Day.通过谈论自己六一节的安排,让孩子将今天所学的内容从课本迁移到自己的生活中,让语言更真实化、生活化,帮助孩子在真实的情境中运用所学的句型。St

13、ep 6: Homework1. Listen and read the text.2. Recite the text. 3. Write down your plan on Childrens Day. 分层设计家庭作业,尊重学生的个体差异。Classroom AssessmentDivide the class into boys and girls, if who can climb to the top of the ladder, who will be the winner.通过男女生竞赛爬梯子这一课堂评价,可以调动孩子学习的积极性和主动性,让孩子积极、主动地参与到课堂学习中来,从而提高课堂效率。


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