五年级上册英语教案Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams外研社(三起).doc

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1、Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 五年级上册章 节Module 1课 名Module 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams.学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用词汇:send, email, ran, love2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型 “We bought ice creams.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。重难点能够听懂、会说、并认读句型 “We bought ice creams.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图热身引入1. Watch

2、and chantWatch the video about the London Eye. Lets chant with the video.2. Ss look at the picture and answer the question.学生根据教师引导观察图片情境,回答问题。3. Watch and say.Watch the video and understand the main topic for todays lesson, answer the questions and review past tense.学生观看动画中的人物谈论的事情,回答问题,了解本节课的主题,复习

3、过去时问句, Did Lingling ?4. Watch and repeatlet the students watch the video again and repeat the dialogue.学生再次看动画跟读对话。 1. Organize the students to watch the video about the chant. Let them enjoy and say the chant with the video.教师播放歌谣动画,组织学生赏析并跟唱歌谣,激发学习热情。2. Lets look at this picture. Please guess who

4、Amy and Daming is talking about.教师引导观察图片情境,提出问题。3. Lets watch the video. And try to answer the questions. Did Lingling phone Daming? Did Lingling send Daming an email? What did Lingling give Daming?引导学生观看动画,回答问题,了解课文内容。4Lets the students watch the video and repeat.组织学生再次看动画跟读对话通过歌曲热身,激发孩子学习热情,通过观看动画

5、,复习上学期学习的过去时表达方式,导入情境,感知新的表达方式Did sb?新知呈现1. Read and answer the question.同学阅读信的开头结尾,回答是谁给谁写的信。2. Read and answer the detailed questions 学生观阅读回信,回答问题。 3. Watch and repeat学生观看动画,跟读信件。1. Lets look at the beginning of the letter. Who is going to get the letter? Now look at the end. Who writes the letter

6、?引导学生观察信的开头结尾,回答问题(玲玲写信给大明)。2. Organize the students to look at the 6 questions. Read the letter and answer the questions.组织学生阅读信件,回答活动三的六个问题。3. Organize the students to watch and repeat.组织学生观看动画, 跟读信件 通过观察信件的开头结尾,帮助学生读懂信件的写信人,和收信人。 通过阅读信件回答问题,理解信件大意。观看动画扫清听力和语音障碍。分步训练1. Listen and repeat the pronun

7、ciation of “e, ea” “i”“e” and “a”. 听发音跟读字母,字母组合及单词的发音。2. Listen and underline the letters that make the sound. Then say the words.听单词,将相应发音的字母用横线画出来回答问题3. Check the answers.核对答案4. Work in-group three and play a chain game with the picture below for reference.参考图片玩游戏。1. Let the students listen to the

8、 pronunciation of “e, ea”“i”“e” and “a”. Please listen and repeat.组织学生听发音跟读字母,字母组合及单词的发音。2. Organize the students to Listen and underline the letters that make the sound. Then say the words.教师组织学生听单词,将相应发音的字母用横线画出来回答问题3. Organize the students to check the answers.组织学生核对答案。4. Organize the students to

9、 work in-group three and play a chain game.参考图片玩游戏。 能够在单词中识别字母组合并正确发音。能够用句型“sb bought_. 来连词组句。尝试应用1. read a dialogue with their partners.学生,试着跟小伙伴们分角色朗读对话。2. Talk about a trip in class.学生结伴谈论一次短途旅行进行对话创作。3Do and write.Write about your own trip. Here are some sentences for reference.1. Now lets read

10、the dialogue in role. Where did he go? How did he go there? What did he do there?教师组织学生分角色朗读对话,回答问题2. Organize the students to make a dialogue.组织学生结伴谈论短途旅行3. Organize the students to write about their trip with some sentences for reference.We went to _ last summer holiday.(地点)We went there by _.(交通工具)We _ there. (做了什么)We came back _.(什么时间)组织学生将自己的旅行情况在句型的支持下记录下来。 能在实际情境中运用所学的句型。作业布置Act out the dialogue with your partner.课堂内容小结进步标志1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用词汇:send, email, ran, love2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型 “We bought ice creams.”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。


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