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1、江苏省泰州市靖江市实验学校2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试题 一、听录音选图片1Which sign does the man mean? ABC二、听短对话选答案2How will Tina go to Beijing? ABC3Whats Toms brother doing now?ABC三、听录音选图片4Where has the woman been? ABC四、听短对话选答案5How does the man think of the book? ABoring.BUseless.CInteresting.6What are they doing at present?

2、 AThey are learning to cook.BThey are watching a play.CThey are having a party.7What would the man like to drink? ATeaBJuiceCCoffee8What is Max doing? AHe is watching TV.BHe is reading a book.CHe is listening to music.9Where is the bank? AIn front of a big market.BPast a big market.CBehind the post

3、office.10What will the two speakers do first? AFind the new shirt and tie.BClean the wall.CPaint the wall.五、听长对话选答案听对话,回答下列小题。11What happened to the man?AHis car was hit by another one.BA dog bit him on the road.CHis car hit a dog on the road.12How did it happen?AThe driver was trying to avoid the d

4、og.BThe driver was trying to overspeed.(超速)CThe driver didnt see the red light.六、听录音完成表格(含选项)听短文,回答下列小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Helping others in your spare timeNeed for help Schools need help with taking care of children. Hospitals need volunteers to look after _13_.Some volunteers Carla Domingo, a

5、woman of _14_ years old. An 18-year-old volunteer helps old people learn how to use computers.Ways of contacts Call us on _15_ Send an email to volunteer13ApatientsBchildrenCparents14A52B62C4215A800-565-5756B800-555-6856C800-555-5756七、听短文选答案听短文,回答下列小题。16Which festival is coming?AThe Spring Festival.

6、BChristmas.CThanksgiving Day.17How soon will Mary be with her parents?AIn a week.BIn a month.CIn two days.18Where is Mary now?AIn France.BIn England.CIn America.19When will Mary arrive in Paris?AIn the evening.BIn the morning.CAt lunchtime.20Why does Mary ask her parents to meet her at the station?A

7、Because she has been ill.BBecause she will bring a lot of things.CBecause she has no money.八、单项选择21The idiom(成语) “Mengzis mother makes three moves” tells of a mother who did all she could to provide the best_ for her child.AexperienceBinstructionCenvironmentDinformation22Coffee in hand, Frank watche

8、d the rain beating hard _ the foggy window.AthroughBacrossCbehindDagainst23_ will the negotiation(谈判) between the two countries last?_ they reach an agreement(协议), I am not sure.AHow long; Not untilBWhen; Not untilCHow long; UntilDWhen; Until24 How was your trip to Italy? It was _. Staying at home a

9、nd watching TV would be more fun.AmagicBboringCrelaxingDdangerous25The two sessions(两会) _ for more than one month and many topics such as “double reduction(双减)” were discussed during that period.Ahave startedBhave endedChave been onDhave been over26Would you please help me look for the old suitcase?

10、 I cant find it.Im not sure, but it _ be thrown away. It must be somewhere in the house.AshouldntBmustntCcantDneednt27Im sorry toon you, but there are one or two things I dont understand.It doesnt matter.Acut downBcut outCcut inDcut off28The composition is not well written, and _, there are many spe

11、lling (拼写) mistakes in it.AhoweverBotherwiseCmoreoverDanyway29Please put the following sentences in the correct order to form a short passage.We have more subjects.I spend more time on my homework than before.Some subjects are difficult.It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.ABCD3

12、0Hi, Ken! I hear you are also going to the concert. May I give you a lift?_AWith pleasure.BThats all right.CWhat a pity!DIts kind of you.九、完形填空At thirteen, I was already as tall as I am now, and had a lot of freckles(雀斑). I reached the age when I began to really pay attention to(注意) my looks, and I

13、felt _31_.I couldnt help thinking about how to make my skin perfect and life different. Then, in a fashion magazine, I found the _32_: an ad for a freckle-remover cream(祛斑霜). I knew I could afford it if I saved money. And I _33_ it. In the following days, I went to the mail box every day secretly. F

14、inally, after three weeks of _34_, my package(包裹) came.I went to my room with it, sat on bedside, and opened it _35_ as if it was a treasure. I was sure that it would remove(除去) my freckles, _36_ I smeared(胡乱涂抹) the cream all over my body. Later that day I went _37_ in the field. But there was somet

15、hing important that I didnt _38_ about freckle remover. That is, if you wear it in the sun, it seems to have a(n) _39_ effect(效果). Instead of developing a perfect skin, you just get more and darker freckles.When I returned from the field, my mother, knowing _40_ about the cream, began to say things

16、like, “Ive never seen you with that many freckles before.” Looking at _41_ in the mirror(镜子), I cried and hid in the bathroom.My mother came and ordered me to _42_ and eat. I ignored(忽视) her order, opened the door and ran _43_ her, to the garden, crying. My grandfather came, and I told him about the

17、 freckle remover. I felt so unconfident. He looked at me in surprise and said, “But child, all kinds of flowers are _44_.” I cried, “Ive _45_ seen a pretty flower with freckles!” and ran back to my room.I cried myself to sleep that night. When I opened my sticky eyes the next morning, the first thin

18、g I saw was a tiger lily (虎皮百合), pretty even with all the freckles!31AsadBweakCboredDtired32AtruthBreasonCpurposeDanswer33AsharedBmanagedCreportedDunderstood34AworkingBtradingCwaitingDtrying35AcalmlyBbravelyCcarefullyDgenerously36AorBsoCforDbut37AdancingBfishingCfarmingDswimming38AdreamBrealizeCwond

19、erDdecide39AdifficultBactiveCsimilarDopposite40AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything41AmyselfBherselfChimselfDyourself42Aget upBdress upCread outDcome out43AbyBtoCoverDafter44AfreshBusefulCimportantDbeautiful45AalwaysBneverCjustDrecently十、阅读单选Teen (青少年的) Writing CompetitionDo you love writing? Do y

20、ou want to show your great talent(天赋)for writing to others? Then we have a competition just for you!This competition is for children between 14-16 years old. You need to write an English passage of 500 words at most.Prizes1st place2nd place3rd placeOther writers1 in number2 in number4 in number3,000

21、 yuanA trophy(奖杯)A book1,000 yuanA trophyA book500 yuanA trophyA bookA bookFor all writers:. Your passage must be your very own work. Only one passage each person, please. You should fill in an entry form(参赛表格) with your name, age, email and the title of your passage. The competition will start on 3

22、0th April 2022. You should email your passage and the form to 2022teenwritingcompetition no later than 30th June 2022, the closing date. The result of the competition will come out on 31st October 2022. For more information about the competition and the entry form, visit www.teenwritingcompetition.o

23、rg.46Who can join in the competition?ADave, 15 years old.BJill, a college student.CJack, 11 years old.DDora, an English teacher.47What do we know about the prizes?AEvery writer will get a trophy.BEvery writer will receive a book.CThere will be three 3rd place winners.DThe 1st place winner can get 1,

24、 000 yuan.48All the passages for the competition should _.Abe the writers own workBbe longer than 500 wordsChave the writers name and ageDtalk about the writers own experience49People can know the result of the competition _ months after the closing date.AfiveBfourCthreeDtwo50Where is the passage pr

25、obably from?AA teachers notebook.BA class report.CA book about writing.DA magazine for teens.New York is 3 hours ahead of(在前) California,but it does not make California slow.Someone finished school at the age of 22,but waited 5 years before getting a good job!Someone became a CEO at 25,and died at 5

26、0.While another became a CEO at 50,and to 90 years.Someone is still single(单身的),while someone else got married.Obama(奥巴马) retires(退休) at 55,but Biden(拜登) starts at 78.Everyone in this world works in their own Time Zone(时区).People around you might seem to go ahead of you,some might seem to be behind

27、you.But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.Dont envy(嫉妒) them or laugh at them.They are in their Time Zone, and you are in yours!Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.So, relax.Youre not late.Youre not early.Youre very much on time, and in your Time Zone.51We can know

28、that when its 7 p.m. in New York, its _ in California.A10 a.m.B4 a.m.C10 p.m.D4 p.m.52The best word for the blank in the poem is _.AbornBgrewClivedDmarried53If someone is ahead of or behind you, you shouldnt _ them.Abe worried aboutBfeel happy withCget angry withDenvy or laugh at54Why does the write

29、r mention(提及,提到) Biden?ATo show he is good at managing time.BTo show the writers ideas about time.CTo show readers an example.DTo show he is hard-working.55What can we learn from the poem?AObama starts at 55, but Trump retires at 70.BLife is all about waiting for time zones.CThe earlier we succeed,

30、the better we will be.DDont hurry and take your own action.Tom: You enjoy playing computer games, dont you, Peter?Peter: Yes, why?Tom: Well, you know my friend Sam. All he does is to talk about computer games. When I go to his house he is always playing. I mean I enjoy the games too but not every da

31、y.Peter: Well, tell him he should get a life!Tom: I cant say that. Hes my friend.Peter: Well, it sounds like you need to say something!Tom: What can I do? Im getting bored with going to his house. When he asks me to go round, I pretend(假装) there is a reason that I cant go. He is addicted(成瘾). He can

32、t stop!Peter: Well, the trouble is, the more you play, the more you want to improve. So sometimes its difficult to stop. Does he like doing anything else? He must have other things he likes to do.Tom: Well, he used to like playing bowling(保龄球).Peter: Thats easy then. why not go to the bowling club?

33、Take some of your other friends. If a big group of you go to play, I am sure you will have a laugh.Tom: Do you think that will help?Peter: If you make him go out and do other things with you, he will have less time to play his computer games, he will enjoy other things and may stop wanting to play t

34、he games so much.(A couple of weeks later, Tom talks with Peter again.)Peter: So how are things with Sam?Tom: Better now. I told him I didnt want to play computer games all the time. I advised going to the bowling club with some other friends.Peter: And did he want to go?Tom: He wouldnt come with us

35、 the first time, but then we all told him we had a good time. So the next time he said he would come along.Peter: He didnt want to miss the fun!Tom: Its great, and now Sam has started to go out more. Weve been to the club a few times and he loves playing bowling. Next week a big group of us is going

36、 skating. He doesnt talk about computer games as much as he used to!56What does the underlined phrase “get a life” probably mean?Abe sent to schoolBlive a full and rich lifeCbe sent to hospitalDlive a terrible life57Why does Tom hate going to Sams house? Because _.Athey dont share the same interestB

37、Sam always plays and talks about computer gamesCSam doesnt care about their friendshipDTom dislikes playing computer games58Whats Peter trying to do?ATo break the friendship between Tom and Sam.BTo ask Tom to be friendly to Sam.CTo offer Tom some advice.DTo ask Tom to go to the bowling club.59With t

38、he help of his friends, Sam has started to change _.Ahis time of getting upBhis work styleChis way to studyDhis lifestyle60What can you learn from the passage above?ANo pain, no gain.BWhen in Rome, do as Romans do.CEvery dog has its day.DA friend is a true treasure.Have you ever entered a tropical r

39、ainforest(热带雨林)? Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earths surface(表面), about six percent, but there are more kinds of trees than any other area in the whole world. Tropical rainforests are in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australia, and on the Pacific islands(太平洋岛屿). The larges

40、t tropical rainforest is the Amazon (亚马逊)Rainforest in South America, which covers almost five million square kilometres. The second largest rainforest is in Western Africa. Rainforests provide us with many things. In fact, the Amazon Rainforest is the “lungs(肺) of the Earth” because it produces(生产)

41、 20% of the worlds oxygen(氧气). Also, a quarter of the worlds fresh water is found in the Amazon Rainforest. Whats more, one half of the worlds kinds of animals, plants and insects live in the Earths rainforests. 80% of the food first grew in the rainforest. 25% of the medicines are made of plants th

42、at grow only in rainforests. Some of these medicines are even used to fight and cure cancer(癌症). There are four different levels of trees in a rainforest. The forest floor is the lowest layer(层) full of animal life and receives the least amount(数量) of light. The under storey is the dark, cool enviro

43、nment under the leaves but over the ground. The canopy layer is the upper parts of most of the trees. The emergent layer contains a small number of very tall trees. These different parts of a rainforest exist(存在) together to provide an ecosystem(生态系统) for many animals, plants and people.61The Amazon

44、 Rainforest provides us with _ percent of the worlds oxygen.AtwentyBtwenty-fiveCfiftyDeighty62Where can we probably find a tropical rainforest according to the passage?AIn France.BIn China.CIn Canada.DIn Britain.63Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ARainforests make up about

45、 six percent of the Earths surface.BThe largest tropical rainforest is the Amazon Rainforest in Western Africa.C50% of the worlds kinds of animals, plants and insects live in the rainforests.DRainforests can provide people food and medicine.64Which is the right picture to show four different levels of trees in a rainforest?ABCD65This passage is mainly about _.Akinds of forestBwhere rainforests areCfacts about rainforestsDhow much oxygen rainforests make十一、阅读填表请根据短文内容,完


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