Unit 1 Back to school Grammar and usage (ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Sentence elements and sentence structuresUnit 1 Back to schoolGrammar and usageAnalyze the sentence element The movie tells the story of a young Chinese woman.Mulan is the main character in the movie.指句子所谈论的主体指句子所谈论的主体S(subject)主语主语注意:注意:1.在在倒装句、疑问句、感叹句倒装句、疑问句、感叹句中,句子主语可放在谓中,句子主语可放在谓语之后语之后 eg.Do you

2、 like it?2.在在祈使句祈使句中,主语中,主语you常常省略。常常省略。eg.Dont move.Our English Teacher help us learn English.(_作主语)作主语)I love you.(_作主语)作主语)Four plus four is eight.(_作主语作主语)The young should respect the old.(_作主语作主语)To see is to believe.(_作主语)作主语)Studying English is very important.(_作主语)作主语)That John is honest is

3、true./Where she lives remains a mystery.(_作主语)作主语)It is no use studying this book.(_作作_主语)主语)How to learn English well troubles me.(_作主语)作主语)名词名词代词代词数词数词the+形容词形容词动词不定式动词不定式动名词动名词从句从句It形式形式特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+动词不定式动词不定式Mulan loved her father and her country.Women were not allowed to fight the battle.通常说明主语的动

4、作或所处的状态通常说明主语的动作或所处的状态V.(verb)谓语谓语Analyze the sentence element分类分类 简单谓语简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成:由一个动词或动词短语构成 复合谓语复合谓语:情态动词情态动词或其他或其他助动词助动词+动词原形动词原形 基本助动词基本助动词be、do、have 由由系动词加表语系动词加表语构成构成 I am a student.I am beautiful.He likes reading.I can swim.She has finished the homework.I dont like apples.a)We come.b)

5、The sun rose.c)Tired and hungry,we arrived home with nothing to eat.d)I have finished my homework so I can play now.e)Knowing his disadvantages,I can defeat him easily.f)I am reading a book now.练习:找出下列句中的谓语练习:找出下列句中的谓语 谓语:时态,人称,数以及主被动语态,语气谓语:时态,人称,数以及主被动语态,语气Mulan disguised herself as a man.Mulan di

6、dnt give the general a chance to complain.IO DO通常指动作的对象。通常指动作的对象。O(object)宾语宾语Analyze the sentence element disguise disgaiz v.&n 伪装,假扮伪装,假扮 general denrl:n.一般,全体;一般,全体;将军将军&adj.a)I like my job.b)I love you.c)He wanted to leave here.d)They enjoyed playing computer games.e)He asked where he was.f)The

7、new medicine makes it possible to treat this terrible disease.作宾语的成分作宾语的成分名词名词代词(宾格)代词(宾格)动词不定式动词不定式动名词动名词从句从句it作形式宾语作形式宾语单宾语:一个宾语单宾语:一个宾语双宾语:间接宾语双宾语:间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语复合宾语:(宾语复合宾语:(宾语+宾补宾补)宾语的宾语的分类分类1.I like English.2.I am writing a letter.1.He gave me(间宾间宾)a letter(直宾直宾).2.I will email you(间宾间宾)my trai

8、ning plan(直宾直宾)1.Tom made the girl(宾语宾语)cry(宾补宾补).2.We consider him(宾语宾语)a good teacher(宾补宾补).Mulan was a brave child.Mulans father seemed too ill to fight the war.通常说明主语的身份、特征和状态。通常说明主语的身份、特征和状态。P(predicative)表语表语Analyze the sentence elementAlthough the answer seemed a little strange,nobody but I d

9、oubted it.系动词:也称联系动词。系动词:也称联系动词。是用来是用来辅助主语辅助主语的动词。的动词。本身有词义,但本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语不能单独用作谓语,其后必须其后必须跟表语跟表语,构成系表结构说明,构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。状态系动词:状态系动词:be持续系动词:持续系动词:keep,remain,stay,lie,stand表像系动词:表像系动词:seem,appear,look 看起来像看起来像感官系动词:感官系动词:feel,smell,sound,taste变化系动词:变化系动词:become,grow,turn,f

10、all,get,go,come,run.终止系动词:终止系动词:prove,turn out,表达表达证实证实,变成变成I am a studentIts hers.Time is precious.The war was over.Five plus two is seven.They seem to know the truthMy hobby is reading.作表语的成分作表语的成分名词名词名词性代词名词性代词 形容词形容词副词副词数词数词不定式不定式动名词动名词HomeworkHomework1.预习KKL P8-P9 2.完成教材P6 and P7 B1&B2 self-che

11、ck1.invade2.survivor3.loyal4.evident5.mercy6.remind sb.of sth.7.be based on 1.-I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.-Why?2.What do you call a bee from America?3.Which is faster,hot or cold?4.Why shouldnt we give Elsa a balloon?I dont know Y(why)A USB(US bee)Hot.Because you can catch a cold.Because

12、 she will Let It Go.The armour looks nice on Mulan.Mulan wears the nice armour.Whats the difference P(predicative)表语表语 vs O(object)宾语宾语Analyze the sentence element armour/armorm:n.盔甲盔甲Tip:Change the verb into“be”verb.If the sentence still makes sense,the verb is a linking verb.1.We should keep posit

13、ive in life.2.We should keep a positive attitude to life.3.Achieving a balance between my study and hobbies remains a challenge.S+V+OS+V+PS+V+PS+V+OS+V+PMulan made her family proud of her.People consider Mulan a hero of them.C(object complement)宾语补语宾语补语用来补充说明宾语的特征或情况用来补充说明宾语的特征或情况Analyze the sentenc

14、e elementa)I found the book interesting.b)Do you hear Tom singing?c)He made himself understood.d)She asked me to lend her a hand.e)Please make yourself at home.f)Please keep the dog out.g)We must keep it a secret.作宾语补足语的成分作宾语补足语的成分形容词形容词现在分词现在分词过去分词过去分词动词不定式动词不定式介词短语介词短语副词副词名词名词These are tricky moun

15、tains.Something unexpected happened.定语(attributive)用来修饰名词或代词用来修饰名词或代词Analyze the sentence element tricky:adj.:difficult to deal withMulan fought very bravely.They defeated the enemy in the end.常常用于修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。用于修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。Analyze the sentence elementHe plays basketball well.This book is v

16、ery interesting.I will be back in a while.I waited to see you.His parents died,leaving him an orphan.He was late because he got up late.作状语的成分作状语的成分副词副词介词短语介词短语 动词不定式动词不定式分词分词从句从句副词副词指出下列划线部分属于什么状语指出下列划线部分属于什么状语1.How about meeting again at six?2.Mr.Smith lives on the third floor.3.Last night she did

17、nt go to the dance party because of the rain.4.She put the eggs into the basket with great care.5.In order to catch up with the others,I must work harder.时间状语时间状语地点状语地点状语原因状语原因状语方式状语方式状语目的状语目的状语6.He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.7.She works very hard though she is old.8.I am taller th

18、an he is.9.I shall go there if it doesnt rain.结果状语结果状语让步状语让步状语比较状语比较状语条件状语条件状语We watched our chemistry teacher do an experiment .carefully with tubes in the lab last week状语排序:how,where,whenThe main character,Mulan,showed the braveryof Chinese women.Analyze the sentence element同位语对句子中的名词或代词作进一步解释、说明,

19、对句子中的名词或代词作进一步解释、说明,说明说明其“是谁”,“是什么”。1.Our new teacher,Elaine is very kind to us.2.We are going to the local nursing home for the coming Double Ninth Festival,a holiday for us to show our respect for the elderly.nursing home:养老院养老院Link the words into a sentenceMiss Yan to was excited to the opportuni

20、ty give be given really a speech.Miss Yan was really excited to be given the opportunity to give a speech.Exploring the rulesSubjectVerb I agree.Subject VerbPredictiveSubject VerbObjectSubject VerbIndirect objectDirect objectSubject VerbObjectObject complement These habitswill be helpful.You will ha

21、ve a happy life.Setting goals givesyoua focus in life.Setting goalsmakesyoumore confident.Subject+Verb(SV)Subject+Verb+Predicative(SVP)Subject+Verb+Object(SVO)Subject+Verb+Indirect object+Direct object(SVOO)Subject+Verb+Object+Object complement(SVOC)Rule 1:The subject and the _ are necessary parts o

22、f a sentence.verb Working out the rulesComplete the following sentences with proper verbs or objects.1.During the three years of senior high school,I _ great knowledge and _ personal growth.2.In order to improve my football skills,I will join _.3.To achieve my goal for the new term,I will learn _.(t

23、o-infinitive serving as object)acquired enjoyed S+V+Oa football clubto play footballPractice You will have a happy life.Setting goals gives you a focus in life.Setting goals gives you a focus in life.Setting goals gives a focus to you in life.Rule 3:Some verbs can have two objects.The indirect objec

24、t usually refers to a person and the direct object a thing.S+V+DO+IOSetting goals makes you more confident.Object complement(OC)S+V+O+OCRule 4:The object complement adds more information about the object.Applying the rulesMark the different elements of each sentence with different symbols.Applying t

25、he Rules 1.You will find(senior high)school different from(junior high)school.2.(Your)schoolwork will be more challenging.3.We will give you(more)independence.4.You should listen more carefully.5.You can join a club.6.(Your)teachers will help you in(many)ways.7.You will succeed.B1(P7)B2(P7)cbdgeafKK

26、LP10-11Homework1.Wordlist P6-13 1.Wordlist P6-13 每个抄每个抄1 1遍遍2.KKL P14 2.KKL P14 七选五七选五重大提示:重大提示:1010月月7.87.8号摸底考试,请大家刷题备考号摸底考试,请大家刷题备考Write a short passageWhat is your goal for the new term?How are you going to achieve your goal?Write about it usingdifferent sentence structures.Subject+Verb(SV)Subje

27、ct+Verb+Predicative(SVP)Subject+Verb+Object(SVO)Subject+Verb+Indirect object+Direct object(SVOO)Subject+Verb+Object+Object complement(SVOC)Presentation and evaluationSpeaking in public confidently remains a challenge to me.I find it difficult to speak in public confidently.My goal for the new term i

28、s to improve my communication skills.To achieve this goal,I will encourage myself to ask and answer more questions.Joining a club also seems a great idea.I think it can offer me a good opportunity to make new friends and acquire new skills.Besides,I will read a book on how to improve communication skills.Always try hard and I will succeed!


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