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1、广东省深圳市育才二中2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1We can hold a charity party to raise money for the people in rural areas.Aput upBcollectCsave2His appearance attracted many people in the party except the man by the window.AheightBsizeClook3The skirt doesnt fit me well. Have you got a smalle

2、r size?ArequireBsuitCattract4They all dont believe that I can finish the work, but I know I can make it.Ainvent itBhide itCsucceed5I cant believe it! The lady is close to 60 years old. (选出与划线部分意义相近的一项)AoverBless thanCnearly6How is your grandmother? Shes fine. She used to _ TV at home after supper. B

3、ut now she is used to _ out for a walk.Awatch; goBwatching; goCwatch; going7 How do you _ the movie? It is great. It _ me of my childhood.Athink; remindingBlike; madeClike; reminded8She just _ the clothes she washed outside. The clothes will be _ very soon because the weather is hot.Ahung; wetBchose

4、; wetChung; dry9Her shoes _ her dress. Yes. She _ buying clothes.Acompare; is full ofBmatch; is good atCcompare; is good at10How is his study? He always finishes all his work _ on time.Aby his ownBon his ownCfor himself二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 Thank you for a

5、ll your hard work last weekend raising (筹款) money for Sunny House Old Peoples Home. We all _11_ a great time and it was nice to see a lot of new volunteers! Here is what we did last weekend. On Saturday, some _12_ went to Sunny House Old Peoples Home. Fiona and Tom played chess _13_ some of the old

6、people. David, John and Alice made tea for _14_. Sam played the piano and Sally washed the ladies hair. In the evening, we put on a charity _15_ for the old people. It made them very _16_. Grace played the violin and Nick sang songs. Some of the old people sang along with them.On Sunday, we held a f

7、air in the school playground.In the morning, we _17_ food, drinks, and some other things for the fair. Nancy and Ann helped one another to buy fruit. Leo and Pip offered to _18_ old books, magazines and comics. Amy and Tom helped each other decorate (装饰) their stalls (货摊). In the afternoon, Nancy so

8、ld fruit salad and Ann sold fruit juice. Leo and Pip sold old books, magazines and comics. Joe handed out flags. He gave the flags to people who put their _19_ into his basket. Many students and their families came to the fair and donated money. We have _20_ a lot of money for Sunny House Old People

9、s Home. Thank you!11AfoundBhadCneededDheld12AworkersBvolunteersCsingersDdancers13AtoBaboutCwithDtowards14AnobodyBherselfCeveryoneDsomeone15AclassBwebsiteCmessageDshow16AhappyBsimilarCscaredDsad17AborrowedBlentCboughtDgave18AwriteBfillCreadDcollect19AhandsBwishesCdonationsDpeace20AsetBtrainedCorganiz

10、edDraised三、阅读单选Volunteer appreciation (感谢) dinner Were glad to invite you and a guest to our volunteer appreciation dinner at the Chicago Yacht Club. We thank you for your time spent in planning the clubs many activities. Your help has made the group stronger and more successful. We hope more volunt

11、eers like you will join our club. Date: Saturday, April 25, 2020 Time: 6:30 pm 8:30 pm Place: Chicago Yacht Club Monroe Street Station Please let us know by April 18, 2020 if you would like to come. You can contact (联系) us by calling 312-8617777. 21You should decide if you will go to the dinner befo

12、re _.AApril 25BApril 18CApril 15DApril 2022How long will the dinner last?A1 hourB1.5 hoursC2 hoursD2.5 hours23Who is invited to the dinner?AThe clubs owner.BA volunteer and his or her guest.CAnyone who wants to join the club.DLocal people.24If you want to know more about the dinner, you can _.Awrite

13、 a letterBmake a callCgo to the clubDsend an e-mail25What do we know about the dinner?AThe club has it to thank volunteers for their work.BThe club has it to get more and more volunteers.CGuests should arrive 1 hour before the dinner starts.DGuests should pay for the dinner.Mrs. Blanches husband wen

14、t off on a business trip to America. He planned to leave New York for Washington. He wanted to catch the 4:00 p.m. plane to Washington.It was seven oclock in the afternoon. Mrs. blanches received a telephone call from her husband. He told her that he was still at the New York airport. Mrs. Blanches

15、was so surprised and asked him what happened. “What happened, honey(宝贝)?” asked Mrs. Blanches.“Well,” said Mr. Blanches. “I really dont know what happened, honey. Everything was going fine. At half past three, I got my air ticket, checked my luggage(行李) and waited in line at the gate. I walked acros

16、s the runaway(飞机跑道) to the airport and on my way I saw one of my old friends. Have you remembered him. His name is Jack smith. Now Jack smith is an engineer who works at the airport. I was excited that I shouted to him. I came up and wanted to shake hands with Jack. But a policeman ran to me quickly

17、 and caught me.”“Why did he catch you?” “I dont know,” said Mr. Blanches. “All I said was Hi, Jack! ” “Yeah, that is why they wouldnt let you go,” said Mrs. Blanches.“They thought you were going to do harm to the whole plane. Only terrorists(恐怖分子) want to take control of a plane, and that is called

18、Hijack!”26What was Mrs Blanches husbands destination(目的地)?AWashington, America.BSouth America. CNew York.DThe New York Airport.27Where was Mr. Blanches when he called his wife?AHe was the airport to Washington.BHe was still at the New York Airport.CHe was in Washington.DHe was on the railway station

19、.28Who was Jack smith?AMr. Blanches new customer.BMr. Blanches old friend.CMr. Blanches brother.DMr. Blanches classmate.29What does the underlined word “Hijack” mean in Chinese?A形的B逮捕C劫机D别动30Why did the policeman catch Mrs. Blanches husband?ABecause they thought he was going to do harm to the plane.

20、BBecause they wanted to get his help in catching terrorists.CBecause they knew that he was a terrorist.DBecause Mrs. Blanches asked them to do so.Oil paper umbrellas have a history of over 1,000 years in China. And Yuhang oil paper umbrellas have been famous for more than 230 years. It usually takes

21、 more than 70 steps and at least a week to make a Yuhang oil paper umbrella. Each umbrella has 36 ribs(伞骨), so the umbrellas are strong. In 2007, this kind of umbrella was added to Zhejiang Provinces intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录). In 2015, Liu Weixue left a well-paid job to learn the

22、 art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather. “Id like to bring the art to life,” Liu said. “When it rains, someone uses the umbrellathats what I want to see.”As the usual paper is easy to break, Liu used a thicker kind of paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed 1,00

23、0 times without breaking. He also used a lighter kind of bamboo to make ribs so that the umbrellas could weigh less. Liu hopes the art can be passed on. He goes to the schools to teach students in Yuhang, Hangzhou. He also shows up at activities in different places to show more people about the art.

24、 Ding Anqi, a middle school student, is from Hangzhou. “I took classes to learn to make Yuhang oil paper umbrellas last term. Mr Liu told us about the history of the umbrellas and the steps to make them. We drew pictures for the umbrella cover in groups. It took us five classes to finish the umbrell

25、a. It was really interesting,” she said.31What do we know about Yuhang oil paper umbrellas?AThey can be found in the worlds intangible cultural heritage list.BThey have the longest history of all in China.CIt is difficult to make them.DThey are light and weak.32Why did Liu Weixue learn to make Yuhan

26、g oil paper umbrellas?ABecause it was a well-paid job.BBecause his family worked on it.CBecause he wanted to make it an art.DBecause he hoped more people could use them.33What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?AHow Liu passed on the art to others.BHow Liu improved the umbrellas.CHow Liu lea

27、rnt the traditional skill.DHow many umbrellas Liu made.34What can we learn from the last paragraph?AIts popular to make oil paper umbrellas in many schools.BWorking in groups is a good way of making oil paper umbrellas.CDing Anqi was interested in making the umbrella.DLiu is very good with young stu

28、dents.35What is the purpose of the passage?ATo introduce a craftsman who makes Yuhang oil paper umbrellas.BTo encourage us to make some oil paper umbrellas.CTo tell us the importance of Chinese culture.DTo show how to make oil paper umbrellas.四、阅读还原6选5以下是一则短文,请阅读短文,并从下列六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。 S

29、leep is very important. Can you think of a time when you cant fall sleep? That feeling is really terrible. When you dont get enough sleep, youre not at your best. _36_ Be active(活跃的)during the day. You may see how much running around little kids do and how well they sleep. _37_ It can help you relax

30、. But dont play sports too close to bedtime. Get into a good sleep habit. _38_ It can help your body get into a habit. If you dont go to sleep in 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something to relax. _39_ Watch what you eat and drink. Eat a simple meal for dinner and stay away from hot food. _40

31、_ This can help you sleep better. Be sure not to have tea or coffee at night.ASo get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.BFor example, you can do some reading or listen to music.CSo lets talk about how to have a good sleep.DSay “Tonight, I will sleep well” during the day.EGo to bed and get up at t

32、he same time every day.FYou can also drink milk before going to bed.五、阅读匹配阅读下面的动物介绍,为五个人选出他们喜欢的动物,将其标号填入题前括号内。AThis kind of animals has a long nose and two long teeth. They are very smart. However, some people kill them for their teeth. BThey are black and white. They mainly live in the mountains of

33、 Central and Western China. They like eating bamboo. They are one of the symbols of China. CWhen people talk about Australia, they always think of this kind of animal. Koalas are small and fat. They really like sleeping.DThis kind of animal has a long neck and four long legs. Theyre tall and they lo

34、ok very beautiful. E. They are interesting animals. They often sleep in the daytime and play at night. They are good at catching mice. F. People all think this kind of animal is loyal (忠诚的). Some of them can help people who cant see cross the road. They are really helpful to people.41Mays favourite

35、animal is giant pandas. She thinks theyre very cute.42Amy likes cats best. Her cat called Mimi is her best friends. She has kept it for two years.43Molly has a dog, and she loves it very much. She takes the dog for a walk every day.44Dave likes elephants. In his opinion, they are one of the smartest

36、 animals in the world.45Tom often goes to the zoo to see giraffes. They are his favourite animals.六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词的正确形式填空。 What is the most popular event in China this February? The Beijing Winter Olympics Games. And who is the _46_(big)star during the games? Maybe you will say Eilee

37、n Gu. Eileen Gu surprised China _47_ she won the womens big air free skiing gold in Beijing. Gu jumped into the top position with her third run and _48_(score)94.50. Her total mark was 188.25 in the events debut(首次登场)at the Winter Olympics. _49_ 18-year-old girl Gu Ailing, is a freestyle skier, mode

38、l and grade-A student with an American father and a Chinese mother. She grew up in the United States. It was there that she began to love skiing. She _50_(get)more than 50 gold medals already until now. _51_ the age of 15, she made an important _52_(decide). She changed her nationality from American

39、 _53_ Chinese. But Gu was determined and shared her reasons on Instagram at the time. “Through skiing, I hope to unite people, promote understanding, create communication, and build friendships between _54_(nation). If I can encourage one young girl _55_(break)a boundary(界限), my wishes will have com

40、e true,” she said.七、材料作文56英语课上,老师让同学们用英语讨论了自己最近读过的书。课后,老师让大家以小组为单位就此写一篇英语短文。假如你是你们小组的组长,请根据下面表格中的信息提示完成该短文。 姓名书名内容评价刘伟Tom and Jerry*愚蠢的猫,聪明的老鼠 *不要小看弱小者有趣的吴倩A Brief History of the Cantonese Opera*粤剧的悠久历史 *了解中国传统文化有教育意义的我Body Language and Emotion of Dogs*狗的肢体语言 *更好地了解狗有用的 要求:1. 须包含表格中的所有提示内容,可以适当发挥。 2. 词数:80 左右(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。 提示词语:小看 look down on Our class discussed the books that we had just read in the English class. Im going to share the books that the members of our group read with you. _试卷第9页,共10页


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