-人教新目标版七年级下册《英语》Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 单元复习 (学案).doc

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1、 七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Learning Notes学校: 班 级: 姓 名: Task1:Words and Expressions(英汉互译,并根据要求写出相应形式)1. post: 2. office: 3. post office: 4. police(集合名词): 男警察: 女警察: 5. police station: 6. near: 7. hotel: 8. restaurant: 9. bank: 9. hospital: 10. street: 11. pay: 12. pay phone: 13. ac

2、ross: 14. across from: 15. front: 16. in front of: 17. behind: 18. town: 19. around: 20. north: 21. along: 22. go along: 23. turn: 24. right: 25. left: 26. turn right/left: 27. crossing: 28. neighborhood: 29. spend: 30. spend time: 31. monkey: 32. climb: 33. road: 34. often: 35. air: 36. sunshine: 3

3、7. free: 38. enjoy: 39. enjoy reading: 40. easily: adj.: 41. money: Task2:Language points(英汉互译,根据要求写出相应形式并造句)1. 邮局: 2. 警察局: 3. 付费电话: 4. 在桥街: 5. 在对面: e.g. 银行就在我们学校对面。 6. next to=by: e.g. 小男孩紧挨着他的母亲。 【辨析】next to与near的区别: 从空间讲near 只表示“在附近”, next to有“紧挨着”之意. e.g. Peter sits next to Mike. 彼特紧挨着迈克坐。Peter

4、sits near Tom. 彼特坐在汤姆附近。7. in front of : e.g. 在房子前一辆小汽车。 【辨析】in the front of “在前面”(在某范围之内) e.g. 在教室的前面有一张桌子。 8. between .and.: e.g. 我正坐在埃米和莫莉之间。 9. How can I help you? 表示向他人伸出援手,主动提出帮助的套语,此句还可说成:How can I help you?或How may I help you?类似的句子还有:May I help you? Do you need any help? Is there anything I

5、can help (you) with? What can I do for you?10. in town: e.g. 我父母正在城里购物。 11. No problem. = Youre welcome. 12. 向右/左转: e.g. 请向左转! 13. on the right/ left: on ones right/left: e.g. 她正站在我的右边。 15. go(walk) along/down : down和 along都是介词用法。 16. at the first crossing: e.g. 在第二个十字路口向右拐。 17. in the neighborhood:

6、 18. watch sb. doing sth.: e.g. 她喜欢观看孩子们跳舞。 19. look like: e.g. 他看上去像我父亲。 20. 新鲜空气: 21. 生活中; 一生中: 22. To get there, .这是英语行文的一种方式, 在句子开头用to do短语, 并用逗号将其与句子的主体部分隔开, 动词不定式短语放在句首作目的状语,意为“为了”。 23. enjoy doing sth. = like/love doing sth. e.g. 我喜欢在图书馆看书。 24. Time goes quickly! 25. spend on: 在某事上花费时间/金钱(主语是

7、人); spend in doing sth.: 做某事花费时间/金钱(主语是人); pay for :支付;付钱(主语是人); take: 花费时间、精力或金钱(主语是物,常用句型: It takes sb. st to do sth.Task3:Grammar Focus(英汉互译,根据要求写出相应形式并造句)1. There be structures; 2. Where questions; 3. Prepositions of place;1. There be句型表示的是: 句式结构: 1) 肯定句式: There be (is, are) +名词+地点状语。e.g. 在我的铅笔盒

8、里有两块橡皮。 2) 否定句: There isnt/arent. e.g. 大桥街上没有银行。 3) 一般疑问句: Is/Are + 主语 +? 肯定回答: Yes, there is/are. 否定回答: No, there isnt/arent. e.g.这附近有餐馆吗? 是的,有。/不, 没有。 There be 句型中的主谓一致原则There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。1) 如果句子的主语是可数名词单数, 或是不可数名词, be动词用“ ”。e.g. 紧挨着邮局有一个付费电话。 2) 如果句子的主语是复数名词, be动词就用“ ”。e.g. 在公园

9、里有很多树。 3) 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语, be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“ ”。e.g. 在桌子上有一个橘子和一些香蕉。 There be 句型与have/has的区别There be句型表示“存在”, have/has表示“拥有, 所有”, 两者不能同时使用。e.g. 桌子上有一架模型飞机。 e.g. 我有一架模型飞机。 2. Wh- Questions(特殊疑问句):where: 引导特殊疑问句, 询问方位、地点。特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开始的以寻求信息为目的的疑问句。3. Prepositions(介词): 参看课本注释P115.介词一般用于

10、名词或代词前,表示该词与句中其他成分的关系。介词后面的名词或代词称为介词宾语。Prepositions of Place(地点介词): 最常用、灵活的地点介词是: at, in, on.Task4:I Can Do一、根据不同要求完成各小题。用be 动词的正确形式填空。1. There a pen near the ruler.2. There two books on the table3. There a pen and two books on the table.4. There two books and a pen on the table.用have/has, there be填

11、空。1. I a good father and a good mother. 2. some books on the desk. 3. He a basketball. 4. a bank on Long Street. 5. They a nice garden.6. What do you _? 7. _ a reading-room in the building? 8. What does Mike _? 根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。1. The post office is _ the park and the supermarket.2. There is a big tre

12、e _ front of our school.3. Look! The pay phone is _ from the store.4. This is my bike and his is _ the right.5. Hello! Can you tell me the way _ the airport?用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Turn left at the first (cross).2. Lets (go) to the park (take) pictures.3. He enjoys (read).4. (get) to the park, we have to cr

13、oss the street.5. He can do it very (easy).二、单项选择。( ) 1. there a bank near here? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be( ) 2. Our school is a bank. A. next B. next to C. between D. between and( ) 3. is the park? Its on Center Street. A. What B. When C. Where D. How( ) 4. The supermarket is Cangjiang Road. A. on B

14、. through C. between D. /( ) 5.Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? No, . But you can find one in Yang Fang Road. A. there isnt B. it isnt C. they arent D. there is( ) 6.Where is the hotel? Its Bridge Street, the right. A. on; on B. on; down C. on; of D. at; in( ) 7. There some milk and apples in t

15、he fridge. A. has B. have C. is D. are( ) 8. Theres a tall tree the house. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the front D. at front of( ) 9. We enjoy Jay Chous songs. A. listen to B. listening C. listening to D. listen( ) 10. I spend two hours his homework every day. A. does B. do C. to do D. d

16、oing( ) 11. That mountain in Guilin an elephant. A. looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after( ) 12. The old man often watches him football with his friends. A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play( ) 13. the early bus, he has to get up before 5:00 every morning. A. Catch B. To catch C. Catc

17、hing D. Catches( ) 14. If you are ill, you can go to see the doctor in the A. bank B. hotel C. hospital D. restaurant( ) 15. I some of my free time playing basketball. A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay( ) 16. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Sorry, Im new here. You can ask the policeman. A.

18、 Thank you. B. How are you? C. Excuse me. D. No problem.( ) 17. We find there is much noise . A. near B. in the neighbor C. next to D. in the neighborhood( ) 18. English well, one must have a lot of practice. A. Speaks B. To speak C. Spoken D. Speak( ) 19.When did you Beijing ? I there last Monday.

19、A. get; got to B. get to; got to C. get to; got D. get; got to( ) 20. ? Well, is there a bank near here? A. How can I help you B. What do you want C. Can you help me D. Where is the bank三、完形填空。Dear Lucy,My fifteenth birthday is coming. I am going to have a birthday party in _1_ house. Its on Friday

20、afternoon. I sincerely _2_ you, but Im sorry I cant go to the _3_ to meet you. Here is a map and it can help you _4_ my house.Look at the map! After you get out of the airport, _5_ down Qishan Street and then walk _6_ the Sixth Avenue. Then you can _7_ a bus stop on your right. _8_ the No.19 bus the

21、re and get off (下车)at the third stop.Then you are _9_ Center Street. Go along the street and you will see a _10_ on your left. My house is behind the supermarket.Tom( ) 1. A. his B. your C. my D. her ( ) 2. A. hope B. wish C. know D. invite( ) 3. A. park B. bank C. bus station D. airport( ) 4. A. pa

22、ss B. find C. show D. enjoy( ) 5. A. run B. turn C. walk D. arrive( ) 6. A. across B. in C. with D. from( ) 7. A. look B. see C. watch D. pass ( ) 8. A. Buy B. Bring C. Take D. Visit ( ) 9. A. on B. from C. to D. of( ) 10. A. library B. park C. pay phone D. supermarket四、补全对话。A: me. Is there a office

23、 near here? I want to postcard.B: Yes, just go along this street and left. Its on Center Street your right.A: Is it far here?B: No, it isnt. Its near. It will take you only ten minutes to go there on foot.A: By the way(顺便问一下), the bookstore?B: The bookstore? Its Brown Street. Its to the supermarket.

24、A: Can I there?B: Yes, you can. But it will take you about half an hour to walk there. You can a bus there.A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.The past can not be changed. 过去的事情没办法改变。The future is yet in your power.但未来还在你的掌握之中。英国的交通为什么靠左行驶世界现存有两种通行制:一是左行制,另一种是右行制。全世界大约有90%的国家实行右行制。“靠左行”的国家主要有英国、爱尔兰、印度、印尼、

25、日本、泰国、巴基斯坦和澳大利亚等。这些国家除了日本,都曾经是英国的殖民地。实际上,这些国家之所以“靠左行”,无一例外都是受英国的影响。英属殖民地自不必说,日本则是因为仰慕大不列颠的雄风,爱屋及乌,于是采用了“靠左行”的交通规则,并沿用至今。那么,英国为什么要“靠左行”呢?从起源上看,“靠左行”是欧洲的古制。据记载,罗马教皇卜尼法八世在1300年举行第一个基督教庆典时,声明:条条大路通罗马,并命令所有赴罗马的朝圣者均须“靠左行”。 从此,左行制影响了西欧大部分国家和英殖民地。在当时,“靠左行”是有道理的,因为一般人都是右手便利,如果靠左行,右手就永远处于外侧。这样,不论是拔剑自卫,还是干其他的事,左行都比右行方便些。另外,当时人们的交通工具是马,而上下马必须在左边,左边的马路边上造有马石,人们踩石上马便可疾奔而去。要是靠右行呢,不得不掉转马头才能走。左行制源于水上航行。15世纪,英国海军为减少进出泰晤士河的船只事故,规定进入泰晤士河的船只将太阳运行方向让给驶出船只。因为泰晤士河的流向是由北向南再转向东流,经伦敦入海,所以,出泰晤士河的船只靠东,而人们观看地图的习惯是“上北、下南、左西、右东”,于是形成了左侧通行制。1756年,英国议会通过伦敦桥交通法,要求所有车辆靠左行。


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