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1、湖北省黄石市2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题一、听录音选图片1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC5ABC二、听句子选答语6AYes, I did.BGreat.CTo the museum.7 AYes, I do.BEvery day.CNo, I didnt.8AHe likes singing.BHe is thinner than me.CHe doesnt like it.9AYes, sounds great.BIt was delicious.CNice to meet you.10AFor two days.BFive minutes walk.CThree ti

2、mes a week.三、听长对话选答案听对话,回答各小题11How did Tim go to the Chaka Salt Lake?ABy train.BBy car.CBy bus.12What did Tim do in the morning?AWent bike riding.BTook a walk.CSwam in the lake.听材料,回答下列各小题。13Who is taller, Jenny or Paul?AJenny.BPaul.CWe dont know.14What sport does Paul play three times a week?ABaseb

3、all.BBasketball.CTennis.15Who is the most serious?APaul.BJenny.CAlex.四、听短文选答案听材料,回答以下各小题。16Why did Jenny stay up late last week?ABecause she watched TV.BBecause she studied for tests.CBecause she couldnt fall asleep.17How often does Jenny usually go to the library?ATwice a week.BThree times a week.C

4、Every day.18When did Jenny go to the library last week?AOn Friday.BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.19What did Jenny want to do last Saturday night?ATo watch TV.BTo see a movie.CTo study for her tests.20What kind of movie did they see?AAn old one.BA funny one.CA scary one.五、听短文填表听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词,短文读两遍Tale

5、nt ShowAmyplayed the _21_ and won first prizePetersang _22_Four girls_23_Li Huadid Chinese kung fu without music and he was the _24_ performerJim and his _25_acted the funniest program六、单项选择26How do you like _ TV play Ren Changxia?Oh, its _ wonderful play. Its one of _ best TV plays.Aa; a; theBthe;

6、the; theCthe; a; /Dthe; a; the27-You play the piano so well. _ do you take piano lessons?-I go to piano lessons twice a week.AHow longBHow manyCHow oftenDHow much28Eating a lot of vegetables _ good for your health.AamBisCareDbe29Which one of these do you want? _. Either will be OK.ANo problemBIm sur

7、eCCome onDI dont mind30Which do you think is , Chinese or English?Its hard to say. I think Chinese is as as English.Ainteresting, interestingBmore interesting, interestingCinteresting, more interestingDmore interesting, more interesting31What about doing_for the homeless people?Good idea!Aanything h

8、elpfulBsomething helpfulChelpful anythingDhelpful something32 - Which of the two T-shirts would you like?- _. I dont like their styles.AEitherBBothCNoneDNeither33At the party, Lucy _ as Mickey Mouse as to make us _.Adressed up; laughBdressed up; to laughCdressed on; laughDdressed on; to laugh34_our

9、country gets, _the people will be, which is wellknown.AThe stronger; the happierBThe more strong; the more happyCThe stronger; the happyDThe strong; the happier35I didnt find the way to the post office. _I told you about it this morning.ANo problem.BNot really.CHow come?DThats for sure.七、完形填空Ne Zha

10、often _36_ in Chinese works such as Fengshen Yanyi. In Journey to the West, Ne Zha is _37_ a famous character. The popular summer movie, Ne Zha, came out in Chinese mainland _38_ on July 26, 2019. It broke a box office record(纪录) to become the _39_ ever cartoon movie in China. Many Chinese Internet

11、users _40_ the film very much, calling it “the glorious light of domestic anime(国漫之光)”. The _41_ of the film comes from the clever take on the well-known work of classical Chinese mythology(神话): Fengshen Yanyi. Ne Zha, one of the works main _42_, always appeared as a lovable child hero in the past.

12、_43_ this newest retelling made him into a different character. He overcame difficulties and his dark life _44_ a hero. The _45_ story of Ne Zha, as China Daily puts it, has a strong faith in the traditional Chinese culture, giving it a “modern meaning”.36AappearsBsmilesChappensDbecomes37AtooBalsoCe

13、itherDas well38AfamiliesBparksCschoolsDcinemas39AbigBbiggerCbiggestDworst40AlookedBwatchedCsawDenjoyed41AsuccessBlanguageCsurpriseDresult42AcharacterBcharactersCplayersDplayer43AAndBOrCButDStill44AbecameBbecomesCbecomeDto become45AnewBoldCboringDinterested八、阅读单选Crazy Bubble RunThe happiest family ac

14、tivity Ever!Time: 10 a. m. Date: November 3rd A Money-Raising Event for the City Charity Program Organized by the United Nations Childrens Fund(联合国儿童基金会) Come and get your Bubble Run Bag ( T-shirt, number plate, hair band, waterproof (防水的) bag, color stickers and water gun) at 9:30 a. m. ! We will b

15、e waiting for you at the Olympic Park in Beijing!Registration Fees: 120 Student 150 Non-student240 One adult with a childaged 5-10 For more information: www. crazybubblerun. comTel: 010-88569413 46When will the Crazy Bubble Run event begin?AAt 9:30 a. m. on October 1st.BAt 10 a. m. on October 1st.CA

16、t 9:30 a. m. on November 1st.DAt 10 a. m. on November 3rd.47Who started this running event?AThe United Nations Childrens Fund.BThe Beijing Municipal Government.CThe City Charity Program.DThe Olympic Park.48If you join in the Crazy Bubble Run event, you can get some things EXCEPT _.Aa T-shirtBa hair

17、bandCa waterproof watchDa water gun49Mr. Green is going to take his wife and his 9-year-old daughter to join in the running event. How much do they need to pay?A300.B360.C390.D420.50Which of the following is NOT true according to the poster (海报)?AWe dont know the gathering place of the event.BThe ev

18、ent wants to raise money.CWe can know the website of the event.DCrazy Bubble Run is a happy family activity.Guangdong Province decided that primary schools must have swimming lessons from 2020. According to its plan, primary schools must make sure that students in the first and second grades have at

19、 least four P. E. lessons a week. It also advised that students in the fourth grade should start to have swimming lessons. Do we need to make swimming lessons compulsory(义务的)in schools? Some people shared their opinions.In Poland, swimming lessons are not compulsory, but most of the schools have the

20、m. I think there should be swimming lessons for primary school students. Swimming is a lifesaving skill.White Bear(Poland)In my country, swimming lessons are compulsory. I even got my lifesaving certificate(文凭)in school. So why not learn a skill as early as possible?Mister Panda(France)I was born in

21、 a village. I learned to swim in a river near my home when I was 7 or 8. I used to play in the river with my friends every summer. However, I just learned dog paddle(狗刨式游泳)because nobody taught me. When I went to university, I had a chance to improve my swimming skills in P.E. lessons. Compared with

22、 my classmates, I felt lucky because most of them couldnt swim at all. I think its a good idea for schools to teach students to swim. But in fact, not every school in China has conditions(条件)to do that.Jet Feng(China)51What can we learn from Paragraph 1?AThe writer agrees that swimming lessons shoul

23、d be compulsory.BIn the future,every primary school in China will have swimming lessons.CStudents in Grade One in Guangdong have at least 16 P. E. lessons a month from 2020.DStudents in primary schools in Guangdong are happy to have swimming lessons.52Which of the following do White Bear and Mister

24、Panda agree?ASwimming lessons shouldnt be compulsory in school.BIts helpful for primary school students to learn to swim.CIts difficult for little kids to get lifesaving certificates.DIts not easy to have swimming lessons in primary schools.53What does the underlined word “chance” mean in Chinese?A住

25、址B天赋C权利D机会54Why did Jet Feng feel lucky at university?ABecause he could swim but most of his classmates couldnt.BBecause he learned to swim from someone when he was young.CBecause he could have more P.E. lessons than in high school.DBecause he could be a teacher and teach his classmates to swim.55In

26、 which column of a newspaper can you probably read this passage?AHealthBEducationCEnvironmentDTravel九、阅读还原5选5One day, our class went on a trip to a mountain. It was not a very big mountain, so we could walk up. _56_ We took lots of things, like tents, food, dishes and clothes. _57_ After dinner, our

27、 teacher told us to hang (悬挂) all our food in a tree. Why? If we didnt, the bears (熊) would come for it and we didnt want that!When we woke up in the morning, we got out of our tents to make breakfast. _58_ “It must be a bear,” we thought. Although we were angry, we could do nothing. We had no food

28、for breakfast, so we went down the mountain early. And then we saw it our bag of food was under a tree. _59_ Inside the bag was a big raccoon (浣熊). The raccoon looked at us and made a sound like a cat. Then, three baby raccoons came out of the bag, and they all walked away. _60_ Our teacher said, “R

29、accoons will steal (偷) anything. I think thats why they wear masks (面罩) over their eyes!” We all laughed. But it was a long hungry trip home!根据材料内容,选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。AThat night, we had a big meal at the top of the mountain.BBut to our surprise, the bag with all our food was gone!CNow we knew

30、it was these raccoons that took our bag.DWe ran over to it and it moved.EBut it was still hard work.十、阅读回答问题Simon, a 28-year-old German student, rode 5,800 kilometers in China for his trip blog (博客). He wanted to learn about the Chinese Dream.“Whats your Chinese Dream?” This is the question he asked

31、 every stranger he met on his 100-day trip.Simon came to China for the first time in 2011. After a year in China, he was able to speak Chinese. Because of his interest in Chinese culture, he went to Zhejiang University in 2017.Simon learned “Chinese Dream” in 2013, and now it has become one of the h

32、ottest words in China. To learn the true meaning of it among Chinese people, he started his trip in May 2018.Simon believes that riding across China is natural. And it is also environmentally friendly (环保的). During his trip, he found that people in the cities usually follow their hearts. Whats more,

33、 older generation (一代) of Chinese cares more about social stability (社会的稳定) but the young generation cares more about education and environment.“People look for their ways to make their dreams come true. They all believe that a strong country is the most important.” Simon said.61Where did Simon ride

34、 for his trip blog?_62How long did it take him to ride across China?_63What does Simon think of his riding across China?_64What do young people in China think more about according to Simon?_65Do Chinese think its important to make their country strong?_十一、补全对话7选5A: Hi, Tara. Lets talk about friends.

35、 _66_B: Its Jenny. A: What does she look like?B: She has short brown hair. _67_A: Whats she like?B: _68_ And the most important thing is that shes friendly.A: Do you and she have anything in common?B: Yes, a lot. _69_A: Do your parents like her?B: Yes, very much. They always ask Jenny to come over f

36、or dinner.A: _70_B: Because I think a friend can make our life better in many ways, I dont think anyone can stand loneliness(忍受孤独).AShes taller than me.BWhos your best friend?CI think shes smarter than me.DWhy is a friend important in life?EHow often do you see your friend?FWhat do you and she do to

37、gether?GWe both love shopping and playing sports.十二、短文选词填空从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。also,character,become,from,much,when,stand,might,they, yearGezai Opera (歌仔戏) started in Taiwan, China. It _71_ popular in the south of Fujian later. Watching Gezai Opera is wonderful. _72_ performers tell a

38、 story, musicians play different kinds of music at the same time. Performers use different things to help tell the story. For example, colored flags can show different feelings. Costumes (服装) _73_ help tell the story. _74_ the costumes, the audience (观众) knows if a character is a man or a woman and

39、many other things. The costumes are important and so are the characters movements (动作). Each character has a way of _75_ and moving. The characters movements tell the story just as much as _76_ voices(声音). In Gezai Opera, there is an important _77_ called the Wu Sheng. He does a lot of different kin

40、ds of movements, like jumping and kicking. In Gezai Opera, performers sing _78_ than they speak. Singing is most important to a performer. The way performers sing Gezai Opera is special. It takes many _79_ for a performer to sing well. When singing, costumes, movements and other things come together

41、, they make a great show. The audience _80_ enjoy and remember it for years after watching it.十三、完成句子81昨天除了学习,他什么也没干。There was nothing for him _ yesterday.82我认为用英语记日记很有用。I think it is very useful to _ English.83David不如他哥哥聪明,但他很勤奋。David is _ his brother, but he is very hard-working.84Tom是我们班第一个表演皮影戏的

42、学生。Tom was _ perform shadow plays in our class.85他不认真对待任何事情,好像对他而言一切都是游戏。He _ and it seems everything to him is a game.十四、书信作文86假如你是艾丽斯,你和你的美国笔友莉莉已经两年没有见面了,她想了解你这两年的变化,请你从下面几个方面写一封信介绍一下吧!提示:1. 外貌:比两年前高了许多,瘦了一点,头发更长了。2. 性格:更外向了,变得更受欢迎了。3. 爱好:更喜欢运动了,每周至少运动三次,更健康了。4. 学习:功课多了,而且越来越难,所以打算更加努力地学习以取得更好的成绩。5. 其他方面:现在不喜欢看肥皂剧了,因为它们无聊而且没有意义。喜欢看新闻,希望将来某一天成为一名电视记者。要求:1. 短文内容必须包含所提供的要点,可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;3. 词数:80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Lily,Im glad to tell you some changes about me. _


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