
上传人(卖家):2023DOC 文档编号:5493767 上传时间:2023-04-22 格式:DOC 页数:9 大小:30KB
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1、Expressions for Appearance(人物外貌描写)hair long, black, blond, grey, in curls, curly, in bun(圆发髻), in plaits, pigtail (马尾辫), crew cut(平头), close-cropped hairstyle), bald, baldhead (秃头) 西装头 suit hairstylehair long, black, blond, grey, in curls, curly, in bun(圆发髻), in plaits, pigtail (马尾辫), crew cut(平头),

2、close-cropped hairstyle), bald, baldhead (秃头) nose straight, flat, pointed nose (鹰钩鼻子) , flatten, broad, narrow, short, aquiline(鹰钩鼻子) cheeks smooth, bony, sunken(凹陷), swollen(隆起), hallow(凹陷的) figure chubby (丰满),plump (丰满), fat, long and slim, tall, massive, slender, average height,obese (过胖),thick-

3、set (矮而胖),dwarfish (矮小),short ,overweight ,thin ,skinny,medium height ,tubby (矮胖), muscular, . face long, short, round, square, flat, bony, sunken(凹陷的), swollen(肿起来的), peaceful, charming, beautiful, pretty, nice, lovely, striking, attractive, lean, fat, socket or dimple (酒窝),oval-shaped face or oval

4、 face or heart-shaped face (瓜子脸) ,egg-shaped, moon-shaped, look handsome (眉清目秀),look dignified (仪表堂堂),mole (痣), good-looking, plain (长的一般) legs long and beautiful, belly flat, big waist narrow, small, large eye-lash beautiful, long eyebrow thick, arched(弯弯的), neatly, plucked(拉直的), uneven, knitted fo

5、rehead square, broadlips full-lipped, thin-lipped, set, sensuous(性感的sexy), moist LipstickLip balmvoice booming(低沉有回响), ringing(清脆响亮), rasping(刺耳), squeaky(发短促尖声), harsh, growling(怒吼), deep, melodious(悦耳)ring sb updressingSmart 时髦Smartly/properly dressed: 穿着得体 well dressed :穿的漂亮neatly dressed :衣着干净整洁

6、 scruffily dressed: 衣着不整洁Expressions for Character(人物性格描写) Good character聪明的:Clever, intelligent, smart, bright, wise, sensible IQ=intelligence quotient sharp能干的:Capable, competent, talented, dutiful(忠于职守的、忠实的), responsible, loyal善良的有好的:kind, amiable(和蔼可亲的), friendly, warm-hearted, thoughtful a. 体贴的

7、、关心的、considerate considerableInpatient outpatienteasygoing, open-minded, outgoing, patient, lovely, beloved, well-mannered, good-tempered, benevolent(仁慈的、厚道的、有爱心的),benignant(仁慈的、温和的),earnest, shy, honest, frank, upstraight , gaylesbian homosexualbisexualstraightforward(正直的、坦率的), candid(公正的、坦率的), gen

8、uine a. 真诚的、真的、非人造的、Genuin 正野genuine leathermanmade/synthetic leatherHe is a real man but not a true man.trueauthentic brave, courageous, bold(大胆的、鲁莽的), dauntless(无畏的、勇敢的), thrifty(节俭的、兴旺的), generous, selfless(无私的altruistic 利他的),diligent, industrious(勤奋的), strict(严谨的、周密的、严厉的), helpful, confident, se

9、lf-confident, optimistic, upbeat, active, positive,dynamic a. 有活力的、动力的、动态的、energetic a. 充满活力的、精力充沛、vigorous a. 有活力的、精力充沛的、creative, innovative ambitious a.有抱负的、有野心的,charming a. 迷人的,fascinating a. 迷人的、有吸引力的decent a.得体的、体面的,virtuous a.有美德的,gorgeous fantastic, fabulous, terrific, wonderful, excellent,

10、magnificent, splendid, dazzling It is fucking beautiful!Simple-minded=simple-heartedSimple-headedPunctuality pure, simple, innocent, polite, elegant(雅致的、优美的、讲究的), punctual (守时的) , efficient (办事高效率的) , reliable, traditional /conservativehumble a. 卑微的、谦逊的、modest a. 谦虚的、适度的、moderate a. 温和的、适度的,agreeabl

11、e a.令人愉悦的、惬意的, Bad character Timid(胆小的), cowardly(胆怯的), greedy, cunning(狡猾的), wicked/mean(邪恶的、令人厌恶的), miserable(卑鄙的、讨厌的), miserly(吝啬的), evil(罪恶的), naughty, spoiled, ill-mannered, ill/bad-tempered, impolite, cold-blooded, rude, ruthless(无情的、残忍的) (cruel, merciless), hypocritical(伪善的、虚伪的), selfish, irritable(性急的、暴躁的), boyish(孩子气的), eccentric(人行为等古怪的、反常的), vain(空虚的、爱虚荣的vanity), proud, cruel, brutal, lazy, forgetful ,aggressive a. 有进取心的、侵犯性的、挑衅的,pessimistic, negative, oversensitive(敏感的、易生气的)


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