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1、笔试部分(120分)Part One语言知识运用 (3 5分) I .单项选择 .从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出能填句 -7-空格的最佳选项 (15分)( )23.ls that orange? -No, its apple.A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an( )24. These pants look very nice. Can I ?Sure. A.try it on B. try them on C. try on them( )25 is your schoolbag?Its green.A. What B What color C.Where( )2

2、6 your sister know Lucy?No, she . A. Do; dont B. Does; doesnt . C. Does; dont( )27. Do you have a small mouth?No, I dont. I have a wide A.one B. it C. them( )28. How old is Tom?He is A. fourteen years B. fourteen years old C. fourteen( )29. The girl red is my sister. A. on B. in C. of( )30. What can

3、 I do for you?I want two .A. bottle of milk B bottles of milk C. bottles of milks( )31. does your father work?He works in a hospital.A. What B. How C. Where( ) 32. Could you help me my Chinese, Kangkang?No problem.A. with B. in C. at( )33. Lanlan, toy is that?Its A. whos hers B. Whose mine C. Whose

4、her( )34. What does she look like? A. Shes a student. B. Shes twelve C. She has long arms.( )35. Can you give this book Jack? Yes, l can.A. at B. to C. in( )36. are the pants?They are 110 yuan.A. How many B.How much C. Where ( )37. How about apple juice ?Good idea!A.an B.any C.some II.补全对话。从右边方框中选出正

5、确句子补全对话。(10分) A: 38 B: Chicken and a bowl of jiao zi .A. Here you areB. NO,thank you.C. May I take your order?D. Thirty-five yuan ,sirE. And what would you like to drink?A: 39 B: Just a glass of apple juice.A: Anything else(其他的)?B: 40 A: How much?B: 41 A: 42 B: Thanks.38 39 40 41 42 111.完形填空.(. 1 0分

6、)Mrs.King likes 43 very much.She often takes Mr. King to shops. But Mr. King 44 like shopping at all.Look ! Theyre in the 45 now. Mr.King has 46 clothes in his hands.But Mrs.King wants to buy more(更多) 47 . So she looks at these_48_and then looks at those ones.She would like to buy a nice skirt again

7、.“Look,dear.lsnt that skirt nice?“All right. 49 is it? Just 88 yuan .Its cheap (便宜的).“Oh,l 50 .You buy too many 51 .Lets go home . OK.Mr.King is very tired (累) and thinking about his 52 On their way home, Mrs.King is very happy and she looks at the moon(月亮) “Look,dear Do you like the nice moon? “All

8、 right.How much is it?( )43.A.a shop B.shops C.shopping D.the shop( )44.A.does B.dont C.doesnt D.cant( )45.A.school B.shop C.office D.hospital( )46.A.a little B.no C.a lot of D.much( )47.A.shirts B.clothes C.shoes D.caps( )48.A.shirts B.shoes C.skirts D.caps( )49.A.How much B.How many C.How D.How he

9、avy( )50.A.dont think so B.think so C.would like to D.am happy( )5l.A.shirts B.shoes C.caps D.clothes( )52.A.breakfast B.lunch C.hamburgers D.dinnerPart Two.阅读理解 (40分)(A)Mrs. Green is Toms mother. She loves the family very much. She goes to the shops every day. She often buys food, fruit and clothes

10、 for Tom and his father. Now many clothes are on sale (大甩卖) at Wanjiahui Clothing Shop.Mrs. Green wants to buy some clothes for the family, so she comes to the shop. There they have pants for25 and many shoes for only 20. Mrs.Green likes the black pants, so(D)Im Li Hua .I have a good friend. His nam

11、e is Tom. _ 68 .He comes to China because(因为) his parents work in China. 69 .He speaks English very well, but his Chinese isnt good. I often help him with his Chinese and he helps me with my English. 70 .He has many friends in our school. 71 .Tom often plays with them. 72 and his favorite food is ji

12、aozi. I often invite(邀请) him to my home for dinner .Do you want to be Toms friend?A. We help each other.B. He is from AmericaC. They are very kind to him.D. He likes to eat Chinese foodE. Now Tom is in my classF. He can speak Chinese very well阅读短文,从方框中选出合适的句子填入文中,使短文完整、通顺,其中一项为多余选项。68. 69. 70. 71. 7

13、2. Part Three 写(45分).任务型阅读(10分)On Sunday, Peter goes to Huguang Shan Farm for a picnic with his friends. They take some food and drink with them, and they go there with a kite, a guitar (吉他 ) ,a knife, a dog and so on (等等 ) . On the farm, Jane wants Peter to sing some songs with her, but he has no t

14、ime. He has to cook. Michael and Bill help Peter with cooking. Steve gets water for them. Maria flies a kite with her dog. They are all very happy.根据短文内容,完成下面的表格NameThings to do Things to takeWherePeter73 Some food and drink, a kite , a guitar, a knife ,a dog and so on.77 Jane74 MichaelcookBillcookS

15、teve75 Maria76 73 74 75 76 77 短文填词 用给词的适当形式填空。(10分)teach hair get animal inhe a it live littleThis is a photo of my family. All my family are in it.My grandfather is seventy-one years old. His 7 8 is gray. He 79 with us. He likes 80 a lot and he has a pet cat. Look!The cat is on his legs. 81 name is

16、 Mimi. The man 82 black is my father. He is forty. He 83 English in a high school. His English is very good and he is very kind. His students like 84 much.Ben, my 85 brother, is only four years old. He likes toys. My mother works in 86 office. She often 87 up at 5:30 in the morning and cooks breakfa

17、st for us. Look at the girl with big eyes. Oh, its me. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 III根据汉语提示完成句子。 (10分) 88一你能帮我学习英语吗? 一没问题。 一Could you help me with my English? 一 89我们看起来不一样,但我们是好朋友。 We ,but we are good friends. 90一你愿意和找共进午餐吗? 一是的,我很乐意。 一Would you like lunch me?一Yes, Id love to.91.莉莉想买一副手套给她妈妈。Lily wants to a pair of gloves her mother.92.这个星期天我们去购物吧。Lets this Sunday.书面表达(15分)请根据表格写一篇介绍你的英语老师的短文。My English teacherNameLiu MeiAge26LooksTall,big eyes, long black hairHave breakfast and supperat homeHave lunchAt schoolFavorite fooddumplingsDislike(不喜欢)fish


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