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1、英语期末复习完成句子11. 水不能穿过铁。Water cant _ _ iron.2. 你一到北京就给我发短信。Send me _ _ _ as soon as you reach Beijing.3. 几周后见。See you in_ _ _ weeks.4. 请按时交作业。Please _ _ your homework on time.5. 他昨天早上10点醒的。He _ _ at 10 yesterday morning.6. 妈妈很担心我的健康。Mom _ _ _ my health.7. 为什么不关电视呢?Why not _ _ the TV?8. 我父亲最终戒烟了。My fath

2、er _ _ smoking at last.9. 你害怕一个人住吗?Are you afraid to live _ _ _?10. 他去年死于肺癌。He _ _ lung cancer last year.11. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃晚饭。Mother told me to _ _ _ for supper. 12. 我一回来就给你打电话。I will call you _ _ _ I come back.13. 我的梦想又一次实现了。 _ _ my dream came true.14. 从那以后,我们再也没见面。_ _ we have never seen each other ag

3、ain. 15. 我认为这是一段美妙的经历。 _ _ _, its a wonderful experience.16. 阳光透过窗子,使房间更亮了。The sunshine _ _ the window and makes the room bright.17. 每年成百万的游客来北京参观。Every year, _ _ tourists visited Beijing. 18. 超过200学生参与了讨论。_ _ 200 students joined in the discussion.19. 冰箱上面有10元。There is 10 yuan _ _ _ the fridge.20. 我

4、愿意参加各种各样的活动。Id like to take part in _ _ _ activities.21. 去年我们全家去香港渡假。Last year, my family _ _ _ to Hongkong.22. 我小时候是奶奶经常照顾我。My grandma often _ _ _ me when I was a little girl.23. 他为祖国牺牲。He _ _ his motherland.24. 昨天的那个时候他在看电视。He was watching TV _ _ _ yesterday.25. 他们不得不出差几天。They had to go away _ _.2

5、6. 我一整天上课都又累又困。I felt tired and sleepy at school _ _ _.27. 孩子们玩得这么开心。The children were _ so much _.28. 地面突然向谷底倾斜。The ground _ _ to the valley floor.29. 我摆好了桌子准备6个人吃饭。I _ _ _ for six.30. 他醒来发觉自己在医院里。He_ _and found himself in hospital.31. 我们都参与了游戏。We all _ _ the game.32. 在你看来,谁是当今世界上最好的足球运动员?Who, _ _

6、_ is the best football player in the world today?33. 她对朋友们来参加聚会表示感谢。She _ _ _ _ her friends for coming to the party. 34. 谢谢你们的支持。_ _ your support.35. 你为什么不戒烟呢?_ _ you _ _ smoking?36. 每逢星期天,女房东不仅为他提供早餐,还为他提供正餐。On Sundays, the landlady provided him with dinner _ _ _ breakfast.37. 杰里来的时候,我们正准备走。We _ ju

7、st _ _ leave when Jerry arrived. 38. 你至少要花20分钟才能到那儿。It will take you _ _ twenty minutes to get there. 39. 这些花是用我们的零用钱买的。These flowers are bought with our_ _.40. 他正在做的对我来说不重要。What he is doing now doesnt_ _me.41. 对了,您能顺便告诉我怎么去车站吗?_ _ _, can you tell me the way to the station?42. 每次汤姆听她的建议,就会陷入麻烦。Every

8、 time Tom listens to her advice, he _ _ _.43. 他偷走了我全部的珠宝。Hes _ _with all my jewels.44. 他一度住在我们隔壁的那栋房子里。He used to live_ _ _ in the house next to ours.45. 我给他忠告而不是钱。I gave him advice _ _ money.46. 我希望这不是你对该问题的最后决定。I hope thats not your _ _ on the subject.47. 杰米迫不及待地想试一下他的新自行车。Jamie could hardly wait

9、to_ _ his new bike.48. 我已经养成一到家就打开电视的习惯。Ive _ _ _ _ _ switching on the TV as soon as I get home.49. 在伦敦市中心再也不可能找到这么便宜的公寓了。Its _ _possible to find a cheap flat in central London.50. 他为犯如此愚蠢的错误而对自己气恼不已。He _ _ _ himself for having made such a foolish mistake.51. 吸烟是违反校规的。Its _ _ _ of the school to smok

10、e.52. 她有副好心肠,会帮助任何有困难的人。She has her heart in the right place and will help anyone _ _.53. 你不能开车驶入有“不准进入”路标的街道。You mustnt drive into a street with a _ _ sign.54. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的。It is _ _waiting for other people to make your decision for you.55. 难怪你的英语说得这么流利。_ _you speak such fluent English.56. 游泳是老老少少

11、都喜欢的体育运动。Swimming is a sport popular with people_ _ _.57. 我从岩石上方望过去,什么也看不见。I _ _ the rock but saw nothing.58. 他喜欢站在窗口,眺望远方的建筑物。He likes to stand beside the window and _ _ the buildings far away.59. 站在山边俯瞰下方是很危险的。Its dangerous to _ _ when you stand at the edge of the mountain.60. 我向我的左右两边看过去,发现谁也不认识。

12、I _ _ _ _and_ and found out I knew nobody. 61. 老师在瓶子里注满了水。The teacher _a bottle_water.62. 他的电脑又出毛病了。His computer has _ _ again.63. 成功来自努力,而非好运。Success is _hard work _ good luck.64. 总而言之,用英语记日记对提高写作能力是十分有用的。In short, it is of great use to _ _ _ in English for the development of our writing skills. 65

13、. 1969年人类第一次登上月球,那时我12岁。In 1969, the first men landed on the moonI was twelve_ _ _.66. 他去世的消息令我感到震惊。I _ _ _ the news about his death.67. 顺便说一句,今晚到我家串门喝一杯怎么样?_ _ _, why not drop in for a drink this evening?68. 每次他按你的意见办事,总是出麻烦。Every time he listens to your advice, he _ _ _. 69. 帆船在西方是非常受欢迎的运动之一。_ _ i

14、s one of the popular sports in western countries. 70. 姐妹俩开始翻阅照相本。The sisters began to _ _photograph album.71. 尽管结果不尽如人意,我们并没有灰心。_ _ the result was not satisfying, we didnt lose heart. 72. 我想先看看看饮料单。I want to _ _ the drink list first.73. 我试了许多次,但是毫无办法。Ive tried many times, but theres _ _.74. 园丁从树上砍下一

15、根树枝。The gardener _ _a branch from the tree.75. 洪水夺走了成千上万人的生命。The flood took away _ _lives.76. 这张电影票不再有效了。This film ticket is _ _ available.77. 我对他很生气,因为他让我等了很久。I _ _ _him for keeping me waiting.78. 我爸爸每星期给我5英镑零用钱,我把这些钱几乎全花在买唱片和糖果上了。My Dad gives me five pounds a weekas_ _ which I spend mostly on reco

16、rds and sweets.79. 医生劝她暂时不要外出。The doctor advised her to stay in_ _ _.英语期末复习完成句子1答案1. go through 2. a text message 3. a couple of 4. hand in 5. woke up 6. is worried about7. turn off 8. gave up 9. on your own 10. died of 11. lay the table 12. as soon as13. Once again 14. Since then 15. In my opinion

17、16. goes through 17. millions of18. More than 19. on top of 20. all kinds of 21. took a vacation 22. took care of23. died for 24. at that time 25. on business 26. all day long 27. having fun 28. falls away 29 laid the table 30 woke up 31 joined in 32 in your opinion 33 gave her thanks to 34 Thanks f

18、or 35 Why dont, give up 36 as well as 37 were about to 38 at least 39 pocket money 40 make sense to 41 by the way 42 gets into trouble 43 run away 44 for a time 45 instead of 46 last word 47 try out 48 got into the habit of 49 no longer 50 was angry with 51 against the rules 52 in trouble 53 no entr

19、y 54 no good 55 no wonder 56 of all ages 57 looked over 58 looks across 59 look down 60 looked to my left and right 61 filled with 62. Gone wrong 63 more than 64. keep a diary 65. at the time 66. was surprised at 67. By the way 68. gets into trouble 69. Sailing boating70. look through71. Even though 72. look through73. no way74. cut off75. thousands of76 no longer 77 was angry with 78 pocket money 79 for a time


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