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1、五年级第一学期上海牛津版本(含答案)语法一 :根据所给单词适当形式填空全部题型1. When_|_(be) your birthday? _I|ts on the _(5) of June.|2. What time_(do) |the party begin?-|Its_(begin) at two |oclock.3. It s very cold. Lets_(|have) some hot soup new|.4. My sister_(get) up at s|ix oclock every day. She_(get)up |new.5. This black d|og_(swim

2、) very fast. Those whi|tes cats_(run) happily.6._|_(Mary) father likes_(play) f|ootball very_(much).7|. It s is a sunny day. The sun_ (|rise) behind the hill.8. I_ (ride) my bicycle to the train stati|on mow.9. Are the tigers_|(tooth) sharp or blunt?|10. My birthday is on the _(tw|elve)of coffee?-Ye

3、s.1|1. -_Alice often_(read) storyboo|ks?-Yes, she_.12. Look! T|he dog_ (eat) a bone.13. Tast|e the_(cherry).they are sweet.14. Ki|tty always_(go) to school by bus.15. Walk_ (quick) but |(not run) on the road.16. A|lice _ (want) to_(be) a _(trave|l) in the future.She l|ikes_ (travel) around the world

4、.1|7. Ben is a good_(farm|).He is good at _(plant) vegetabl|es.18. My mother is a _(cook).She can _(cook) very_(g|ood).19. There are_|_(twelve) months in a year. Se|ptember is the_(nine).20. Look. The workers_(have) lunch in the canteen.|21. I t s 3:00 p.m. Mary_|_(swim) in the swimming |poor.22. Fr

5、og wants_(fl|y). But he is afraid of_(fly).|23. These_ (pilot) glasses are very c|ool.24. There are many_(child)in the plant house.25. Miss Fang is in the_(teacher) office.26. |Look, Mike is _(rid|e) a bicycle on the playground.2|7. The_(nine) glass is too dirty. P|lease wash it.28. Ho|w_(many) hay

6、is there on the gro|und?29. His uncle_(have) a lot of fruit in his basket.30. Tom_(|study) hard in Garden School.31. Their |teacher_(like)_(paint) very much.32. The |students can dive very_(good)|.33. Today is a_(cloud) day. |There are many clouds in the sky.34|. Today is the_(tw|enty) of May.35. Th

7、ey want_|_(swim) mow. They like _(swim).|36._ _(there be) any |paper on the desk?37|.Its five o clock.Gr|andma_(cook) dinner in the kitchen.3|8._your sister alw|ays_(watch) TV at night?39. M r Hatt|er is good at_(make) hats. He can_(make) hats well.40 .M|y brother_(want) to be a_(sing)|.41. They wan

8、t_(swim) now.42.- Can a cat_(|climb) the tree?-Yes.43.|-_ _(there be) an|y paper in the bag?-No.|44. Its seven oclock .Dad_(wa|tch) television.45.- _y|our teacher_(have)any hot dogs?-|-No, he doesnt.46.-|-Ben,_(not leave) rubbish.-Im so|rry.47. A doctor_(help) sick people.|48. My mother_ (want) a ha

9、mburger. |she_(not want) bread.49. Alices aunt is good at _(sing). S|he is a good_(sing).50. Mary is on_(she) way to her grandp|arents house.51._ _ (there be) any orange juice in the bottle.52. Tom|,_(not play) football in the in th|e classroom.53. -|Wheres your sister?-She_(do|)a puzzle in the livi

10、ng room.54. We dont have any fruit. Le|ts go_(shop).55. T|hese_(wolf) teeth are sharp.56. -|May I have_(some) pizzas?-|-Sure.57. There_(be) a bowl and |five bottles on the table.58. Dont_(|make) any noise. The little bab|y_(sleep).59. -What time _y|our teacher_(go)to sch|ool?-At seven oclock.60. Ben

11、_(no|t watch)TV in the evening. He often_(|read) books.61. Draw different_(b|utterfly) on the paper.|62. -Whats the date |today?- Its the_(two) of May.63 .I go to the library_(two) a month.64|. These_(doctor) offices are clea|n.65. -_(who) pencil case |in that?-Its_(Tom).66. |My bedroom_(face) north

12、. |Its nice.67. Sometimes I talk to_(he) on the internet.|68. Danny and his sister both_(go|) to school by bicycle.|69. These_(baby) eyes are big|.70. -Do you want_(have) some m|ilk?-No, thanks.71. To|m, _(get) up! Its seven o|clock.72. -Wheres Dad?-|He _(watch) the football ma|tch in the bedroom.73

13、. Peter|s father is a_(farm).H|e feeds animals and grows |vegetables.74. The_(twe|lve) month is December.75. My mum |often goes_(shop) with me on Sund|ay.76. It s seven oclock. Joe_|_(write)an e-mail to his friend.|78. M r Zhang _(fly) the p|lane in the sky once a mon|th.79. Peter visits |his grandp

14、arents_(two) a year.80. D|anny,_(do) your homework. It|s eight oclock.81. Does Kitty w|ant_(have) a new B|arbie doll?82. -_your mother|_(go) shopping every Sat|urday?-Yes, she_.83. This is _|_(Mary and Kitty)room.84. M r Smit|h is a music man. But he is go|od at_(swim) too.85. My gran|dfather_(play)

15、 the piano once a week.86. -Can Dan|ny_(come) to my birthday party?-Sure.87. Chr|istmas Day is on the _(25) of December.88. The Mu|sic Class_(begin)at two oclock in the afternoon.89. Peter_(have) a blue T-shirt. B|lue is _ (he) favourite col|our.90. Kitty and Mary both want|_(be) doctors. They want_

16、(help) sick people.91. The |children_(not live) with their |grandparents. They visit them_(two|) a month.92. The two teams are from different_ (|school),but they both like_(|play) volleyball very mu|ch.93. Mr Zhang_(bakery) some bread once a week. He lik|es to eat it.94. Can I _(try) on the|se dress

17、es?95. I want_(go|) to the zoo with you.96. The emperor_(walk) down t|he street.97. Go along Green Roa|d and turn right at t|he_(two) crossing.98. D|ont go _(cross) the road. It|s the red light.99, Turn right at t|he_(three) crossing.100. Eddie,_(|not drink) the juice.101. D|anny and Ben both like_(

18、help)|people.102. -How do I _(get) to the zoo?-Walk a|long Green Road.103. Loo|k, Kitty and I_(make) some cakes.|104. These_(child) apples are swee|t.105. Helen_(have) an English lesson every day.106. Sam and Spotty_(ea|t) a bone every morning.107. We |can see the crocodiles on_(we) lef|t.108. The b

19、oys of Class One_(be) o|n the playground.109._your te|acher_(have) a nice dres|s?110. Look, Tom_(write) an e-mail to his uncle. Sometimes he_(writ|e) a letter to him.111. Look, the traffic light is green. Steve,_(walk) |along the road.112. -Does Miss Chen|_(teach) students?-No, she_(|do).113. Aunt L

20、i wa|nts _(travel) arou|nd the world.114. That g|irl is afraid of_(skate).|115. Im good at_ (paint).Would you |like_(paint) with me?116. Tom should_|_ (go) to see the dentist and _(|brush).his teeth twice a day|.117. Today is the_(twelve) |of October. Its my birthday.|118. -Where are the_|(child)?-T

21、hey_ (dance)in the music room.119. Sal|ly_(live) on the _(nine) floor.1|20. Listen, the bell is r|inging. Please walk_(quick).121. A|lice and Mary are in |different_(class).122. Im goo|d at_(skip),but Im afraid of_(skate).123. Danny_(visit) |his grandparents_(two) a mont|h.124. -Who is the _(|win)?-

22、Eric is .125. -Can you dive very_ (good)|? -No, Im afraid of_|(dive).126.I like this bedroom. Becaus|e it_(face) south._(there be) en|ough sunshine(充足的阳光)in it.127. Kit|ty is afraid of_(take) some |medicine.128. -Whats |wrong with _(he)?-He_(have) |a toothache.128. Let s_(you)_(like)sw|eets?-Yes, I

23、do.129. There_|_ (not be) any banks arou|nd my home.130. Helen_ |(not have) any_(class)on Sundays.13|1._ (not eat) too many |sweets before bed.132. Jack._|_(wait) on the pavement, p|lease.133. Both of_|_(they) want to be runners. The|y are good at_(run).134. |Her parents often_(fly) kites at we|eken

24、ds.135._ (there be) a lot of people in the park. Look, th|ey_(eat) some fruit.136. Al|ice_ (have) a fever. She sho|uld_(drink) a lot o|f water, take some_(medi|cine) and _(have) a good rest.13|7. My grandparents live on the_(nine) floor.1|38. The firefighters need_|_(many) water to fight the fire.13

25、9. Kitty_(bu|y) a new uniform in the shop no|w.140. Listen! Who_(sing) |in the room next to ours?141. Jane_(brush) her t|eeth twice a day142. This chair_ (be|)_(make) of wood.14|3. Im_ (make) some tea. I must put the hot water into the glass.|144. -Would you like_ (go)_(|skate)?-Of course.145. It s

26、a_|_(snow) day. We should_(driver) s|lowly.146. Look at thi|s sign. It means“No_(smoke)!”|147. It s time for class. We must_(be) quiet!148. The c|hildren fly the kites_|_(happy) in the park.149. Ther|e _(be) a fire. We must_|(drop) water on the fire no|w.150. Can you_(tell)_(we) mor|e about fire saf

27、ety?15|1. The Yangtze River finally_(run|) into the sea.152. The water drop want|s_(fly) up to the sky.153. This c|hair_ (be)_(make) of wood.154|. Im_ (make) some tea. l |must put his hot water i|nto the glass.155. |I often_ (read) books in my spare time. But he often_(run).156. -When is your birthd

28、ay? - Its on the_(two) of February.157. -Wheres your sister, Jane?- She_(paint) in the study|.158. -What do you like? -|- I like_ (cherry) ve|ry much.159. These peaches are ve|ry nice. Lets eat_(they) to|gether.160. -What _you_(have)|?-I have some balloons.161. Peter can make_(a) inv|itation.162. Th

29、ere _(be) a fire. We_|_(drop) water on the fire now.163. Can you _(tell)_|_(we) more about traffic rulers?164. L|ittle Water Drop_(fly) over |rivers and mountains.165. Listen|! The wind _(blow)_(strong).167. |This wind-bell_(be)_(make) |of glass.168. That_|(boy) plums are very sour.169. Th|e raw mea

30、t does not taste_(well)at a|ll.170 .Kitty is not_(feel) w|ell today. She _(go)to th|e hospital with her mum.171. -|-What _Janes mother_(do)|?-She_ (wash) the dishes.172. It s 7:00|. we_(have) breakfast at the |table.173. Toms fat|her teachers_(we)Chi|nese. Hes a good_(teach).174. -|-How many_(raindr

31、op|)?-There_(be) one.175. The bell on |the bike goes_ (loud).176. Look |at the windmill. It_ (move|) quickly.177. The box is too_(he|avily).I cant move it.178. The c|hildren fly_(they) k|ites happily.179. The windmill moves_(slow),because the w|ind blows gently.180. -How many_(|match) are there? -Fi

32、ve.181.T|hanksgiving Day(感恩节) is usually on |the_(four) Thursday in Nov|ember.182. You should t_ (|drink) a lot of soft_(drink).T|hey are bad for you |.183. Im hungry .I want to go to the|_(bake) and buy some |bread.答案is fifth does begins have gets ,is getting swims ,run Mary|s, playing ,much rises

33、am riding teeth twelfth to drink does, read, does |is eating cherries go|es quickly, dont run wants, be, tra|veller, travelling farmer, plantin|g cook, cook, well twel|ve, ninth are having is s|wimming to fly, flying pilots ch|ildren teachers riding nin|th much has studies likes paint|ing well cloud

34、y twen|tieth to swim, swimming is t|here is cooking do|es. watch making, make wan|ts, singer to swim climb |is there is watching does ,have dont leave helps |wants ,doesnt want singi|ng .singer her ther|e isnt dont play is d|oing shopping wolves some i|s make ,is sleepin|g does ,go doesnt watch ,rea

35、ds butterflies second twice doctors whose, Toms faces him go babie|s to have get is watching geese ,food does, visit i|s watching Marys and roses hav|e Peters, looks once, fifth fa|mer twelfth shopping is writi|ng flies twice do to have does|, go, does Mary and kittys swimmi|ng plays come twenty-fif

36、|th begins has, his to be ,|to help dont live, twi|ce school, playing bakes try to go walks |second dont run does ,need is raining sing, singing are there has does ,ride to sell ,to be to come try is |writing, writes walk teach ,doesnt to travel skatin|g painting, to paint go, brush tw|elfth childre

37、n ,are dancing li|ves, ninth quickly |classes skipping, skating visits ,|twice winner well ,diving fa|ces, there is many, much toothac|he is there dont ea|t themselves taking him, has go do ,like ar|ent doesnt have, classes them ,|running taking hi|m, has go do, like a|rent doesnt have, classes dont

38、 eat wait the|m ,running fly there ar|e, are eating has|, drink ,medicine ,have ninth mu|ch is buying is singing brushes is made making |to go skating snowy, driv|e smoking be happily is, drop tell us runs to |fly is made making ride |,runs second is pai|nting cherries t|hem do, have an does, do, wash|es are having us, teacher raindrops ,is loudly mov|es heavy their


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