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1、2019学年第一学期小学五年级英语期中检测卷(Module 1- 3) (70分钟完成)说明:把选择题的答案编号写在提前的括号里。 听力部分:(40分)(每小题读三次)一、请选出句中含有的信息。(10分)( ) 1.A. 10:30 B. 10:45 C.10:15( ) 2.A.singing B.dancing C. jumping( ) 3. A. November B.December C. October ( ) 4. A. at the school shop B. in the gym C.in the classroom( ) 5. A. What can he do? B.

2、What can she do? C. What can your mother do? ( ) 6. A.run fast B. swim fast C. read fast ( ) 7. A.every day B. every night C. During my holiday( ) 8. A. after school B. play music C. take photos( ) 9. A. goes shopping B. goes fishing C. goes swimming( ) 10. A. make model ships B. make model planes C

3、. take photos二、听句子,请写出句中所缺的单词。(5分)1.Lets sing and dance .2. Im very good at .3. I can do many well . 4.My mun very on Sunday.5.Can you from 1 to 999?三、根据听到的内容,给图写上英文大写字母编号。(5分)( )( )( )( )( )四、听录音,请“”出小朋友的能力。(5分)Name 能力SueKateLilyJimBen五、听句子,选出正确的答语。(5分)( )1. A. My hobby is dancing. B. cartoon . C.

4、music.( )2.A .There are five . B. In the library. C. I have dinner at 6:00. ( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. I can jump high. C. Ok. ( )4. A. No, he cant. B. Yes , I can. C. Yes, she can.( )5 A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes,she does . C. Yes,I do. 六、听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1. Next _ is the start of the school holiday.

5、A. Friday B. Sunday C. Monday( )2. I am going to _ on the first day of the holiday. A. go to my grandpas home B. do my homework C. play with the dog( )3. The dog is _. A. my parents B. my grandpas C. my grandmas( )4. The dog cant _. A. sit on the bench B. stand up on its two feet C. play with a ball

6、笔试部分:(60分)一、找出一个与其他三个不同类的词 。(7分)( ) 1. A. lunch B. dinner C. banana D. breakfast( ) 2. A. playground B. gym C. classroom D. place ( ) 3. A. usually B. never C. play D. seldom( ) 4. A. cute B. chicken C. tall D. strong( ) 5. A. run B. swim C. play D. from( ) 6. A. talk B. speak C. write D. stamp( )7.

7、 A. week B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. Monday二、根据句子和中文意思,请写出单词。(5分)1.Mr and Mrs Chen like to_ (娱乐) on Sunday. 2. They often go to the _ (少年宫) on Saturday. 3. I have _ _ (多于)600 stamps . 4. Lets _ _ (寻找) Ben.5.They always (醒来)very early.三、选择一个正确的答案。(12分)( )1. We have art lesson today. A. a B. an C. the(

8、)2. I love _models,Its my hobby.A. make B. makes C. making( )3. He can_ music well. A.play B. plays C.playing( )4. My brother is good at_ . A. cook B. cooking C. cook well( )5. His hobby is _ A. run B. runs C. running( )6. Its time _ go to the market A. to B. for C. of( )7. Sally usually _ at 6:30.

9、A. get B.is getting C. gets ( )8. I have _100 model cars. A.many B. more C. more than( )9. I _swim very fast. A.cant B. doesn;t C. isnt( )10. Look,the boy_table tennis. A. play B. plays C. is playing( )11. A: _ he sometime do some reading. B:Yes,he does. A. Can B. Does C. Is ( ) 12. A: _ does Chen f

10、amliy very busy ? B: At the weekend . A. When B. Where C. What四、根据上下文,选择适当的词把对话填充完整。(6分)( What , Does , making, of, swimming, hobby )A: are you doing? B: Im a model car,I love making models.A:Whats your ?C:My hobby is .A: Can you swim very fast ?C: course,I can.A: your father like swimming? C:Yes,he

11、 does.五、找出下列句子的正确答语,并把字母大写编号写在括号内。(9分) ( )1. Whats your hobby? A. Im making a model plane.( )2.What can you do ? B. My hobby is colleting stamps.( )3. Can you speak English ? C. No, she doesnt.( )4. What are you doing ? D. I can draw well. ( )5. Who give Jinmin a present ? E. Jiamins parents.( )6. D

12、oes your mother often go shoppingt ? F. Of course, I can.六、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的在括号内写“”,否则写“”。(10分) Africa is the home for many animals. You can find lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles and other animals in Africa. Many people travel to Africa just to see its animals . The zoos in Africa are diff

13、erent from the zoos in other parts(部分)of the world. They are open and theyre bigger.( )1. There are many big animals in Africa. ( )2. You can find polar bears in Africa, because theyre big animals.( )3. People travel to Africa for its delicious food.( )4. Africa zoos are like the zoos in Asian countries.( )5. African zoos are very big.七、假如让你设计一个机器人,你希望它能做些什么事情呢?。(至少写五句)(5分)I have a robot. It can walk.It _ _


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