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1、2016学年上宝中学初三(上)期中复习试卷I. Choose the best answer.1. _ maths, we study Chinese, English, physics and chemistry in school.A. ExceptB. BesidesC. BesideD. Except for2. Before you sleep, make sure your room is _ locked.A. fluentlyB. securelyC. gentlyD. luckily3. Neither you nor he _ to Guilin before.A. hav

2、e goneB. have beenC. has goneD. has been4. I wonder if you _ the invitation yesterday.A. sendB. sentC. has sentD. will send5. All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home.A. encouragesB. encourageC. is encouragedD. are encouraged6. Under a big tree _, half sleep.A. did sat a fat man

3、B. a fat man satC. did a fat man satD. sat a fat man.7. Mrs. Zhang hasnt decided _.A. how do itB. how to doC. what to do itD. what to do 8. I remember the most important points of the story, but I have forgotten the details. The underlined part means “_”A. mainB. chiefC. responsibleD. ideal9. Could

4、we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon? -Sorry, lets make it _ time.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. other 10. There was nothing _ a small suitcase in the room.A. besidesB. except forC. besideD. except11. Do you know _ the children listened to yesterday evening?A. howB. whenC. whatD. why12. T

5、he manths problem is too difficult for _ in our group to work out.A. someoneB. no oneC. anyoneD. everyone13. The Greek made a joke _ the Trojans.A. onB. aboutC. atD. in14. She determined to _ in her life.A. successB. succeededC. succeedD. successful15. I was reading alone in my study last night _ th

6、e telephone rang suddenly.A. whileB. whenC. as soon asD. Sincerely yours, 16. He gets up early every day _ Sunday, because he wants to have a good rest.A. besidesB. except forC. except thatD. except17. Mr. Green _ Beijing since three years ago.A. has come toB. wentC. had inD. has been in18. I dont b

7、elieve he has finished his work, _?A. have IB. has heC. havent ID. hadnt he19. Look at the sign. Reading aloud is not allowed in the reading-room. -Oh, Im sorry, I _.A. dont noticeB. didnt noticeC. wasnt noticeD. wasnt notice20. They could hardly understand _.A. what was he sayingB. what he was talk

8、ing aboutC. what he saysD. what he was talking21. The policeman failed to take control the robbers by force. The underlined part means _.A. take afterB. captureC. lose controlD. take place22. The child failed to _ in time because of the bad accident.A. arriveB. arrive inC. get toD. reach23. I didnt

9、know he came back _ I met him in the street.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. after24. What he did went _ the bounds of law, which made everybody angry.A. beyondB. behindC. betweenD. against25. I think “The Night of the Horse” is the most famous historical tale. -_.A. I think soB. I think notC. Thats OKD. T

10、hats all26. Would you mind if I smoke here? -_.A. Not at all.B. Never mindC. Yes, pleaseD. Its a pleasure27. The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter.A. except forB. except thatC. except whenD. besides28. He suggested _ on the hard bed to stay healthy.A. to keep practise layingB.

11、keeping practicing layingC. keeping practicing lyingD. to keep practicing lying29. Finally, a taxi _by the boss.A. sent forB. has sent forC. had sent forD. was sent for30. At least 20 people were injured in the fire, _three firemen.A. includeB. includedC. includesD. including31. Books of this kind _

12、well.A. sellB. sellsC. are soldD. is sold32. The doctor asked him _ the medicine with warm water _ other day.A. to take, eachB. take, eachC. taking, everyD. to take, every33. The Yangtze River is longer than _in Japan.A. all riversB. any other riverC. any riverD. any rivers34. He left the room _the

13、windows _.A. before, openedB. after, closeC. with, openD. with, opening35. The classroom was kept _all the time.A. cleanedB. cleaningC. to cleanD. clean36. I prefer to offer more money for a better computer _less for this one.A. to payingB. than payC. to payD. not to pay37. You can borrow two books

14、_in the library.A. at a timeB. at timeC. in timeD. from time to time38. The Trojans dragged the wooden horse into the city. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?A. /39. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. Captain, theyve gone.

15、B. The six Greek soldiers waited for another hour, to be sure.C. His name was Hansen, a common name in Norway.D. No guards stopped them as they opened the main gates40. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A. They made jokes about the stupid Greeks.B.

16、 They all went to sleep, including the gate guards.C. The rude captain was no longer listening.D. There are several rules in our campus.41. The king suspected the crown was not made of gold. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part?A. /42. The incident was captured on videotape. Whi

17、ch of the following is correct for the underlined part?A. /kept43. The students had to stay at school until 6 oclock, _?A. hadnt theyB. didnt theyC. hadnt the studentsD. didnt the students 44. There were _mistakes in the exam _he failed it.A. so many, asB. such many, likeC. so many, thatD. such many

18、, as45. _many high-rises in Pudong new district.A. Stand thereB. There standC. Stands thereD. There stands46. Our school is empty on holidays, _ the guards.A. except forB. exceptC. besidesD. beside47. A: How soon will you leave? B: I am not sure, probably in _ ten minutes.A. otherB. othersC. another

19、D. the other48. Our two astronauts were _ in space last month.A. succeeded in workingB. managed workingC. was able to workD. successful in working49. Dont _me when I am busy.A. excuseB. stopC. interestD. interrupt50. A bridge made _stone is stronger than _made of wood.A. from, thatB. of, thatC. by,

20、itD. up of, one51. Its kind _you to find the exit_ the theater for me.A. for, ofB. for, toC. of, forD. of, to52. The robber was seen _ the police station.A. enterB. to enterC. enteredD. to enter into53. The young people would rather _ from strangers.A. get adviceB. to get adviceC. to get an adviceD.

21、 get an advice54. Julie is one of those women who always _the latest fashions.A. put up withB. come on withC. get on withD. keep up with55. Id like to buy a housemodern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A. in allB. above allC. after allD. at all56. John dragged a heavy case into the room.

22、The underlined word means _.A. took hold of roughlyB. carried something heavyC. pulled heavilyD. push without any effort57. In some provinces, little _to fight against pollution.A. has doneB. doneC. doesD. has been doneII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. Please t

23、ell me the _idea of the text on Page Ten of your Chinese book. (mainly)2. The room was in complete _. (dark)3. He had some _in swimming across the river. (succeed)4. Since then, most have believed that the Odyssey is fiction with a single historical reference -the _War. (Troy)5. The man over there i

24、s a _. (Greece)6. All the _were very satisfied with him and voted for him. (city)7. Nowadays, not only westerners _Christmas Day. Many Asian young people also do that. (celebration)8. Its really _ that they lost the game at last. They had practiced so much for it. (surprise)9. Soon the plane _behind

25、 a cloud and nobody could see it any longer. (appear)10. A month earlier 19,000 soldiers became _ of war. (prison)11. A dream job _not only what you want to do but also who you are doing it with. You should truly enjoy working with these people. (including)12. To our great joy, Yang Liwei returned t

26、o the earth _ after he travelled in space. 13. The decision of stopping the experiment _ everyone at the meeting that day. (surprisingly)14. The Great Pyramids were built by the _. (Egypt)15. At first, nobody noticed the childs _until his mom shouted: “Help!” (appear)16. He is a_ businessman because

27、 he earns a lot of money every year. (succeed)17. The singer sang many songs, _ some of my favourite. (include)18. You are in _ now, and nobody is allowed to hurt your. (secure)19. Its so dark here. I am _ to make out the words you have written. (able)20. The man looked at me _. (suspect)21. Please

28、present your _to the plan. (object)I believe that a journalist should be completely _.22. The _is showing some people around the _places. (history)23. _orders is not allowed here. (obey)24. The elephant is _ than the lion. (weigh)25. Everyone should keep the discipline and you are no _. (except)26.

29、To tell you _, I didnt like the blue shirt. (true)27. Numerous _ have prevented me from finishing the work. (interrupt)28. “Excuse me, where is the _to the exhibition hall?” the man asked. (enter)29. Some adults think travelling by train is far _ than by air. (enjoy)30. According to the report, the

30、_life on the ship is really full of fun. (sail)III. Rewrite the sentences as required:1. The Egyptians have already written down the story. (改为否定句)The Egyptians _ written down the story _.2. Hes never lent money to others. (改为一般疑问句)_he _ lent money to others?3. Mr. Black is famous novelist. The whol

31、e world will honor his contribution. (保持句意不变)Mr. Black is _ a famous novelist _ the whole world will honor his contribution.4. The wooden horse is so big that they couldnt take it away. (保持句意不变)The wooden horse is _big _them _ take away.5. I began to study French at the age of four. Now I am 15 year

32、s old. (保持句意不变)I have studied French _ 11 years _.6. Marys hand writing is the best in her class. (保持句意不变)_ _ handwriting is better than Marys in her class.7. Although there are some spelling mistakes in it, the composition is well written. (保持句意不变)The Composition is well written _ _ some spelling m

33、istakes.8. We often hear her sing English songs after supper. (改为被动语态)She if often _ _sing English songs after supper.9. Nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it. (改为反意疑问句)Nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it, _ _?10. He left Shanghai an hour ago. (保持句意不变)He _ _ _ _ Shanghai fo

34、r an hour.11. Spanish is not the first language in any of these countries. (保持句意不变)Spanish is the first language in _ _ these countries.12. Uncle Li died 10 years ago. (保持句意不变)Uncle Li _ _ _ for _ _.13. I really dont know which book I should choose. (改为简单句)I really dont know _ _ _ _.14. The story ne

35、eds to be funny to keep the readers interested. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the story need to be funny?15. Mary goes to the club to practice playing badminton twice a month. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does Mary go to the club to practice playing badminton?16. The man spent all his life inventing the machine. (保持句意不变)_ _ the man

36、 all his life to invent the machine. 17. My brother doesnt smoke any longer. (改为同意句)My brother _ _ _now.18. Tom neednt clean the room now. (保持句意不变)Tom _ _ _ clean the room now.19. Its not polite to make fun of others in public. (保持句意不变)Its _ to play _ _/make _.20. My sister managed to catch the last

37、 train to Beijing. (保持句意不变)My sister _ _ _ catch the last train to Beijing.My sister _ _ _ the last train to Beijing.My sister _ the last train to Beijing _.21. Dont stay up too late, _ _?22. Linda joined the Party three years ago. (保持句意不变)Linda has _ _ the Party for three year. 23. They have lived

38、in Shanghai since 2002. (对划线部分提问)_ _ have they lived in Shanghai?24. The heavy case weighed ten kilograms. (对划线部分提问)_ _ did the heavy case weigh?IV. Arrange the words in the correct order to make sentences.1. two, set, worked, TV, properly, that months, since, hasnt, ago2. are, middle, time, dont, s

39、o, all, be, you, a, the, school, independent, student, because3. water, about, the, when, for, a, into, servant, Archimedes, poured, problem, some, thought, a bath, him4. city, were, Trojans, sure, all, gates, of, the, the, that, then, securely, made, the, locked5. three, are, some, pictures, famous

40、, historical, places, here, ofKEY:I. 1-5. BBDBD 6-10. DDAAD 11-15. CCBCB 16-20. DDBBB 21-25. BACAA 26-30. ABCDD 31-35. ADCCD 36-40. BACBA 41-45. DDBCB 46-50. ACDDB 51-55. DBAD 56-57. CDII. 1. main 2. darkness 3. success 4. Trojans 5. Greek 6. citizens 7. celebrate 8. surprising 9. disappeared 10. pr

41、isoners 11. inclusive 12. securely 13. surprised 14. Egyptains 15. disappearance 16. successful 17. including 18. security 19. unable 20. suspiciously 21. objections objective 22. historical 23. Disobeying 24. more weightful 25. exception 26. truly 27. interruptions 28. entrance 29. more enjoyable 3

42、0. sailors III. 1. havent yet 2. Has ever 3. such that 4. too for to 5. since ago 6. nobody elses 7. except for 8. heard to 9. is it 10. has been away from 11. none of 12. has been dead ten years 13. which book to choose 14. why does 15. How often 16. It took 17. no longer smokes 18. dont need to 19. impolite tricks on jokes about 20. was successful to succeeded in catching caught successful


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