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1、人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 6 Im watching TV.单元测试卷班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单选题(每小题1分,共20分)( )1Where is Mike?Hes _ a pool.Aswim in Bswimming in Cswiming in Dswimming( )2_ Tom using the computer?No, he _.AIs; is BDoes; doesnt CIs; isnt DIs; doesnt( )3Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother and my grandma _ a big mea

2、l for my family now.Aare making Bbe making Cmake Dmade( )4What are the girls doing?They _ volleyball.Aplaying Bbe playing Care playing Dis playing( )5Do you want to join me for dinner? We can _.Sorry. My parents dont let me go out on school nights.Aget out Beat out Ccut down Dmake soup( )6The apple

3、is dirty. Please _ it before you eat.Aforget Bbuy Cwash Dsave( )7Does your father _ his computer every day?Yes, and now he is _ it.Auses; use Busing; uses Cuse; using Duse; uses( )8Tom usually _ TV in the evening. Hes _ TV now.Awatches; watches Bwatching; watchingCwatches; watching Dwatching; watche

4、s( )9Yang Liwei, a famous astronaut _to Foshan in March, 2012.Acomes Bcame Cwas coming Dwill come( )10Its five oclock in the afternoon. Peter and Jack _ basketball.Aare playing Bis playing Cplay Dplays( )11Where is Mary?She is talking _ the phone with Linda in her room.Aat Bon Cin Dfrom( )12My frien

5、d is watching TV and her mother _ clothes.Awashes Bwashing Cis washing Dare washing( )13My mother_soup. She often_ it for us.Amakes ; makes Bmaking;makeCis making ;makes Dis making;is making( )14 Where do you swim? In the_Alibrary Bmall Cpool Dapartment( )15_ your parents _ TV now?Yes. They are in t

6、he living room.ADid ; watch BAre; watchingCIs; watch DDo; watch( )16Do you want to _ the movies?-_.Asee; That sounds good Blook; Thats a good ideaCwatches; Yes,I do Dlook at; Youre welcome( )17What do you think of zongzi? Oh,its_ . I like it.Abad Bboring Cscary Ddelicious( )18How do you like Li Yund

7、i? - A cool guy! His music_ really beautiful.Atastes Bsounds Csmells Dlooks( )19Thank you for _ me a letter.Awrite Bto write Cis writing Dwriting( )20Who _my parents talking _?Aare;/ Bis;/ Care;to Dis;at二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)Bob and Mike are in the same school, _21._ they are in different classes. Their

8、 favorite _22._ is Chinese. They _23._ Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school _24._ 7:00 in the morning. Today is Tuesday. Bob and Mike are in their own (自己的) classroom.Bob _25._ an English class. Look! He is talking _26._ his English teacher in English. Mike

9、 is having a Chinese class. His teacher is talking _27._ Beijing Opera with them. The students are looking at their teachers. They _28._ carefully (认真地). But one of Bobs classmates _29._ a storybook, because he isnt good at English and he _30._ English.( )21Abut Band Cor Dbecause( )22Asport Blanguag

10、e Ccountry Dsubject( )23Asay Bspeak Ctell Dtalk( )24Ain Bon Cat Dabout( )25Ahave Bis hasing Chas Dis having( )26Aat Bto Cfor Dof( )27Ato Bin Cabout Dat( )28Alisten to Blistening to Care listening Dare listening to( )29Aare reading Bis reading Creads Dread( )30Alikes Bdoesnt like Clike Disnt like三、阅读

11、理解(每小题2分,共30分)(A)Jack (5:00 p.m.)At the moment Im not having a class. Im playing basketball with my classmates in the gym. But my favorite sport is soccer.Peter (9:00 a.m.)Now Im watching the basketball game on TV. Im very happy because Im watching Yi Jianlian playing basketball. I hope he can win t

12、he game.David (10:00 a.m.)Im taking a long holiday. Do you know where I am now? Im sitting in a plane to Egypt (埃及).Mary (8:00 a.m.)Im an air hostess (空姐). Now Im working in the plane. Im helping people find their seats. I like my job very much.( )31Jack likes _ best.Abasketball Bsoccer Ctennis Dpin

13、g-pong( )32Peter and David are _.Atennis Bin different placesCwatching a basketball game Dclassmates( )33David is taking a place to _.AEgypt BChina CFrance DJapan( )34Mary is a(n) _.Astudent Bplayer Cair hostess Ddoctor( )35Its possible (可能的) for _ to meet _.AJack; David BPeter; Mary CDavid; Mary DJ

14、ack; Peter(B)Theres a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work, because they like the beautiful flowers and clean air in the park. Some of them go there every day. Look! Thats Mr. King. He is taking a photo of his son, Jim. They look very happy. Some boys are playing games. Some

15、boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. Theyre talking. Theres a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is singing.This is really a nice park. We all like it very much.( )36Whe

16、re is the park?AIt is near the writers home. BIt is near the writers school.CIts in front of the writers home. DIt is far from the writers home.( )37Why do people like to go to the park?ABecause it is near their home. BBecause it is beautiful and clean.CBecause it is free. DBecause they can go there

17、 after work.( )38There are some _ in the park.Abirds and cats Bflowers and boatsCballs and kitesDhouses and buses( )39Lucy is talking with _.AMr. King Bthe boys CLily Dthe birds( )40Which of the following sentences is TRUE?AMr. King is in the boat with his son.BLily is singing a song in the park.CTh

18、ere are some birds in the trees in this park.DSome boys are playing football in the park.(C)Today Han Meis classmates are having an art lesson in the park. Now they are playing near the lake. The boy in black is flying a kite. He is Li Lei. The girl in red is reading a book. Who is she? Ha,shes just

19、 Han Mei. Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same and they are dancing under a big tree.There is a boat on the lake. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Brown are in the boat. They are their teachers.And now the children are drawing pictures on the grass near the lake. The teachers are teaching how to draw pict

20、ure. But what is Joe doing? Oh.he is Looking for his pencil.( )41Why are the children in the park today?AThey have no classes today. BThey like playing in the park.CTheyre having a class. DTheir teachers like boating.( )42What is Han Mei doing?AShe is looking for her pencil. BShe isCShe is dancing w

21、ith the twins. DShe is reading a book.( )43How many children are mentioned in the passage?AFour. BFive. CSix. DSeven.( )44Where are the girls dancing?AUnder the tree. BIn a boat.CIn the classroom. DNear the lake.( )45Who is Mrs. Green?AShe is their English teacher. BShe is Joes mother.CShe is their

22、art teacher. DShe is Mrs. Browns sister.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题0.5分,共5分)46Boys like the outdoor _(activity).47You should not _(complain) too much about your study.48I love horses and I really want to go _(ride).49When the teacher came into the classroom, all the students _(stand) up.50I_(not notice) the

23、key on the small table just now.51He found Tom _(do)his homework in the classroom.52We went _(camp)in the mountains last summer vacation.53On my way home, I heard a boy _(cry)in the house.54Miss Black _(be) there just now.55Yesterday I _(not have)any money for the taxi, so I _(walk )back to the hote

24、l.五、填写适当的单词补全句子(每小题0.5分,共5分)56He often_ (学习) history in the evening.57Do you know the_(年轻的) lady over there?No.I dont.58Her sons clothes are dirty. She is_(洗) them.59Look! My mother is cleaning our_ (房子).60Do you_(仍然) live there after so many years?61Would you like some_(茶)?62How many_(州) are there

25、in the USA?63This_(商店) sells different kinds of things.64There are three c_ in her family.65Ann w_ to be a teacher. Me. too.六、句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)66Tom is playing the guitar. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Tom _?67My grandfather is reading a newspaper. (改为否定句)My grandfather _ _ a newspaper.68She plays the violin in the m

26、orning. (用now替换画线部分改写句子)She _ _ the violin now.69Are they playing basketball? (作否定回答)_, they _.70He is doing his homework. (改为一般疑问句)_ he doing _ homework?七、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)A: 71 ?B: Im watching TV. 72 ?A: 73 .B: Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents arent at home. We can eat out.A: Yeah. 74

27、.B: Lets meet at my home first. Come at half past six.A: OK. 75 .八、书面表达(共10分)76根据提示词,描写Dave一家人在星期天(今天)的活动情况。Grandfather, TV; father, newspaper; mother, cook; sister, book; Dave, homework; busy要求:1. 字数不能少于50个。 2. 可以适当发挥。_参考答案1B【解析】迈克在哪里?他正在游泳池里游泳。Hes是He is的缩写,is后面不能跟动词原形,排除A;is后面可以跟现在分词构成现在进行时,此时is是助

28、动词,swim的现在分词是swimming,排除C;在游泳池要用介词in,故答案为B。2C【解析】汤姆正在使用电脑吗?不,他没有。根据句子结构判断,此句是现在进行时态,缺少助动词be,排除B;以Is开头,答语中必须出现is, isnt,排除D;答语是以No回答的否定形式,is必须用其否定形式isnt,故答案为C。3A【解析】今天是端午节。我妈妈和奶奶正在为我的家人做一顿大餐。根据now判断,句子的时态为现在进行时,其构成为am/is/are+doing,主语My mother and my grandma是复数形式,助动词用are,故答案为A。4C【解析】那些女孩们在做什么?她们正在打排球。问

29、句是现在进行时,因此答语也应该用现在进行时来回答,其构成为am/is/are+doing,主语They是复数形式,助动词用are,故答案为C。5B【解析】你想和我一起吃饭吗?我们可以在外面吃饭。对不起。我父母不让我在上学的晚上出去。A. get out出来,出版;B. eat out在外吃饭;C. cut down砍倒;D. make soup做汤。结合可知,想邀请对方出去吃饭,答案为B。6C【解析】这个苹果很脏。请在吃前把它洗一下。A. forget忘记;B. buy购买;C. wash洗;D. save保存,节省。结合可知,由于苹果脏,吃前要洗一下,故答案为C。7C【解析】你爸爸每天都用他

30、的电脑吗?是的,现在他正在使用它。助动词does后跟动词原形,排除A,B;第二个句子是现在进行时,其构成为am/is/are+doing,因此要填写现在分词using,故答案为C。8C【解析】汤姆通常晚上看电视。他现在正在看电视。根据usually判断,表示经常性的动作用一般现在时,主语Tom是第三人称单数,谓语动词用watches;排除B,D;now“此刻,现在”,常用在现在进行时态的句子中,因此后一个空格应该填写现在分词watching,故答案为C。9B【解析】“著名宇航员杨利伟于2012年3月来到佛山。”根据“in March, 2012.”我们可以知道应该用一般过去时,故选B。10A【

31、解析】下午五点了。彼得和杰克正在打篮球。根据Its five oclock in the afternoon可知此处用现在进行时be doing,主语Peter and Jack是复数,故谓语用复数形式,故为are playing。故选A。11B【解析】玛丽在哪里?她正在她的房间和琳达在电话上一起聊天。on the phone在电话上,故选B。12C【解析】我的朋友正在看电视,她母亲正在洗衣服。根据前半句My friend is watching TV可知此处用现在进行时be doing,主语her mother是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数,故用is washing。故选C。13C【解

32、析】“我的妈妈正在做汤,她总是为我们做汤”。第二空前有often,所以第二空处用一般现在时,且根据主语she可知,用makes,排除B和D。第一空指“我的妈妈正在做汤”,用现在进行时,故选C。14C【解析】“-你在哪里游泳?-在游泳池中”。A.图书馆;B.商场;C.游泳池;D.公寓。根据swim可知,游泳要在游泳池,故选C。15B【解析】“-你的父母正在看电视吗?-是的,他们在客厅”。根据now可知,用现在进行时,且根据主语your parents可知,用复数,故选B。16A【解析】“-你想要看电影吗?-听起来不错”。see the movie看电影。That sounds good听起来不错

33、,用于同意对方建议时使用;Thats a good idea好主意,用于同意对方建议时使用;C.You are welcome不用谢,用于同意对方感谢时的答语。第二空表示第一人提出建议,第二人表示同意。故选A。17D【解析】句子“-你认为粽子怎么样?-很美味,我很喜欢它”。A.坏的;B.无聊的;C.可怕的;D.可口的。根据I like it可知,译为“可口的”,故选D。18B【解析】你认为李云迪怎么样?酷毙了!他的音乐听起来真的很美。A. tastes尝起来;B. sounds听起来;C. smells闻起来;D. looks看起来,根据His music,可知是听起来,故选择B。19D【解析

34、】谢谢你给我写了一封信。Thank you for因而感谢; For是介词,后面的动词应使用ing 形式,故正确答案是D。20C【解析】我父母在和谁谈话?talk to与交谈,与谈话。分析句子成分知句子的主语是my parents,故答案是C。21A 22D 23A 24C 25D26B 27C 28C 29B 30B【解析】短文介绍了鲍勃与迈克是一对好朋友。他们在相同的学校,不同的班级,他们最喜欢的科目是汉语。重点介绍他们在周二这一天的校园生活,还有他们的爱好:鲍勃通常在操场上跑步,他擅长跑步;迈克喜欢与其他的朋友打篮球。21鲍勃和迈克在同一所学校,但他们在不同的班级。A. but 但是;B

35、. and而且,又;C. or或者;D. because因为。相同的学校,不同的班级,表示转折关系,故答案为A。22他们最喜欢的科目是汉语。A. sport运动; B. language语言;C. country国家;D. subject学科。根据后面Chinese汉语是一门学科,故答案为D。23他们说汉语很有趣。A. say说,注重说话的内容;B. speak讲(语言);C. tell 告诉;结合后面 Chinese is very interesting语文很有趣,是说话的具体内容,故答案为A。24他们早上7点来学校。A. in 用在某年某月的前面;B. on某一天的前面;C. at 用在

36、时刻的前面;D. about关于。根据后面7:00in the morning可知,在几点钟前用介词at,故答案为C。25鲍勃正在上英语课。根据后面Look! He is talking可知时态是现在进行时,构成是am/is/are + doing,前面应该也是正在上英语课,所以要用is having,故答案为D。26看!他正在和他的英语老师用英语交谈。A. at在;B. to到;C. for为了;D. of的。talk to sb与某人交谈,故选择B。27他的老师正在和他们谈论京剧。A. to到;B. in在里;C. about关于;D. at在。根据后面Beijing Opera with

37、 them应该是和他们谈论京剧,talk about谈论,故答案为C。28他们正在认真地听。根据前面The students are looking at their teachers可知时态是现在进行时,构成是am/is/are + doing,listen是不及物动词,因为后面没有宾语,listen后不能再用介词to,故答案为C。29但是鲍勃的一个同学在读故事书。前面The students are looking at their teachers可知时态是现在进行时,构成是be + doing,主语one of Bobs classmates鲍勃的一个同学,可知主语是单数形式,故be动

38、词用is,可知答案为B。30因为他不擅长英语,也不喜欢英语。根据前面主语是he,like是行为动词,否定句需要加助动词doesnt,后面用动词原型,故选择B。31B 32B 33A 34C 35C【解析】短文介绍了杰克、彼得、戴维和玛丽四个人在不同时间的活动。31根据第一栏中的句子But my favorite sport is soccer.可知,杰克最喜欢踢足球,故答案为B。32根据第二栏中的句子“Now Im watching the basketball game on TV. 现在我在电视上看篮球赛”和第三栏中的句子“Im sitting in a plane to Egypt(埃及

39、). 我正在坐飞机去埃及”可知,他们是在不同的地方。故答案为B。33根据第三栏中的句子“Im sitting in a plane to Egypt(埃及).”可知,戴维正坐飞机去埃及,故答案为A。34根据第四栏中的句子Im an air hostess (空姐). Now Im working in the plane.可知,玛丽是一位空姐,故答案为C。35根据文中句子“Im sitting in a plane to Egypt(埃及).”以及“Im an air hostess (空姐). Now Im working in the plane.”可知,戴维和玛丽有可能在飞机上相见,故答案为C。36A 37B 38B 39C 40D【解析】这篇文章介绍了作者家附近的一个公园里,有许多人在里面玩。孩子们在里面做游戏,有的踢足球,有的在聊天,有的在河里划船,还有的在唱歌。36根据第一句Theres a park near my home.我家附近有一个公园。可知它就在作家的家附近,故答案选A。37根据第一行句子People like to go to this park after work, because they like the beautiful flowers and clean air i


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