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1、人教版英语五年级上册第四单元测试题Unit4 What Can you Do?姓名 _班级_Listening part 听力部分一、 听音,排序。 二、听音选择你听到的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. look B. cook C. book ( ) 2. A. sweep B. sweet C. sleep( ) 3. A. cook the meals B. sweep the floor C. read books( ) 4. A. clean the bedroom B. wash the windows C. draw animals in the zoo.( ) 5. A. wat

2、er the flowers B. wash the windows C. draw animals in the zoo.三、听对话,然后回答问题。 ( ) 1. What can Chen Jie do ? A: she can cook the meals. B. She can sweep the floor. C. He can empty the trash. ( ) 2. Can Li Yang do housework ? A. Yes, he can . B. No, he can . C. No, he cant. ( ) 3. What day is it today ?

3、 A, Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Friday . ( ) 4. What can Miss Yangs sister do ? A. He can water the flowers. B. She can set the table. C. She can water the flowers. ( ) 5. Are they helpful ? A. Yes, they can. B. No, they cant . C. Yes, they are.四、根据你听的问句,选择答语。 ( ) 1. A. Yes, he can B. No, she cant. ( )

4、2. A. Yes, you can. B. No, I cant. ( ) 3. A. Yes, she can . B. No, I cant. ( ) 4. A. Sure, he can. B. Sure, he cant. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I can . B. Yes, it can. Writing Part 笔试部分五、看图写短语。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 六、选择填空。 ( ) 1. What _you do at home ? A. do B. have C. are D. can ( ) 2. I cant cook the meals ,but my mot

5、her _. A. do B. are C . can D. have. ( ) 3. Im a _boy , I can do housework at home. A. helpful B. good C. tall D. fat ( ) 4. Can you _the floor ? A. set B .wash C. sweep D. make ( ) 5. Petty can water the _. A. floor B. bed C. trash D. flowers ( ) 6.Zip _cook the meals, but he can set the table. A.

6、can B. cant C. like D. have ( ) 7.John, can you do housework ? Yes, I can. _only a little. A. And B, But C. Can D. Do ( ) 8.Come on, John .Lets go to the garden and _. A. pour the water B. water the flowers C. clean the classroom ( ) 9.Dinner is over .I can _. A. wash the clothes B. make the bed C.

7、do the dishes ( ) 10.Its raining. I have to _. A. wash the windows B. empty the trash C. put away the clothes 七、对答如流。 ( ) 1.What can you do? A.Its Sunday. ( ) 2.What do you have on Wednesdays? B.No, I cant. ( ) 3.What day is it today? C.I can wash the window. ( ) 4.Can you water the flowers? D.Grape

8、s. ( ) 5.Whats your favourite fruit? E.We have English,math.八、连词成句。 1. put away can I clothes the _. 2. do you can what _? 3.I like have would to a try _. puter you can a use _? 5. the meals Sarah cook can _.九、阅读短文,判断对错。 Today is Saturday. Peters family is all at home. They would like to do some hou

9、sework. His father says: I can sweep the floor ,and clean the windows. His mother says: I can wash the clothes and cook the meals. Peter and his sister say: Lets water the flowers, empty the trash and put away the clothes. ( )1.It is Saturday today. ( )2. Peters brother is not at home. ( )3.His fath

10、er can sweep the floor. ( )4.His mother can cook the meals. ( )5. Peter cant put away the clothes.十、你是一个有用的好孩子吗?你都能做哪些家务活?请你给整天辛苦劳动的妈妈写一封信,告诉她你已经长大了,可以帮她做家务了。Dear Mom:I am helpful. I can do housework for you. I can _, I can _, I can _, I can _, I can _. Let me help you!Love, 第四单元 一、听音,排序 1. sweep th

11、e floor 2. clesn the bedroom 3. do homework 4. water the flowers 5. cppk the meals二、听音选择你听到的单词或短语。 1. My mother can cook the meals. 2. He can sweep the floor . 3. I often read books . 4. She can wash the windows. 5. Mike can draw animals in the zoo. 三、认真听,然后回答问题。 1. What can you do ,Chen Jie? I can

12、sweep the floor. 2. Li Yang often does housework at home . 3. Its Saturday today. Lets play football. 4. Can you water the flowers ,Miss Yang? Yes, I can. And my sister can water the flowers ,too. 5. Are they helpful? Yes , they are.四、根据你听的问句,选择答语。 1. Can Mike cook the meals ? 2. Can you draw our English teacher ? 3. Can your mother speak English ? 4. Can robot use a computer ? 5. Can a fish swim ?


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