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1、九年级上册英语Unit1 Topic1测试题(仁爱版含答案)九年级上册英语Unit1Topic1测试题(仁爱版含答案) 九年级上册英语Unit1Topic1测试题(仁爱版含答案) 仁爱版九年级上册Unit 1 Topic1同步练习【有答案】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1Many countrysides in China have developed r in recent years2One of the most powerful forms of nonverbal(非语言的)c is body language3The b is ringingIts time to work4L

2、ast Sunday,Jim wrote a c about Beijing Olympics5I cant find a p pen to write with二、根据汉语提示完成句子1 (顺便问一下),where is our chairwoman? She has gone to an important meeting2I often go to (残疾儿童养育院)to take part in volunteer acticities3There are many children in West China still (过着 艰苦的生活)4 (为了)practice oral E

3、nglish,Tom gets up early every day5Hodo you usually (与保持联系)your parents? By telephone6I have (拟定)an outline of my pilation(编纂)7Thanks to your help,I have (取得很大进步)8He is too young (描述)the story (详细地)9They dont live (遥远的)10Almost all parents hope that their children have the chance to (受到良好的教育)and fin

4、d good jobs三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1China is still a (develop)country2I (be)to Lintong to see Terracotta Warriors twice3He (succeed)in finishing the project with his colleagues4She pleted her further (educate)in 2018 and found a good job5Many people in China are considering (buy)a necar this year四、单项选择( )1 We

5、re Nanjings roads in the past? AWhat;/ BWhat;like CHow;look DHow;like( )2The government should give children in poor families lots of Asupporting Bsupports Csupport Dsupportings( )3 The help of my teacher,I got good education AUnder;a BWith;a CUnder;an DWith;an( )4I wont go to see the film tonight,b

6、ecause I my ticket Alost Bhave lost Cwill lose Ddidnt have( )5These students have been to the Ming Tombs Really?When there? Awill they go Bdid they go Cdo they go Dhave they gone( )6Dont worry AHere the car es BHere es the car CHere the car is DThe car here es( )7Is this Mr Chens car? I dont think s

7、oHe pay for this kind of car Acant gone Bhave been Cis rich enough to Dwants to( )8Hodo you like Hangzhou,Miss Read? Ive no ideaI there Ahave gone Bhave been Chavent gone Dhaven;t been( )9Its a lovely dress,but its too dearI cant it Aspend Bpay Cafford Dcost( )10China rapidly in recent years,but our

8、 country is still a country, Adevelops;developing Bdevelops;developed Chas developed;developing Dhas developed;developed( )11May I speak to John? Sorry,he JapanBut he in two days Ahas been to;will e back Bhas gone to;will be back Chas been in;would e back Dhas gone to;wont e back( )12 the soldiers a

9、re very tired, they keep on working They are greatWe must learn from them ABecause;/ BThough;/ CBecause;so DThough;but( )13Will Chinese people have any problems talking with English in a fes years? I dont think soNothe young the old can speak some English Aeither;or Bnot only;but also C/;with Dboth;

10、or( )14I sat in the front of the classroom hear clearly Aso that Bin order that Cin order to Dwhen( )15Im Yao Mings fanI dreamt him last night Really? Awith Bon Cabout Dat五、情景交际根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。TomHello!Glad to meet you!MaryHello! 1 TomMay I ask you some questions?MarySureTomAre you

11、familiar with Beijing?MaryNo,Im notTomHomany times have you been to Beijing?Mary 2 TomWhen did you go to Beijing last time?Mary 3 TomHolong have you been there?Mary 4 Have you ever been there?TomYes,of courseMaryWhat do you think of Beijing?Tom 5 MaryWould you like to go to Beijing again?TomSureMary

12、Here es the taxiTomHi!Taxi!(To Mary)Lets get into it quicklyADuring the Olympic Games in 2018BFor half a monthCGld to meet you,tooDI want to improve my EnglishEOnly onceFI like itGThe environment is enjoyable and the people are friendly,too六、完形填空 Most American families are smaller than those in othe

13、r countriesMost American families have one or two 1 each Children in the USA will 2 their parents home when they groupThey usually live 3 their parents because they want to find good jobsThey often 4 to their parents or telephone themAnd they often go to visit their parents on 5 Parents usually let

14、their children choose their 6 jobsAmericans think it is 7 for young people to deoend on themselves Children are asked to do some work 8 their housesMany families 9 children for doing some housework so that they can learn 10 to make meney for their own useWhat about your family?( )1Auncles Baunts Cch

15、ildren Dgrandparents( )2Aleave Breach Clove Dhate( )3Anear Bfar from Cnext to Dclose to( )4Ae Bdrive Cmove Dwrite( )5AMonday Bweekday CFriday Dholiday( )6Aown Bfirst Clast Dbest( )7Abad Bpossible Cimportant Dwrong( )8Aoutside Baround Cexcept Dbeside( )9Aask Bmake Cpay Dcall( )10Awhat Bwhen Cwhere Dh

16、ow七、阅读理解。A Life in the future will be different from life todayBetween then and nomany changes will take place,but what will the changes be? The population is growing fastThere will be many people in the world and most of sports,watching TV,traveling and surfing the InternerTraveling will be much ch

17、aaper and easierAnd more and more people will go to other countries for holidays There will be changes in our food,tooMore land will be used for(将被用)building netowns and houses for all peopleThen there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will be more expensiveMaybe no one will eat it every

18、dayInstead,they will eat more fruit and vegetablesMaybe people will be healthier Work in the future will be different,tooDangerous and hard work will be done by robotsBecause of this,many people will not have enough work to doThat will be a neproblem根据短内容选择最佳答案( )1In the future,people dont have to A

19、work long hours Bwork fast Cwalk on foot Deat meat( )2People may not eat as much as they do today Afruit Bfish Cmeat Drice( )3One big problem in the future is that Amany people dont have to work Bmany people will not be able to find jobs Cpeople wont have enough food to eat Dall the work will be don

20、e by robots( )4In the future, Ameat will not be more expensive Bputers will be less important Cpeople will be too busy to do sports Dtraveling will not be expensive( )5The main idea of this passage is about Atraveling Bwork Clife in the future DfoodB In 1896,the first modern Olympic Games was held i

21、n Athens,GreeceSince then,many countries have successfully held the Olympics,such as England,France,Germany,Canada,the USA,Spain and AustralliaAfter more than a century,the games returned to its hometown When people hold the Olympic Games,they always make an emlem(会徽)The emblem of the Athens Olympic

22、 Games was a white circle of love branches in the sky In 2004,Athens developed a spirit of peaceAn officer said,“While in Athens,the world should be at peaceWe hope the peace is not just for a short timeWe would like the message from the Athens Games to help countries e together and solve their prob

23、lems” The Olympic Games has been held in ChinaAnd China has already made a seal(图)as the emblem of the Beijing 2018 Olympic GamesThe emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means“Chinese sealdancing Beijing”The character in the emlem is “Jing”It meas the capital of China and it is li

24、ke a runner or a dancerThe running figure(人形)of the emblem shouws the spirit of the Olympicsfaster,higher and stronger根据短内容选择最佳答案。( )1Whats the main idea of this passage? AAn emblem BThe spirit of Olympic CModern Olympic Games DDancing Beijing( )2What do people always make when they hold the Olympic

25、 Games? APictures BAn emblem CA flag DA map( )3What message does the Athens Olympic Games want to give? AWar BLuck CDanger DPeace( )4Homany years have passed when Athens again held the Olympic Games? A100 B104 C108 D112( )5The spirit of the Beijing 2018 Olympic Games is Ahistory and friendship Bfast

26、er,higher and stronger Crunning and dancing Dpeace,friendship and development参考答案一、1rapidly 2munication 3bell 4position 5proper二、1By the way 2the disabled childrens home3having a hard life 4In order to5keep in touch with 6drawn up7made great progress 8to describe;in detail9far away 10receive/get a good education三、1developing 2have been 3succeeded 4education 5buying四、1B 2C 3B 4B 5B6B 7B 8D 9C 10C 11B 12B 13B 14C 15C五、1C 2E 3A 4B 5G六、1C 2A 3B 4D 5D 6A 7C 8B 9C 10D七、A1A 2C 3B 4D 5C B1C 2B 3D 4C 5B


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