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1、Unit 5 单元测试题一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Did he tell you _ joke?No. He told me _ interesting story.A. an; a B. a; a C. an; an D. a; an2. Mrs. Zhang is 42 years old, but she always dresses up _ a girl.A. of B. like C. to D. for3. Why do you love him?I have no _ for it. It is only

2、 a feeling.A. dream B. habit C. reason D. question4. Mrs. Qin isnt here today. Ill take her place _ the park.A. cleaning B. clean C. to clean D. cleans5. The story is _. Children can learn a lot from it.A. short B. boring C. difficult D. educational6. Your cousin can paint well.Yes. He _ his paintin

3、gs.A. is famous for B. is famous as C. is good for D. is good with7. Where is Jim?He _ be in his room, but Im not sure.A. should B. might C. must D. need8. The TV show is boring. I cant _ it.A. stand B. stop C. read D. finish9. John said he would come to my party, but he didnt _.A. forget B. appear

4、C. leave D. wait10. You cant expect _ a new language in a few months.A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to learn11. Why do you like this kind of movie?Because it always has _.A. nothing enjoyable B. enjoyable nothingC. something enjoyable D. enjoyable something12. What do you plan _ during the holid

5、ays?A. doing B. to do C. do D. to doing13. Did you _ what was in that room at last?Yes. It was a cat.A. come out B. find out C. bring out D. blow out14. How do you like the watch? _. A. Its from my motherB. I am happy C. It is for children D. I love it 15. You look sad. _?I lost my mobile phone on m

6、y way to school.A. How did you like it B. What happenedC. Where did you go D. How about you 二、 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。易读度Not everyone is successful in making their dreams come true. 16 Walt Disney was.Usually, mice are not popular, but Mickey Mouse 17 many peo

7、ples hearts. Movies about Mickey Mouse are popular 18 everywhere in the world for more than eighty years. Walt Disney made this 19 cartoon character. When he was young, Walt Disney was interested in drawing cartoons. And he tried to 20 better ways of making cartoons move. At that time, some movies j

8、ust started to use 21 . So Disney decided to put sound in his cartoons, too. People were 22 when they saw Mickey Mouse talk on the movie screen. Mickey became popular 23 both young and old.Later, Walt Disney 24 to build a new kind of amusement park (游乐场). He hoped to bring a clean, good and beautifu

9、l world to people of all ages. 25 Walt Disney made his dream come true. In 1955, Disneyland opened in the USA and became the most successful amusement park in the world. ( )16. A. So B. But C. And D. Or( )17. A. wins B. loses C. breaks D. shares( )18. A. hardly B. neverC. almost D. ever( )19. A. mea

10、ningless B. boring C. serious D. famous( )20. A. give B. keep C. make D. find( )21. A. sound B. color C. news D. joke( )22. A. unlucky B. educational C. excited D. rich( )23. A. with B. of C. at D. by( )24. A. finished B. started C. forgot D. remembered( )25. A. At first B. At least C. In the past D

11、. In the end 三、情景交际 (每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。A: Hi, Frank! (26)_B: Animal World. A: Oh, I like Animal World, too. Its very interesting.B: (27)_A: Talk shows?B: Yes, they are enjoyable. (28)_ A: I dont like them. They are boring.(29)_B: I dont like watching it. Its too serious.A: (30)_B: May

12、be youre right. A. But you can know whats going on around the world by watching the news.B. I want to watch the news tonight.C. Whats your favorite TV show?D. But I will watch talk shows tonight.E. What do you think of them?四、 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分) A 易读度If you are like me and you love drawing a lot, the

13、n Im sure youll love “Drawing With Mark”. “Drawing With Mark” is a great show and Mark is really helpful. He gives kids some tips (窍门) on how to draw and often teaches kids some history about the things they draw. Kids can also learn three or four fun facts about what they are drawing.“Happy Tails”

14、is about cats and dogs. Mark shows how to draw them and talks about how to look after them, too.In “A Day With The Dinosaurs”, Mark visits the Museum of Boston and speaks to an expert (专家) to learn how the dinosaurs lived, what they ate and how long they lived. In “Reach For The Stars”, Mark is also

15、 at the Museum of Boston. He speaks to another expert about the stars. I learned how far we are from the stars. I thought that the stars were just about 100 miles (英里) from us, but they are millions of (数百万的) miles from us. Thats really far!If you love drawing, you can watch this show. You can have

16、fun with the tips Mark gives you. The tips will help you to become an artist. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. Whats “Drawing With Mark”?A. A movie. B. A book. C. A show. D. A magazine. ( )32. Whats “Happy Tails” about?A. Cats and dogs. B. Stars and the moon. C. Dinosaurs. D. Artists. ( )33. How does Mark learn

17、how long the dinosaurs lived?A. By reading a book. B. By talking with an expert. C. By surfing the Internet.D. By watching TV. ( )34. Where does Mark go to learn about the stars?A. To a zoo. B. To a museum. C. To a library. D. To a gym. ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

18、A. Kids cant learn any history about the things they draw. B. Mark thought the stars were very far from us. C. The writer likes “Drawing With Mark” a lot. D. Mark cant draw any kinds of animals.B 易读度Lots of kids want to keep healthy by eating well. Heres something kids can do to eat healthily: Learn

19、 the difference between Go, Slow and Whoa foods.The U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute asks kids to start thinking about whether (是否) foods are Go foods, Slow foods or Whoa foods.Go foodsThese foods are good to eat almost anytime. They are the healthiest ones. Examples: tofu, water, fresh

20、 fruits (apples, oranges, bananas, etc.) and fresh vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, etc.). Slow foodsWe should eat these foods sometimes. We shouldnt eat them every day. At most (至多), eat them a few times a week. Examples: 100% fruit juice, sports drinks and pancakes.Whoa foodsThese foods should make

21、you say that Whoa! Should I eat that? Whoa foods are the least healthy. Examples: ice-cream, cakes and candy.Now you know the difference between Go, Slow and Whoa foods. You can choose what to eat. Be sure to tell your parents about the three groups. Then everyone in the family can learn when to say

22、 Go and when to say Whoa!根据材料内容补全下列句子,每空一词。36. Kids should learn the _ between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods to eat _. 37. We should eat _ _ like tofu almost anytime. 38. Pancakes and sports drinks are both _ _. 39. Whoa foods are _ _ healthy foods in the three groups of foods. 40. Kids should tell _ _ a

23、bout the three groups of foods. 五、 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A) 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。41. Whats your dream?I h to be a police artist.42. Anna is the main c in the film.43. The program is m . We cant learn anything from it.44. Tom l his pet dog last Sunday. He still cant find it now.45. The party was very s .

24、All of us enjoyed it.B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。46. Many people are there. Whats _(happen)?47. The news in yesterdays newspaper _(be) wonderful.48. We were _(lucky) we didnt win the soccer game.49. Alex might _(come) to visit you this afternoon.50. My uncle loves meeting people from different _(culture

25、).六、完成句子 (每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 后来他变得很富有。Later he _.52. 他们正在讨论电视节目。They are _ about TV shows.53. 我弟弟喜欢看动作片。My brother likes watching _. 54. 上周他在篮球比赛中表现很出色。He _ in the basketball game last week.55. 我还未准备好做出决定。I _ come to a decision.七、综合填空 (每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,

26、每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。易读度 decide, but, run, kind, although, when, follow, win, dog, young, well, seeDad and I planned to go to the park to fly a kite last Sunday. (56)_ Dad and I walked to the park, we saw dogs everywhere. Big dogs, little dogs, old dogs and (57)_ dogs were all running around. We (58)_

27、a sign (标牌) and it said “Dog Show”. We (59)_ to watch.There were different (60)_ of games at the dog show. One of the games was “Show”. The judges (评判员) watched how the dogs looked and acted. The (61)_ was a dog named Shasta. In another game, the dogs had to (62)_ a mans orders. The dogs had to jump

28、 over things and run to the destination (终点). One black dog (63)_ quickly, but he couldnt follow the orders, so he didnt win. A white dog won the game. He followed the orders very (64)_ and finished quickly.Later, Dad said it was time for lunch. So we went home happily. (65)_ I didnt fly a kite, I t

29、hought I had a wonderful time.八、书面表达 (20分)下面是黛安娜(Diana)一家对不同电视节目的看法。请你根据表格内容及所给提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍一下她一家三口对一些电视节目的好恶程度。_参考答案一 1-5 DBCCD 6-10 ABABD 11-15 CBBDB二16-420 BACDD 21-25 ACABD三26-30 CDEBA四 31-35 CABBC 36. difference; healthily37. Go foods 38. Slow foods 39. the least40. their parents五41. hope

30、 42. character 43. meaningless44. lost45. successful 46. happening 47. was48. unlucky 49. come 50. cultures六 51. became very rich 52. having a discussion53. action movies 54.did a good job55. am not ready to七56. When 57. young 58. saw59. decided60. kinds 61. winner 62. follow63. ran64. well65. Altho

31、ugh八One possible version:Dianas family like different kinds of TV shows. Diana doesnt mind sitcoms. Her father doesnt like them, but her mother loves them. Diana cant stand action movies, and her mother cant, either. But her father likes them. Diana likes sports shows. Her father doesnt mind them, and her mother doesnt like them. Diana loves soap operas, but her father cant stand them. Her mother doesnt mind them. Diana also loves Talk shows. Her father doesnt mind them, and her mother likes them.


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