北京市西城区年初二第二学期期末考试英语试卷及答案[](DOC 15页).doc

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1、二、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。12Lets make a cake for TonyIts _ birthday todayAher Bhers Chis Dhim13We have to get up early tomorrow morning,_ we will be late for the 6:30 trainAand Bor Cif Dso14The basketball team played well,but they didnt _ the competitionAscore Bbeat Cfail Dwin15

2、Sally is leaving tomorrow,and we will go to the airport to _Asee her off Bsee off her Cpick her up Dpick up her16The young man gave his life _ the little boy,and everyone thought he was a real heroAto saving Bsave Csaved Dsaving17一Whose exam paper is it? 一It _ be Li LeisHe always forgets to write hi

3、s name on itAcant Bcan Cmustnt Dmust18You cant go out and play _ youve done your homeworkAwhen Bsince Cwhile Duntil19_ he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his fatherABut BThough CSo DBecause20I remember _ you somewhere YesWe met in Shanghai two years agoAto meet Bmeeting Cmet Dme

4、et21一Whats the article about? It tells us _ about nature Asomething interesting Binteresting somethingCanything interesting Dinteresting anything22一Do you know if DrWhite _ for dinner this evening? 一No,but I think he _ if he is free Awill come;comes Bwill come;will comeCcomes;will come Dcomes;comes2

5、3 What did your English teacher say about your pronunciation? He said that _ betterAcould I do Bwill I do CI will do DI could do24一What should I do _ such mistakes? 一Be more careful Ato avoid making Bavoid makingCto avoid to make Davoid to make25一Do you know _,Tomy? Next FridayI think AWhen will she

6、 be back Bwhen does she come backCwhen she will be back Dwhen she comes back26 Could you be here at three oclock? _Ill be at the meeting at that time AI hope not BDont mention itCIm afraid not DNo problem三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 When I was thirteen,my family moved from Bos

7、ton to Tucson,Arizona_27_ the move,my father asked us to get together in the livingroom on a freezing January nightMy sisters and I sat around the fire,and we did not _28_ that the universe would suddenly change its course(轨道)“In May,were moving to Arizona”said my fatherThe words,so small,didnt seem

8、 _29_ enough to hold my new lifeBut the world changed and I woke up on a train moving across the country I watched the views outside the window _30_ from green trees to plains(平原)and to high mountainsAt that time I also saw some strange new plants Finally,we arrived and settled(安顿)into our new home

9、When my older sisters were still _31_ for losing friends,I started to explore our new neighborhood One afternoon,I was out exploring _32_ and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌)I moved closer and looked at it“Youd better not _33_ that” I turned around to see an old woman “Are you new to this neighborhood?

10、” I explained that I was“My name is Ina ThorneDo you know anything about life in the _34_? It must be quite different from living in Boston” How could I explain how I found the desert? I couldnt seem to find the right words“Its big and wild,”She _35_ That was itThat was the feeling I had when I firs

11、t saw the mountains of my new home, At that moment,I understood how much my _36_ had changed and would change with just a few simple words“Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you things about plants in the desert”27ADuring BUntil CAfter DBefore28Ahope Bimagine Crealize D

12、believe29Agood Buseful Cbig Dhelpful30Amove Bchange Crun Dbecome31Aworried Bexcited Csad Dafraid32Aas well Bas usual Cat once Don time33Atake Btouch Chold Dhurt34Adesert Bcity Ccountry Dmountains35Aanswered Bagreed Cdecided Doffered36Aidea Blife Chome Dfatally四、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)阅读三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给

13、的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。37How many lines can you take at Xizhimen Station?AOne BTwo CThree DFour38How many stations are there from Xizhimen to Beijing South Railway Station? ATen BNine CEight DSeven39How long will it take for a single trip?AAbout 2 minutesBAbout 24 minutesCAbout 48 minutesDAbout 96 minutesBTo

14、day,our word is“hello”Where did the wordcome from? There are all kinds of ideas Some say it came from a French word meaning“ho”thereThis greeting may have arrived in England during the Norman Conquest(诺曼底登陆)in the year 1066“Ho”there changed slowly over the years and became todays“hello” Another stor

15、y of this word says it came from the word“hallo”People often use“hallo”in England in the 1300s during the days of poet(诗人)Geoffrey Chaucer200 years 1ater, in William Shakespeares time,“hallo”had become“hello”and sailors and hunters(捕猎者) used sound like“horllo”and“hollo” A Brooklyn college professor,

16、Helen Curlisburg,reported that he had found that true story behind the word “hello”He said American inventor,Thomas Edison,created itProfessor Curlisburg said that at first Edison used the word “hullo” when working on his sound recording machineLater,when Edison became interested in the telephonehe

17、changed the wordProfessor Curlisburg offered evidence for his ideaHe discovered a letter written by Thomas in 1877 to a businessman in the city Pittsburgh,PennsylvaniaPittsburgh was about to get a telephone system(系统)In the letter,Edison suggested using a word“hello” Thomas Edison did not invent the

18、 telephoneAlexander Graham Bell didBell wanted people to use a different word when they began speaking on the telephoneHe liked the word sailors used to communicate(交流)with another ship:“Ahorli” Edisons word,however, proved more popular It was a shorter and better way of saying:Are you there or are

19、you ready to talk?40Which country is the word“ho”from?AAmerica BFrance CEngland DGermany41The word “evidence” in the fourth paragraph means _Asymbols Bfacts Cinstructions Dexplanations42Which of the following sentence is TRUE? AWilliam Shakespeare wrote“hallo”into“hello” BThomas Edison invented the

20、telephone CBell wanted people to use “hello” while speaking on the telephoneDThe word“hello”is more popular than the word“ahorli”43What is this passage mainly about? AHow Thomas Edison created the word“hello” BWhy the word“hello”is so popular CDifferent stories of“hello”DThe relationship between tel

21、ephone and word“hello”CWe liked the first X-Men movie,loved the second,but how about the third and the final one?Many felt disappointed(失望的)that there was a change of directors(导演)But really,if the story is good,so what?X一3 begins in the pastthe day Professor X and Magneto,then still friends,visited

22、 a young Jean Grey to offer her a way to control(控制)her energy,for she could be a very clever or dangerous girl some dayThen we come back to the presentJean died and it made everyone mad,especially her husband CyclopsAfter hearing a voice in his head,Cyclops goes to the lake Jean has died in, only t

23、o find her standing before him She has returned but changedKnowing that Professor X has found a way to do with mutant(变异人),Magneto,now the leader(首领)of mutant,wants to start a war to fight man It seems that the war between man and mutant has come at last,and nothing will be the same ever againDoes t

24、he story sound hard to understand? Good,it should,because it doesThe writers kill characters that are BIGAnd they dont write funny words that could keep the Xmen movie entertaining for yearsBut there are still enough reasons to love X3一its big,its loud,and it has an all-out warAll in all,“XMen 3:The

25、 Last Stand”is just what we hoped,nothing more,nothing lessAnyone who enjoyed the first two will like this one44Why were many people disappointed at the movie X一3 ? ABecause X-Men 1 and 2 are excellent and better than any other one BBecause the actors and actresses changed into others CBecause the d

26、irectors are not the ones who directed X一1 and X2DBecause X-3 has nothing to do with X1 and X245Which of the following is NOT TRUE? AProfessor X and Magneto are important characters in the Xmen movies BIn X一3 Cyclopswife becomes a mutant CThere may be a War between mail and mutant in X一3DProfessor X

27、 and Magneto are still friends at the end of X一346How does the writer of this passage like the movie X3 ?ATerrible BWonderful CAcceptable DDisappointing二、阅读短文还原句子(共5分,每小题1分) 阅读短文,将所给的五个句子还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。It was December 25thMarie,a 13一year一old Australian girl,was happyIt was Christmas,and Maries

28、mother was making a special cake5_ The four coins were for good luckAfter dinner Marie and her family ate the cakeThey found three coins in the cake and put them on the tableWhere was the fourth coin? 6_After Christmas Marie got sickShe coughed(咳嗽),and she couldnt speak 7_Maries parents took her to

29、hospitalDoctors at the hospital looked her over, and then said,“We are sorry,but we cant help her” 8_ She grew up,she got a job,and she got marriedBut she never spokeOne day,when Marie was 25 years old,she got a sore throat(嗓子疼)at workShe began to cough9_ What was it? Marie didnt knowShe took it to

30、the hospital A doctor at the hospital said,“This is a coin!”The doctor told Marie,“I think you can speakagain”Marie went to a special doctor,and soon she could talk三、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中英文提示,完成句子。10他一回来,你最好就告诉他这个好消息。 Youd better tell him the good news _ he comes back11这个小女孩晚上害怕一个人出去。The little girl

31、_ go out alone at night12学会如何交友对于青少年来讲很重要。Its very important for the teenagers _ with others13去年他花了大量的时间来练习写作。 He _ time _ last year14士兵们已经持续工作了很长时间,我们必须让他们停下来休息。 The soldiers _ for so long _ a rest四、阅读短文回答问题(共5分,每小题1分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 It began with one red paper clip(回形针)and ended with a houseKyle

32、MacDonald,a 26-year-old Canadiangot a house with three bedrooms through 14 trades(交易)that started with a single red paper clip Now more and more young people around the world like this kind of trading activitiesThey set up websites and trade on the InternetPeople call trade things they do not usuall

33、y use with other peopleA website called Peerflix allows people to trade their old DVDsThese traders usually prefer facetoface trading,in this way they dont have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery(递送)。 Last year,a young girl in Beijing decided to follow the example of KyleShe started

34、 with a paper clip and hoped to get a house in the endAfter several trades she now has a piano which is worth(价值)more than 10,000yuanBut she may still have a long way to goMaybe you cant understand why people are doing thisAs Kyle said,“Whats more important to a man in the desertone million dollars

35、or a glass of water? Kyles words probably show why these trades are popular among young people15Do young people like the trading activities?16Where can people trade things they do not usually use?17Why do these traders usually prefer facetoface trading?18What did the Chinese girl hope to get at the

36、end of the trade?19Why are the trade activities popular among young people?五、书面表达(共10分)根据中文提示和英文书信内容,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其字数不计人所完成的回信内。假如你叫Mary,是王丽的笔友。你收到了她的电子邮件。要求根据她来信的内容写一封回信。针对她的困惑,谈谈你的想法,并提出建议。 提示词语:dishonest,care about,worried,choose,follow,explain,successfulDear Wang Li,Glad to read your letter_Yours,Wang Wei16 / 16


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