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1、毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _-在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效-绝密启用前2020年山东省东营市初中学业水平考试英 语(总分120分 考试时间120分钟)注意事项:1.本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为选择题,65分;第卷为非选择题,55分;共120分。2.答题前请务必将姓名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷和答题卡相应位置上,考试结束后,试卷和答题卡一并收回。3.答题前请务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。4.听力填表题为第卷的第四大题。第卷(选择题,共65分)一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听

2、两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1. A. Dont mention it.B. Glad to hear that.C. Ive just got a new iPad.2. A. Lets go shopping this weekend.B. Im sorry. I dont really agree with you.C. I agree. Old people dont like shopping online.3. A. Sorry, I am new here.B. Good luck!C. Thats very kind of you.4. A

3、. That sounds great.B. Thanks. Ill take your advice.C. Youll have a good time, I hope.5. A. Yes, Id love to.B. Thats a good idea.C. Sorry. He will not be free until July 16.(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。6. Where is Thailand?A. In South Asia.B. In East Asia.C. In Southeast Asia.7. Wha

4、ts the relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Patient and doctor.C. Customer and manager.8. What can we learn from the dialogue?A. People cant live on the moon.B. The boy will go to the moon.C. Mom doesnt like living on the moon.9. Why did the girl choose Mr. Jacksons course?A.

5、 His lesson is interesting.B. There are many students in his class.C. His course is much easier for her.10. Why does the woman call the man?A. Ask for help.B. Ask for some information.C. Introduce her daughter to the man.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间)11. Where are the

6、y going on vacation?A. Europe.B. Africa.C. The countryside nearby12. Why doesnt the woman choose the places that the man suggests?A. Because they dont have enough money.B. Because she wants to enjoy the fresh air.C. Because she expects to eat the delicious local special food.13. When are they going

7、on vacation?A. Tomorrow.B. Next Monday.C. The day after tomorrow.14. How are they going on vacation?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By train.15. What is the man going to do tomorrow morning?A. Check the car.B. Buy the tickets.C. Check the weather.(注意:请同学们翻到第卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)二、单项选择(共20小题,计20分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能

8、填入句中空白处的最佳答案。16. Washing hands properly is _ good way to prevent us from COVID -19.A. aB. anC. theD. /17. Everyone in our neighborhood loves my grandma because she is _ kind to others.A. neverB. alwaysC. seldomD. sometimes18. .Most parents think that it is the happiest thing to spend time with _ chi

9、ldren.A. hisB. ourC. yourD. their19. When Anna opened her wallet, she was surprised to find _. It was empty.A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything20. An electronic _ is a smart guide. It can lead us to the place we want to go to.A. eyeB. mapC. bookD. dictionary21. Mummy, why do you have grey

10、 hair? Because you always make me _. Oh, I know why my grandmas hair is white.A. boredB. worriedC. relaxedD. surprised22. Han Hong is a talented singer. She can not only sing _ but also write her own songs.A. quietlyB. clearlyC. loudlyD. beautifully23. Wingsuit Flying(翼装飞行) is one of the most _ spor

11、ts in the world. Nearly 30% people who take part in it may lose their lives.A. famousB. excitingC. dangerousD. interesting24. Take care while walking along the wet hill path (小径). You may fall and hurt _. OK. Thanks for reminding me.A. itB. youC. yourselfD. yourselves25. My pet dog is lost, Mary. Im

12、 sorry to hear that. Why not put an ad(广告) in the newspaper? Dont be silly. He cant _.A. hearB. readC. speakD. write26. _ he is dead, Kobe Bryants spirit will continue to influence us.A. IfB. UntilC. BecauseD. Although27. Many jobs require people who are good at English. If your English is good, you

13、 will have one more _ when searching for jobs.A. methodB. interestC. advantageD. examination28. We will have a 2. 5-day weekend soon. _ exciting news! We can hang out on Friday afternoons.A. HowB. WhatC. How anD. What an29. Many mothers smiled from ear to ear when they got the news that children cou

14、ld go back to school.Thats true. It is the _ that they had been looking forward to.A. dayB. periodC. vacationD. festival30. 5G, as a new global network (全球网络) after 3G and 4G, will certainly _ our life in many ways.A. copyB. breakC. changeD. control31. Many students hated to have classes on DingTalk

15、, _ they gave it one-star reviews(评价).A. soB. orC. butD. while32. We asked 200 students in our school about whether they wanted a younger brother or sister Here are the results.It shows that _ percent of them dont want to have one. This is a big problem.A. 10B. 40C. 50D. 8033. We should _ to buy pro

16、ducts that come from wild animals. A large number of them are in danger.A. stopB. decideC. refuseD. continue34. By the end of 2025, garbage-sorting systems(垃圾分类系统) will be _ in Dongying.A. set upB. given upC. shut offD. brought out35. I wonder _. Well, I think Qingfeng Lake Park is a good choice.A.

17、what I shall sell at my street stall(货摊)-在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效-B. whom I could open a street stall withC. if I can open a street stall after workD which is the best place for a street stall三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AIt is a hot summer day. Clara is drinking juice i

18、n the yard. Her mom is cutting grass with a lawnmower(割草机). The lawnmower is loud, and Clara wishes her mom would play with her instead. But mom says the grass is very long and has to be cut. Suddenly, the lawnmower stops. Claras mom looks upset. Clara wonders what is wrong. Her mom picks something

19、up out of the grass, and walks to Clara. Claras mom has a little turtle in her hand! As Clara looks closer, she sees that one leg is in bad shape.毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _ “I think I broke its leg,” Claras mom says. “Im really sorry. Will you help me nurse it back to health?”Clara feels bad for the little

20、turtle. Turtles move slowly, so it probably could not run away when it saw the lawnmower coming. And Claras mom could not see it in the long grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her mom will make it right. Clara names the turtle Phillip. They take Phillip to the vet. The vet takes an X-ray of Phil

21、lips leg, and makes sure that it is broken. The turtle gets a little splint(夹板) and bandage. The vet tells Clara that the turtle needs plants to eat, water to drink and a place to live in. Clara and her mom buy a small tank(水箱) for Phillip on the way home. At home, Clara takes good care of Phillip.

22、She puts water and rocks in the tank. She brings him fruit and leaves to eat, and keeps his tank clean. After eight weeks, Clara and her mom take Phillip back to the vet, who says that his leg is healthy again. Clara is both happy and sad. Happy because Phillip is better, but sad because she has to

23、let him go. When Clara gets home, she feeds Phillip some fruit, kisses his back and says goodbye, then lets him go in the yard. Clara will always remember Phillip.36. Claras mom looks upset because _.A. she cant play with ClaraB. the grass is too long to cutC. the lawnmower doesnt workD. she hurts t

24、he turtle by mistake37. What does the underlined word “vet” mean?A. 兽医B. 药剂师C. 饲养员D. 驯兽师38. Clara provides _ for Phillip.A. some fruit, water and grassB. a tank, some leaves and waterC. a splint, a tank and some rocksD. a bandage, some water and leaves39. What does Clara do after Phillip becomes hea

25、lthy?A. She takes him to get an X-ray.B. She feeds him some leaves.C. She lets him go.D. She keeps him as a pet in the yard.40. What do you think of Clara? She is _.A. kindB. politeC. carelessD. creativeBMom was cooking in the kitchen. She could hear the girls arguing in the living room. It was the

26、third time this week that the sisters had been arguing over nothing. A few minutes later, Maria rushed into her bedroom angrily and closed the door heavily. “Come to the kitchen, young lady,” Mom firmly(坚定地) said to Maria in her best mother tone(语气) of voice. Maria walked into the kitchen and shoute

27、d, “I cant stand living with Felicia another minute. I dont ever want to talk to her again!”Mom called out, “Felicia, come to the kitchen right now.”While Felicia was on her way, Mom put two chairs opposite each other but very close together. “Maria, you sit here and Felicia you sit there.” The girl

28、s sat face to face, with their knees almost touching. “Now you look each other in the eye for five minutes,” Mom ordered. At first the girls moved their bodies from side to side. Mom said firmly, “You must stay staring at each other for five minutes. Each minute you dont make eye contact(眼神交流) means

29、 another minute sitting in the chairs. “ They both wanted out, so they had to sit there and look at each other. Felicia looked at Marias pouting(噘嘴的) face while Maria looked at Felicias angry face. They each thought the other one looked ridiculous(可笑的). In fact, they were being ridiculous to fight a

30、nd be mad at each other over nothing. Soon Maria couldnt stand it any longer and began giggling(咯咯地笑) and so did Felicia. They giggled and laughed. Mom wisely didnt say anything except, “Okay girls, you can go now.”41. Maria and Felicia argued a lot this week. What was the reason?A. They argued over

31、 nothing.B. They didnt want to live together.C. They didnt want to talk to each other.D. They each thought the other one was ridiculous.42. Which is the right picture to show the way the girls sat?ABCD43. The right order of the following statements is _. Maria and Felicia stared at each other. Maria

32、 argued with Felicia. Maria and Felicia giggled and laughed. Mom asked Maria and Felicia to sit opposite each other.A. B. C. D. 44. Which of the following is TRUE?A Maria had quite a good relationship with Felicia recently.B. The kitchen is a good place to stop an argument.C. Mom solved the girls pr

33、oblem wisely.D. The girls were under pressure from Mom to make it up (和好).45. After reading the passage, we can know _.A. parents can do nothing about the argument between childrenB. its difficult to deal with the argument between childrenC. there is no need to deal with the argument between childre

34、nD. 5-minute eye contact is helpful to deal with the argument between childrenCOnce upon a time there lived a great storyteller whose stories gave both children and adults a lot of pleasure and enjoyment. He told a story about an emperor who loved new clothes and about a tiny girl who was no taller

35、than a persons thumb(拇指).That storytellers name was Hans Christian Andersen. He was born in Denmark. He wrote more than 150 stories, which are told in many countries. He became the first author to write and publish his own fairy tales. Andersen grew up poor. His father was a shoemaker, and his mothe

36、r could hardly read. Andersen once said, “Most of what I have written is a reflection of myself.” His fairy tale, The Ugly Duckling, about a duckling that is laughed by other animals until it grows up to be a swan(天鹅), was written according to his own experience as a child. His other famous fairy ta

37、les include The Little Match Girl, The Daughter of the Sea and The Snow Queen.Andersens fans celebrated the anniversary(周年纪念日) of his 200th birthday in 2005. People are told his fairy tales in many countries. They organized different kinds of celebrations to remind people of Andersen and Andersens f

38、airy tales.In Denmark, 15-foot-tall puppets(木偶) danced in mid-air every night from May until September. In Singapore, the post office published a series(系列) of Andersen stamps. And in Egypt, the library in Alexandria showed Andersens books, which were translated into 150 languages! In New York Citys

39、 Central Park, storyteller Ellen Shapiro told The Real Princess to a crowd of children.“Andersens stories have everything,” Shapiro told the reporter. “They are funny and sad and enjoyable. I never get tired of them. “Storytellers such as Shapiro love continuing Andersens tradition. Shapiro doesnt m

40、emorize her favorite stories, however. Instead, she learns what happens at the beginning, middle, and end. She changes the words of a story to fit the listeners. So no two tellings of a story are exactly alike.46. What can we know about Andersen according to the passage?A. He was born in Denmark in

41、1820.B. He was from a rich family.C. He was the first author to write and publish his own fairy tales.D. He was laughed by other children because he was a poor storyteller.47. Which statement about Andersens 200th birthday anniversary celebrations is TRUE?A. In Denmark, puppets danced every night fo

42、r half a year.B. In Singapore, the post office published a series of Andersen stamps.C. In Egypt, Andersens fans translated his books into 150 languages.D. In the US, Ellen Shapiro told “The Ugly Duckling” to a crowd of children.-在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效-48. How many Andersens fairy tales are mentioned in th

43、is passage?A. 5B. 7C. 15D. 150毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _49. What can we know about Shapiro from the passage?A. She doesnt like following Andersens tradition.B. She organized Andersens 200th birthday anniversary celebrations.C. She never tells the same story in exactly the same way.D. She is used to reading

44、Andersons stories to her listeners.50. According to the passage, we can know that _.A. All of Andersens fairy tales reflect his own life.B. Andersens fairy tales can bring people a lot of pain and pleasure.C. Andersens fairy tales are only loved by children in 150 countries.D. Andersens fairy tales are funny and sad and enjoyable.D


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