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1、初三年级 英语试卷第卷 客观题 (75分)I. 选择题:(每小题1分,共35分)i从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。1. -When the police arrived, the thieves were out of sight. -What a pity! A. appeared B. couldnt see C. disappeared 2. -We are in great need of food now. -Dont worry. They will provide some food for us soon. A. offerto B. give

2、for. C. offerfor 3. Im sorry, but its too crowded here on the bus, theres no space for you. A. universe B. room C. time 4. Many students complained that there was mountains of homework to do every day. A. a large number ofB. some C. plenty of 5. A healthy diet can guard against diseases.A. protect B

3、. prevent C. produce6. -Did you feel nervous when you stood on the stage?-Yes, but just a little.A. happy and quietB. worried but happy C. worried and afraid 7. -Adult pandas can weigh more than 100 kilograms.-Amazing! After all, pandas look tiny at birth.A. when they dieB. when they are bornC. when

4、 they grow up 8. -Peter, you are welcome to give us a talk.-Thank you. To cut a long story short, I enjoy your plan and I believe you will make it.A. In a few wordsB. By the wayC. After a long time ii根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。9. To _ means to feel sorry for a sad fact or a mistake that one

5、 has made.A. refuse B. regret C. advise10. This factory produces_ products such as milk and cheese. A. daily B. diary C. dairy11. A/An _ is an event or experience that one remembers from the past. A. memory B. ability C. adult12. A (n)_ is a person whose job is to take care of peoples teeth.A. direc

6、torB. engineerC. dentist13. The small town hasnt changed at all. It looks _ the same as ten years ago.A. exactlyB. suddenlyC. finally 14. -Dad, how can I surf the Internet?-First, you must have a computer. Second, the computer should _ cables.A. be made up ofB. be connected toC. be filled with15. -Y

7、our sweet smile _ the customers.-Smiling is an important language when we communicate with people.A. makes a good impression onB. looks forward toC. gets used toiii. 语法单选。16. Ill never forget the days _ we spent together in the country.A. which B. on which C. when D. on that17. - Do you often have y

8、our mother _your clothes? - Yes. But to be exact, my mother has them _ by the washing machine. A. to wash; washB. washes; washedC. wash; washedD. washing; washed18. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ to ask how I am going to spend the money.A. phoneB. will phoneC

9、. were phoningD. are phoning19. Customers are asked to make sure that they_the right change before leaving the shop.A. will give B. have been givenC. have given D. will be given20. We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter the theatre, _?A. do youB. can weC. will youD. shall we21. -Tha

10、nk you so much for helping me with my school subjects!- _.A. My pleasure B. It is very kind of you C. With pleasure D. It doesnt matter22. - Do you mind if I ask you a question? - _.A. Yes, pleaseB. Not at all. Go ahead C. Im afraid notD. Of course not. I am busy 23. -Hes never stolen anything befor

11、e, _ he? -_. Its his third time to be taken to police station.A. hasnt; Yes B. is; Yes C. has; Yes D. has; No24. -The Browns are going to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow.- _ if it _ rain.A. So we will; doesnt B. So will we; doesnt C. So do we; doesnt D. So will we; wont25. Betty _ up early since he

12、r childhood.A. used to get B. has been used to get C. has used to get D. has been used to getting26. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline(最后期限). A. work B. working C. is working D. are working27. She speaks English _, if not better than, her

13、 teacher.A. as well B. as well as C. as good D. as good as28. It is common in _ that people in _ are going to university for further education.A.1990s; the fiftiethB. the 1990s; fifties C. the 1990s; their fiftiesD. 1990s; their fifties29. Hello! I _you _ in Beijing. How long have you been here? A.

14、dont know; areB. hadnt known; are C. didnt know; wereD. havent known; are30. The green house _ the windows face south is our school library. A. of whichB. whoseC. on whichD. where31. Did you notice the little boy _ away?A. took the apple and run B. take the apple and runC. taking the apple and runni

15、ng D. who taking the apple and run32. How long does it take you _ your homework every evening? A. finish doing B. finishing to do C. to finish doing D. to finish to do 33. I have a new teacher. He teaches _ English and I teach _ son Chinese. A. I, himB. my, his C. me, hisD. mine, him 34. -He suggest

16、s that his friend _ to Beijing right now. -I think its a good _. A. should fly , advice B. will fly, suggestion C. flies, advise D.fly, suggestion35. I dont feel like _ such a long trip. Id like _ with my mother at home. A. to make, to stay B. making, staying C. to make, staying D. making, to stayII

17、. 完型填空(每题1.5分,10小题,共15分)Kierman was born in Sydney, Australia, and grew up near the sea. For more than 40 years, he raced in international sailing competitions. In 1987, Kierman was competing in an around-the-world race when he began to _36_ the huge amount of rubbish in the worlds oceans. When he r

18、eturned to Australia, he _37_ to do something about it. He organized a community_38_ called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour.” On Sunday, January 8, 1989, more than 40,000 volunteers came out to _39_ away rubbish. The next year, Kierman made the clean-up a national event. It was a huge_40_ . Across Australi

19、a, about 300,000 people spent the day improving their local _41_ . Since then, “Clean Up Australia” has got _42_ every year. In 2002, for example,800,000 people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australias beaches, parks and streets. Kierman was _43_ with the success of his project. In 2

20、003, he started an even bigger program. With the _44_ of the United Nations Environment Program, he introduced “Clean Up the World”, an international program that supports communities around the world in cleaning up and protecting the environment. “Clean Up the World” has grown _45_ and his wonderfu

21、l idea has now spread from one city to the whole world. 36. A. save B. collect C. notice D. produce 37. A. refusedB. decided C. pretended D. stopped 38. A. law B. party C. company D. event 39. A. clear B. sendC. turn D. give 40. A. problem B. success C. surprise D. failure 41. A. culture B. project

22、C. government D. environment 42. A. older B. smaller C. bigger D. faster 43. A. happy B. angry C. disappointed D. concerned 44. A. need B. help C. hope D. action 45. A. loudly B. gently C. rapidly D. busily III. 阅读理解(每题1分,25小题,共25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项AEveryone knows that chickens lay eg

23、gs. Most people know that all the other birds do as well. But have you ever thought about other animals that lay eggs? They include bees, snakes and some sea animals. When a mother lays eggs, many more babies can be born at once, or in a few days, because there is very little development inside the

24、parent. Animals that do not lay eggs often have fewer babies. Animals lay many eggs because other animals may eat the babies. However, even though some of their babies are eaten, they will still have some more to continue their family. Some animals that lay eggs do not take care of their young. Turt

25、les come onto the beach and dig holes. Then they put their eggs in the sand and leave. A turtle mother can lay as many as 150 eggs. When the babies come out of the eggs, they must find their own way to the ocean. They must learn how to live on their own. Many young turtles get eaten by other animals

26、. Most eggs have an outside shell that keeps the growing animal inside safe. The egg shellalso keeps the young animal from drying out. After the animal is fully developed, it comes out of the egg. The animal grows bigger and bigger. Then it can have its own young.46. Which animals lay eggs? snakes t

27、urtles camels bees chickensA. B. C. D. 47. Why do animals lay many eggs?ABecause other animals may eat their babies.BBecause they use their eggs for food.CBecause they want to have fewer babies.DBecause they want to eat their babies.48. What do we know about turtles?AThey dont look after their babie

28、s.BBaby turtles hate their mother.C. Other animals cant eat turtle babies.D. Turtle babies cant take care of themselves.49. Egg shells can be used to_.Amake eggs more beautifulBmake eggs more tastyClet the young animals dryDprotect the young animals50. The passage is probably from_.Aa newspaperBa sc

29、ience book Ca sports magazine Da story bookBStudents decide to take a job while being in university because of two reasons: on the one hand, they need money; on the other hand, they want to experience something new and they want to see what working means. It is a good chance to know about the societ

30、y and realize the importance of working with others. But is it good to take a job while you are a university student? If we were to think about the advantages, we could mention the ones I have just discussed. Having a job at an early age helps us gain experience, which will be very useful to our lat

31、er life. We may become financially independent and dont need to ask our parents for money each time we want to go downtown with our friends, or spend the holiday at the seaside or in the mountains.However, students who take a job might have problems in spending enough time on their study. If they wo

32、rk during the day, they may have to be absent from their classes, and if they work at night they will feel tired the next day. They may choose to stay at home, resting. Whats worse, some students may even get bored with study.Well, this fact happens every now and then, but there are cases when well-

33、prepared students take a part-time job but at the same time they make time for study, too. And they have good results. Their case is a good example to follow among the students who decide to work while being in university. Anyway, we need to keep in mind that study is the most important job for a st

34、udent.51. The author believes that some college students work _.A. for further educationB. for pleasureC. to support their familyD. to get experience52. According to the passage, college students who take a job can _.A. make more friendsB. prepare them for their future careersC. win free journeysD.

35、have complete independence from their family53. Taking a job may cause a student to _.A. be absent from their examsB. lose their interest in their studiesC. be in conflict with their roommatesD. receive punishment from their teachers54. The author implies(暗示) that college students _.A. had better ta

36、ke a part-time job during vacationB. should not take a jobC. should keep a balance between work and studyD. should learn by doing55. From the passage, we can know that taking a job during university years _.A. is much like a coin with two sidesB. is much like a cake with fruit in itC. has more negat

37、ive influencesD. has more positive influencesCYesterday, I met a delightful woman at a work event. As we talked, she talked about her childhood in Manila, Philippines. She spoke about the way her culture values their elders, and she explained that children are educated from the time of birth to hono

38、r and respect people older than themselves. It was refreshing (使振作) to hear that, and I enjoyed listening and learning. Here is the memory she shared that I found, so beautiful: When she was growing up, her father had three jobs to care for his family. She said her dad never complained, and though h

39、e worked very hard, he always had time for them. One day, her father was injured at his full-time job. For several months, he was mailed temporary (暂时的) disability checks(支票) while he recovered. When her father was able to return to his full-time job, he took all those disability checks that were se

40、nt to him while he was recovering and handed them back to the company. He told them that he had two good legs and arms, and did not need this money. He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who really needed it. The woman telling the story was a little girl at that time

41、. She had accompanied her father that very day when he went back to his company with all those unopened checks. My father is my hero, she remarked. Lowering her voice, she said she would never forget what he did, and what an inspiration and influential mentor he was on how to live life. From my comm

42、unication with her, it was very obvious that her fathers same sweet spirit had been passed down to this woman, and to her family. Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is the same to you too.56. When the woman was talking about her childhood, the writer was probably _.A. sad and

43、 moved B. surprised and angryC. annoyed and disappointed D. interested and joyful57. What is implied about the womans father when she was little?A. He had little time to care for his family. B. He didnt think work was hard.C. He did three very dangerous jobs to support the family.D. He thought it wa

44、s important to spend time with his family.58. The womans father took the temporary disability checks back to his company because_.A. he felt he was looked down upon B. he wasnt satisfied with the amountC. he thought others needed them more than himD. he felt sorry that he had hurt himself by acciden

45、t59. What did the writer find after talking with the woman?A. The woman didnt know how hard life was.B. The woman missed her father very much.C. The womans father influenced her in a good way.D. The woman didnt think her father made the right decision.60. By writing the story, the writer _.A. tries to tell us what we can learn fro


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