六年级下册英语期末综合测试卷-(含听力材料)(广东版)开心英语(DOC 9页).docx

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1、广东版开心英语六年级下册综合测试卷(二)姓名 班级 分数 听力部分一、听句子,判断下列单词或短语是否在句子中出现,有出现的在括号里打“”,没有的打“”。(本题共10分,每小题1分)1.( )A. bear( )B. chair2.( ) A. ship( ) B. shirt3.( )A. close( )B. open4.( )A. left( )B. right5.( )A. at home( )B. at school6.( )A. go to sleep( )B. go to bed7.( )A. How often( )B. How old8.( )A. What about( )B

2、. What time9.( )A. in the morning( )B. in the evening10.( )A. by bike ( )B. by plane二、情景反应。按照录音里所给的情景,选出与情景相符的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( )11.A. Its Monday.B. Its sunny.C. Its Feb.21st.( ) 12.A.Amys.B. Amy.C. Its Amy.( ) 13.A. Football.B. Dogs.C.Eggs.( ) 14.A.You are welcome.B.It doesnt ma

3、tter.C.Youre right.( ) 15.A. No, I wasnt.B.No, I didnt.C. No, I cant.三、听录音,判断录音内容是否正确描述图画中的情景。正确的,在相应图画下面的括号里打“”,错误的打“”。(本题5分,每小题1分) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18 . ( ) 19. ( ) 20 . ( )四、听对话,判断A、B中的哪一个句子在对话中出现,把相同句子前面的字母编号填在括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 21.A. Where did you go yesterday afternoon ? B. What did you do ye

4、sterday afternoon?( ) 22. A. I went to Lilys birthday party. B. I went to the park with Lily.( )23.A.Did you have a birthday party last week ? B. Did you have a birthday party last year?( ) 24.A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt.( ) 25.A. I must go to school. B. I must go to bed.五、听句子,判断下列句子是否与录音相同,相同的,在前

5、面的括号里打“”,不相同的,打“”。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 26. When you cross the street you must look at the cars.( ) 27. Mrs Lis home is across from the park.( ) 28. We had a good time on June 1st .( ) 29. Do you have any stamps?( ) 30. Welcome to our school.六、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分, 每词1分)Ben _ (31) in the No.2 Pr

6、imary School. There are about seven hundred students and _ (32) teachers in his school. John is in Class Two, Grade Four. He likes _ (33) and _(34) best. His English teacher is Mr.Li. He comes from _ (35). He can speak a little Chinese.七、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在括号里打“” ,错的在括号里打“”。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 36.

7、 Aunt Janes 40th birthday in coming.( ) 37. Aunt Jane lives with us.( ) 38. Aunt Jane is Mums sister.( ) 39. We are going to take a train to visit Aunt Jane.( ) 40. Jane will like the card.笔试部分八、对话搭配。从B栏的选项中选择1个正确的选项与A栏中的内容相对应,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分) A 栏 B栏( )41. What does he do? A. She is

8、 going to the cinema.( )42. Thank you. B. Not bad.( )43. What is it like? C. Youre welcome.( )44. How are you today? D. He is a doctor.( )45. Where is she going? E. Its long and black.九、下面每组单词的划线部分中,其中一个与另外两个的发音不同,找出来并将其前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 46.A. creamB. clean C. crocodile( ) 47.A. glass

9、 B. grass C. grocery( ) 48.A. cone B. bone C.hospital ( ) 49. A. when B. what C. who ( ) 50. A. birthday B. their C. bird 十、单词运用。根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。(本题共5分,每小题1分)51. Its _(贴近) to the Happy shop.52. Our school is _(对面)from the bank.53. _(转)right, then you can see the library.54.Which is _(更快的), the sn

10、ake or the snail.55. Mary is ill. She s in _(医院).十一、选择最佳答案填空。把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(共10分,每小题1分) ( )51.Its six in the afternoon. Its time_, boys and girls. A. for supper B. for the supper C. for class( )52.What color is your evening dress? Its _. A. hers B. nice C. black( )53.Excuse me, _? Its over ther

11、e.A. whats on the desk B. wheres your room C. whose bag is it( )54.What are their job? Theyre _. A. over there B. in the office C. office workers( )55.Whose watch is this? Is it a black _? A. it B. one C. this( )56._ can you see in the picture? Toms mother. A. Who B. Which C. Whose( )57.Please _ the

12、se babies, Helen. A. look B. look after C. look like( )58.Dont take the first crossing on _ right. A .a B. an C. the( )59.What can you see in the bag? _. Oh, they are apples. A. All right B. Thanks C. Let me see( )60.It is cold today. You must _ your coat. A. take off B. put on C. pick up十二、补全对话。根据上

13、下文的提示,在横线上填上一个合适的单词,使对话完整、正确。(本题共5分,每小题1分)A: _(61) me. Can you tell me the _ (62) to the History Museum, please?B: Go _ (63) this street and turn right at the third corner. It is on your right. You cant miss it.A: How _ (64) is it from here?B: Its about three kilometers .A: Oh, thats a long far.B: T

14、o get there soon, you can by No.6 bus.A: _ (65) the bus stop?B: Its over there, in front of the cinema.A: Thank you very much.B: Not at all.十三、完成翻译句子。每条横线上只填一个单词。(本题共5分,每小题1分)66.明天你们干什么? 我们去游泳。 What are you going to do tomorrow? Were going to _ _. 67. 北京的气候非常冷。 The _ in Beijing is very _. 68. 请问,我去邮

15、局怎么走? Excuse me, wheres the _ _?69. 这里有许多交通标志。_ many _signs here. 70. 不要在草地上玩。Dont _ _ the grass.十四、阅读理解,判断题。(本题共15分,每小题1.5分) (一) Jane always goes to school early. She likes to talk with her friends before class. But after school she does not go home early. On her way home, she likes to look at the

16、dogs in a pet shop. She likes a lovely white dog best. Today is Janes birthday. But she cant find the lovely white pet dog on her way home. She is a little sad. At home Mum shows her a big birthday cake and Dad gives her a presentthe lovely white pet dog! Jane is very happy. Jane will not come back

17、home late after school.( ) 71. Jane is a little school girl.( ) 72. She goes to school early because she likes her school very much.( ) 73. She watches the lovely white pet dog on her way to school every day.( ) 74. The white pet dog is in Janes school.( ) 75. Jane comes back home late again. (二)Mr

18、Brown looks out of the window. There is a boy in the street. He is eating a sandwich. There is a dog in the street, too. The boy says, “Come here, good dog.I am going to give you some sandwiches.” The dog comes up. The boy kicks the dog. The dog runs away. Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to

19、 the boy, “Come here, Im going to give you some money. The boy is happy and goes to Mr Brown. But Mr Brown doesnt give him any money. He kicks the boy. The boy cries and says, “Why are you kick me? I dont ask you for money.” “The dog doesnt ask you for any sandwich.” Mr Brown says, “but you kick it.

20、”( ) 76. The boy is having some bread in the street.( ) 77. The boy doesnt give the dog any sandwich.( ) 78. The boy likes the dog.( ) 79. Mr Brown wants to give the boy some money.( ) 80. Mr Brown is going to give the boy a lesson.十五、写作。请你根据给出的提示和要求,写一篇10句话以上的英语短文。(本题共10分) 提示:我们的学校非常大,非常美丽。学校大约有三十间

21、课室。我们在音乐室上音乐课。图书馆在音乐室的后面。我们在图书馆阅读,图书馆里面有很多故事书和漫画书。学校有很多树。夏天,我们可以在树下玩游戏。我非常喜欢我们的学校。听力材料第一大题、听句子,判断下列单词是否在句子中出现,有出现的在括号里打“”,没有的打“”。(本题共10分,每小题1分)1. The chair is very cheap.2. We go to Taiwan by ship.3. Open the door, please.4. Turn left at the corner.5. We usually do our homework at home.6. Jane goes

22、to bed at 8 oclock every day.7. How often do you go to fish?8. What time is it now?9. We go to Childrens Park in the morning.10. Did you go to Shanghai by plane? 第二大题、情景反应。按照录音里所给的情景,选出与情景相符的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)11、Whats the date today?12、Whose books are these?13、Whats your favorite f

23、ood?14、Sorry!15. Did you go to the park yesterday?第三大题、听录音,判断录音内容是否正确描述图画中的情景。正确的,在相应图画下面的括号里打“”,错误的打“”。(本题5分,每小题1分)16. It was rainy yesterday.17. Jenny likes painting a picture.18. We dont clean the windows in our school.19. The boy is playing baseball with his friends.20. The turtle is much faster

24、 than the rabbit.第四大题、听对话,判断A、B中的哪一个句子在对话中出现,把相同句子前面的字母编号填在括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)A : Where did you go yesterday afternoon, Mary?B : I went to Lilys birthday party.A : Is Lilys birthday on the second of September?B : Yes. Did you have a birthday party last year?A : No, I didnt. My birthday is on the third

25、 of June. Its Monday. I must go to school.B : I see.第五大题、听句子,判断下列句子是否与录音相同,相同的,在前面的括号里打“”,不相同的,打“”。(本题共10分,每小题2分)26. When you cross the street you must look at the traffic light.27. Mrs Lis home is across from the park.28. We had a good time on June 1st .29. Do you have any forks?30. Welcome to our

26、home.六、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分, 每词1分) Ben studies in the No.2 Primary School. There are about seven hundred students and eighty-five teachers in his school. John is in Class Two, Grade Four. He likes math and Chinese best. His English teacher is Mr.Li. He comes from America. He can speak a lit

27、tle Chinese.七、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在括号里打“” ,错的在括号里打“”。(本题共5分,每小题1分)Aunt Janes birthday is coming. She will be 40 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house. We are going to there by train. We are going to leave on Friday evening. And we are going to come back on Sunday afternoon. The birthday party will be on Saturday. I am going to give my dear Aunt Jane a card. I am making it now. I am going to draw a small cat on it, too. Because she likes cats. The card will be very nice. Dad says his sister will like it very much.


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