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1、初一上学期期末测试卷第二部分 基础知识(总分:80分,注:作文除外)五1.单项选择(选出与换线部分意思相近或相同的选项)4分 A. parents B.may C.everywhere D.not free( )26. She is busy at school.( )27.Her books are here and there.( )28.Mothers Day is the fifth month.( )29.Jims father and mother are teachers. 2.选出正确答案(17分)( )30.下列单词中划线字母与“F”有相同读音的是_ A,red B.she

2、C.see( )31.-My dictionary is on the desk. What about _? -Its under the desk. A.you B.your C.yours( )32.Here are three _my classmates. A.picture of B.photos of C. pictures of ( )33.Miss Gao has _yellow swester.And _yellow sweater is 15 dollars. A.a; an B.a; the C.the ; a( )34.Tom and his friends _pla

3、ying baseball on Sunday afternoon. A.likes B.like C.loves ( )35.-_your father ? -Hes fine, thanks. A.How are B.How is C.What is ( )36.-Do you want to watch TV? -_. And its not good for our eyes. A.That sounds boring B.Thats OK C.It looks boring( )37.-_. _Its white. A.Whats this in English? B.Whats y

4、our last name? C.What color is it?( )38.-We have a school trip next week. -_. A.Have a good trip. B.You are healthy. C.See you ( )39.-Wheres your grandpa? -_.You can ask my mom. A.He is in the room. B.He plays tennis. C.I dont know.( )40.We have T-shirts_all colors _a very good price. A.in ; in B.on

5、 ; at C.in; at( )41.-_meet at one at your school. -OK. A.Let B.Lets C.Lets( )42.Toms sister asks _to take some school things to _school. A.he; she B.him ; her C.his ; her( )43.-Your shoes are very nice. -_. A.Yes, they are B.Thanks C.Youer welcome( )44.You can have some _for breakfast. Its a _eating

6、 habit. A.milk and bread; heathy B.hamburger; healthy C.eggs; unhealthy( )45.-Thank you_ me so much. -Thats all right. A.for helping B.to help C.help( )46.Its difficult for me _baskerball. A.play B.to play C.playsC. 补全对话(4分)A.Happy birthday to you!B.What day is it tody?C.You can come to my home at 7

7、:00D.When is your birthday party?A:Hi, Kate!B:Hi,Jane.A:_47_B:Thursday.And its March 21st.A:Oh, today is your birthday._48_B:Thank you !My parents want to have a birthday party fou me .I hope you can come.A:Id love to. _49_B;On Friday evening . _50_A:OK. See you .47._ 48._ 49_ 50_六完形填空(20分) AThis af

8、ternoon, my uncle and aunt come to my _51_. Their _52_Maria comes here with them, too. Maria is my young _53_. We are good _54_. My _55_are not at home. They go to _56_ a doctor(医生).So I _57_ them to come back quickly. My uncle and aunt bring me a new _58_.Its a nice hat. Its _59_ is blue. I_60_ it

9、very much.( )51.A.class B.home C.see( )52.A. daughter B. son C. find( )53.A. brother B. cousion C.lesson( )54. A.friends B. sisters C.schoolbag( )55.A.parents B. father C.like( )56.A see B.sell C. family( )57. A. have B. call C. mother( )58. A. hat B. book C. dictionary( )59. A name B. like C. color

10、( )60. A. like B. am C. store B A farmer is lazy. He _61_ to work, but he wants _62_ good food every day. He often goes to other farmers _63_when they eat. _64_the other farmers dont like him. One day, he _65_a hare running down a hill. The hare runs into a tree and dies. _66_farmer is happy. He goe

11、s to the tree, _67_the dead(死的) hare, and goes home with _68_.That day he eats much.He thinks the meat of the hare is good to eat. Then he says under the_69_every day and sits there ,waitting for other hares.He waits all day long,but_70_hares even come again.( )61A.doesnt like B. like C.likes( )62 A

12、.eats B. eating C.to eat( )63 A. stores B.schools C.homes( )64 A.And B. So C.But( )65 A.see B. to see C.sees( )66 A.The B. A C.An( )67 A. to get B. get C.gets( )68 A.it B. them C.him( )69 A.hill B. tree C.home( )70 A. some B. much C.no第三部分 阅读理解(30分)七根据原文内容判断正误,正确涂“A”,错误涂“B”。(10分) In many English fam

13、ilies, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at 1:00. afternoon tea is from 4:oo to 5:00, and dinner

14、is about at 7:30 p.m. First, they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they some other things like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meala are breakfast, dinner, tea and

15、supper. All these meals are very simple(简单的)( )71. Many English peoplehave three meals a day. ( )72. People may have porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee for their breakfast. ( )73. People dont have lunch at any time. ( )74. People dont have porridgefor their dinner. ( )75. In some English homes, di

16、nner can come in the middle of the day.八根据短文内容,选择正确答案(20分) A Hello! My name is Tom. My family have different collections(收藏品).My father works in a car factory. He colletcs modle cars. My mother has a great stamp collection. I have many photos of pop singers because I like music very much. But my bro

17、ther is too young , so he has no collections. One day my brother cays, “ I have a collection, too.” “Whats it?” ask I. “My parents and you.” “Haha! Why?” “Because I put them in my room, your collections belongs to me.”( )76. There are _people in Toms family. A. too B. three C. four( )77. “belong to”

18、 is _in Chinese. A. 卖给 B. 属于 C. 跟随( )78. The word “them” refers(指) to _. A. Toms parents B. Tom and his parents C. Tom and his brother ( )79. Toms father works in _. A. in a school B. in a factory C. in a hospital ( )80. Tom likes _. A. stamps B. modle cars C. music B John gets up(起床) early from Mon

19、day to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 on weekdays and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings. He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after dinner, he watches TV. He doesnt get up early on Sundays. Johns parents have to work on Sundays. John alway

20、s plays computer games after he gets up. Then he goes to KFC to have a humburger and some juice for lunch . After that, he goes back home and does his homework . He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p.m. .He often complains (抱怨) he has too much homework to do.( )81. When does John need to get up ea

21、rly?A. From Monday to FridayB. From Monday to Sunday.C. Every day.( )82. What does John do on Saturday mornings?A. He plays computer games.B. He goes to a club.C. He watches TV.( )83. What does John think of his homework? A. He likes doing his homework. B. He doesnt like doing his homework. C. He th

22、inks there is too much homework.( )84. Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?A. Because his parents arent at home.B. Because he gets up too late.C. Because his parents have lunch in KFC.( )85. Which of these in NOT right?A. John watches TV after dinner on Sundays.B. John doesnt do sports on Sun

23、days.C. John watches much TV on Sunday afternoon. B卷(50分)一 完成对话,在下面对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确,一空一词。(10分)V: Hi, Jet! How are you ?J: Im fine, but I have a _1_ day ! What about you, Victor? Hows your day?V:Its OK. _2_are you so busy today?J: I have eight classes, and a lot of home work to do.V:Eight classe

24、s? Oh, therere too many! Well, whats your _3_ subject?J:Oh, I like _4_ best. Its interesting.V:Math? I dont like it. Its always not _5_ for me. Science is my favourite. Its great fun to have science lessons.J:_6_teaches you science?V:Mr.Li. He is interesting. We _7_ like him. After school, we often

25、play football _8_ him.J:Do you have much homework to do ?V:Sure. You see, we are Chinese _9_ , right ?J:Yeah! I hope I can get up a little late and have a big breakfast.V:Me, too. Sometimes I go to school without (没有) _10_.J:Thats not a good habit, You can buy some milk and bread at school. Breakfas

26、t is important for our health.V:Thanks.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._9._ 10._二短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填空,使短文意思正确,通顺(每次现用一次)(10分)teach big English where school brother girl play be his family the Betty is ten years old. She is a good _1_. She likes _2_ sports and dancing. Bettys father is a _3_.

27、He works in a small _4_. He teaches _5_. Bettys mother_6_ a worker. She works in a _7_factory(工厂). They are very busy. Betty has a _8_Tony, and he is twenty years old . _9_ is very tall. He is a driver. Betty has a happy _10_.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._二 阅读表达(15分)1. 阅读排序(5分)Hello! My nam

28、e is Zhao Yiming .A. So she is at home to have a rest.B. I am a student.C. I have a good friend, his name is Jack.D. Our English teacher is Miss White .E. And he is 12 .F. Im in Class Five , Gread Seven of Happy Middle School .G. We are in the same chass.H. But tody she isnt at school. She isnt well

29、 .I. Jack is an English boy , he is new here .J. She is a good tescher .1._ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_7_ 8_ 9_ 10_2. 补全对话(5分)A:_11_B: The basketball star ?A: Yes , the basketball ster Lin Shuhao .B: Yes, I know a lot about him . _12_A: Oh ? What does he have for breakfast ?B:He likes eggs , milk and apples.A:_1

30、3_B:He likes hamburgers, salad and oranges fou lunch .A: And dinner ?B:_14_A:_15_B:Yes, he likes ice-cream for that .A. What about lunch ?B. Does he have dessert ?C. What does he have for dinner ?D. Do you know Lin Shuhao ?E. He has chicken and tomatoes .F. He eats lots of healthy food .11._ 12._ 13

31、._ 14._ 15_3. 完成表格阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。(5分)My name is Mary Connor . Im American and Im a nurse in Rosewood Hospital . Im 20 and single. I like tennis and computer games. My brother is also a nurse . Our parents are from USA, but we live in Brighton now. My mother is a painter and my father is a d

32、octor. I like a pen friend from China or Japan. Please write to : 63 Lily Road, London SWL, English .PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Mary Connor Sex(性别):_16_Age: _17_ Occupation(职业):NurseNationality(国籍):_18_ Family member : _19_Adress: 63 Lily Road , London SWL, EnglishHobbies (爱好):_20_16._17._18._19._ 20._四书面表达(15分) 略.


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