初三第一学期期末考试英语试卷(DOC 9页).doc

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1、第一学期期末考试初三英语第一部分 听力试题(请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题)一、 听力选择:(14%)A) 回答问题 听下面五个问题。从每小题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每个问题读两遍。1.A. Never mind.B.Why not ask the English teacher. C. Dont say sorry.2.A. He did it all by himself.B. He didnt do it. C. He finished it.3.A. Yes, I can.B. Both, I think.C. Certainly.4.A. Pork.B

2、. Milk and beef.C. Eggs and meat.5.A. He is a doctor.B. He is a student.C. He is going to school.B) 对话理解 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话和问题读两遍。6. A Yes, he is.B. No, he isntC. We dont know.7. A. He comes from England.B. Hes from America.C. Were not clear.8. A. No, he didnt.B. Yes, he

3、 did. C. We cant tell whether he did or not from the dialogue9. A. A week. B. Three days.C. We dont know. 10.A. It wont be finished.B. It hasnt been finished yet. C. It has been finished already.C) 短文理解 听下面的短文。短文后有4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。短文和问题读两遍。11.A. Interesting teams.B. Team sports.C. Impor

4、tant games. D. Most games.12. A. It will win the match. B. It will lose the match.C. It will beat the other team.D. It will win the match, or it will lose the match.13. A. At home.B. At school.C. In the TV shops.D. In the offices.14. A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday and Sunday. C. Every day.D. From Monda

5、y to Friday.二 听力填空 听下面的短文, 在短文空格内填入适当的词,使意思通顺。每个空格只填一个词。短文读两遍。(10%)Many people go to school for a good 1 .They learn 2 ,history, maths and other 3 . The 4 you learn from school is very important and 5 . But no one can learn everything from school. A teacher cannot teach his students everything they

6、want to know. His work is to 6 his student how to learn. He 7 them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students 8 .Great 9 do not get everything from school, but they can invent many things and change the world a lot. 10 Thomas Edison, as we know, invent

7、ed many things, he didnt have much schooling.第二部分 笔头试题三、 选择填空:(24%)A) 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(14%)15. He was too sad_ everything was over.A. as ifB. seemC. likeD. that16. She asked me if I knew_.A. whose pen is itB. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it isD. whose pen was it17. I didnt know a t

8、hing about the verbs, for I _ them.A. wouldnt studyB. havent studiedC. hadnt studiedD. wasnt studying18. Comrade Wang _ the Party for about three yearsA. has attendedB. has joinedC. has been inD. has taken part in19. The farmers were busy_ ready for the next year in _ winter of 1999.A. getting , B.

9、to get, theC. to get, D. getting, the20. We saw him_ the building and go upstairs.A. to enterB. enterC. enteringD. entered21. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper _Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book.A. thatB. howC. whatD. whether22. They had bought a house there_ they moved there.

10、A. before longB. long beforeC. long agoD. after23. He _ living in the country to the city.A. likesB. prefersC. enjoysD. loves24. The students are always_ English or Chinese every morning on weekdays.A. kept readingB keeping readingC. kept to readD. keeping to read25. A: What are you going to do tomo

11、rrow? B: I am going to watch the football match, of course. A: I _ you _ to visit your friends.A. think, wantB. think, will wantC. thought, would wantD. thought, wanted 26. Its the third time I _ him this month.A. had seenB. seeC. sawD. have seen27. _ of us has an umbrella like that.A. EveryB. NoneC

12、. No oneD. All28. Great changes _ in my hometown in the past few years.A. were taken placeB. have been taken placeC. took placeD. have taken placeB) 完型填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从1524各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(坏脾气的) and never gave way to one another.On

13、e day the father decided 29 some friends to dinner in his house. He 30 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son got what his father wanted, he turned 31 and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasnt 32 enough to let two men in and out at the same

14、 time. But 33 of them would give away to the other. They 34 straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour.But the father was worried. “What shall I do? My son hasnt 35 yet. I cant wait any longer.” He want to know what was the 36 with his son. So he left his friends at home, and he himself w

15、ent to town to look for his son.“You may first take the 37 home for my friends. Let me stand here against him 38 ,” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.29. A. askedB. asking C. to askD. to be asked30. A. hoped B. told C. let D. wished31. A. down B. over C. back D. off32. A. long B. wid

16、e C. high D. narrow33. A. either B. all C. both D. neither34. A. stood B. went C. lay D. walked35. A. gone B. bought C. returned D. been36. A. wrong B. accident C. thing D. matter37. A. meat B. dinner C. bread D. money38. A. politely B. instead C. safely D. kindly四、阅读理解(20%)AHow long is it since you

17、 last went for a walk? Three days? Three weeks? Three years?Well, who has time for that kind of thing now?Your doctor may tell you to get more fresh air. Your friends may tell you to take more exercise.Your wife may tell you to find something cheap to do.Then you would go out and walk for miles.But

18、walking is really boring. Dont you think so?Now there is a reason for going out in the countrysidethe countryside is endless excitement.What could be more exciting than looking for buried (埋藏的) treasure(财宝)?Treasure hunting brings the past alive, and turns the countryside into lots of pleasure.Buy y

19、ourself a Sherlock Metal Detector, and youll find yourself out in the open air for hours at a time. Metal detecting is the great new hobby.39. This passage is probably_ . A. a story B. a report C. a letter D. an ad40.The aim(目的) of the detector is_.A. to make more people healthy B. to sell something

20、 C. to find something D. to educate people 41.It says that walking is_. A. too expensive B. too terrible C. not interesting enough D. not safe enoughBThe story of King Arthur and knights(骑士)of the Round Table has been popular in Europe for more than a thousand years. The knights in England wanted to

21、 choose a new king. They found a huge stone with a sword in it. There was golden writing on the sword which said, “The man who can pull the sword out of the stone will be king.” All the knights tried to pull the sword from the stone, but none of them could do it. Arthur was a young boy at the time,

22、but he pulled the sword from the stone and became king.Arthur lived in the castle of Camelot, with Queen Guinevere. In the castle there was a round table, which was made by Merlin, the magician. All the knights sat around the round table. The most famous knights were Sir Gawain and Sir Galahad. The

23、knights had many adventures. They killed dragons and saved beautiful ladies.Arthur was killed by his nephew, Sir Mordred. Before he died, he gave his magic sword to his friend Sir Bedivere. He told Sir Bedivere to throw the sword into a lake. A womans hand came out of the water and caught the sword.

24、 Three beautiful queens took Arthurs body away in a boat to the magic island of Avalon. The legend(传说)says that one day Arthur will return to Britain.42.Arthur became king because_.A. he was popularB. he was born in EnglandC. he was stronger than the knightsD. he had thrown the sword into a lake43.

25、The round table in the castle of Camelot was the work of_. A. Arthur B. Merlin C. Galahad D. Mordred44.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. Arthur was killed by his nephew.B. Before dying Arthur gave his magic sword to his friend.C. Arthurs body was taken away to the magic island of Avalo

26、n.D. The magic sword was carried away by three knights.45. What is told about Arthur in the passage is_. A. legendary B. true C. realistic D. wrongCJUBILEE SWIMMING CLUB REGULATIONS(规则)1. All swimmers must shower (淋浴) before they enter the pool.2. Diving is only allowed from the diving-board.3. Runn

27、ing and playing near the pool is not allowed.4. Club members may bring guests at weekends only.5. Children under 12 are not allowed to use the pool unless accompanied(陪伴) by an adult(成人).6. Members must show their membership cards at the registration desk(登记台).7. Used towels(毛巾) must be placed in th

28、e bins(箱子) provided.8. Smoking is not allowed in the changing-room.9. Guests must sign at the registration desk.10. All bathers must leave the pool by 6 p.m.11. Clothes must be placed in the lockers provided. Keys are available(可得到) at the registration desk.12. Only club members and their families a

29、re allowed to use the pool.46.Guests must_.A. run and play near the poolB. accompany children under 12.C. sign in the changing-roomD. shower before entering the pool47.Club members must bring_ with them.A. towels B. lockers C. swimming caps D. membership cards48.Club members may bring guests_. A. on

30、 Friday B. after 6 p.m. C. from Monday to ThursdayD. on any days五、翻译:(15%)1 那些努力学习的学生理应得到奖赏。2 他在网上搜索了一会儿,看到了NBA的比赛结果。3 汤姆决定在暑假期间做一件有意义的事。4 这些天来学生正在忙着准备期末考试。5 他宁愿独自坐着也不愿出去散步。六、短文改错:(10%)On December 1952, a very thick cloud came down 1. _over London. It was worst smog Londoners had ever 2. _had. Much

31、of it was bad factory smoke. You cant see3. _your own hand in front of you. Near fifty people died4. _in road accidents. The air was too thick that you could5. _almost cut them with a knife. The smell from the smog6. _was very bad. After three weeks, the smog slowly began 7. _to lift. Life in London

32、 began to return back to normal.8. _But in the follow weeks and months, over four thousand9. _people were died as a result of the smog. 10. _七、书面表达:(15%)假如你叫Alice,你的朋友Mary写信邀请你去参加聚会。请你用英语给Mary写一封信。信的要点如下:1 你很抱歉,不能去。2 你的狗病了,你要带它去兽医处治疗。3 你要照料宠物。4 谢谢寄来的漂亮的明信片(postcard),很喜欢,将放在书桌上。注意:1 信要通顺、连贯。2 词数80左右。

33、信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mary,Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. _ _ _ 参考答案一三四大题 选择题部分:(58%)1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.B 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.C 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.C 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.C 41.C

34、 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.D 47.D 48.A二听力填空(10%)(略)1. education 2.languages 3.subjects 4.knowledge 5.useful 6.show 7.teaches 8.themselves 9.inventors 10.though五翻译(15%)1. Those hard-working students deserve(d) a reward to be prized.2. He searched the internet for a while and found the result(s) of NBA.3. Tom (has) decided/ made up his mind to do a rewarding thing in during summer holiday(s).4. The students are busy getting ready for the final exam(s) these days.六短文改错(10%)1.in 2.the 3.couldnt 4.nearly 5.so 6.it 7. e/get 9.following 10.were


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