外研版(三年级起点)五年级英语上册期末测试题及答案(DOC 8页).doc

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1、五年级英语上册期末测试题听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择所听到的单词。(10分)( )1.A. cant B. find C. blind( )2. A. kind B. friend C. help( )3.A. fire B. hear C. clear ( )4.A.when B. where C. what ( )5.A.deaf B. life C. useful ( )6. A. past B. late C. last( )7. A. always B. join C. before( )8.A. firefighter B. healthy C. fantastic( )9.

2、A.help B. half C. have ( )10.A.well B. want C. apple 二、听录音,给下列图片排序,把序号写在下面的括号内(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出图片相对应的时间。(10分) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) A B C D E四、听录音,选择你听到句子的正确答语。(10分)( )1.A.Yes,I can. B. Yes, he can. ( )2.A. At 8 oclock. B. By bus.( )3.A.Its a clock. B. Its nine oclock. ( )4.

3、A.Yes,it is. B. No, they arent.( )5.A.Yes,I did. B. No, I dont.笔试部分(60分)一、选出不同类型的单词,并将答案写在题前括号内。(5分)( )1. A. rang B. want C. take( )2. A. skip B. late C. dance( )3. A. exercise B. coffee C. tea( )4. A. blind B. see C. deaf( )5. A. clever B. cute C. help二、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. The girl is _. She cant hear.

4、A. blind B. deaf C. young( ) 2. Last weekend, there _ a fire.A. is B. are C. was( ) 3. Can we have a dog? _A. Yes, we cant. B. No, we cant.C. Yes, I can.( ) 4. There are _ in the room.A. a boyB. boyC. two boys( ) 5. Lets _.A. go bedB. going to bedC. go to bed( ) 6. I dont want to be late_ school.A.

5、withB. for C. use( ) 7. My school starts _9:00 _ the morning.A. in; at B. at; inC. on; at( ) 8. What time _now? Its two oclock.A. it is B. is it C. its( )9.We _back last Sunday. A、come B、came C、comes ( ) 10. Whats the matter _ Amy?A. on. B. in C. with.三、读一读,把下列句子与图片匹配。(5分)( ) 1.Yesterday I went swim

6、ming with my friend.( ) 2. They do morning exercises every day.( ) 3. I played basketball yesterday.( ) 4. My mother watched TV yesterday evening.( ) 5. I did my homework yesterday. A B C D E四、 请根据句意提示,从方框中选出合适的单词,并填写在四线格上。每空仅限一词。(10分)before late playground starts walked 1. Its half past eight now.

7、Hurry up. I dont want to be for school. 2. Look! The pupils are playing in the . 3. Our school at eight oclock in the morning. 4.How did you come to school yesterday?Yesterday I to my school. 5. I go to bed eight oclock in the evening.五、根据问句选答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. Whattimedoyougetup? A. Iwentt

8、oschool.( ) 2. Doyougoshoppingeveryweekend? B. Yes, Ido.( ) 3. Wheredidyougoyesterday? C.Iplayedfootball.( ) 4. Can I help you ?D. Yes, please. I cant do it.( ) 5. Whatdidyoudoat6oclock? E. I get up at six oclock.六、连词成句。(10分)1. is, show, TV, There, dogs, about, a(.) 2. school, time, your, What, does

9、, start (?) 3. did, do, you, at, What, weekend, the (?) 4. very, are, Dogs, useful (.) 5. man, This, blind, old, is (.) 六、 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F) (10分)There is a TV show about dogs. Dogs are very useful. They can do a lot. This blind man cant see. The dogs can help him. This girl is deaf. She cant hear. Th

10、e dogs can help her. The dogs can help the firefighters, too. Do you want to have a dog? You can have a pet dog. It can play with you. ()1. The dogs arent very useful. ()2. The dogs can help the blind people. ()3. The dogs can help the deaf people. ()4. The dogs cant help the firefighters. ()5. The

11、passage (文章) is about flowers. 答案听力部分一、C A B C A B A C B B 二、4 1 3 2 5三、B C D E A 四、B B B B B笔试部分一、A B A B C 二、B C B C A B B B B C 三、E B D C A 四、1. late 2. playground 3. starts 4. walked 5. before五、E B A D C 六、1. There is a TV show about dogs.2. What time does your school start?3. What did you do at

12、 the weekend?4. Dogs are very useful.5. This old man is blind.七、 F T T F F 亲爱的读者:春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、三人行,必有我师。月-2300:282、书是人类进步的阶梯。二二三年四月二十五日2023年4月25日星期二3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。00:284.25.202300:284.25.202300:2800:28:114.25.202300:284.25.20234、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。4.25.20234.25.202300:2800:2800:28:1100:28:115、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。星期二, 四月 25, 2023四月 23星期二, 四月 25, 20234/25/20236、路遥知马力日久见人心。12时28分12时28分25-4月-234.25.20237、山不在高,有仙则灵。23.4.2523.4.2523.4.25。2023年4月25日星期二二二三年四月二十五日8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。00:2800:28:114.25.2023星期二, 四月 25, 2023


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