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1、冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 6单元测试题.单项选择(共n加油10小题,每小题2分,计20分)1Wn加油hat do you want to be n加油when you grow up?_ acton加油r like Jet Li.AAn BA CThe n加油 D/2We must protect animals because n加油they are friends of _Awe Bn加油us Cours Dour 3A new play will be n加油_ in Moon Theatre. Aput up Bn加油put on Cput out Dput down4n加油Mr.

2、 Smith _ our clan加油ss into five groups.Acut up Bdividn加油ed up Cturned up Dn加油used up5Do you know whon加油 is the oldest _ the three n加油students? Sorry, I dn加油ont know.Aamong Bbetweenn加油 Cwith Dabout6She san加油id that she would do _ she n加油could _ her daun加油ghter laugh.Awhat; make Bthat; mn加油akeCwhat; t

3、o make Dn加油that; to make7Im sorry for being ln加油ate. Never mind. The movie_n加油_ for only 5 minutes. This way, pleasn加油e. Ahas begun Bhas enn加油ded Chas been on Dhas startn加油ed8Id like a cup of black coffee.n加油 What about you, Maggie?I prn加油efer coffee _ sun加油gar.Athan Bfor Cwith Dn加油to9The boy kept t

4、rying _ pn加油lay a role in the new movie.Aso thatn加油 Bin order toCinn加油 order that Dso10. n加油Who directed this movie?It_ n加油by Zhang Yimou in 2019.n加油Ais directed BdirectsCwan加油s directed Ddirected.完形填空(共10小题n加油,每小题2分,计20分)Yang Mi, bon加油rn in Beijing on Septemben加油r 12, 1986, is a Chinese main加油nland

5、 actress. At the age of 4, sn加油he got her first TV drama role; at 16n加油, she became a model fon加油r a fashion magazine; at n加油18, she went to her dn加油ream collegeBeijing Fn加油ilm Academy(北京电影学院)_11_ people beln加油ieve that life has smiled onn加油 her.In 2019, the 24yearold _12n加油_ played a girl named n加油

6、Luo Qingchuan in the timetravelln加油ing TV drama, Palace (n加油宫). The drama becamn加油e a big success and made n加油Yang very _13_. The number of hern加油 microblog followers _14_ from seven加油ral thousand to more than thrn加油ee million overnight. Could shen加油 be any _15_? Yang doesnt thinn加油k luck had anythi

7、ng to _16_ with her n加油success. She makes her way all bn加油y herself. “Every _17_ isn加油 from the efforts Ivn加油e made,” said Yang. People n加油now think shes very hardworking. Shn加油e still recalled the time when people n加油gave her the cold shoun加油lder. Some treated her with litn加油tle respect. They didnt

8、n加油 want to help her in her n加油time of need. “I have to _18_ them ben加油cause they m ake me believn加油e myself,” she said. Than加油ts _19_ she always helps others whenn加油 they are in need. In May, Yang n加油became the ambassador(大使)n加油 _20_ the Climate Group. She calls onn加油 people to join the Miln加油lionM

9、iracle project and plant n加油trees on Chinas dry land. In Aprin加油l, 2009, Yang Mi was considern加油ed a member of the Four n加油Young Dan actresses (四n加油小花旦) along with Huang Sn加油hengyi, Wang Luodan and Liu Yin加油fei. 11A.Many BMuch n加油CNobody DFew 12A.student Bn加油actress Cplayer Dmodel 13A.grean加油t Brich

10、 Clucky Dfamoun加油s14A.were Bbecame Cincreased Dtn加油urned 15A.happier Bluckier Chn加油ealthier Dbusier 16A.do n加油Bplay Cstay Dtalk 17A.play Bn加油role Cdrama Dchance 18A.hen加油lp Bask Cthank Dfollow 19A.n加油because Bwhy Cwhat Dhow 2n加油0A.in Bat Cwith Dfor.阅读理解(n加油共5小题,每小题3分,计15分)Charles Chaplin wn加油as born

11、 in London on April 16,n加油 1889. His parents were music n加油hall actors. The Chaplin family weren加油 very poor, and life was n加油difficult in London. Cn加油harlie, as he was calledn加油, used to do his mothers jn加油ob in the theatre when she wn加油as ill.When he was only 17 years old, n加油Chaplin got his first

12、 realn加油 job as an actor. What he did wn加油as to do silly things to mn加油ake people laugh in then加油 theatre. Seven years later he wen加油nt to the US. And over the nen加油xt four years, he formed his own way n加油of art. He developed then加油 character of a homeless gentleman whn加油ich became very populan加油r.F

13、rom the 1920s to the 1950s, Chaplinn加油 made his most famous fin加油lms. The film Modern Times (1936) shown加油s his care about the modern industry worn加油kers. Many of his films describe the pn加油oor life and hard time of the workingn加油 people during that period.Although Cn加油harlie Chaplin was British, he

14、 lived n加油in the US. until 1953.n加油 But he never got US. nationality. Tn加油hen Chaplin, his wifen加油 and his five childrenn加油 had to move to Switzern加油land where he lived until hen加油 died. When he was 8n加油3 years old, he won his onlyn加油 Oscar for the music he wrn加油ote for the film Limelight. He wasn加油

15、 named Sir Charles Chaplin加油n at the age of 85. Charlie Chaplin n加油died in Switzerland on December 2n加油5, 1975.21Chaplin used ton加油 _ when his mother was iln加油l.Alook after her Bdo the houseworn加油k Cdo his mothers job Dn加油do his fathers job n加油22From Paragraph 2, we can know that _n加油_AChaplin went

16、to thn加油e US. when he was 24 yen加油ars old BChaplin became fn加油amous when he was 17 years old Cn加油people liked Chaplin because he was a hn加油omeless gentleman DChaplin did man加油ny silly things to make people laugh in加油n the street 23_, Cn加油haplin made his most famous films.AFn加油rom 1889 to 1936 BFrom

17、the 1920s to n加油the 1950sC. From 19n加油53 to 1975 DFrom the 1950s n加油to the 1980s 24We can infer from n加油the passage that Chaplin left then加油 US. because of _n加油Ahis family Bthen加油 US. government Chis work Dn加油the Swiss government n加油25Chaplin won the Oscar for _n加油_ when he was 83 yean加油rs old.Athe

18、acting Bthe artn加油 Cthe film Dthe n加油music.任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计1n加油0分)Things are going great in Cannesn加油(戛纳), France. I have an exciting n加油experience here. I have only been heren加油 at the film festival forn加油 two days, but I have already sen加油en four films. When the filn加油ms are not on, I like tn加油o

19、 go to watch the fashionable people onn加油 the beach. Everywhere you look, thn加油ere are famous film stars and din加油rectors. I saw three of my fan加油vourite stars hanging out at tn加油he festival yesterday. Howeven加油r, I was too nervous ton加油 talk to them.At this yean加油rs Cannes Film Festivn加油al, about t

20、wenty films are competin加油ng for the main prize, the Paln加油me dOr(金棕榈奖). The films are n加油from all over the worldEurope, An加油sia, North America, AfricaThere an加油re also so many different types of filmn加油s, and lots of them aren加油 from countries which an加油re not famous for the fn加油ilmmaking business.

21、 For_someone_who_n加油_loves_films,_this_is_heaven! If yon加油u come to the festival, n加油the following suggestions will n加油be helpful. First, youll n加油need to remember to bring yn加油our invitation, because you cannot n加油watch any of the films without n加油one.Second, youll neen加油d to bring some nice clothe

22、s. Durinn加油g the day everyone walks around in加油n Tshirts and shorts. But in加油n the evening, everyon加油ne has to wear formal(正式的n加油) clothes. I am wearing a long dress n加油all the time!26、27题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;2n加油9题找出并写下最后一段的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。n加油26I had an exciting experience ann加油d I have been here at t

23、he fin加油lm festival in _n加油27When the films are not on, I likn加油e to go to _n加油_ on the beach.28How many films has thn加油e writer already seen?_n加油_n加油_n加油_29_n加油_n加油_30_n加油_n加油_n加油_.连词成句(共5小题,每小题3分,计15分)3n加油1look, like, what, does, your, sisten加油r_n加油_n加油_?32a, woman, the, n加油married, businessman, y

24、oung_n加油_n加油_n加油_.33went, now, offn加油, light, just, the _n加油_n加油_n加油_.34known, the, welln加油, director, around, is, the, world_n加油_n加油_n加油.35an, movie, is, it, wn加油hat, interesting_n加油_n加油_n加油_!.书面表达(计20分)某中学生英语报有一个影视n加油天地栏目,请你根据表格中的提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短n加油文,介绍一下动画电影海底总动员(Finn加油ding Nemo),给该报纸投稿。旧版动画电影海底总动

25、员于n加油2019年在北美上映后,深受全世界孩子们的喜爱。重映2019年该电影n加油的3D版重返影院。情节电影讲述了小丑鱼Nemo(尼莫)去探索n加油“大堡礁”时被抓走并放入鱼缸,父亲MarLin(马林)克服n加油重重困难后,最终找到了尼莫,成了儿子眼中的英雄的故事。参考词汇:clownn加油fish 小丑鱼the Great Barrier大堡礁fish tank n加油鱼缸_n加油_n加油_n加油_n加油_答案n加油.1.A2C3.B4.B 5A6C7.C8.n加油C9.B10C.11A12.B 13D14Cn加油15B16A17D18.Cn加油19B20D.21.C22A 23B 24B

26、n加油25D.26.Cannes, France27watch tn加油he fashionable people28n加油Four.29Second, youll need tn加油o bring some nice clon加油thes.30对于喜爱电影的人来说,这(里)就是天堂!.31n加油.What does your sister look liken加油32The young woman marriedn加油 a businessman/The businessman married n加油a young woman33. The light n加油went off just no

27、w34The directn加油or is well known around the world3n加油5What an interesting mon加油vie it is.One possible vern加油sion:Its time to watn加油ch Finding Nemo. Its a carton加油on movie which was shown in NorthAmn加油erica in 2019. It tells a n加油story about two clownfish namn加油ed Marlin and Nemo. One day, Nemo n加油go

28、es to explore the Great Barrier and in加油s put into fish tank aften加油r being caught. His father, Marlin, on加油ften overcoming many difficulties, n加油finds Nemo in the end.n加油 Marlin becomes a real hero in the eyesn加油 of his son. The 3D cn加油artoon movie Finding Nemo was put on inn加油 2019. The movie has bn加油een popular with children all n加油over the world ever since 2019.Go ann加油d have fun!第11页/共11页


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