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1、上学期期末考试高一英语考生注意:1、本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟;2、答题前请在答题卷上填写好自己的学校、姓名、班级、考号等信息;3、请将答案正确填写在答题卷指定的位置,在非答题区位置作答无效。第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the two speakers most likely to buy?A. Apples. B.

2、Oranges. C. Strawberries.2. How will the woman probably go to the station?A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By train.3. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a store. B. At a hotel. C. At a laundry.4. When did the woman hurt her leg?A. Yesterday. B. Three days ago.C. A week ago.5. What is

3、 the man doing?A. Asking for advice. B. Giving a suggestion.C. Making a complaint.第二节(共l5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. Where are the speakers?A. At a hotel.B. At a store

4、.C. At a restaurant.7. How does the woman feel in the end?A. Excited.B. Sick.C. Scared.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。8. Who left the company?A. Lisa.B. Steve.C. Tim.9. What has the man been trying to do?A. Give up coffee.B. Go to bed earlier.C. Employ someone new.10. Why did the man feel so tired?A. He was i

5、ll.B. He did lots of work.C. He didnt drink coffee.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。11. What does the woman want to buy?A. A hat.B. A dress.C. An overcoat.12. What color does the woman choose?A. Red.B. Purple.C. Yellow. 13. How much does the woman pay for it?A. 600 yuan.B. 640 yuan.C. 880 yuan.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第1

6、6三个小题。14. Whats the man doing?A. Watching TV.B. Lying on the beach.C. Having a holiday.15. Where is the man from?A. America.B. Japan.C. Australia.16. How long will the woman stay here?A. For two days.B. For three days.C. For two weeks.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. What did Shakespeare mostly write?A. Po

7、ems.B. Plays.C. Novels.18. When was Shakespeare born?A. In 1598.B. In 1593.C. In 1564.19. Why were the theaters closed in 1593?A. A terrible disease came.B. Poems were more popular.C. The King didnt like plays.20. What do many people think of Shakespeare?A. Hes very funny.B. Hes one of the best acto

8、rs ever.C. Hes one of the greatest English writers.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen someone has been bitten by a snake, try to find out if the snake is poisonous or harmless. Their bite marks are usually different. The bite of most of most poison

9、ous snake leaves marks of two fangs(毒牙). If the bit of a snake leaves only two rows of teeth marks, but no fang marks, it is less likely that the snake is poisonous.People often believe that certain harmless snakes are poisonous. Try to find out which of the snakes in your ares are truly poisonous a

10、nd which are not. Please do not kill non-poisonous snakes, because they do no harm. On the contrary, they kill mice and other pests that do lots of damage. Some even kill poisonous snakes.Here is some treatment for poisonous snakebite:*Stay quiet: dont move the bitten part. The more its moved, the f

11、aster the poison will spread through the body. If the bite is on the foot, the person should not walk at all. Send for medical hep.*Remove jewellery because swelling can spread rapidly.*Wrap the bitten are with a wide elastic bandage or clean cloth to slow the spread of poison. Keeping the arm or le

12、g very still, wrap it tightly, but not so tight that it stops the pulse(脉搏)at the wrist or on top of the foot. If you cannot feel the pulse, loosen the bandage a little.*Wind the bandage over the hand or foot, and up the whole arm or leg. Make sure you can still feel the pulse.*Carry the person, on

13、a stretcher(担架)if possible, to the nearest health center. If you can also take the snake, because different snakes may require different antivenoms(抗毒血清).*Poisonous snakebite is dangerous. Send for medical help-but always do the things explained above at once. Some treatments, such as cutting the sk

14、in around the bite and sucking the venom out of the bite, can cause infection. And remember: Never drink alcohol after snakebite. It makes things worse!21.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?A. To introduce us to different kinds of snakes.B. To tell us how to recognize poisonous snakes.C. To advice t

15、reating snakes differently.D. To show how to protect ourselves from snakes.22.If a hand is bitten, we should wind the bandage over the whole arm to _?A. reduce the pulse.B. avoid infection.C. prevent the blood from flowing.D. 3D printing plays the most important role in daily life.23.Which of the fo

16、llowing first aids may cause infection.A. Removing the venom with the mouth.B. Wrap the elastic bandage tightly.C. Drinking some water after a snakebite.D. Breathing mouth to mouth to save the victim.24.Where does this text most probably come?A. A research plan.B. A life magazine.C. An advertisement

17、.D. A science report.BWhether you are young or young at heart, it is never too late to change, or take in some new and better practices into your daily life. Here are some wise lessons that I wish I knew when I was younger.I used to be worried about what others thought of me. Finally, I changed. Rem

18、ember that if youre wasting too much time looking for respect(尊重) from others, then you will not have time to finish all you desire(期望).Everyone has an opinion, but in fact others opinions about you are based more on their history and perceptions(观念) than anything youre actually doing. So depend on

19、your own assessment(评估) of you rather than others.Enjoy every moment of today. Dont wait to do or enjoy anything. Dont tell yourself you will do it tomorrow. If it is important to you, then do it today. Pay attention to what is happening now, the task at hand and all the choices you make today, big

20、and small. Our future is set by what we decide and do today.What happened yesterday is over. You can not change it. So let it go. Dont waste your energy considering anger or unhappiness. It only stops you from moving forward in life.Look for the good in people. Celebrate the happy moments, big and s

21、mall. Search for the chances for growth. Give helpful encouragement rather than unwanted criticism (批评). Be helpful whenever possible.In a word, life is serious but you can still be delighted and hopeful. Otherwise, whats the point?25.We shouldnt worry too much about what others think of us because

22、_.A. our own assessment is enoughB. their opinions about us may be wrongC. we are improving ourselves every dayD. we dont always need other peoples help26.What should we do in the authors opinion?A. Never forget our hard times.B. Change our lifestyles regularly.C. Never look for respect from others.

23、D. Always complete important work in time.27.Whom is the text most probably written by?A. A clever child.B. A middle school student.C. An expert on human relationships.D. An old man with rich experience of life.CFor the past four days, the streets of India have been brightly lit and full of festivit

24、ies. Millions of people around the country have been celebrating the festival of Diwali.Diwali has been celebrated in India for hundreds of years. It takes place each year in either October or November. Although the holiday lasts only one night, people continue to celebrate for several days.People l

25、ight oil lamps during the festival. In the tradition of the Hindu religion, the lamps are meant to celebrate the victory of light over darkness and good over evil (邪恶). The holiday also celebrates the start of a new year in the Hindu calendar. But Diwali is an important festival in many other Indian

26、 religions as well, including Sikhism and Jainism. In a country of more than 1.2 billion people and different religious beliefs, Diwali is a celebration that touches everyone.Diwali means “rows of lamps” in Sanskrit, a language used in many Indian religions. During the festival, families and friends

27、 come together to light the oil lamps,which are called diyas. Then they put the lamps in rows outside their homes and temples.As in other cultures winter holidays,sweets and gifts are also a big part of Diwali. Neighbors and friends share treats, called mithai, and exchange presents.Employers often

28、use the holiday to express appreciation for their workers. This year, a businessman even bought cars and houses for some of his employees!The Diwali spirit can be felt outside India as well. Indians in countries around the world, including the U. S. and Canada,are also celebrating the holiday this w

29、eek.28.The underlined word “victory” in paragraph 3 means _.A. winning B. failureC. losing D. award29.The third paragraph is mainly about _.A. the differences between Indian religionsB. the introduction of Indian religionsC. the development of DiwaliD. the religious reasons for celebrating Diwali30.

30、Besides a religious tradition, Diwali is also considered as a time _.A. for giving B. for progressC. to enjoy success D. to make new friends31.What is the best title for the passage?A. The History of India B. The Beliefs of the IndiansC. A Kind of Indian Language D. An Indian Festival of LightsDIn t

31、he past, when people had problems, they went to their families or friends to get advice. Today, it is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programs and telephone hot line, too. A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. Most hot lines are comple

32、tely anonymous(匿名的)callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are usually free, too. Callers do not have to pay for the advice or the phone calls even if the calls are long distance. At some hot lines, the advisers are long distance. At some hot lines, the advisers a

33、re volunteers. Some advisers are paid for their work. Usually the advisers are professionals(专职人员), with years of education and experience, but some has only several months of training before they work for the hot line. All the advisers listen to people and help them settle their problems.32.What do

34、 you know about a hot line?A. Its a telephone line that is hotB. Its a telephone line through which people get adviceC. Its a telephone line whose number no one knowsD. Its a telephone line through which callers take a short class33.When people call the hot line advisers, they .A. often give their n

35、ames and telephone numbersB. generally have to pay for the long distance callsC. usually pay nothing for most of the calls and adviceD. always try to get in touch with the volunteer advisers34.The advisers working at hot lines .A. are not all paidB. are all volunteersC. are all well educated and exp

36、eriencedD. have all been trained for a short time35.How do the hot line advisers work?A. They do what the callers tell them to do.B. They follow the callerss advice.C. They listen to the callers and give them advice.D. They go to the callers to help them.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的

37、最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。“Three Apples” changed the world. The first one seduced(诱惑)Eve. The second one awakened Newton. 36. Here are some famous words from Steve Jobs to share. On the characterIm the only person I know thats lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year. 37.On good designThats been one o

38、f my mottosfocus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex;You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But its worth it in the end because once you get there,you can move mountains. On his outlook 38. Saying weve done something wonderful when going to bed at night. Th

39、ats what matters to me. On your working lifeYour work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.39. If you havent found it yet,keep looking. Dont settle. On the importance of deathNo one wants to die. Even people who wan

40、t to go to heaven dont want to die to get there. 40. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be,because Death is even likely the single best invention of life. It is lifes change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you,but some day not too long fro

41、m now,you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. A. Its very character-building.B. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. C. This is not a one-man show. D. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. E. And yet death is the destination we all share. F. Its really har

42、d to design products by focusing on groups. G. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesnt matter to me.第三部分:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Dear Max,Your mother and 1 dont yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future,but

43、we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can enjoy the life ahead of you.Like all ,we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.Although headlines often focus on whats ,in many ways the world is getting better. Health is . Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connec

44、ting.We will try our to make the world a better place, not only because we love you, but also because we believe all children have the to be loved and cared about.But right now, the world doesnt always the biggest chances and problems children today will see in the future. I will continue to work as

45、 Facebooks CEO for many, many years to come, .some problems are so important that we have to deal with them now.Consider diseases. Today we spend about 50 times more money people who are sick than we use in research so you wont get sick in the first place.Medicine has only been a real science for le

46、ss than 100 years, and weve already seen complete cures(治愈)for some diseases and good progress for others. technology develops, we have a real chance at curing all or most of the other diseases in the next 100 years.Curing diseases will time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it may not seem

47、like were making a But in the long run, trees planted now will grow, and one day, you or your children wilt see what we can only imagine; a world without diseases. Max, we love you and really want to the world a better place for you and all children. We wish you a life with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We cant wait to see what you bring to this world.Love,Mom and Dad41.A. fully B. rarely C. likely D. liv


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