广州版六年级英语下册期末测试题(DOC 6页).doc

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1、广州版六年级英语下册期末测试题班级 姓名 分数 (时间:50分钟 分数:100分)注意事项:1.试题共六页,七大题。2.请考生在试卷上用蓝色或黑色圆珠笔、签字笔或钢笔作答。 第卷(50%)一、语音知识(10%)A) 找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。(5%)( ) 1. any A. make B. factory C. many D. wash( ) 2. often A. soldier B. come C. kilo D. borrow( ) 3. football A. food B. look C. broom D. afternoon( ) 4. throw A. Thursda

2、y B. then C. there D. other( ) 5. exercise A. close B. rice C. Canada D. colouredB)指出划线部分读音部分不同于其他三个词。(5%)( ) 6. A. stay B. say C. today D. Sunday( ) 7. A. today B. tomorrow C. factory D. love( ) 8. A. great B. leave C. cheap D. speak( ) 9. A. half B. all C. talk D. ball( ) 10. A. lunch B. machine C

3、. teach D. French二、单项选择(20%)A) 选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5%)( ) 11.Yesterdaysmeetingwasnotinteresting . A. important B. exciting C .boring( ) 12.Jackisatopstudent . A. bad B. best C. tall( ) 13.Weneedalotofpowertodothingseveryday . A. energy B. activities C. engineer( ) 14.Thehairclipsgowellwithherbeauti

4、fuldress . A. match B. makeupwith C. fit( ) 15.Neilisnotveryoftenlateforschool . A. always B. seldom C. sometimeB)选择最佳答案。(15%)( )16.Wouldyoulike_juice?Yes, please . A. any B. some C. a D. an( ) 17._doesLilydanceeveryday? A. howoften B. howlong C. howmany D. howmuch( ) 18.There_toomuchsugarinthecoffe

5、e. A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 19._hisfather, David_playingfootball . A. Like, like B. Likes, likesC. Likes, like D. Like, likes( ) 20.Whoareyou_, Andy ?Mum. A. wait B.waiting C. waitingfor D. waitfor( ) 21.Howdoyoulikethefilm,Shirley ? _. A. Yes,Ido B. Goodidea C. Verywell D. Veryinteresting( )

6、22.Sandyspresent_20yuan . A. costs B. pays C.spends D.takes( ) 23.Wendyhasateddybear . You can alsobuyonein_ . A. anelectricalshop B. atoyshop C. aclothesshop D. asportsshop( ) 24._youchattingwithFrankontheInternet ? No, _arent . A. Do, we B. Are, they C.Is, I D. Are, we( ) 25.Howdowesay“99, 118” ?

7、A. ninety-ninethousand, andonehundredandeighteen B. ninety-ninethousands, onehundredsandeighteen C. ninety-ninethousand, one hundredandeighteen D. ninety-ninethousands, andonehundredandeighteen( ) 26.It scoldintheroom ._Iclosethewindow, Mum ? Yes, you may . A. Can B. May C. Must D.Cant( ) 27._isthec

8、apitalofJapan . A. Moscow B. Bangkok C.Paris D. Tokyo( ) 28.Whichofthefollowingdescribestherightorder ? A. First Next Then Afterwards Finally B. First Then Next Afterward Finally C. First Next Afterwards Then Finally D. First Then Next Finally Afterwards( ) 29.Thewindowofmybedroomis_ thedoor . A. un

9、der B. after C. below D. opposite( ) 30.Wemovedintoanewflat , Eric . _ . A. It sOK B. Ofcourse C. Congratulations D. Isee 三、词汇运用(15%)A) 根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词。(4%)31. WeneedntbuyRickyabike . Hehasanewonea_.32. Doyouusuallymakeashoppinglistb_yougoshopping ?33. Letsi_ourteacherstoourparty . They llbeveryha

10、ppytobewithus .34. Theboxisveryl_ . Youcancarryiteasily .B) 根据句意和中文提示,写出句中所缺单词。(4%)35. Thegirlwantsto_(改变)herhairstyle .36. Anniehasa_(圆的)face .37. Hurryup . The_(出租车38. It smidnight . Dadis_( 仍,还)working .C)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(7%)39. Theboynever_(lie) . Believehim!40. Now , thestudents_ (collect)s

11、tationeryforthechildrenfromWenchuan .41. _(notstay)outtoolate, Wendy .42. Myuncleplans_(study)inLondonnextyear.43. The_(story)areveryinteresting .44. KittyisarrivingonSunday , the_ (five)ofJanuary.45. Icanspend20_(many)minutesinbednow .四、请把Betty 与Tim 之间的对话重新排列,使句意通顺,将正确的序号写在横线上。(5%) Is Bob In?Betty

12、Tim46. Bye! 51.Hello, Bob .47.Hello! 6503794 52.Ok.Thanks . Goodbye!48.Oh, sorry! Hesnotathome . 53.Hi, Betty. ThisisTim .49.No, thisisBetty. 54.IsBobin ? Betty!50.Fine, thanks, Tim. 55.Howareyou ?( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) 第卷(50%)五、完形填空(10%) Mrs.WanglivesinNanjingnow. Sheis102yearsold. Peopleof

13、tenaskher 56 shecankeephealthyinherlife. Mrs.Wangsayseveryone 57 liveto102ifhe eatshealthyfoodanddoessomeexerciseeveryday .Mrs.Wangthinks , firstofall, 58 isveryimportant. Sheoften59a glassofmilkandtwoeggsforitatabout8:00 a.m.Milkandeggsgiveherenergy. Soshedoesntoftenfeel60inthemorning. She61eats sn

14、acksbecauseshedoesntthinktheyarehealthyfood. Sheseldomeatsmeattoo. Sheusuallyhassome62andvegetablesforlunchandsupper. And 63 meals , sheusually hasanappleorabanana. MrsWangdoessomeexercisetoo. Shethinkssheisstillyoung. SheplaysTaijifor64everyday. Sometimesshealsodancewithherfriends. “Doyouwanttobe65

15、forever(永远) ? Imsure youcanifyouhaveagoodlifestyle!”Mrs.Wangsaystous .( ) 56. A. what B. when C. where D. how( ) 57. A. can B. should C. need D.must( ) 58. A .lunch B. breakfast C. supper D.dinner( ) 59. A. ishaving B. arehaving C. has D. have( ) 60. A.tired B. happy C. well D. excited( ) 61. A.ofte

16、n B.usually C. always D. never( ) 62. A.pork B.rice C. beef D.meat( ) 63. A.beside B. infrontof C.behind D.between( ) 64. A.ayear B. aweek C. 2oclock D. halfanhour( ) 65. A.young B. old C. luck D. hungry六、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2%,共30%)(A) Basketball match: Changchun vs shengyangDay: SaturdayTime: in

17、the morning (10:00)Place: Changchun StadiumTelephone: 70504266Film: SupermanDay: SaturdayTime: in the afternoon and in the evening (15:00-17:00; 18:00-20:00)Price: adult 16 yuan; child half priceTelephone: 62603941Concert (音乐会)Day: WednesdayTime: in the morning (10:30-12:00)Place: People TheatrePric

18、e: 35 yuan Telephone: 9968724Swimming lessonDay: ThursdayTime: in the morning (8:00)Place: Great Swimming poolTelephone: 58796324( ) 66.Whereistheswimminglesson? A.ChangchunStadium B.GreatSwimmingPool C.PeopleTheatre D.GreatGarden( ) 67.Whenistheconcert? A.OnThursday(18:0020:00) B.OnSaturday(10:00)

19、C.OnWednesday(10:3012:00) D.OnWednesday(10:0011:30)( ) 68.Ifyouwantto asksomethingaboutthebasketballmatch,youcancall . A.62603941 B.70504266 C.58796324 D.99687241( ) 69.OnSaturday,youcan . A.watchthebasketballmatchandhavetheswimminglesson B.seethefilmSupermanandgototheconcert C.havetheswimminglesson

20、andgototheconcert D.watchthebasketballmatchandseethefilmSuperman( ) 70.Twoadultsandonechildwillspend seeingthefilm Superman. A.87.5 yuan B.40 yuan C.8 yuan D.16 yuan(B)Today is Sunday, so Peter doesnt go out. He asks his parents about the traditional Chinese clothes. Mother tells him that Qipao is t

21、he traditional dress for women in China. It is usually made of colourful silk and sometimes made of cotton . Many women in the West like it very much too. Father can remember that all the VIPs wore Tang suit(唐装)at APEC in Shanghai. They all looked smart in the traditional Chinese clothes. Many young

22、 people find it cool to wear the clothes in their own styles. Many young people find it cool to wear the clothes in their own styles. Peters cousin says the modern clothes are better. Finally, they think the fashion should be first.( )71.WheredoesPetertalkwithhisparents? A.Athome B.Atschool C.AtAPEC

23、inShanghai D.Atafashionshow( )72.Qipaoisusuallymadeof . A.cotton B.leather C.silk D.paper( )73.TheVIPsatAPECinShanghaiworeclothesin . A.modernstyle B.Tangstyle C.thestylefromthe1980s D.theirownstyles( )74.Peters isathishometoo. A.sister B.brother C.grandfather D.cousin( )75.Theythinktheclothesshould

24、be first. A.beautiful B.cheap (C)The New Years Eve party was going on when the bell rang. A tall man opened the door and came in. Nobody knew him, but the host went over and took him in. The man sat there happily for an hour and drunk. Then he said, “invited me to this party. I dont know you, or any

25、one else here. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your friends cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!”( )76.Whendidthestoryhappen? A.At 7:00 B.InDecember C.OnNewYearsEve D.Whenthebellrang( )77.The“bell”heremeansthe . A.t

26、imebell B.doorbell C.churchbell D.bellforclass( )78.Thehostwenttomeetandtookhiminbecausehetookthetallmanfor . A.oneofhisfriends B.hisbrother C.hisclassmate D.histeacher( )79.Thetallmanswifewaitedinthecarfor . A.alongtime B.twohours C.ahalfhour D.anhour( )80.Atlast,thehostmightbealittle . A.happy B.surprised C.worried D.afraid七、书面表达:Carmen是一名时装模特,今年20岁。她身材苗条,饮食习惯和生活习惯健康,酷爱游泳运动,平时喜欢购物、交友、看电影等等。请你根据她的职业特点和爱好,发挥你的想象力,综合考虑住所的四周环境,为她选择一处理想的住所,并简要说明理由。60字左右。(10%) Carmensidealhome 7 / 7


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