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1、人教新课标七年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案解析AUnit 1过关测试限时:60分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. My friend can play_ violin, but she cant play _chess.A. the; theB. / ; the C. the; /D. / ; /2. Our English teacher is good _ music, and she is good _ students.A. at; atB. at; with C. with; atD. with; with3. Mr.Black i

2、s a teacher and he _ English.A. asksB. calls C. watchesD. teaches4. Wang Feng sings many nice songs. He _ many of them by himself.A. readsB. writesC. tellsD. talks5. The _ are listening to the speech carefully.A. workerB. personC. peopleD. visitor6. Can your brother sing _ draw?He can draw.A. andB.

3、but C. orD. so7. Can you help me _ my math?Sure. We can meet _ the weekend.A. with; onB. in; in C. at; atD. on; at8. Lily _ English very well _ she doesnt know Chinese.A. speaks; butB. talks; butC. speaks; andD. talks; and9. You draw so well, so you can _ the art club.A. take part inB. join inC. joi

4、nD. take10. Can your sister _?Yes. These are her pictures.A. swimB. sing C. danceD. draw11. Li Ming can _, so he wants to join the _ club.A. swim; swims B. swim; swimmingC. swimming; swims D. swimming; swimming12. What club do you want to join?I can play the violin, so I want to join the_club.A. spo

5、rtsB. computer C. EnglishD. music13. My brother _ the piano and he plays it_. A. can play; good B. cant play; goodC. can play; wellD. cant play; well14. Can Linda sing?_. She often sings at school.A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, she canC. No, she cant D. No, she doesnt15. What can Jim do, Jack?_. A. He like

6、s sportsB. He can do kung fuC. He cant singD. He wants to be in the club二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Hello, Im Abel. We have some _16 in our schoolthe music club, the chess club and so on. Many boys want to _17 the sports club. What sports can they _18? Basketball, volleyball and tennis. They _19 basketball be

7、st(最). They think its interesting and _20. They _21 to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao. Some girls _22 like playing basketball.Can you play basketball? If not, I can _23 you how to play it. Im in the basketball club. I can play it _24. Its not _25 to be a good player. But you should work hard

8、 and often play it.16. A. classesB. clubsC. computersD. subjects17. A. seeB. helpC. joinD. sell18. A. playB. buyC. drawD. write19. A. thankB. needC. watchD. love20. A. boringB. relaxingC. busyD. fat21. A. soundB. wantC. getD. come22. A. alsoB. tooC. onlyD. very23. A. learnB. teachC. talkD. sing24. A

9、. goodB. badC. wellD. nice25. A. smallB. difficultC. bigD. easy三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AAs we all know, there are all kinds of clubs in the US middle schools, such as the music club, the sports club, the chess club, the swimming club.But do you know the homework club? It is a popular club in many US middl

10、e schools. More and more students spend their afternoons in these clubs. The US middle school students need a quiet place to study. But games, computers and TVs are all around kids at home. So the homework club is just for them to do their homework. The club is quiet and its good for students to stu

11、dy. Some teachers are there, too. They can answer students questions and help with their work.After the students finish their homework, they can go home. Then they can play games or watch TV happily.26. What is the best title (题目)of the passage?A. Clubs in US middle schools B. Students and homeworkC

12、. The homework club D. Study and hobbies27. The students in the US middle schools can go to the homework club_. A. in the morningB. at noon C. in the afternoonD. at night28. The underlined word “spend” in Chinese means _. A. 提供B. 度过C. 节约D. 讨论29. What can the students do in the homework club?A. Learn

13、 to swim. B. Play the guitar.C. Watch TV. D. Do their homework.30. Which is NOT true about the homework club?A. The homework club is popular in the US middle schools.B. Its good for students to study in the homework club.C. The teachers in the homework club can help the students study.D. All the US

14、middle school students like the homework club.BIm Kate from the UK. Im in the Chinese club in our school. I like Chinese and I think its interesting. My Chinese is very good.(A)I can tell and write stories in Chinese. My favorite writer (作家) is Mo Yan from China. Now let me tell you something about

15、my favorite writer and his family. Mo Yans real(真的) name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan is his pen name. Mos birthday is on February 17th.Mo writes stories very well. (B)He can also write with his left hand 左手). Mo has a daughter. Her name is Guan Xiaoxiao. The girl can write stories (C)_ she cant write with

16、her left hand.31. 请将(A)处的画线句子翻译成汉语:_32. 请写出(B)处画线句子的一个同义句:_33. 请在(C)填入一个适当的连词,将两个句子连接起来:_34. What club is Kate in?_35. How many people in the passage can write stories?_四、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)(一)根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。36. Who plays the g_ and the violin very well?37. We need three good m_ for our music festival.

17、38. His grandfather often tells us some s_. They are very interesting.39. John likes to sing very much and he wants to join the s_ club.40. Can you d_ some pictures for me?(二)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。41. The boy usually _(跳舞)at home.42. _(人们) can play chess and basketball there.43. There is a big shop in the _

18、(中央) of the town.44. I _(也) want to join the club to study swimming.45. The teacher tells us to _(使成为) friends with our new classmates.五、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)A:Hello, Jack!_46B:Hello, Mike! I want to join the sports club._47A:Well, I dont like sports. Hmm, I want to join the chess club. _48B:No, I cant.

19、But do you like music?A:Oh, yes._49 I can sing and dance.B:Me, too. Lets join the music club.A:OK._50A. How about you?B. I like music very much.C. What club do you want to join?D. I think we can have a good time here.E. Can you play chess?F. Thank you!G. OK!六、综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)Lin Fang is a nice girl.

20、 She is a middle school student now. She likes English and she can s_51 English very well. She often helps her classmates _52 their English. Lin Fang likes music. And she is good at _53(play) the guitar. She wants _54(join) a music club. To be a _55(music) is her dream. Lin Fang likes to _56(说话) to

21、children, too. Now, we want a teacher _57 our music club. He/She should be good with _58(人们) and have time on the _59(周末). I think Lin Fang can come and s_60 us her talents(才艺). 七、书面表达(25分)假如你叫李鸿,你们学校要举行一次演出,需要你负责招聘一些演出人员。请根据表格信息写一则60词左右的招聘广告。开头已给出,不计入总词数。成员要求联系歌手(singer)sing, be good with people舞蹈演

22、员(dancer)dance, help with dance鼓手(drummer)drum李鸿5567983We need some members for the school show._Unit 1过关测试一、1.C点拨:用固定搭配法。play后跟表示乐器的名词时,乐器名词前要加the;play后跟棋类时,棋类名词前不加冠词。2B点拨:用固定搭配法。考查be good和介词的连用。be good at .意为“擅长”;be good with.意为“善于应付的;对有办法”。由第一个空格后music可知英语老师“擅长”音乐;由第二个空格后的students可知英语老师“对学生有办法”,故

23、选B。3D4.B5.C6.C7.A8A点拨:用语境分析法。“说某种语言”要用speak,所以第一个空填speaks;由前半句句意“莉莉英语说得非常好”,可推知后半句意为“但是她不懂汉语”,可见表转折关系,故第二个空填but。9C10.D11.B12.D13.C14B点拨:用语境分析法。Can sb. do?是一般疑问句,答语要落到can上,故排除A、D两项;由答语后句“她经常在学校唱”可推知琳达会唱歌,要肯定回答,故选B。15B二、16.B点拨:由后面提到的各种俱乐部名称,可知学校里有一些“俱乐部”,故选B。17C18.A19.D20B点拨:and连接两个并列的成分,由前面的interesti

24、ng可知空格处应是同类的relaxing。21.B22.A23B点拨:联系前后句Can you play basketball?及Im in the basketball club.可知作者表示自己可以“教”如何打篮球,故选B。24C25B点拨:由后句But you should work hard and often play it.这一转折句可知作者说想成为一个好篮球运动员并不“难”。故选B。三、A26.C点拨:用主题句定位法。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了美国写作业俱乐部的情况,由文中But do you know the homework club? It is a popular clu

25、b in many US middle schools. 这一主题句,可知选C。27C点拨:细节理解题。由“More and more students spend their afternoons in these clubs.”可知是“在下午”。28B点拨:词义猜测题。根据“More and more students spend their afternoons in these clubs.”一句中spend后面的时间afternoons可知学生在俱乐部“度过”下午的时间。故选B。29.D30.DB31.我可以用汉语讲故事和写故事。32He can write with his lef

26、t hand, too.33but点拨:由前句的can和后句中的cant可知用转折连词but连接。34The Chinese club./She is in the Chinese club.35Three.四、(一)36.guitar37.musicians38.stories39singing40.draw(二)41.dances42.People43.center44also45.make五、4650CAEBD六、51.speak52.with53.playing54to join55.musician56.talk57.for58people59.weekend60.show七、范文:

27、 We need some members for the school show. Can you sing? And are you good with people? We need some good singers. Come and join us! If you can dance well and help with dance for other members, we hope you can come. Are you good at drums? Then come to play for our show!Its interesting and fun! Please

28、 call Li Hong at 5567983!点评:作者用了“三步四要素法”写此文,内容全面、结构清晰、语言通顺。首先,开门见山地点题为学校的演出招聘成员;其次,介绍所招人员及相关要求;最后,留下联系方式供同学们应聘联系之用。添彩点:用Can you.?询问对方能否做某事。用be good with .表示“善于应付某人”。用Come and join.表示邀请对方加入。用Please call.at.结构表示“打电话找某人”。Unit 2过关测试限时:60分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七总分得分一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1. _does Mr. Wang usually

29、go to bed? At nine.A. What timeB. How time C. WhoD. How2. David, when do you get up every day?I usually get up_ half past six. Im never late for school.A. inB. at C. onD. during3. Look at the clock. Its six fifteen.A. fifteen to five B. fifteen past sixC. a quarter to six D. a quarter past five4. Yo

30、u can either take a bus _ go there on foot.A. andB. orC. butD. so5. He wants to _ as (作为) a teacher. He thinks its an interesting _. A. work; workB. works; jobC. work; jobD. works; work6. We have _ things to do this week, but I think we have _ time to do them.A. much; a lot ofB. a lot of; manyC. man

31、y; lots ofD. lots of; many7. The twins _school in the morning.A. is often late forB. are often late forC. often are late toD. often is late to8. _ he go to work early? Yes, he _to work very early.A. Do;goB. Does;goC. Does;goesD. Do;goes9. Rick takes a walk in the park every morning.A. hasB. runsC. g

32、oesD. eats10. To wash hands before meals is good _ our health.A. withB. forC. ofD. at11. The mooncake tastes _, and it sells _. A. good; wellB. good; goodC. well; wellD. well;good12. My father usually works very late _. A. on nightB. in nightC. at nightD. with night13. Its a _ story. We all like it

33、very much.A. badB. funnyC. interestingD. early14. He usually has a _ breakfast, and then goes to work _. A. quick; quickly B. quick; quickC. quickly; quickly D. quickly; quick15. The old man often takes a walk alone(独自), but _ with his dog.A. alwaysB. usually C. sometimesD. never二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Da

34、vid has a happy family. In the morning he gets up _16 5:30. He takes a shower and then he eats breakfast at six _17.His parents get up at 5:00. They usually take a walk at 5:30. Then they _18 breakfast.In the afternoon, David _19 home at 4:30. He and his parents have dinner at six. In the evening, D

35、avid likes watching TV. But his parents ask him to do _20 homework first. He goes to bed at 9:00._21, David doesnt go to school and his parents dont go to work. They _22 their house at home. They _23 in the park to keep (保持) healthy. They also make nice food. It _24 good. They have a happy _25. 16.

36、A. inB. onC. atD. for17. A. clockB. hourC. hoursD. oclock18. A. haveB. eatsC. HasD. eating19. A. comes toB. comes backC. come toD. come back20. A. heB. DavidC. theirD. his21. A. In weekendB. On weekendsC. WeekendD. Weekends22. A. makeB. playC. cleanD. watch23. A. stopB. sitC. talkD. exercise24. A. t

37、astesB. soundsC. feelsD. watches25. A. jobB. lifeC. walkD. night三、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分) AJenny gets up early in the morning. She has breakfast and then goes to school. She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus. She gets to school at about half past seven.Jenny is never late for school. She likes her sch

38、ool and works hard. Classes begin at 8:00.She has six classes every day. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes English best.Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She goes home at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with their lessons after school. After supper she usually

39、watches TV. Then she does her homework. he goes to bed at about 9:30.Jenny is a good girl.26. Where does Jenny have breakfast?A. She has breakfast at home.B. She has breakfast at school.C. She has breakfast on her way to school.D. She has breakfast on the bus.27. How does Jenny do in her lessons?A.

40、She doesnt like going to school.B. She cant do her lessons.C. She does very well in her lessons.D. She doesnt know her lessons at all.28. How many hours does Jenny stay at school?A. She is at school for about seven hours.B. She is at school for about seven and a half hours.C. She is at school for ab

41、out eight hours.D. She is at school for about nine and a half hours.29. What does Jenny sometimes do after school?A. She has supper with her classmates at school.B. She helps her friends with their lessons.C. She does some shopping for her mother.D. She goes home with her friends.30. What does Jenny do after supper?A. She watches TV and then goes to bed.B. She watches TV and does some housework.C. She watches TV and does her homework.D. She reads her English and does some sports.BMy friend Tom lives a happy life. He usually gets up(1) at 6:00 a. m., and the


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