最新译林版英语六年级下册第二单元测试题(DOC 6页).doc

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1、最新译林版英语六年级下册第二单元测试题班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“S”,不相同的写“D”。( )1. for short ( )2. doctor sport ( )3. horse house( )4. thought four ( )5. clock cold二、英汉互译。 1. 睡觉前 2. 保持房间整洁 3. 跑得快 4. 帮助他的父母 5. 过来看她 6. 一些坏习惯 7. 做得好 8. 非常了解 9. put in order 10. showaround 11. 起床早 12. before lunch 13. 一些好习惯 14. bru

2、sh teeth 15. 在街上 16. make a big hole 17. 感到困倦的 18. catch the lion 19. 大声笑 20. hit the ball hard 三、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. habit B. sing C. talk ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. you ( ) 3. A. sleep B. run C. sleeply ( ) 4. A. slowly B. family C. quietly ( ) 5. A. sometimes B. some C. often四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.

3、My father never (go) to bed early. 2. Mike is brushing his (tooth) in the bathroom. 3. I (finish) my homework early yesterday. 4. Liu Tao should listen to (he ) mother at home. 5. Yang Ling always does (good) at home. 6. My brother (do not )go to school early every day. 7. Lets (be) friends. 8. I (g

4、o)to bed late last night. 9. They are (Tina)good friends. 10. Sam sings (bad). I cant stay here.五、单项选择。( )1. I visted the museum Saturday moring. A. in B. at C. on D. by( )2. Liu Tao cant his bedroom clesn. A. keeps B. keep C. keeping D. to keep( )3. What is your cousins bad ? A. habits B. habit C.

5、habites D. a habit( )4. Mike well in his subjects. A. does B.do C. doing D. dos( )5. Your friend shouldnt the tree. A.climb B.climbs C. climbing D.to climb( )6. Can you fast? A. walking B.walk C. walks D.to walk( )7.Yang Ling usually her homework early. A.finishing B. finish C.finishs D.finishes( )8

6、. You must put your books order. A. in B. on C. at D. by( )9. I watch TV after dinner. A. some time B. some times C. sometimes D. sometime( ) 10.We go the house and find a black bin. A. at B. on C. into D.in to六、从栏中找出与栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。 ( )1. What time do you often get up? A. Yes,it is.( )2. Do yo

7、u get up early? B. No,I dont.( )3. Is it a good habit? C. I often get up at about six twenty.( )4. What day is it today? D. Yes,I am.( )5. Are you cooking meat? E. Its Thursday.八、根据中文完成句子。 1. 这位老妇人正慢慢地走着。The old is walking . 2. 昨晚我睡得迟了。 I to bed night . 3. 你吃早饭早吗? Do you breakfast ? 4.他总是准时去上学。He al

8、ways to school . 5. 刘涛和迈克从不早早的完成他们的家庭作业。Liu Tao and Mike finish homework .6. 海伦 总是保持她的卧室干净、整洁。 Helen always her bedroom clean and .九、按要求改写句子。 1. The lion caught the mouse.(改成一般疑问句) the mouse? 2. He has some good habits.(改为一般疑问句) he good habits. 3. Mum woke Liu Tao up.(对画线部分提问) Liu Tao ? 4. Mike usua

9、lly watches TV after dinner.(对画线部分提问) Mike usually after dinner? 5. Did your brother go to bed late?(作否定回答) , .十、连词成句。1. order should your in clothes put you (.) 2. the house went an old children into (.) 3. evening John the his does late in often homework (.) 4. him out the help did get how cat (?)

10、 5. laugh brother did happily your (?) 十一、十一、根据中文完成句子 1. 今天早上我早早地去上学了。 I school morning.2. 他们在书桌上看到很多书。 They see books the desk. 3. 他每天上学都很晚吗? he school day? 4. “你能走得快吗?” “是的,我能。” Can you ? Yes, . 5. 我们总是准时睡觉。 We go to time.十二、阅读理解。 Peter was ten years old .He was a cute boy. One day, his friend Pau

11、l said to him, “Im going to have a birthday party on Sunday. Peter. Can you come?”Peter asked his mother, and she said, “Yes, you can go.” Then she phoned Pauls mother.Before Peter went to the party on Sunday afternoon, his mother said to him,” Peter, dont forget to be polite. Dont ask for food. Wai

12、t until someone gives it to you.”“All right, Mum,” Peter answered, and he went to Pauls home by bike.There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour. Then Pauls mother gave them some food, but she forget to give Peter some. He waired politely for a few minutes, and then h

13、e held his plate up in the air and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”A.根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 ( )1. Peter phoned Pauls mother. ( )2. Peter asked for food at the party. ( )3. Paul went to Peters home by bike. ( )4. There were many children at the party. ( )5. Peter was cute

14、but foolish.B.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Whose birthday was on Sunday? 2. What did Peters mother say to him before he went to the party? 3. How did Peter go to the party? 4. What did Pauls mother forget to do? 5. What did Peter do and say after he waited politely for a few minutes? 附:小学英语学些什么和怎么学 很多家长们在自己的孩子开

15、始了小学阶段的学习之后,发现自家孩子的英语能力并没有自己想象的那么出色。小学英语学些什么?这个问题出现在大部分家长们的脑子里。家长们很好奇小学英语学些什么,也很好奇小学英语应该怎么去学。那么下面介绍下小学英语学些什么以及小学英语的学习方法。1.小学英语学些什么? 首先小学英语学些什么?小学除了教会了孩子们一些基本单词之外,也在语法方面进行了较为浅层的教育,比如简单句、疑问句、否定句、进行时、过去式、一般时、形容词、名词变化等,这些英语知识都是在小学阶段会接触到的,只不过是进行一个浅层的教育,深入的教育将在初中后,是为了给孩子初高中的英语语法学习打下基础。所以在小学的英语教学中主要是进行一些简单

16、的英语教学,主要为了培养孩子对学习英语的兴趣,在这个阶段家长不应给孩子太多的压力,以致于让孩子产生厌学的情绪,使以后的教育能够更为顺利的开展。2.趣味学习 其次家长在这个阶段也要给孩子进行一些趣味学习,让孩子对学习英语更加感兴趣。比如玩英语游戏或者日常的情景演练。表演是学习语言的有效途径,孩子在小时候就有很强的表现欲望,家长要抓住孩子在这一阶段的特点,给孩子提供更多的表演机会,也可以一起跟孩子进行日常的情景对话,比如餐厅点菜、问路、询价等等,也可以让孩子在家中学习时,适时的让孩子学唱一些英语歌曲,这样既可以调动孩子的学习英语的积极性,也可以增强孩子的记忆,给孩子提供一个轻松愉快的学习英语的环境。3.掌握对的方法最后对于孩子的单词记忆一定要掌握对的方法,不要让孩子死记硬背,孩子在小学阶段的记忆力好,如果有一个好的记忆方法,从小记熟一定量的单词,那么对孩子日后的英语学习是会大有益处的。比如联想记忆法,通过颜色鲜艳的单词卡或者实物,让孩子记忆单词。这样不仅能让孩子记住更多单词,还能激起孩子学习英语的兴趣。


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