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1、 2023 届安徽省淮南市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 一、短对话1What will the woman do for the man?AGet him some coffee.BLook for his lunch box.CTreat him to lunch.2What are the speakers mainly talking about?AA famous photographer.BA vacation plan.CA great photo.3What did Lucy think of her experience?AExhausting.BPleasant.CBor

2、ing.4Where does the conversation take place?AIn the living room.BIn the bathroom.CIn the kitchen.5What is the womans plan for Saturday?AMoving house.BCelebrating a birthday.CTaking Brian out for the day.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6What is the relationship between the speakers?AShop assistant and customer

3、.BMother and sonCA couple.7Why will the woman exchange the jacket?AIt looks ugly.BIts not warm enough.CIts a bit small.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8What is wrong with Mary?AShe has a fever.BShe has a chest pain.CShe has a backache.9When is Mary supposed to see Dr. Johnson?AAt 10:00.BAt 10:30.CAt 1:00.听下面一段较长对话

4、,回答以下小题。10What do we know about the first house?AIts near a farm.BIts well-equipped.CIts decorated with fruits.11What is unnecessary in the second place according to the man?AThe washing machine.BThe refrigerator.CThe swimming pool.12Which place will the speakers choose?AThe first one.BThe second on

5、e.CThe third one.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。13Why is the man going to Hong Kong?AFor a holiday.BFor business.CFor study.14What class will the man fly?AFirst class.BBusiness class.CEconomy class.15How much should the man pay for the ticket in total?A$830.B$870.C$900.16For what will the man call back?AThe hotel

6、 reservation.BThe ticket information.CThe climate in Hong Kong.三、短文听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17Where is the market now?ABy the river.BUnder a car park.CIn front of a bank.18What is sold on Sunday?AOld furniture.BLocal food.CHandmade products.19What is the special dish in this area?AIce cream.BA fish dish.CAn a

7、pple cake.20What change has taken place in the harbor area?AFresh fish can be easily bought.BThe restaurants have moved to the other end.CThere are fewer restaurants at present.四、阅读理解If the poems you read as part of the curriculum at school made you think poetry is old-fashioned, has to use fancy la

8、nguage, must always rhyme or is simply out-dated, then youll be pleased to know it doesnt have to do any of these things. Here are four poets whose work will make you look at poetry in a different and more positive light. Misha CollinsFans of Misha Collins may know him as Castiel in the TV show Supe

9、rnatural, but he has never hidden the fact that he also writes poetry. Last year, he released his first book, Some Things I Still Cant Tell You. This contains many of his poems that are expressed as simple thoughts and experiences, making them easy to read. Most are about his wife and are bitterswee

10、t because at the end of the book, he reveals that they have parted ways. Tracy K SmithTracy was the winner of the Cave Canem prize for the best first book by an African American poet, with her 2003 collection, The Bodys Question. Her poems cover important issues around race, family, transcending fro

11、m childhood into adulthood and much more. Each is easy to understand and relate to, while at the same time, deeply personal. Rupi KaurRupi Kaur has connected with a large audience, partly because her collection, Milk and Honey, has been translated into 42 languages to reach readers throughout the wo

12、rld. Her universal themes of migration, healing, loss, grief and trauma are another reason for her success. While more traditional poetry also talks about some of these subjects, Kaurs work is brutally honest and hard-hitting in ways that wouldnt have been acceptable in earlier poetry. Mel Wardle Wo

13、odendMel was the poet Laureate of Staffordshire between 2019 and 2022. She has several published collections to her name. This includes two dyslexic-friendly books for children, making poetry more accessible to them. She also has a collection called Just a Thought, which raises awareness of mental h

14、ealth issues. This topic was rarely discussed at school, so Mels work is progressive and inviting to those who may not tick the typical boxes of someone who enjoys poetry.21In which book has the poet conveyed his/ her mixed feelings of pleasure and pain based on his/ her own personal experience?ASom

15、e Things I Still Cant Tell You.BThe Bodys Question.CMilk and Honey.DJust a Thought.22What contributes to the popularity of Rupi Kaurs poems?AThemes of romance.BConventional styles.CNarrative techniques.DMulti-language versions.23What feature do the four poets works share?AThey are incomprehensible.B

16、They are accessible.CThey are personal.DThey are rhyming.Two hours west of a perfectly sunny summers day in Clackamas, Oregon a foggy breeze awaited me on the Lincoln City coast. After a year of volunteering remotely with Ocean Blue Project, today is a long-awaited beach cleanup. I didnt expect to t

17、ake away more than just trash from the beach cleanup. At first glance, the beach appears clean. However, beach cleanups require much more attention than a quick look over. Within just a couple of hours, 71 of us volunteers managed to pick up 171 pounds of debris. Actually, weve got much more than th

18、at. Beach cleanups connect us to nature and provide an escape from the world for a little bit. They also provide a learning opportunity outside of the participation part. When you sit over a pile oflets face itgarbage, you pick out one by one the pieces left behind by others. You see first hand the

19、impact were having on our environment and account for what is left behind the most. Each cigarette butt and plastic bottle sets the tone for how we should be approaching our everyday lives, which is to stop pollution. Personally, the time spent by the ocean and away from my phone fills me with peace

20、 and calmness as I focus my attention only on the moment, looking for the little devils trying to pollute the ocean. With a pound or two less out of the ocean, I always feel a bit more optimistic about the world to come. This boots-on-the-sand way of making a difference grants me a feeling of accomp

21、lishment and purpose. Rather than pondering the dire task of saving the planet or researching and writing ways to do so, I get to physically make a difference. And theres nothing that can replace that instant gratification of making positive change for your community and your planet. After the clean

22、up, my eyes are now expertly trained to spot loose trash and inorganic materials anywhere I step. Imagine what a huge difference we could all make collectively if we simply stopped and picked up that water bottle or wrapper off the ground instead of passing it by.24Which of the following can best de

23、scribe the authors first beach cleanup with Ocean Blue Project?AEffortless and far-reaching.BAnnoying but rewarding.CPainstaking but fruitful.DDemanding and inefficient.25According to the text, which of the following is the benefit from our doing beach cleanups?AMaintaining good physical health.BGai

24、ning great insight into oceans.CDeveloping researching ways to save the earth.DImproving our mental health.26What does the underlined word “gratification” in Paragraph 5 mean?ASatisfaction.BGratitude.CImpression.DCuriosity.27What is the most suitable title for the text?AWhat Ive Learned from a Beach

25、 CleanupBHow Well I Performed in a Beach CleanupCHow Much Attention a Beach Cleanup RequiresDWhy Volunteering with Ocean Blue Project MattersReading while traveling is more than pleasurable; its a necessity. It means resting our heads against the window while traveling on the subway, train, or bus,

26、and immersing ourselves in distant worlds and other peoples lives. These waves of words help us make the journey seem shorter and distance ourselves from the noise. It can make our journey meaningful and help us to start our working days with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Reading while traveling br

27、ings a unique context to ones reading. Many people take specific books with them to tie into the places theyre traveling to. Few things are as enjoyable and satisfying as lifting your eyes to find yourself in the very same country, setting, or context that the book is set in. Of course, it isnt nece

28、ssary to visit the exact places in a novel in order to experience the sensations that the author is trying to transmit to you. Just the simple fact of being outside the four walls of your house brings new ingredients to reading: sounds, lights, faces, and sensations, among other things. Reading whil

29、e traveling improves your ability to concentrate. The truth is that not all people are able to concentrate on a book while theyre traveling. Our urban world is noisy. However, its interesting to note that those who have become used to reading while traveling have developed unique concentration and f

30、ocusing skills. The ability to read, understand, and visualize other worlds and plots is a skill that can be applied to many other areas in life. Reading, which is a ticket that transports you to places far beyond your physical destination, is a portable pastime. You dont have to be in bed or on the

31、 couch in order to be able to enjoy a book. Reading while traveling is a great way to make the most of your time, thereby turning those moments of inactivity into very active ones for your brain. The only danger that we could point out is that you may get so immersed in your book that you might miss

32、 your stop!28What can be inferred from the first paragraph?ALeaning against the window is recommended.BWords can keep readers distanced from the world.CEnjoying a book makes sufferings from noise pleasant.DReading helps travelers absorbed in another world.29How do you feel when you are exploring the

33、 places you have read about in person?ALost.BUneasy.CSensitive.DOverjoyed.30What can we learn about those who are accustomed to reading while traveling?AThey cant bear being in a noisy atmosphere.BThey are unlikely to be distracted at work.CThey can hardly keep focused on anything else.DThey tend to

34、 be bookish and unrealistic.31What can be concluded about reading while traveling from the last paragraph?AIt partly replaces physical exercise.BIt can boost travelers brain health.CIt keeps you from missing stops.DIt requires a favorable environment.The worlds top climate scientists of the IPCC hav

35、e just released a landmark report, warning about the future of the planet. The headlineburning fossil fuels is already heating up the planet faster than anything the world has seen in 2,000 years. The IPCC is a U. N. body of 195 member states that assesses the science related to the climate crisis o

36、n behalf of governments every few years. This is the group that defines the scientific consensus. Hundreds of scientists work on a series of reports, which take years to produce. Governments have to sign off on them. And this one is just the latest big reassessment of the climate that the IPCC has d

37、one, but its the first one that is done in eight years. It also has the clearest, most confident conclusions that have ever been seen in an IPCC report. According to the report, the greenhouse gases that we have already put into the air have warmed up the planet so far by almost 2 F compared to the

38、pre-industrial times. This warming trend appears to be accelerating as the greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere. And if we keep burning fossil fuels, by 2100so within the lifetime of a child thats born todaythe planet could be 5 to 7F hotter. And one new thing in this report is that it trie

39、s to put numbers on what that means. So, for instance, they say heat waves so extreme used to only happen once every 50 years. Now theyre happening almost five times more often. Extreme droughts could double or four times in frequency. In some cases, extreme storms could become three times more freq

40、uent and drop 30% more rainfall in a day. The scientists say preventing the worst effects will demand a U-turn away from use of fossil fuels. And it depends on us collectively. If every country, every business shifts away from burning gas, coal and oil over the next 30 years or so, we could probably

41、 limit this warming trend to a total of less than 3.5F.32Whats the authors probable purpose of introducing the IPCC in Paragraph 2?ATo make its work better known.BTo respect the scientists commitment.CTo make the report more convincing.DTo appreciate its great achievements.33What do you think of the

42、 current warming according to the report?AIt results from extreme weather.BIt is running out of fossil fuels.CIt is badly speeding up.DThere is no way to slow it down.34How do the scientists support their conclusion in the report?ABy defining scientific consensus.BBy using statistics and inference.C

43、By quoting authority figures.DBy modeling climate change.35What do the scientists expect people to do?AMake joint efforts to stop the use of fossil fuels.BTake positive attitudes to our planets future.CFollow the global warming trend collectively.DDevelop new approaches to using fossil fuels.五、七选五Ma

44、ny of us use longer words in place of shorter ones. People think, if I can show that I have a good vocabulary, Ill sound smarter. _36_ So what can you do to sound smarter? Speak clearly and directly. And follow these tips. _37_ If youre interviewing for a job, review the posting and take advantage o

45、f the whole information on the Internet about your potential company. If youre attending a staff meeting, check the agenda. Going on a date? Plan some talking points, even if theyre just about some favorite TV shows or movies. Feeling prepared will put you at ease, and that will boost your confidenc

46、e. Make eye contact. If someone looks at you while youre talking, youre more likely to think he or she is smart. Good eye contact means the other person is responsive to what you are doing or saying. _38_Strike a power pose. How open or closed your posture is conveys how open or closed you are to ot

47、hers. Openness can convey confidence. _39_ Research has shown that holding these postures for just two minutes can lower stress and increase feelings of power. Avoid pauses. Confidence is as noticeable in your voice as it is in your body language. As you have probably noticed from watching any public event or business meeting, the “winner” of the talk is usually the person who speaks most energetically and fluently. _40_ If you are unconvinced by your own ideas, why should the rest of the room be convinced?APlan ahead.BFeel prepared.CFrequently stopping for a while make you sound un


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