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1、浙江省诸暨市2021届高三5月适应性考试英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Im not a full-time traveler. I spend most days working to earn a living just like you do. But whenever a chance arises for me to visit a far-off country, I jump at it.When studying abroad in New Zealand, I travelled extensively all over the country with

2、two friends. We booked everything from whale watching to a private flight over the Southern Alps, and racked up some impressive credit card bills. Another international student almost looked down her nose at our pricey adventures, declaring that she had come to New Zealand to study, not to empty her

3、 savings account on travel.My question to her came. Why would you come halfway around the world to save your money and keep your nose pressed into a book every weekend? Would you go to China and not visit the Great Wall because it consumes money? Would you go to Italy and skip visiting the Vatican b

4、ecause it requires an admission ticket?I know where I would like my life to go in the coming months and years. But there are no guarantees that things will go as planned. Practically, nothing will go as planned.“Oh, Ill travel when I retire.” “Ill travel when the kids are grown.” “Ill travel when th

5、e house is paid off.” How often we hear others say these? I hear these excuses all the time. But you know what occurs? Age. And stress. And, well, life. Life happens and by that time, you have bad knees and weak lungs and you simply cannot visit all those places you dreamed about in your youth. How

6、sad! I dont want to end up like that, holding on to youthful travel dreams that will never be reality.So I often think, what if “sometime later” never came?So if you are privileged enough to be able to afford to travel, then you should attack it with curiosity and energy and a sense of adventure.So

7、travel young, and travel far.1Why did the author mention his travel experience in New Zealand?ATo prove his belief in travel.BTo show his enthusiasm for travel.CTo attract readers attention.DTo recall a wonderful experience.2What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?AThe excuses for failing to travel

8、far.BThe absolute barriers in the future life.CThe uncertainties of future for travel.DThe regrets of missing some journeys.3Why is the authors writing purpose?ATo circulate the advantages of travel.BTo share his own travel experience.CTo convince readers to travel young.DTo criticize the economical

9、 students.The great thing about libraries is that they house all types of books from mysteries to biography and dramas all in one location. The bad thing about libraries is that they house all types of books in one location, and if its a location you cannot get to, you are out of luck. Now, mobile l

10、ibrary solutions are appearing quickly around the country to bring books to people who need them.A few years ago, when the Little Free Libraries Movement kicked off, more people of all ages could have access to books. Now, more than 1,5000 free book stands can be found across the globe, bringing boo

11、ks to unexpected places. But many folks are simply not in a position to get to the places where the books are. Bookmobile buses are a good solution, but they can be expensive to fund and to operate.Books on Bikes programs are popping up in areas where there is a strong bike culture, in some regions

12、like Seattle, or a strong need to bring books to the masses, for example, in San Francisco.The Seattle Public Librarys Books on Bike program consists of three bike/trailer combos (组合) that librarians bring to community events. The trailers are even Wi-Fi enabled so that visitors can sign up for a li

13、brary card and browse (浏览) the librarys card catalogue on the spot.“Seattle has a really strong bike culture so we want to tap into that and provide full service library programs but do it in a way that is quick and smart,” librarian Jared Mills said in an interview.San Franciscos program, called Bi

14、bliobicicleta, was launched in 2013 by librarian Alicia Tapia. Her trailer can hold about 100 books and attracts readers of all ages and income levels. Its an independent, donation-based library like a Little Free Library, but on wheels.When asked why she would start a free library on a bike, Tapia

15、answers, “Why not? Bikes are cool, and can go anywhere.”4What is the passage mainly about?AFree libraries on bikes.BUnique bicycle cultures.CPopular online libraries.DVarious library movements.5The underlined words in paragraph 5 are closest in meaning to _.Acome up withBstay in touch withCkeep pace

16、 withDtake advantage of6What did Tapia think of the program?AEnvironment-friendly.BPractical.CControversial.DProfitable.More than one in five species of maple trees faces extinction, a shocking new report has revealed.The trees are experiencing a vast decline in habitat, due to urban development, ti

17、mber harvesting, and agricultural expansion. “Time is running out for the worlds biodiversity,” said Douglas Justice, associate director at the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden. “Every recent survey of plants and animals in the wild points to this.” He continued, “This is happening ne

18、arly everywhere that rarer maples exist. And because of climate change, the narrow habitats that support species at the tops of mountains are quickly disappearing.”The trees can be found in sub-tropical and tropical regions, as far south as Indonesia. The only species found in the UK, the field mapl

19、e is not under threat. Not only are the trees a popular ornamental feature in parks and public spaces, but also they are a key part of the natural ecosystem in woodlands, as well as being an important timber crop in several countries.China is home to the largest proportion of maples with 92 species.

20、 It has seen a number of trees become endangered due to urban expansion. Some 14 of the 23 maple trees at risk of extinction in the country are only found in China and have small populations and limited geographical ranges. “We still have an opportunity to save species from disappearance, but it wil

21、l take expertise, resources and the cooperative efforts by the worlds botanical gardens to make it work,” Justice added.One species in Mexico, the Acer binzayedii, is in “desperate need of conversation” despite only being discovered in 2017. “It is at risk from climate change in its cloud forest hab

22、itat and threatened by grazing, logging, and forest fires,” the report adds. The report recommends developing conversation plans, monitoring species currently not at risk to ensure populations are maintained, and adding those missing maple species to seed banks and the like.BGCI(Botanic Gardens Conv

23、ersation International)is now establishing a conversation program to address the conservation needs of maple species. Maple specialists will work together to develop comprehensive strategies to manage and deliver conservation action points for the species.7What is the major reason for maple trees ex

24、tinction?AA lack of scientific research.BThe rarity of the new species.CThe losses of their habitats.DProblems with the distribution.8Whats Justices attitude to saving maple trees?AHopeful.BSkeptical.CReserved.DNegative.9What are the last two paragraphs intended to tell us?AThere is no guarantee of

25、maintaining the tree populations.BIt can never be too late to join hands to protect the species.CAll maple trees of the species are on the edge of extinction.DEffective measures should be taken to conserve maple trees10What can be a suitable title for the passage?ATime is running out for maple trees

26、.BMaple trees are vital to the ecosystem.CMaple trees will stand tall in nature.DClimate change puts maple trees at risk.二、七选五An American study of 10,000 students found that if you make more friends than the average person at school, youll receive a higher salary in later life. People need good soci

27、al skills at work to work in a team successfully. _11_On average, teenagers aged between 15 and 17 have 500 “friends” on their favorite social networking sites. Adults have 130. So if you believe this research, you might be very rich._12_ Dunbar, a professor from the University of Oxford, studied th

28、e number of messages between users of a popular social networking website, each of whom had between 200 and 2,000 friends. He found that they always communicate with a maximum of 150 people.Among these 150, around 5 people are close friends. _13_ They are probably old friends and you share all your

29、good and bad experiences with them. Then there are 10 more friends. Although theyre close to you, you may not keep in touch with them every week. Next there are 35 people who you might spend time with because of a shared interest. _14_ You see or speak to these people at least once a year, but you d

30、ont know them well. Beyond this number, Dunbar says, its impossible to make any relationship meaningful.If you have a lot of online “friends”, try this experiment: First take away anyone you havent been in touch with for a year. Then remove those you cannot remember and, finally, take away friends w

31、ho you wouldnt mind losing touch with. How many have you left? How many of these people are actually good friends? _15_AYou are not close to them.BAnd finally, theres a large group of 100.CYouve most likely known them for long.DHowever, it probably wont make any difference.EThese are the same skills

32、 we use to make friends at school.FTheyve found that having good friends can help you live longer.GAccording to the research, these are the only people that really matter.三、完形填空When 10-year-old Romeo Cox realized what he wanted more than anything else was a hug from his 77-year-old grandmother, he d

33、ecided to make the journey. He did not let the 1,7000-mile distance and the fact that there were no flights _16_ him.“I hadnt _17_ her for a year and a half owing to the pandemic (流行病), so I _18_ to go and see her in secret,” he said. “I meant it to be a(an) _19_ .”“I asked my _20_ and they said no

34、more than 50 times, but I _21_ talked them into letting me do it,” he told The Daily Mail.Romeo turned his plan into _22_ .“I drew a map. Id walk and take boats and do it naturally to _23_ the planet,” he told The Times. “And Id take Dad. It would be _24_ to have an adult.”Romeo and Phil _25_ from S

35、icily, Italy on June 20. They trekked (跋涉) across Italy, Switzerland and France. They spent many nights beneath the stars. They were also _26_ to fight off wild dogs, got lost a time or two, _27_ sore feet and so on. But no matter how _28_ the conditions were, they just kept going.On September 21, t

36、hey _29_ Londons Trafalgar Square, where they spent a two-week mandatory isolation (强制隔离) before being _30_ to make the final leg of journey to Grandma Rosemarys _31_ .With his grandmothers house eventually in sight, Romeo _32_ a joyful run. And he ended up in the _33_ he had been longing for.“I can

37、 hardly imagine my grandsons _34_ trip yet,” she admitted frankly. But more than anything else, love and gratitude _35_ her heart.16AstopBdestroyCtrickDchallenge17AwrittenBcalledCmissedDseen18ApromisedBagreedCplannedDoffered19AsurpriseBpresentCchanceDoption20AfriendsBparentsCgrandparentsDcousins21Ai

38、nstantlyBshortlyCinitiallyDfinally22AwaitBactionCimaginationDfantasy23AsaveBmonitorChelpDexplore24AhandyBimpressiveCstressfulDtroublesome25Awalked awayBdrove onCmoved outDset off26AurgedBexpectedCforcedDordered27AsacrificedBsufferedCenjoyedDharvested28ApunishingBboringCfavorableDpleasant29AvisitedBp

39、assedClocatedDreached30ArequiredBpersuadedCallowedDforbidden31AhomeBblockCdowntownDdistrict32Athought ofBbroke intoCtook onDtried out33AsofaBhouseCwelcomeDhug34AarbitraryBunbelievableCridiculousDtentative35AstoleBbrokeCfilledDsoftened四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。If you take a lo

40、ok around your kitchen or office, chances are _36_ youll notice that you are surrounded by plastic water bottles, take-out cups, plastic grocery bags and food packages. These are all examples of single-use plastic products, which is _37_ hot topic based on both environmental and health concerns.Its

41、certainly not realistic _38_ (remove) all plastic from your life, but some statistics may encourage you to reduce your single-use plastic footprints.The popularity of plastic, which _39_ (begin) rising in the 1950s, is growing out of control18.2 trillion pounds of plastic has been produced. And ther

42、e is no sign of slowing down. Scientists say that another 26.5 trillion pounds will be produced worldwide _40_ 2050.Every piece of plastic _41_ (create) will remain in the environment in some form, but if you conveniently throw it out, wind and run-off carry the waste down the sewer(污水管) and directl

43、y to the ocean, _42_ (affect) the marine life including the fish, a main source of food for _43_ (human).So focused _44_ (be) the society on making peoples life more convenient in the short term, but in the long run, those everyday conveniences are at the expense of our health. Worried about _45_ (g

44、lobe) warming? You should be.五、其他应用文46假如你是李华,你班计划在艺术周期间表演英语情景剧(sitcom),并想请对此颇有兴趣的外教Mr. Smith给予指导。现请你给他写一邮件,内容包括:1.提出请求;2.指导内容;3.期待回复。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。六、读后续写47阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I reached into my backpack, feeling for my cellphone. I was tired of Aunt Letty talking on and on ab

45、out her chickens, horses and cows. Worse, I was afraid of having to spend spring break at her farm.In spite of my protest, my parents decided that spending time at the farm would be a great experience for me. My parents both grew up on farms and believed that responsibility, hard work and respect fo

46、r the land were valuable lessons. “Lessons you need to learn, son,” they said.“So, have you ever ridden a horse?” Aunt Letty asked, trying to turn my attention away from my phone.“Hmmm, no. But Ive seen horses on TV,” I answered, absent-minded.“Well, weve got a nice horse I think youll like. Hercule

47、s sounds like a beast, but hes a gentle giant. The other animals have names too, but dont worry, you wont have to remember their names. If you show up at the gate with feed, theyre happy!” she said smiling.I glanced at my aunt, angry that I was expected to work. Vacations were meant for sleeping late, playing video games, and maybe skateboarding. I tried to text a friend.“Phones dont work well out here. With a


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