外研版三起五年级上册第一二三四五模块试卷带标准答案(DOC 19页).docx

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1、Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 单项选择(20)( ) 1 _ did you go to the zoo yesterday ? _7:20. A When, On B How , At C When , At( ) 2 _ you _ to the park yesterday ?Yes ,I did . A Do , go B Did , go C Did , went( ) 3 They are waiting _me . A / B to C for ( ) 4 _ did you come back ? Last week . A What B When

2、 C How ( ) 5 Mike _ his cap yesterday. A dropped B drops C droped( ) 6 How are you ? _. A Im fine. B Nice to meet you .C Hello.( ) 7 This is our _ friend, Lingling. A China B Chinese C the USA( ) 8 You _ back from China ! A am B is C are ( ) 9 Do you live in this city ? _. A Yes, I did. B Yes, I do.

3、 C No, I didnt.( ) 10 _ did you come back from London ? A When B Where C What二、 选词填空(18)1 Hurry _(up / on ) , Lingling. Run ! 2 Do you live _( in / on ) London , too ?3 Look at those _( ice cream / ice creams ). 4 Oh no! I _(droped / dropped ) my ice cream!5 Were _( go / going ) home now.with from f

4、or up 1 Where were you _ ? London. 2 I waited _my friend .3 Hurry _, Mike. The bus is coming. 4 I talked _ my teacher.三、连线(16)1 Where are you going ?A Noodles.2 When did you come back ? B Yes, Ido .3 What did you have for lunch ?C To the park.4 Do you live in this house ?D Last summer.1 Oh no !I dro

5、pped my ice cream. A Lets buy some .2 When did you come back ? B Hurry up ,Lingling. Run !3 Look at those ice cream ! C We came back last Sunday.4 Theres our bus. D Oh no! My new shoe!四、仿写句子(24)例:she has an ice cream - She had an ice cream.1 they go home bus by _2 she drop her glasses _3 he come hom

6、e from Beijing_4 I run to the park_五、句型转换(12)1 Jack went to the library yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_ did Jack _ to the library ?2 Lisa had a hot dog yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_did Lisa _ yesterday ?3 They go home.(变为现在进行时)They _ _ home.4 Mike comes from Shanghai.(用last week改为过去时)Mike _ _ Shanghai last week.六、补全短文

7、(10) home back when live came A: Hello , John. How are you ?B: Im fine, thank you . You are _from China !A: Yes, we are _ .B: _ did you come back ?A: We _ back last Sunday. This is our Chinese friend ,Lingling .B: Hello ,Lingling.C: Hi, John. Do you _ in London?B: Yes, I live near Amy and Sam.Module

8、 1 Unit 2 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 单项选择(10)( ) 1 Where _ they go yesterday ? A do B did C does( ) 2 I didnt buy _ at all. A something B nothing C anything( ) 3 I went to the park and _ lots of places . A saw B see C sees ( ) 4 Did they meet John ? _ . A Yes, they did . B No, he didnt. C No, they did .( ) 5 The

9、n we went home _ bus .Aon B in C by 二、 选择合适的答案(15)( ) 1 Did they go home by bike ? A No, I didnt.( ) 2 Where did you go yesterday ? B Yes, he did .( ) 3 What did you see ? C I went to the park .( ) 4 Did you see a bus yesterday ? D Yes, Ido .( ) 5 When did your father come back ? E I came back last

10、Friday.( ) 6 Do you live in London, too ? F No , they didnt.( ) 7 Did John eat rice yesterday ? G We went home by bus .( ) 8 How did you go home yesterday ? H I saw lots of places .( ) 9 When did you come back ? I She watched TV.( ) 10 What did she do yesterday ? J He came back last Sunday.三、 用所给单词的

11、适当形式补全句子(10)1 He _( buy ) a new house in Dalian last year.2 We _ ( go ) home by bus yesterday.3 She has _( get ) five story books.4 The boys are _( run ) in the park .5 They _( eat ) some ice creams yesterday .四、选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词(10)( ) 1 teacher A meat B great C sweater( ) 2 river A kite B bike C

12、rabbit ( ) 3 letter A hen B she C he( ) 4 apple A small B name C cat ( ) 5 those A drop B home C come 五、动词过去式(15)1 go_ 2 meet _3 run _4 walk _5 have _6 buy _7 drop_8 watch_9 come _10 do _六、选词填空(20) when what where who whose 1 _did you buy in London ? 2 _ did you meet in London ?3 _ did you go ? 4 _

13、did you come back ?5 _ bag is this ?met bought went ran dropped Dear Daming,Yesterday I _to the park with Sam and Amy.We _John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend .We _ ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I _ to the bus . But I _my ice cream ! Love, Lingling七、翻译(20)1 他们正在看电视。_2 他昨天坐公共汽车回家。_3 He v

14、isited his aunt last week._4 She had four ice creams yesterday._Module 1 Unit 1 基础篇( 五年级 )一、 单词(23)1 伦敦_2 和在一起_3 回来_4 家_5 什么时候_6 那些_7 冰激凌_8 完成_9 赶紧_10等待_11 掉落_12 亲爱的_13 遇见(过去式)_14 跑(过去式)_15 买(过去式)_16中国的_17 老师_18 河_19兔子_20信_21 母鸡_22猫_23 苹果_二、 词组(20)1 从回来_2 回来_3 上周日_4 居住在_5 看(不能单独使用)_6 等待_7 在公园里_8 回家_

15、9 乘坐公车_10跑向公车_三、 选词填空(100by am up are at is with in back come 1 Hello, Daming . How _you ? I _fine, thank you .2 Do you live _London ?Yes .3 When did you _back ? We came back last Sunday .4 Yesterday I went to the park _Sam and Amy.5 We went home _bus yesterday.6 This _your ice cream , Amy.7 Im _ fr

16、om China .8 Sam , look _ those ice cream .9 Hurry _, John .Run !四、判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打,错误的打,并改正(15)( ) 1 What are your little brother doing ? _ ( ) 2 She is listening to music . _( ) 3 Do you eat rice yesterday ? _ ( ) 4 When did you came back ? _( ) 5 this is your ice cream. _ ( ) 6 Im watch TV. _( ) 7

17、They are playing football. _ ( ) 8 We go home by bike yesterday. _( ) 9 Lingling dropped her ice cream. _ ( ) 10 This is our China friend ,Lingling._( ) 11 We buy ice creams yesterday. _ ( ) 12 We go home by bus yesterday . _( ) 13 Did Lingling walked to the bus ? _ ( ) 14 Do you eat rice yesterday

18、? _( ) 15 When did you came ? _五、连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号(20)1 the yesterday did Amy to go park _2 by home bus I went yesterday_3 you do city live in this _4 are we home now going _5 you buy what did London in _六、阅读理解,判断对错(10)Bill got up at 7:00 . He brushed his teeth, then he had breakfast at 7:20. He walk

19、ed to school at 7:40. His friends and he played a game after school. He didnt win, but he was also very happy . He went back at 5:30. It was time for dinner.( ) 1 Bill didnt brush his teeth.( ) 2 Bill had breakfast at 7:40.( ) 3 Bill went to school on foot.( ) 4 Bill won the game , so he was very ha

20、ppy.( ) 5 Bill went back after dinner.Module 1 Unit 2 阅读篇( 五年级 )阅读材料A dog is walking along a road. It is a big dog. It is carrying a piece of meat. The piece of meat is in the dogs mouth. The dog is walking across a bridge now. There is water under the bridge. The water is very deep. The dog is look

21、ing into the water. It can see a dog in the water. This dog has a piece of meat in its mouth , too. The big dog is barking at the dog in the water. It wants its piece of meat,too.The big dogs piece of meat is falling into the water.判断对错( ) 1 A bird is carrying a piece of meat.( ) 2 The water in the

22、river is very deep.( ) 3 There is another dog in the water.( ) 4 The dog in the water is himself.( ) 5 At last the dogs meat fell into the water.选择正确答案( ) 1 Where is the dog walking ?A In the yard . B Along the road . C In the park . D Near the house.( ) 2 How is the water under the bridge ?A Very c

23、lear. B Very shallow. C Very deep. D Very dirty.( ) 3 What can the dog see in the water ?A Himself. B Another dog . C A cat D A horse( ) 4 Why does the dog bark at the dog in water?A He is looking at him . B He is eating his meat. C He is laughing at him. D He wants the dogs meat.( ) 5 The big dogs

24、meat is falling into the _. A water B pool C well D ocean阅读材料Dick was not old , but he does not have much hair. His wife Emma has thick, beautiful black hair.They have a son . His name is Peter, and he is five years old. One day , Dick was reading a book in his study . Peter looked at his father for

25、 a long time and then said to his mother, “Why does Papa have so little hair, Mama?” Emma laughed and said ,“ He has little hair because he thinks a lot. Hes a very clever man .” Peter looked at his mothers thick black hair for a few seconds and then said, “Then I know why you have so much hair.”判断对

26、错( ) 1 Dick is five years old.( ) 2 Dick has much hair.( ) 3 Dicks wife has much hair.( ) 4 Dick is a very clever man .( ) 5 Emma has so much hair because she isnt a clever woman.选择正确答案( ) 1 Dick is Peters _.A mother B father C sister D brother( ) 2 Dick has _ hair.A no B beautiful C a little D long

27、 ( ) 3 Emma has _hair.A no B short C long D thick ( ) 4 Emma says Dick is a _ man .A little B strong C foolish D clever ( ) 5 Peter thinks that Emma is _.A nice B foolish C clever D kindModule 1 Unit 1 同步练习( 五年级 )参考答案:Unit 1 同步练习一、 CBCBA ABCBA 二、up ,in,ice cream, dropped, going。 from,for,up,with三、1C

28、,2D,3A,4B。 1D,2C,3A,4B 四、1.They went home by bus.2.She dropped her glasses.3.He came home from Beijing.4.I ran to the park. 五、1.When,go 2.What,have 3.are going4.came from六、back,home,When,came,liveUnit 2 同步练习一、 BCAAC 二、FCHAJ DBGEI 三、bought,went,got,running,ate四、ACACB 五、went,met,ran,walked,had,bought,

29、dropped,watched,came,did六、What, Who,Where,When,Whose。 went,met,bought,ran,dropped七、1.Theyre watching TV.2.He went home by bus yesterday.3.上周他去看望他的阿姨。4.昨天他吃了四个冰激凌。Unit 1 基础篇一、 London,with,back,home,when,those,ice cream,finish,hurry,wait,drop,dear,met,ran,bought,Chinese,teacher,river,rabbit,二、 Letter,

30、hen,cat,apple.三、 二、1.be/come back from e/be back 3.last Sunday 4.live in 5.look at 6.wait for 7.in the park 8.go home. 9.By bus四、 10.run to the bus 三、1.are,am 2.in e 4.with.5.by 6.is 7.back.8.at 9.up 四、1.areis 2.3.DoDid4.camecome5.thisThis6.watchwatching7.8.gowent9.10.ChinaChinese五、 11.buybought12.g

31、owent13.walkedwalk14.DoDid15camecome五、1.Did Amy go to the park yesterday?2.I went home by bus yesterday.3.Do you live in this city?4.We are going home now.5.What did you buy in London?六、 Unit 2 阅读篇一、 BCADA 二、 BCDDBModule2Unit1同步练习(五年级)一、单项选择(15)()1Willyouhelp_?AheBhimChis()2Howmany_doyouwant?AappleB




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