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1、uBriefly introduce a hotel to touristsuCheck in at a hotel uHandle the changes of room arrangements uMake an introduction to the museumsLearning goals Part1-Warming up.Upon arriving at a hotel,as a local guide,you should help the tourists check in and introduce to them the of the main facilities of

2、the hotel.For example:Help the tour to fill in the registration form,and _rooms to the guests.Point out to the guests where the and the restaurants are.Explain to the quests such trifles as how to make IDD calls from the room,or how to use the room key.After the _ arrives,you should help the Bell De

3、sk(行李服务台)to have the luggage sent to the rooms as soon as possible.locationsescort assignliftsluggagereservation rezven n.预订record rekd n.记录directly drektl;da-adv.直接地reconfirm riknfm v.重新确认rate ret n.价格coupon kupn n.券guildhall gildhl;gild-n.会馆architecture ktekt n.建筑distinctive dstktv a.有特色的,与众不同的l W

4、ords and Expressions Part2-Situational Dialoguesembody mbd;em-v.体现pavilion pvljn n.亭子masterpiece mstpis n.杰作represent reprzent v.代表;描绘magnificent mgnfsnt a.壮丽的 fill out the registration form 填写登记表be regarded as 被认为UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 Dialogue 1 -Group Check-inChu Yuanyuan,a local guide is helping a tour

5、 leader and a tour group from Canada to do the check-in in the Kingkey Palace Hotel.A receptionist attends them.(A:local guide;B:tour leader;C:receptionist)C:Good evening!Welcome to our Hotel.A:Good evening.Im the local guide from CITS.Id like to have 10 twin rooms.C:Have you made a reservation?A:Ye

6、s,Ive booked them for our tour group from Canada.Im Chu Yuanyuan from China International Travel Service.C:Ok,let me check it.Im sorry,but I dont find a record of your booking.Did you book the rooms directly from us?Or did you use a hotel reservation service center on the web?A:I booked directly fro

7、m the hotel.I reconfirmed it two days ago.Listen to the dialogue1 and practice in pair 1 1C:All right.Let me check again.Oh,I got it.10 twin rooms from Shenzhen International Travel Service.Now would you please fill out this registration form of your group?Is there any change to your schedule?A:Yes.

8、Im just going to talk about this with you.Let the tour leader tell you.B:Weve booked 10 twin rooms for 20 people.But one of the tour members-thats number 6 on the name list,insists on having a single room.Is it possible to change one twin room into two singles?C:Just a moment.Let me check.Oh we do h

9、ave single rooms for the moment.But youll have to pay for the other single.B:I see.Whats the room rate?C:The room rate is 280 yuan per night.You will stay for two nights.B:Ok.Here is 560 yuan.C:Thank you.Now please show me your passports and fill in these registration forms.B:Yes.These are our passp

10、orts.The registration forms are finished.Shall we have the keys to the rooms?C:Here are the key cards to your rooms.Your rooms are on the 8th floor.B:Where can we have the breakfast tomorrow?C:The restaurant is on the second floor.Breakfast is served between at 6:30 am to 8 am.Your breakfast coupons

11、 are inside the room cards.B:All right,thanks.C:You are welcome.Have a good stay in our hotel.See you then.B:Thank you indeed.See you.2 2Listen to the dialogue2 and practice in pair Dialogue 2-Visiting Xiqin Guildhall(西秦会馆西秦会馆)(A:Local guide;B:Tourist)B:Mr.Wen,I heard that Zigong(自贡)Salt History Mus

12、eum is regarded as one of the seven distinctive museums in China by UNESCO.Is there something special about it?A:Yes,it presents the salt culture and ancient Chinese architecture.The museum was founded in 1959 and has two ancient buildingsXiqin Guildhall and the Wangye Temple.B:Why is the museum als

13、o called Xiqin Guildhall?A:The complex was built by the salt merchants from Shaanxi during Emperor Qianlongs reign of the Qing Dynasty.The businessmen would like to get together here,so it got its name Xiqin Guildhall.Now it is turned into a salt theme museum.B:Ive been to the Imperial Palace Museum

14、 and Suzhou gardens.I think this building is quite different and peculiar in design.It embodies both the Chinese royal and folk architectural styles.A:Youre right.Look at that hill!It is the Longfeng Hill(Dragon Phoenix Hill).The guildhall is backed by the hill.B.I also see some beautiful pavilions

15、standing on both sides of centerline.A:The guildhall is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture where the salt history of China is represented.B:What a magnificent building!Id like to take photos here.A:All right.B:Ok.(1)Booking the rooms a.Id like to have two suites and ten double rooms.b.Im

16、sure we have made a reservation.C.I reconfirmed my reservation before I came here.(2)Changing the roomsa.Can we have two double rooms facing the park?b.Could we have two adjacent rooms with twin beds?c.Can we split one twin room into two singles?Useful expressions for a tour guide C:Good evening!Wel

17、come to our hotel.A:_.(晚上好!我需要1个套间,8个单人间和3个双人间)C:Have you made a reservation?A:Yes._.(我们是为一个英国团队预定的。我来自中旅,该团共有16个游客,团号为SZCITS-A062168)C:Im sorry,but I dont see your reservation here.A:_.(我们肯定预订过,因为两天前我还确认过。你可以再查一下吗?或者联系销售部?)Oral practice:Complete the Following Dialogue in English.(A:guide B:tour lea

18、der C:receptionist)Good evening!Id like to have one suite,eight singles and three twins,please.Wed booked them for our tour group from Britain.Im from China International Travel Service and the group code is SZCITS-A062168.We have 16 passengers.Im sure we have made a reservation because I reconfirme

19、d two days ago.Could you check again or contact the Sales Department?C:All right,Let me check again.Oh,yes,here it is.We have one suite,eight singles and three twins for CITS.B:_ (有什么问题吗?)A:No,everything is all right.B:_(客房都准备好了吗?)C:Yes,they are.May I have your passports,please?B:Sure.Here you are.C

20、:Thank you.Would you please fill in these registration forms?B:_ (登记表填好了。我们可以拿钥匙了吗?)C:Here are the keys.Have a pleasant stay in our hotel!B:Thank you very much.Is there any problem?Are the rooms ready?The forms are finished.May we have the keys to our rooms?No matter how much money a traveler wants

21、to spend or how much space he or she needs,there are different hotel types to fit almost any budget and taste.From luxury hotels to eco-friendly properties,there are certainly a wide variety of ways for a traveler to spend a night away from home.There are at least three criteria of classifying hotel

22、s:the functional criteria,the length of stay,and the location.According to the different functions of hotels,hotels can be commercial hotels,tourist hotels,and convention hotels.Commercial hotels are usually located in the city center to cater for the business travelers.Tourist hotels accommodate pe

23、ople who travel for sightseeing,leisure,and other travel purposes.Conference attendees are accommodated in convention hotels.Part3-Reading Read the following passage and understand the types of the hotels and choose proper hotels for different guests.Selecting a Hotel The basic types of hotels class

24、ified according to the length of stay are:transient hotels and residential hotels.A transient hotel is one that caters to people while they are temporarily away from home,whether for a day,week or month,on business or for pleasure.The best definition of residential hotels,and the one most easily und

25、erstood,is an apartment house with full hotel services.If the transient is just a room,or just a little house,maybe the residential has a place that contains a lot of houses but it is all hotels.If location is considered,hotels can be classified as motel,boatel,airport hotel,city center hotel,suburb

26、an hotel,and resort hotel.A motel was originally created for the people travelling by car and became popular in the 1950s with the rise of the automobile.Motels are traditionally built near highways for the convenience of motorists.The word“boatel”is the blending of boat and hotel,which offers luxur

27、ious accommodation to travelers.City center is generally located in the heart of city within a short distance of the business center and shopping arcades.Airport hotels are located near the airport,accommodating delayed flight passengers,or early-arrival flight passengers.Suburban hotels often make

28、up for their distance from downtown with better rates,superb facilities,quickly highway access,and secure free parking.There are several types of suburban hotels to fit the needs of vacationers,business travelers,and temporary residents.Resort hotels are located in the areas with the most beautiful

29、scenery.They are also termed health resorts or beach hill resorts and so on,dependent on their position and location.They cater to a person who wants to relax and enjoy themselves.Most resorts work to full capacity during peak season.Sales and revenue fluctuate from season to season.Here are some ex

30、amples:a stewardess with a 12-hour layover can choose an airport hotel for a short stay;a newly-married couple who plan to honeymoon may choose a resort hotel to enjoy themselves;a family that plans to return to the same vacation spot for two weeks each year will choose a residential hotel for its c

31、onvenient facilities;an executive who will visit a city for two weeks can stay in a commercial hotel or transient hotel;a vacationer who stays for a week on the beach may choose a tourist hotel;a retired couple who take a nostalgic trip to a small,quiet town will choose a suburban hotel;and a meetin

32、g planner for a regional conference will definitely choose a convention hotel.fit ft v.适合budget bdt n.预算luxury lkr n.奢华property prpt n.财产variety vrat n.种类criteria kratr n.标准classify klsfa v.分类functional fknl a.功能的convention knvenn n.大会accommodate kmdet v.容纳attendee tendi n.出席者transient trnznt a.短暂的r

33、esidential rezdenl a.居住的lWords and Expressions temporarily temprrl adv.临时地definition defnn n.定义motel mtel n.汽车旅馆boatel btel n.汽艇游客旅馆resort rzt n.度假村originally rdnl adv.最初,期初automobile tmbil n.汽车blending blend n.混合capacity kpsti n.容量vacationer vkein n.度假者term tm v.把叫做fluctuate flktet;-tj-v.波动,涨落lWord

34、s and Expressions stewardess stjuds;,stjudes n.女服务员layover lev n.中途短暂停留executive zkjtv n.总经理;经理管理人员nostalgic nstldk a.怀旧的 cater for 为提供所需a wide variety of 多种多样shopping arcade 购物商场lWords and Expressions Exercise:1.suburban hotel2.resort hotel3.residential hotel4.tourist hotel5.convention hotel6.airpo

35、rt mercial hotela.stewardess with a 12-hour layoverb.newly-married couple who plan to honeymoon c.executive who will visit a city for two weeksd.vacationer who stays for a week on the beache.retired couple who take a nostalgic trip to a small,quiet townf.meeting planner for a regional conferenceg.fa

36、mily that plans to return to the same vacation spot for two weeks each yearMatch Column A with Column B When a foreign tourist group arrived at the hotel and went through the check-in formalities,they found that some of the double rooms reserved for them had been replaced by triple rooms.How would y

37、ou solve this problem if you were the local guide of the group?(1)Lodging the tourists in triple rooms falls short of(达不到)the requirements provided in the tour contract.So,if I were the local guide of the group,I must undertake the responsibility of changing them back to double rooms.(2)First,I woul

38、d take up the matter with the hotel management and request that they should try their best to spare(预留)enough double rooms for the group.If they were not able to help,I would try other hotels nearby.How to Handle the Changes of Room Arrangements?Part4-Case Study(3)If all the efforts resulted in fail

39、ure,I must make an apology to the tourist to seek their understanding,and promise them a suitable payment to make up the difference between the double and triple rooms so as to persuade them to make do with(勉强接受)the triple rooms.(4)For further compensation and apology,I could order a better meal for

40、 them or give them some souvenirs,and I should take care of them more attentively so that they would find satisfaction in being well treated.Tour of MuseumsPart5-Skill TrainingPassage A The Palace Museumhectare hekte n.公顷moat mt n.护城河curiosity kjrst n.古董overall vrl a.整体的layout leat n.布局,设计southernmo

41、st snmst a.最南的state stet n.国家unity junt n.统一fore f a.前部的claw kl n.爪cub kb n.幼兽succession sksn n.继承权enthronement nrnmnt n.登基典礼tablet tblt n.碑匾lWords and Expressions inscribe nskrab v.题写 emissary ems()r n.使者 chamber temb n.房间 the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆 World Cultural Heritage Site 世界文化遗产 the Outer Court

42、外庭 the Inner Court 内庭 the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 the Hall of Central Harmony 中和殿 the Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿 the Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫 the Hall of Union 交泰殿 the Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫 Shunzhi Empreror 顺治皇帝lWords and Expressions Tour of the Palace Museum I.Put the follo

43、wing sentences into Chinese.1.The former Imperial Palace is the center of the ancient city of Beijing,and once the home to 24 emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties.2.Today the former Imperial Palace is a public museum,listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987.3.Rectangular in sh

44、ape,the former Imperial Palace is divided into two parts,the Outer Court and the Inner Court.Exercises故宫是古老北京城的中心,曾经是明清24位帝王的家。今天故宫已经成为公共博物馆,1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。故宫呈长方形,分为内廷和外廷两部分。4.The Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation.It includes the Hall of Supreme Ha

45、rmony,the Hall of Central Harmony,and the Hall of Preserving Harmony.5.The Inner Court was where the emperors and empresses once lived,and includes the Palace of Heavenly Purity,the Hall of Union,the Palace of Earthly Tranquility,the Imperial Garden and the Six Western and Eastern Palaces.外廷由太和殿、中和殿

46、和保和殿组成,是皇帝行使国家最高权力的地方。内廷是帝王和帝后居住区,包括乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫、御花园和东西六宫。II.Skill-training Suppose you are a tour guide.You have one day to show a group of foreign tourists around the former Imperial Palace.Work out a tour route and make a presentation.Passage B Opium War Museumopium pm n.鸦片diagram dagrm n.图表vividl

47、y vvdli adv.生动地statue sttu n.塑像posture pst n.姿势stirring str a.激动人心的confiscate knfsket v.没收destruction dstrkn n.毁灭lime lam n.石灰dissolve dzlv v.溶解fasten fsn v.使固定slate slet n.石板drain dren n.排水沟ban bn v.禁止lWords and Expressions duplicate duplket n.复制品 peg peg n.桩 excavate ekskvet v.挖掘 archaeologist ,:k

48、ildist n.考古学家 emplacement mplesmnt;em-n.炮台 stele stil;stil n.石碑 resistance rzstns n.抵抗 insult nslt n.侮辱 invasion nven n.入侵 remind of 使想起 Loyal Horse Monument 节马碑lWords and Expressions Tour of the Opium War Museum I.Put the following sentences into English.鸦片战争博物馆坐落于广东省东莞市虎门镇,是纪念性和遗址性相结合的博物馆。2.在群雕的右前

49、方有两个大水池,这就是“销烟池旧址”3.销毁从英国人那里缴获的全部鸦片用了20天时间。ExercisesThe Opium War Museum is situated in Humen town,Dongguan city,Guangdong Province.This is a monument and historical site.In the right front of the statues are two large ponds,which are sites of the two original opium destroyed ponds.It took 20 days t

50、o destroy all the opium confiscated from the British.4.林则徐被誉为“世界禁毒第一人”。5.关于“节马碑”有一段感人的故事。Lin Zexu is titled as“the pioneer in the drug fighting worldwide”.There is a moving story about the Loyal Horse Monument.II.Skill-training Suppose you are a tour guide.You have one day to show a group of foreign


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