江苏省常州市2020年中考英语模拟试卷分类汇编:完形填空(部分答案)(DOC 8页).doc

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1、江苏省常州市2020年中考英语模拟试卷分类汇编完形填空2020年常州市溧阳市中考第一次模拟考试英语试题二、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Museums, live music and malls are nice. But there are many young people who have 11 time to enjoy these things. They follow the“996 ”work schedule(时间表)starting work at9 am and f

2、inishing at9pm,six days a week.The“996”work schedule became a heated topic online after a computer programmer 12 a website called“996. ICU”.According to the website, working to a“996”schedule is 13 and could cause people to end up in an ICU(重症监护室). This work schedule is 14 at Chinese tech companies

3、like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. 15 most“996”workers do not get overtime pay.Many tech industry workers 16 this schedule.“I kept to” for nine months,Zhang, a former software worker, said.“1 couldnt sleep because of the pressure. So, I 17 .”However,the bosses of some tech companies defended(为辩护)“996”

4、. Jack Ma was 18 them. “If you dont work to996as you are young, 19 ?”Ma said.“If you dont put in more time and energy than others, how will you achieve the success you want?”Many 20 Mas thinking. In an article in Peoples Daily, one writer said, “Valuing hard work does not justify(使合理化) 21 workers to

5、 work overtime.”A lawyer named Cui Zhendong said it is 22 the law to use a“996”work schedule.Chinas Labour Law clearly states (声明)that workers should work no more than 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week.11. A. much B.some C.enough D. little12. A.set up B. set out C.set off D.set down13. A.unimportant

6、B.unknown C.unhealthy D.uncertain14. A.rare B. strange C.necessary D. common15. A. After all B.Whats worse C. For example D. Thats to say16. A. accept B. enjoy C. dislike D.manage17. A. gave away B.gave up C.gave out D. gave off18.A.among B. between C. without D. below19. A.how B. when C.why D. wher

7、e20. A.doubted B. wondered C. believed D.supported21. A.paying B. inviting C. attracting D. forcing22. A.for B.beyond C.against D. along答案:111213141516171819202122DACDBCBABADC2020年常州市九年级6月教学情况调研测试英语试题二、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Martial arts(武术) are a ho

8、bby or a way to keep fit for many. But for Hu Yashi and her family, they are their most 11 spiritual asset(资产). The story began with her family. Her grandfather Hu Hangqing began to learn martial arts 12 his twenties. Life was really hard in the 1950s, when people had to eat wild grass to satisfy th

9、eir 13 . Yet he never stopped practicing. Although living standards 14 by the 1990s, martial arts went through a downturn. Many practitioners gave up and looked for other ways to make a living. Hu Hangqing, 15 , always stayed true to his mission(使命). “My father said that martial arts are not just fo

10、r 16 , or just for physical fitness or self-defense. Martial arts can totally change your life and help you overcome(克服) difficulties, ” Hu Yashis father, Hu Jiangping, said. As a coach, he was very 17 with his students. He believes that this is the way to get the spirit of martial arts, and that on

11、e has to keep working hard. Inspired(激励) by her 18 , Hu Yashi began to practice when she was three years old. Two years later, her father took her to the club and trained her just like anyone else. She was 19 supported by her devoted grandfather during college. “He taught me many types of martial ar

12、ts,” said Hu Yashi. In 2015, when she considered 20 her bank job and opening a martial arts club back in her hometown of Changde city, central Chinas Hunan Province, her grandpa was the 21 one to support her. Hu Yashis club is to 22 many teenage practitioners. The legacy(遗产) is being passed on to mo

13、re and more people. 11. A. expensiveB. interestingC. valuableD. famous12. A. atB. onC. overD. in13. A. needsB. hungerC. thirstD. lives14. A. fellB. roseC. remainedD. balanced15. A. howeverB. thereforeC. anyhowD. otherwise16. A. competitionsB. surpriseC. excitementD. winners17. A. rudeB. patientC. st

14、rictD. generous18. A. friendsB. teachersC. schoolD. family19. A. slightlyB. greatlyC. nearlyD. possibly20. A. taking upB. setting upC. giving upD. putting up21. A. firstB. lastC. fastestD. slowest22. A. helpB. supportC. improveD. attract答案:CDBBA ACDBC AD江苏省常州溧阳市南渡初级中学2020年中考第二次模拟考试英语试题二、完形填空(共12小题;每

15、小题1分,满分12分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Hitting heavily on the keys, I turned away from the piano, trying to fight the tears in my eyes. After anhour of 11 , I still couldnt get the rhythm (节奏)quite right on a Mozart piece that I had to 1 12 to my piano teacher the following day. Although I

16、tried very hard, I just couldnt seem to play it the way it was 13 to be played.I decided to take a break. For the most part, after a little bit of work, I could 14 learn the song pretty quickly. Sadly, it was always that one song which might have appeared simple but was difficult,that always annoyed

17、(惹恼)me. These types of songs always made me 15 myself whether I could be a pianist.After dinner, I decided to come back to the 16 .Placing my fingers on the keys. I chose to play thepiece 17 and carefully. paying attention to hitting the correct notes instead of trying to play the piecequickly. Usin

18、g this new method, I exercised a great deal of patience, something that I often had 18 withInstead of thinking how hard the rhythm was, I thought about how I could 19 myself, little by little.Finally, I could slowly see myself getting better.That evening, I didnt even get the rhythm right until a we

19、ek later. I 20 an important lesson-sometimes,baby steps are the best way to reach a goal(目标).I m a(n) 21 person who likes to think that I can get somewhere by leaps and bounds(跳跃). 22 , in the case of piano, I couldnt move forward and improve until I slowed down and took it one step at a time.11. A.

20、acting B.insisting C. singing D. practicing12. A.present B.devote C.give D.bring13. A.allowed B.thought C.supposed D.reported14. A.especial B. simply C. hardly D. usually15. A.doubt B. consider C. admire D. challenge16. A.lesson B.piano C.teacher D.room17. A.happily B.gently C. seriously D.slowly 18

21、.A. trouble B.fun C. experience D. influence19. A. show B.improve C.prepare D. please20. A. gave B. missed C. learned D. taught21. A.proud B.impatient C. careless D.hard-working 22. A. Otherwise B.Moreover C.However D. Indeed 答案:111213141516171819202122DACDABDABCBC江苏省常州市2020年九年级第二次教学情况调研测试英语试题二、完型填空

22、 (共12 小题:每小题1分, 满分12分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项Looking for Crafts (寻找手艺) is a documentary about the story of 199 Chinese craftsmen. _11 it wasnt broadcast on television, you can only watch it online. Although it doesnt show beautiful pictures or exciting scenes, it 12 tells. the story o

23、f traditional Chinese craftsmanship and their techniques (技术) . After watching the film, the 13 and faith (信仰) of the traditional culture may deeply touch you. Zhang Jin, the director of the documentary is from the 14 of Hunan. After living m a modem and busy city for many years, he became nostalgic

24、 (怀旧的)for the traditional crafts of his hometown, so he made up his mind to record them. He sold his fat and invited two friends to join him and travelled all over China. The film was made 15 professional (专业的) filming equipment (设备) or a lot of money. 16 is accented narration (带有口音的旁白自) made people

25、 felt at home. In the film you can see an 80-year-old man who makes paper umbrellas with bamboo for the Dai people. Making umbrellas is a (an) 17 process (过程)that includes six steps, but he has insisted on continuing with his hobby for more than 60 years. After watching the film, many people wanted

26、to buy such an umbrella, but the old man was dead. Its 18 to notice that the hands of these craftsmen are full of wrinkles (皱纹) -these craftsmen are using their lives to 19 our cultural heritage (遗产) . From making a piece of pottery to creating a musical instrument, these crafts are _ 20_ work. Howe

27、ver, true artists give up their own comfort to 21_whats in their heart, which is believed to be the real meaning and purpose of making this documentary. The fim_22_people of the importance of craftsmanship and has attracted a lot of attention. I hope these ancient and wonderful skills will still be

28、alive forever. 11. A. UntilB. Since C. UnlessD. If12. A. quickly B. quietlyC. hardlyD. easily13. A. purity B. practiceC. introduction D. warmth14. A. city B. capitalC. countryside D. hometown15. A. of B. fromC. by D. without16. A. Instead B. Anyway C. However D. Otherwise17. A. long B. shortC. easyD

29、. boring18. A. necessaryB. easyC. impossibleD. difficult19. A. prevent B. provideC. protectD. produce20. A. possible B. hardC. boringD. easy21. A produce B. protectC. preventD. prepare22. A. remains B. returnsC. remindsD. reviews答案:BBDCDCABCBAC常州市第二十四中学教育集团2019-2020学年第二学期九年级中考二模英语试卷二、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1

30、分,满分12分)As a new teacher in Denver, Kyle created a simple way to know her third graders. Most of them came from _11_families. She asked them to complete the sentence, “I wish my teacher knew. and share something about themselves. The honest _12_ gave the teacher a chance to understand her students d

31、ifficulties.“I wish my teacher knew I have no pencils to do my homework,” wrote one child. “I wish my teacher knew sometimes my reading log(记录) is not signed _13_my mom is not around a lot,” wrote one student. “I wish my teacher knew how much I _14_ my dad. He was sent back to Mexico when I was thre

32、e years old,” wrote _15_.One note that _16_ stuck with Kyle was,” I wish my teacher knew I dont have pencils at home to do my homework.”Thats the one she _17_ to Twitter in March with the caption(图片说明)”Reality check” and the hashtag(标签)#IWishTeacherKnew. Over the next few months, tweets(推特) from eag

33、er (热心的)teachers_18_.“My students are silent as they write#IWishMyTeacherKnew letters to me,” wrote a teacher from Australia. “Im eager to read them.”Other professionals(职业) followed suit. A US Coast Guard boss asked his staff to write”I wish my boss knew.” notes. A man helping children who are havi

34、ng a bad time at time asked students to write down their_19_. Without this, they may not have been _20_ enough to say those things out loud.“The results have been shocking,” says Kyle of the huge response (响应) to her _21_. “It speaks to the importance of giving other people a(n) _22_ and really list

35、ening to them.”11A.luckyB.poorC.richD.large12A.storiesB.reportsC.passagesD.replies13A.althoughB.becauseC.ifD.once14A.loveB.hateC.missD.understand15A.anotherB.the othersC.the otherD.others16A.usuallyB.finallyC.naturallyD.especially17A.talkedB.introducedC.postedD.complained18A.got throughB.sent outC.poured inD.got off19 A.successesB.goalsC.weaknessesD.problems20A.cleverB.braveC.proudD.happy21A.ideaB.questionC.memoryD.experience22.A.adviceB.supportC.projectD.voice


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