牛津译林版九年级英语下9B-Unit4单元测试卷(含答案)(DOC 10页).doc

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1、九年级英语(下)第四单元测试卷(测试时间:90分钟 满分:120分)一、听力。(20分)(A)听对话回答问题,每段对话听两遍。( )1.What would we eat on Mars according to the dialogue? ( )2. Where did the woman sleep? ( )3. Why would they like to live on Mars? ( )4. How would they learn on Mars? ( )5. What activity does the man like better on Mars? A. Low-gravit

2、y ball games. B. Online games. C. Staying outside.( )6. Where does the boy want to live? A. On Mars. B. On the Moon. C. On the Earth.( )7. What are they talking about? A. The air on Mars. B. The water on Mars. C. The food on Mars.( )8. What does the man buy a robot for? A. To help with the homework.

3、 B. To help with the housework. C. To help with cooking.( )9. Where is the mans hero from A. The Moon. B. China. C. The USA.( )10. How does the man like food on Mars? A. We dont know. B. It wouldnt be tasty. C. Its delicious. (B)听对话或短文回答问题,每段对话或短文听两遍。 听一段对话,回答1112小题。( )11. What are they talking abou

4、t? A. Space travel. B. Australias space programme. C. Sending things into space.( )12. Does Billy agree about sending people up into space? Why? A. Yes, he does. Because he thinks its great. B. No, he doesnt. Because he thinks its not safe. C. We dont know.听第一篇短文,回答1315小题。On MarsThere is almost no o

5、xygen that people need to breathe.There would he little air, so people would be like living 13 .The temperature might change greatly, 14 degrees above zero at noon and 140 degrees below zero at night.Scientists are not sure whether there would be 15 .( )13. A. on a high mountain B. in a deep river C

6、. in a hit tank( )14. A. 40 B. 50 C. 60( )15.A. water B. gravity C. plants听第二篇短文,回答1620小题。( )16. What will the speakers clothes be like in 20 years? A. Colourful and light. B. Dark and cool. C. Comfortable and cool.( )17. Where will the speaker spend his vacation? A. In the mountains. B. In space or

7、 under the sea. C. In the city.( )18. The speaker will fly a plane with . A. no pollution B. less pollution C. more pollution( )19. Why will the speaker make friends with people around the world? A. Because he wants to play sports with them. B. Because he wants to learn different cultures from them.

8、 C. Because he wants to watch TV with them.( )20. The speaker mainly tells us about his in 20 years. A. life B. house C. food二、单项选择。(15分)( )1. the way, do you think this job has become easier than it used to be? To be honest, it has turned out to be more difficult some ways. A. In;on B. By; on C. By

9、; in D. In;by( )2.You dont know me, do you? . Dont you remember the mountain with us last weekend? A. No; climbing B. No; to climb C. Yes; climbing D. Yes; to climb( )3. Dont always your daughter others. Its not good for her growth. A. compare; from B. connect; to C. compare;with D. prevent; from( )

10、4. Davids father isnt in Changzhou now. He Beijing on business for days. A. went to B. has gone to C. has been to D. has been in ( )5. Li Lings mother wanted to know . A. how did she study at school B. what she has studied at school C. whether did she study hard at school D. if she studied hard at s

11、chool( )6.This red dress looks so ! It is designed for a famous actress. A. special;special B. special;specially C. specially; special D. specially; specially( )7. I dont know what should to stop the factories the lake near them. A. to do;polluting B. to do;to pollute C. doing; to pollute D. be done

12、;polluting ( )8. When I was young, I in the country. A. used to live B. was used to live C. used to living D. am used to living( )9.Im planning to climb Mount Huang this summer. Would you like to come along?Wow! That would be exciting challenging. Im in!A. as well as B. as good as C. as long as D. a

13、s far as ( )10.What a pleasant surprise to see you here! I you Hong Kong.Me too. But I there next Friday.A. thought; had been to; am goingB. thought;had gone to; will goC. thought; had been to; would goD. think; have been to; am going( )11. Up to now, almost of the students in the class havecomplete

14、d of their work.A. two-third; 60 per cents B. two-thirds; 60 per centC. two third; 60 per cent D. two third; 60 per cents( )12. Do you know Mars is away from the Sun?Yes. Its about 142, 000, 000 miles away from the Sun.A. how close B. how long C. how far D. how much( )13. No one can be sure in thous

15、ands of years, not to say in a million years.A. what man looks like B. what will man look likeC. what did man look like D. what man will look like( )14. The girl seemed too busy her test her mother enter the room. A. preparing; to notice B. to prepare;to noticeC. preparing; noticing D. to prepare; n

16、oticing ( )15.Are you confident about this evenings performance, Kate? . Im well prepared.A. I hope so B. Its hard to sayC. Sure, I am D. I am afraid not三、完形填空。(10分)My 16-year-old niece Jenny started using Facebook about half a year ago.At first she loved using it very much because she could make so

17、many new friends on it. However, as time went by, she used it less and less. You may 1 why. Well, its because every time she use it, she became sad. It seemed to her that everyone using Facebook was living a perfect life 2 her. I dont think Jenny is alone.In this day of social media, the whole compa

18、ring thing has gotten out of 3 . We are influenced daily by all kinds of things on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where we see only the 4 parts of life. We see friends baby pictures, beautiful new houses and perfect lives and we feel like we need to be farther along than 5 we are. Just take a look

19、at your social media account(账号), and you see pictures of your coworkers best vacation ever, your friends perfect pictures 6 swimming clothes and a group of good friends all out, smiling, having the most amazing night. And then you compare your life to theirs.But what you see is just a special secon

20、d of their lives. Social media only gives us a look at them for a very short time. It 7 be lying and we never truly know the whole story. We are so good at showing others on social media that everything is fine, and we can never 8 judge what someone is dealing with just by looking at what they post

21、on social media. Remember that someone who looks very well does not 9 that they are not dealing with something bigger under the surface. You can never 10 your inside with someone elses outside. So next time you find someone showing off something on social media, stop feeling sad aboutyourself.( )1.

22、A. doubt B. imagine C. wonder D. realize( )2. A. without B. except C. beyond D. against( )3. A. control B. date C. reach D. fashion( )4. A. busy B. important C. true D. happy( )5. A. what B. where C. how D. who( )6. A. wearing B. buying C. changing D. making( )7. A. must B. should C. can D. will( )8

23、. A. simply B. luckily C. possibly D. correctly( )9. A. know B. mean C. think D. hope( )10. A. connect B. complete C. compare D. cover四、阅读理解。(20分)A Almost everyone has a question or two about living in space. What is life really like in space? Andwhat do astronauts do there Astronauts living in spac

24、e have the same hygiene needs as people do on the Earth. When they wake up, they wash their hair, brush their teeth and go to the bathroom as well. However, because of microgravity, astronauts take care of themselves in different ways. For example, they use a kind of special matter to wash their hai

25、r and leg restraints(腿部固定装置) to position themselves when they use the toilet.Astronauts have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some food can be eaten in the natural form such as fruit. Other foods require adding water such as noodles. There are no fridges in space, so space food must b

26、e stored and prepared properly to avoid going bad. Besides morning routine(常规)and eating in space, astronauts perform many tasks including checking the machines, updating computer equipment, etc. At the same time, the control centre on the Earth sends messages to the astronauts through voice or emai

27、l with new instructions to assist them in their daily routines. Whats more, living in space is not just all work and no play. A popular way of relaxation is looking out of the window. And they can also enjoy themselves by watching movies, reading books, playing cards and talking to their families du

28、ring their free time.( )1. The underlined word hygiene in this passage probably means in Chinese.A.卫生 B.饮食 C.心理( )2. As for eating in space, which statement is NOT true?A. Astronauts have three meals a day as people do on the Earth.B. Fruit can be eaten in the natural form.C. Food can be kept fresh

29、in fridges.( )3. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. Eating in space. B. Working in space. C. Relaxing in space.( )4. Besides checking the machines and updating computer equipment, astronauts also need to in their daily work. A. communicate with friends on the Earth B. control the people at the co

30、ntrol centre on the Earth C. receive the messages and follow the instructions from the control centre on the Earth( )5. From this passage, we learn that . A. life in space is exactly the same as life on the Earth B, living in space is different but interesting C. astronauts have little free time in

31、spaceB Save the whales! Thats what the picture on Jake Smiths bedroom wall said. Jake liked having a picture that said sometnlng important: that showed he cared. He just never expected to get a chance to save a real whale, one night in his own neighbourhood. It was a Saturday morning when the newspa

32、per first reported the whales coming. A group of the animals were swimming close to the beach in Jakes hometown. All the local people rushed out to the beach to see them. They were expecting a beautiful show, better than a movie, but nothing theyd have to do anything about. Then one whale swam in th

33、e direction, directly towards land. It came in with the waves, and when the waves receded, it stayed. Its huge body rested on the sand. Suddenly, Jake and his family and all the others were no longer sightseers. They had to become rescuers. A few people ran towards the animal. They pushed and tried

34、to force the whale back into the water, but it was no use. An animal rescue service team soon arrived in a truck with heavy lifting machinery, to help move the animal. Jake and his family couldnt do much on the beach, so they went back to their house and made sandwiches and hot tea for the rescuers.

35、 At least, Jake thought, they could help in some way. Back at the beach, they offered the food to the rescuers and were happy to see that it was needed. It was getting dark. Some people lined up their cars along the beach and shined the headlights on the sand. The rescuers would not give up. After t

36、rying many times,they were finally able to lift the whale into the water. Everyone cheered when it headed out to sea. It swam out about a mile and then disappeared for a moment under the sea. Then,in what looked like a jump of joy, it rose high above the watera thank-you to those who had worked so h

37、ard to save his life.( )6. What does the picture on Jakes wall tell us about him? A. He lived near the ocean. B. He cared about the environment. C. He worked as an animal rescuer. D. He thought whales were the most beautiful animals.( )7. Why did the local people go down to the beach that morning? A

38、. To swim with the whales. B. To help rescue the whales. C. To see the whales swimming. D. To watch a movie about whales.( )8. The underlined word receded in Paragraph 3 means . A. didnt move B. went back out C. washed over D. got up( )9. How did Jake and his family help save the whale? A. By callin

39、g the rescue service. B. By asking their neighbours for help. C. By giving the rescuers food and drinks. D. By controlling the people on the beach.( )10. In what order did the events of the whale rescue take place? a. The whale disappeared under the sea. b. People turned on the lights of the cars. c

40、. Reacuers lifted the whale into the water. d. Animal rescue service brought its truck. e. People pushed the whale towards the sea. A. e-d-b-c-a B. e-b-c-d-a C. d-b-e-a-c D. a-e-b-d-c五、单词拼写。(10分) (A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 1.Are your parents in (同意)that you can deal with it by yourself! Yes, of course.

41、 2. A mother is willing to take the (风险)of her own life to protect her child. 3. My father works in Lenovo as an (电子的)engineer. 4. Mothers Day is coming. The card is (专门地)made for my mother. 5. Would you tell me the (陌生人)appearance so that the police can find him? (B)根据句意,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。1. The dishes in this restaurant are much (taste). All of us like them very much.2. Its known to all that Mars (circle) around the Sun. 3


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