高中英语《Unit-4-Global-warming》单元测试卷-新人教版选修61(DOC 14页).doc

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1、Unit 4 Global warming单项填空1Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits?_AYes,with great pleasureBNo,I am afraid I cant make itCYes,it is worth the timeDNo,as long as it doesnt take long2Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and_

2、every page of my draftAapprovedBquotedCpolishedDfolded3I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather_I cant stand all this rainAI dont careBIts hard to sayCSo am IDI hope so4I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not cleanAcome up with Bput up withCturn toDstick to5Our h

3、oliday cost a lot of moneyDid it? Well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselvesAso long asBunlessCas soon asDthough6It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _ benefits our work mostAwhoBwhichCthatDwhat7It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _

4、 night skyA不填;aBa;theCthe;a Dthe;不填8_,confident students are more likely to succeed in their studies than those who are of little ambition AIn particularBIn the endCAt the momentDOn the whole9We are often instructed that _ we set up a goal, we should go all out to achieve it Aon condition thatBin ca

5、seCas far asDso long as10Whatever you are, you must keep the law; otherwise, you must face the _ of your illegal actions AconsequencesBstressCloadDpressure11So far large quantities of jewelry, dating from the Ming Period, _ in the newlyuncovered tomb Ahad been discoveredBhas been discoveredChave bee

6、n discoveredDwill be discovered 12How can I help my son do better in his studies? Praise and encourage him more and _ his confidence Apick upBbuild upCtake upDcall up 13Is _ air pollution that brings about changes in the weather around the world?Ait BwhichCthisDwhat14The recent air crash was a terri

7、ble _ in which about seventy people diedAcontributionBphenomenonCcatastropheDcommitment15Having prepared so well,there is no doubt _we will be successfulAifBwhatCthatDwhich完形填空I started my first diary on December 5th,1975It was a diary that I had_16_ as a presentIt took me about a year to fill this

8、diary,_17_ after that one I gained more speedUntil today,I _18_ writing my diary on a regular basisI _19_ carry a diary with me to write down my sudden emotion in daily lifeI have had diaries in all kinds of _20_The biggest diary was a book with 794 pagesI prefer hardcover “sketchbooks(素描簿)”without

9、_21_Only recently did I start using the 1012 cm format,with which I am quite _22_I like this kind of diary,and you can even _23_ it in your pocketThrough the years my writing style _24_ a lotI experimented with different kinds of diariesIn my freshman year at the university I kept an account of(记叙)t

10、he things that happened at my dorm_25_,I also wrote a diary about what happened to my friends,because I felt that by writing a personal diary I was thinking too much about myself_26_ these diaries I would usually collect remarks in small note books,and a long time ago,I _27_ wrote some poetryI kept

11、an account of all our preparations for our _28_,with the title “How we got married”During our _29_ in China for our marriage,I wrote a diary about our _30_When my wife was pregnant (怀孕的),I started a diary for our _31_ childrenThe first part mentions that we _32_ the name Annabel,for we thought it wo

12、uld be a girlIt _33_ out that we were right to do soLater,the _34_ thing happened for our second child,our son AndyAlso for _35_ we have been writing diaries16AsentBboughtCdestroyedDreceived17AorBbutCbecauseDso18AcontinueBlikeCfinishDmind19AusuallyBseldomChardly Dsometimes20ApricesBshapesCsizesDcolo

13、rs21AcoversBpagesClines Dmoods22AfunnyBhappyClucky Dnervous23AleaveBsetCtake Dput24AimprovedBsecondlyCsoftened Dchanged25AThereforeBsecondlyCLaterDNevertheless26AExceptBBesidesCWithout DFor27AalsoBneverCstillDonly28AfamilyBworkCchildrenDmarriage29AvisitBhoneymoonCplanDmeeting30AtravelsBhotelsCgrowth

14、Dbusiness31AgrowingBcryingCsleepingDcoming32Adisliked BpickedCcreatedDspelled33AturnedBworkedCcameDpointed34AdifferentBstrangeCsameDdisappointing35AyouBherChimDme阅读理解AWhen Mark was 8,his third grade teacher announced a class spelling contest;the prize was attractive to him and he wanted to win the c

15、ontest badlyIn honor of the spelling contest,Mark finally agreed to a haircutBefore he changed his mind,I quickly took him to the barbershop I used to find various prizes,like a weekend trip or a new music CD,to get him there every time his hair was long“Make it a lucky cut,”I instructed barber Joe“

16、Mark is competing in an important spelling contest next week”“Well,did you do your homework?”barber Joe asked“Yes,”Mark replied“Did you study hard?”barber Joe asked“Yes,”Mark replied“Do you have confidence?”barber Joe asked“ConfidenceCONFIDENCEConfidenceA lot of people spell that word wrong,”Mark ex

17、plained“SureYou can spell it,”barber Joe responded“But do you have it?You have got to have confidence in yourself,sonIts a winners secret weapon(武器)”Mark won the spelling contest and got the prizea free pizza lunchAnd Mark never forgot barber Joes words:“You have got to have confidence in yourself,s

18、onIts a winners secret weapon”Decades later,after becoming famous for his special design in buildings, Mark began receiving interview requestsWhen he discussed his design approach with one particular feature writer,the reporter asked him a question,“Youre considered as a special one in the world of

19、architectureWhen everyone around says it cant be done,what makes you think you can pull it off?”After thinking a bit,Mark replied,“ConfidenceAfter Ive done my homework,and studied my idea from every possible angle,if I still see it then I know the only thing standing between me and success is confid

20、enceIts a winners secret weapon”36What can we infer about little Mark from the passage?AHe didnt take his study seriouslyBHe didnt like to have his hair cutCHe was not good at spellingDHe was a kid with few hobbies or interests37What was the prize for the winner of the spelling contest?AA new music

21、CDBA free haircutCA free weekend tripDA free pizza lunch38What does Mark do now?AAn architect BAn engineerCA barber DA reporter39From the passage,we can learn _Athe author was worried about Marks studyBthe barbers words have influenced Mark greatlyCMark stopped doing his homework to prepare for the

22、spelling contestDMark turned to many people for help to succeed in the spelling contest40The passage is written to _Ahonor a person who influences Mark greatlyBprove the great power of others encouragementCsay a person needs confidence to succeedDsay childhood experience can greatly affect a personB

23、In 2008 and 2009 I published two articles researching a lull(停歇)in solar activityAt the time,there appeared to be some disagreement among scientists as to what effect this might have on humancaused global warmingNow climate scientists agree a less active sun wont have much of an effectAccording to t

24、he reports from the IPCC,global climate is expected to warm between 4 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100On the other hand,scientists show that the reduction in radioactive forcing(辐射力)due to low solar activity would reduce world temperature half a degree F if the lull in solar activity laste

25、d until the end of the 21st centuryIt is highly unlikely the current lull in solar activity would have such a long period“It is more likely that a new lull in solar activity would reduce the global temperature average of 02 Celsius by the end of 2100,”commented Professor Stefan Rahmstorf,who was res

26、ponsible for a study of a lull in solar activity effects on climate at the Institute for Research on the Impacts of Climate Change in PotsdamIn short,this small forcing is likely to have little,if any,observable effect on human-caused global warming,at most reducing the temperature increase to betwe

27、en 35 and 95 degrees F The reason for the small effect on temperature is due to the fact that the difference between solar activity highs and lows changes solar output by less than one half of one percentSo the difference in the amount of energy coming out of the sun between solar highs and lows isn

28、t very largeThe result is that the human forcing on climate is many times larger than that caused by any natural difference in the sunGenerally if human-caused climate change isnt controlled it cant be stopped by natural changes in the sun41What once caused the argument among scientists?AThe reducti

29、on in world temperatureBThat humans are responsible for global warmingCThat humans are stronger than natureDWhether the lull in solar activity has effect on humancaused global warming42According to scientists,world temperature would fall a little if _Aless CO2 is given offBmore trees are plantedCrad

30、ioactive forcing becomes strongDthe lull in solar activity lasts a long period43What can we learn from the passage?AThe author is expert at writing science fictionBThe current lull in solar activity will last very longCThe power of humans is stronger than the sun on global warmingDThe IPCC reported

31、that world temperature would fall greatly44What do the underlined words“climate change”refer to?AThe floodBGlobal warmingCThe earthquakeDGlobal environmental change45What does the passage mainly talk about?AThe effect of global warmingBAn argument among scientistsCThat humans are a cause of global w

32、armingDThat a less active sun cannot stop global warming七选五阅读根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Finding your dream job can be difficultThis month, the search will become even harder as new graduates start looking for work With many companies still struggling, job hunters have a very difficult

33、task ahead of themDont be disappointed_46_ Consider using these three methods to find and get the job of your dreamsThe Front Door_47_ These include checking company websites and employment servicesSince lots of people use the front door,make yourself stand outThis means understanding what a company

34、 really needs and creatively showing you can meet that need_48_Find out who is doing the hiring,and try to give them your resume(简历)in personThen follow up with a phone call,letter or visitThe Back DoorA backdoor job search means finding a job through people you knowThe back door can help you avoid

35、the crowd of job applicants using the front door_49_ What if you dont have any connections at your dream company?Apply for an internship(实习期)The Invisible DoorIf youre still not getting hired,you might be running into an invisible(无形的)doorInvisible doors are things companies want from new employees

36、but dont list as job requirementsMany companies have special company culturesOthers are looking for people with very specific skills_50_Its not always easy to find a good jobBut with a little work,a door will open!AUsing the front door is convenientBCreate your own back doorCThis type of job search

37、uses traditional ways of getting hiredDIf you arent showing you are a perfect fit,you wont get hiredEThere are still jobs out there for those who know what to look forFBut you still need to work hard to show you are the best person for the jobGRead about each company you apply to短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换

38、修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My neighbor Mrs Li is a curious ladyYesterday morning,a mailman rang my doorbellHear the bell,Mrs Li put her head out of the wind

39、ows immediately and asked in a loud voice,“Whats the matter?”“Are you Li Xia?Theres package for you,”answer the man“Where is it come from?”Mrs Li asked“Its from London”Then Mrs Li asked the mailman to open itFeeling puzzling,he replied that he couldnt open the package and asked Mrs Li to come down a

40、nd open it herselfMrs Li refused politeThe mailman was a little bit angry but asked impatiently,“Why?”“Because Im not Li XiaShe lives next doorI played a joke of you”书面表达全球变暖是一个全世界都在关注的话题,人们采取各种措施减少二氧化碳的排放,并参加各种活动来宣传环保的重要性。上周日你所在城市举办了以“The Earth Is Our Only Home”为主题的活动,请你根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文。1上周日在人民广场举行了

41、此次活动;2志愿者号召人们节约能源,如少开私家车、节约用水等等;3一些有趣的环保小发明吸引了大家的注意。要求:1词数:100左右;2文章应该包括上述要点中的所有信息,但不必逐条翻译;3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案. 1. 答案:D解析:考查日常交际用语。根据语境“关于购物习惯你介意回答几个问题吗?”可知选D项“只要不花费很长时间就不介意”。A项意为“介意,十分愿意”;B项意为“不介意,恐怕我做不到”;C项意为“介意,很值得花这个时间”,均是前后文矛盾。 2. 答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。句意:最后,我要向我的导师表示感谢,他为我的论文提供了很多建议和意见,并为我的草稿的每一页都进行

42、了润色。approve“支持,赞同”;quote“引用,引述”;polish“修改,润色”;fold“折叠,对折”。3. 答案:C解析:考查交际用语。句意:我不知道你怎样,我可是烦透了这样的鬼天气。我也是。我不能忍受这样的下雨天。根据句意可知说话者双方都不喜欢那样的天气,因此选用“So am I”的倒装形式表示和第一人情况一样。I dont care“我不在乎。”;Its hard to say“很难说。”;I hope so“我希望如此。”4. 答案:B解析:句意:房间不整洁我可以忍受,但我讨厌它脏兮兮的。put up with“容忍”;come up with“想出”;turn to“转向

43、”;stick to“坚持”。5. 答案:A解析:后半句句意:只要你玩得开心,花多少钱并不重要。so long as“只要”;unless“除非”;as soon as“一就”;though“虽然”。6. 答案:C解析:考查强调句式。It is/was被强调内容that句子其余成分。7. 答案:B解析:考查冠词。句意:这是寒冷的冬日的一个夜晚,皎洁的月光照亮了夜空。第一个空为泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二个空为特指,表示“这个夜晚的天空”,故用定冠词the。8. 答案:D解析:句意:总的来说,自信的学生在学习上比那些没有远大志向的学生更有可能成功。on the whole“总的来说”,符合句意。9

44、. 答案:D解析:句意:我们经常被教导只要我们树立了目标就应该全力以赴地达成目标。on condition that“条件是”; in case“以防”;as far as“据,远至”;so long as“只要”。10. 答案:A解析:face/take/suffer the consequences of sth“承担某事的后果”。11. 答案:C解析:当quantities of名词作主语时,不管名词是复数还是不可数谓语动词都要用复数形式。12. 答案:B解析:答语句意:多对孩子表扬和鼓励,增强他的自信。pick up“捡起,收听,学会,好转等”;take up“从事,举起,占据等”;c

45、all up“打电话,使回忆起”,都不合句意。因此答案为build up“增强/进,逐步建立”。13. 答案:A解析:句意:是空气污染带来全球天气的变化吗?结合句意可知,本句应为强调句,所缺成分为强调结构中的it。14. 答案:C解析:句意:最近(发生的)那次空难真是一场可怕的大灾难,大约七十人在这次空难中丧生。catastrophe “大灾难”,符合句意。contribution“贡献”;phenomenon“现象”;commitment“承诺”。15. 答案:C解析:句意为“准备得这么好,毫无疑问我们会成功的”。There is no doubt that. “毫无疑问”。. 16. 答案:D解析:根据下文的“. as a presentIt took me about a year to fill this diary. ”可知,作者收到了一个日记本作为礼物。17. 答案:B解析:根据“It took me about a year to fill this diary,_after that one I gained more speed”可知,空前面说花了一年的时间来写满第一本日记,空后面提到写日记的速度加


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