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1、辽宁省中考英语试题-新课标 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分15O分。第一部分 听力(三大题;共20分)I听对话按要求完成任务。 (共10分每小题1分) (A)听短对话,选择正确答案。1. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A worker.2. A. At school. B. At home, C. In the desk.3. A. A good shirt. B. An expensive and good shirt. C. A cheap and good shirt.4. A. One. B. Second. C. Two.5. A. David. B. B

2、ob. C. Bob and David.(B) 听长对话,选择正确答案。6. A. At school. B, In KFC. C. At home.7. A. Chicken. B. Vegetable sandwiches. C. Chicken sandwiches.8. A. Wash his face. B. Wash his hands. C. Clean his teeth.9. A. Hes working, B. Hes going to the station. C. Hes sleeping.10. A, He went to the station to meet h

3、is friend.B. He wrote to his friend till late last night.C. He couldnt find the way to the station last night.在下面的对话中Janet和Ted正在讨论未来,请在下表中分别写出Janet和Ted的预言。 Janet的预言用“J”Ted的预言用“T表示.(共5分每小题1分)PredictionWhose prediction is it?I will be a professional basketball player.11. There wont be any cars in ten

4、years.12, I will live in an expensive house.13. I will have a robot that cleans my house.14. I will be a very funny actor.15.听短文。按要求完成任务。共5分,每题1分) 请听一段短文,然后将代表各种不同天气情况的字母填入地图下面的横线上。16._17._18._19._20. .第二部分 笔试(七大题;共1 30分)一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分满分10分)从A、B、C、D中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1. How is your father? I_ him f

5、or a long time. He is fine, but busy.A. dont see B. hadnt seen C. didnt see D. havent seen2.I havent checked my e-mails today, because theres_ wrong with my computer, A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing3. Bob told me that his next match was against_ team from another school.A. a girls

6、B. girls C. the girls D. girls4. Mum, could I have an MP3 like this?Certainly, we can buy_ one, but as good as this.A. a cheap B. a cheapest C, a cheaper D. the cheapest5. Isnt Jim back yet? . No, but I think he_ in half an hour.A. returned B. will return C. has returned D. returns6. Today the fores

7、ts have almost gone. People must_ down the many trees.A. stop from cutting B. stop to cutC. be stopped from cutting D. be stopped to cut7. Could you tell me_ youll be away?Only one week.A. how much B. how soon C. how often D. how long8. If you want to know the meaning of the word_, youd better look

8、it up in the dictionary.A. mostly B. exactly C. nearly D. hardly9. Excuse me, could you please tell me which gate_?A. we have to go to B. we had to go toC. do we have to go to D. did we have to go to10. In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to_ people about sharks in the water.A. preve

9、nt B. allow C. warn D. advise二、完形填空(共1 0小题;每小题1分满分10分) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Text 1I was walking in the street when a piece of beautiful music came to my ears. I saw someone 11 some rubbish and walk to a truck which was collecting rubbish 12 . As soon as the people nearby hear the music,

10、they 13 go out with their rubbish and throw it in, It s a 14 way to help keep our city clean. Protecting our environment is very important. 15 you live, you can do something useful in or around your neighborhood. 16 , we have done something to improve the environment. For example, we have collected

11、17 paper or bottles for recycling and we have planted 18 trees or flowers in or near our neighborhood. If 19 makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more 20 .11. A. picking up B. pick up C. throwing D. throw12. A. outside B. inside C, downstairs D. upstairs13.

12、A. sometimes B. really C. slowly D. usually14. A. unusual B. important C. pleasant D. common15. A. Where B. Wherever C. When D. Whenever16. A. In that way B. Since then C. In fact D. At last17. A. small B. waste C. old D. dirty18. A. better B. fewer C. greener D. more19. A. everybody B. somebody C.

13、nobody D. anybody20. A. useful B, enjoyable C. hopeful D. beautiful三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分。满分30分) 阅读下列短文,然后根据意思选出最佳选项。Text 2Most people like living with other people. But some people just have to be by themselves. Bozo Kueik was one of the examples. In 1888, when Bozo was only sixteen, his father left hi

14、m on a little island off the coast of Croatia. He kissed Bozo goodbye and said, I hope everything goes well with you, my son. Then the father got back in his boat and sailed home without his son. How could he do such a thing, you ask? Well, Bozo had asked him to.Bozos father was a poor farmer who co

15、uldnt afford to feed his seven children. So he called his sons together and asked them to decide their own futures. Bozo chose the life of a hermit.During the years that Bozo lived alone, World Wars I and II were fought. But Bozo never heard about them. In 1972, a group of fishermen visited his isla

16、nd. They tried to talk to Bozo. At first the old hermit ran away. Finally, he let the men into his windowless stone house.They asked if he wanted to go home. But Bozo said no. So the fishermen wished Bozo well and left him alone again-just as his father had eighty-four years before.21. Which of the

17、following can best describe the main idea of the text?A. Bozo was one of the seven children.B. Bozo lived alone on an island for 84 years.C. Many people like living with others.D. Bozo was a brave man who lived long.22. How old was Bozo when a group of fishermen visited the island in 1972? A. 84. B.

18、 100. C. 16. D. 98.23. The underlined word hermit in the text is someone whoA. doesnt like people B. lives on the islandC. lives alone D. stays quiet24. When Bozo first saw the fishermen , he was_.A. frightened B. angry C. hopeless D. happyText 3What do you think Americans in the early twentieth cen

19、tury (1900-1925 ) did on weekends? What do they do on weekends now?THENOnce upon a time, people spent lots of time at home on weekends. Then, new inventions changed the weekend. People used electric (电动的)streetcars to travel in cities. On weekends, they rode the street cars to parks. Young people li

20、ked roller coasters (过山车). The first movies lasted only one minute. Soon, however, movies got longer. In the 1920s, movie theatres sold millions of tickets each week ! In 1927, movies finally had sound. Sometimes, people stayed home instead, and listened to another new invention-the radio. People in

21、 cities worked indoors during the week, so they wanted to be outdoors on weekends. Bicycling became a popular activity.NOWWith more time, money, and inventions people have many more choices. They can visit huge parks like Disney World and ride modern roller coasters that go higher and faster than ev

22、er before. They can choose from lots of different movies at a multiplex (a building with many movie theaters ) or watch a video at home. Many people jog (慢跑), bicycle, work out at gym, or play sports. Others turn on their TV and watch sports.25. Before the early twentieth century, Americans used to

23、spend their weekends_.A. at home B. in the theatreC. outdoors D. in the park26. Which of the following do you know are new inventions now ? A. Radios. B. Bicycles.C. Movies. D. Videos, 27. What do you know about the first movies?A. They had no sound. B. They got longer.C, They sold well. D. They see

24、med short.28. The best title (标题) of the text is_.A. Many more choices B. The new inventionC. The popular activities D. The changing weekendText 4Every child has his own dream. Every child hopes to be an adult (成年人). However, is it truly like what they imagine? As a boy who lives in modern times and

25、 in a modern city, I feel greater pressure (压力) on me with the citys development. Although we seldom worry about money, we still have a lot of others such as competition among classmates and expectations from parents. These experiences are very helpful to our future. But in fact, they really give me

26、 a lot of pressure. I still clearly remembered the happiness of my childhood. Unluckily, we had to face the fact with time passing by. We began to feel this invisible (无形的) pressure come upon us. We get up before sun rise and return after sunset. We work and study like an adult, even harder. What we

27、 do is in order to get an excellent mark. Oh, growing up is completely boring. We must try to find happiness while growing up. I think the friendship among our friends, the support (支持) from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us. Why not enjoy the pleasure of growing up and

28、 its delicious taste?29. What do you think the writer is?A, A parent. B. An adult. C. A student. D. A teacher.30. As time goes on, the writer seems to think that being an adult is_.A. funny B. hard C. boring D. easy31. How does the writer think we can find happiness?A. From friends, parents and teac

29、hers.B. By studying hard like an adult, C. With the help of classmates.D. Through talking with parents, 32. The best title of the text is_.A. My dream B. My worriesC, My pleasure D. My school lifeText 5Sudan is a rather large nation in the northeast part of Africa with a population of twenty million

30、. The capital city is Khartoum, where the Blue Nile and the White Nile meet together to form the* Nile River.There are two groups of people living in Sudan. In the northern part of the country, there are many Arabic-speaking Muslims. They make up about two thirds of the total population. In the sout

31、hern area, there are groups of people who speak African languages.The northern and southern areas also have different histories. People in the south lived by themselves for many years. However, the northern area was controlled by foreigners for centuries. After Worth War II Sudan became completely i

32、ndependent (独立的).33. Which of the following maps gives the right position of the capital city of Sudan? (KKhartoum; BBlue Nile; WWhite Nile; NNile River)34. Whats the population of Muslims m Sudan?A. 7 000 000 B. 10 000 000 C. 13 000 000 D. 15 000 00035. Sudan has been completely independent probabl

33、y for_.A. less than fifty years . B. nearly a centuryC. not many years D. over half a century四、阅读与回答问题(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,然后根据意思回答问题。Text 6Every year, thousands of students choose to study in another country for a term, the summer, or a year. Studying overseas (到国外) can be an exciting experi

34、ence for many people. Why do itLiving in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. You will see the world in anew way, and learn more about yourself. Overseas study may also look good on your future resume (求职简历). Many companies today want employees (雇 员 ) who spea

35、k a second language, or have experienced living or working in another country. Making the right choiceOnce you decide to study overseas, you have to make some choices. To choose the right country or school, ask yourself: Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to

36、 study overseas? Do I want to live with roommates, alone or somewhere else? Getting ready to goGet your passport and visa (签证) early! Before you go, learn some of the language, and read about some common customs (习俗) in the country that you are going to. Learn a-bout the money. Bring some of it, and

37、 a credit card with you. Once you are thereAfter the first few weeks overseas, many students will feel a little homesick. They may miss their family, friends, and familiar ways of doing things. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place, school, and culture. When you feel sad or homesick

38、, try to talk to others, or write about your feelings in a notebook.36. Where can studying bring many people an exciting experience?37. Who want employees that are good at foreign languages?38. What should you do if you decide to study abroad?39. What do you have to get before you are ready to go?40

39、. What can you do when you feel sad or homesick?text 7At the age of 40, Tom Bloch was the head of H&.R Block, a huge company that helps people do with their tax (税) forms. He was very successful. Although Bloch was very rich, he wasnt very happy. He spent too much time at work and didnt have enough

40、time to spend with his family. Suddenly he left H&.R Block and became a teacher in a poor neighborhood. I want to help people who didnt have the chances I had, Bloch explained.Learning to control the students was hard at first. But the results are great. He helps children and hears students say hes

41、their favourite teacher. And Bioch is able to spend more time with his family.41. When was Tom Bloch the head of a big company?42. What does Mr Bloch s company do?43. Why did Mr Blah become a teacher in a poor neighborhood?44. How was Mr Blochs teaching at first?45. Is Mr Bloch able to spend less ti

42、me with his family now? ;-46. What is the name of the Chinese restaurant?47. What time is breakfast 25% off in the Egg Place?48. Where is Simply Sushi?49. Where can you go for pizza and Italian food?, 50. How many restaurants serve food at a special price?五、综合阅读(共1 0小题;每小题2分。满分20分) 阅读下列短文,然后按要求完成第5l

43、60小题。Text 9Scientists are trying to turn deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and (A)_ food there. However, more and moreland is becoming desert. Why? Scientists think that people are doing bad things to turn good land into desert.(B)地球上的一些地方雨量不足,

44、 but they still do not become desert. This is because green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants do not let the hot sun make the earth even drier. (C) Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away. When rain falls, plants hold the water. (D) Without plants, land can become desert much more easily.51在(A)的空白处填入一个适当的词语:52将画线部分(B)译成英语:_


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