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1、高中英语必修五Unit 4 Making the news. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子1. The thief denied _ some money from the old lady.A. having stolen B. to stealC. being stolenD. stole2. If my sister doesnt go to the cinema tonight, _.A. nor do IB. same with me C. so will ID. neither shall I3. I cannot support a policy o

2、f which I have never _.A. accomplished B. approvedC. appliedD. abandoned4. The reference book _ many of the problems we have come across in our study.A. says B. coversC. talksD. refers5. The guard kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.A. so not as toB. so as to notC. so as not toD. not so as

3、to6. A driver should _ the road when _.A. concentrate in; drivingB. concentrate on; driveC. concentrate on; drivingD. concentrate to; drove7. He worked very hard in order to _ a good knowledge of English.A. takeB. holdC. catchD. acquire8. Why didnt you come to meet me, Bob? Sorry, dear. But I really

4、 forgot where I was _ to meet you.A. aboutB. demandedC. supposedD. /9. The government suggests the number of private cars be limited to stop air pollution. _, the idea is not very practical.A. Sounds good as itB. As it sounds goodC. As good it soundsD. Good as it sounds10. Modern women with independ

5、ent incomes are refusing to _ the traditional idea of marriage nowadays.A. submit toB. contribute toC. devote toD. expose to11. The young man insisted that he was innocent of the case because he was not _ it.A. informed ofB. accused of C. involved inD. interested in12. _ to hear the good news, the e

6、xcited pupils threw their schoolbags into the air.A. DelightingB. To be delightedC. Having delightedD. Delighted13. So amused _ that they couldnt help laughing when they saw the headteacher dressed up as Santa Claus on Chrismas Day.A. did the students feelB. had the students feltC. the students felt

7、D. the students had felt14. The farmers built fences in order to _ their sheep _ wolves.A. protect; forB. defend; againstC. defend; forD. preserve; of 15. _ fallen asleep _ he heard a knock at the door.A. Hardly had he; whenB. Rarely he had; thanC. Scarcely had he; beforeD. Hardly had he; than. 根据提示

8、完成下列倒装句1. At that time Meng Xiangbin cared little about his own safety though he was in great danger himself._ about his own safety at that time though he was in great danger himself.2. We can save the Earth only by changing the way we live._ the way we live _ save the Earth.3. My daughter didnt beg

9、in to do her homework until I came into her study.It was not until _ my daughters study that _ to do her homework.4. If it had not been for the storm, I would have come to your party last night._ for the storm, I would have come to your party last night.5. All her close friends and many other guests

10、 were present at the wedding._ all her close friends and many other guests. 根据汉语及重点词语提示将下列句子译成英语1. 老师要求作业必须及时上交。(demand that )_2. 一个好记者必须有一种对新闻非常敏锐的“嗅觉”。(have a good nose for)_3. 十年前他的一个朋友被指控谋杀,后来被判处死刑。(accuse sb of sth)_4. 史密斯先生在这一行干了好多年,知道这一行所有的诀窍。(the trick of the trade)_5. 他渴望成功,所以一心扑在学业上。(eager

11、)_. 完形填空Armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight. “Well, here we are, the airport,” my 1 said with a sigh. As I watched her unpack my luggage, I could see the sadness in her eyes. This was not easy on her either.We had both been dreading (担心) this mo

12、ment for the past week. One last hug and a final goodbye and I would be on my way to a new life 2 , leaving my beloved sister behind. All my life I had loved airports. To me they were some kind of magic gateway to the world, a place from which to start great holidays and adventures. But today it see

13、med like a 3 and heartless place. As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of 4 holiday goers and their screaming children. I looked at my sister and even though her eyes were 5 with tears, she was trying to keep a brave face. “Youd better go or youll miss your flight,” she said.“I

14、 am just going to walk away and 6 look back,” I said. “That would just be too hard.”As I held her one last time she whispered, “Dont worry about me, Ill be just fine.” “Ill miss you,” I replied, and with those last words I was off. 7 promised, I did not look back, but by the time I reached the custo

15、ms office I was sobbing. “Cheer up, love,” the tall customs officer said with a smile. “Its not the end of the world, you know.” But to me it was the end of the world, as I had known it.While 8 the plane I was still crying. I did not have the 9 to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed(塞) i

16、t on the empty seat next to mine. As I settled into my chair, a feeling of 10 overwhelmed(笼罩) me. I felt like my best friend had just been taken away from me.Growing up, my sister and I would do everything together. Born barely fifteen months apart we not only looked alike we were alike. We both had

17、 that 11 mix of curiosity and fear of all things unknown to us. My parents were 12 because that way we could “keep an eye on each other” and of course report back on what the other one was up to. But now our college days were over and I was off to a foreign country, all I had left were my 13 . I spe

18、nt the rest of the flight reading the diary about my sisiters comings and goings. And even though a large ocean 14 us, at some point it felt like she was actually there. It was only when I thought that I had 15 my best friend that I realized that she was going to be around forever.1. A. motherB. sis

19、terC. friendD. teacher2. A. outside B. aboard C. abroad D. elsewhere3. A. warmB. cool D. freezing4. A. excitedB. excitingC. frustratingD. frustrated5. A. fullB. filled C. fulfilledD. fulfil6. A. notB. then C. laterD. hardly7. A. LikeB. Though C. For D. As8. A. boardingB. boarded C. aboarded D. broad

20、ing9. A. forceB. power C. energy D. right10. A. reliefB. happiness C. sadness D. relaxation11. A. sameB. different C. apparentD. similar12. A. surprisedB. excitedC. sad D. pleased13. A. daysB. memoriesC. relativesD. friends14. A. dividedB. seperated C. departed D. left15. A. seenB. left C. lost D. r

21、ecognized. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案AThe main purpose of a newspaper is to report news. At one time this was the only way people could find what was happening elsewhere. In Britain during the nineteenth century The Thunderer, as The Times is today, was called the only way of discovering the news. There were

22、 no telephones, TVs, mobile phones, radios, computers or the Internet. In fact in the nineteenth century the career of a journalist was a very important one. That was why the newspaper was called The Thunderer because it used to fight for issues that it felt were important. It put pressure on the le

23、aders of the government by “thundering” at them to change laws into ones that were considered to be a benefit to ordinary people.Since the arrival of electricity all this has changed. There are now telephones, TVs, mobile phones, radios, computers and the Internet from which people can get all or an

24、y news they are interested in. So it is no wonder that the percentage of people reading newspapers has fallen in Britain from 59% in 1992 to 45% in 2007. This is very unfotunate because newspapers can fulfil a special role. Readers rely on newspapers to provide detailed background information and an

25、alysis, which television and radio newscasts rarely offer. Newspapers not only inform readers that an event happened, but also help readers understand what led up to the event and how it will affect the world around them.But is the situation all gloom(忧愁)and despair? What about the Internet? Many ne

26、wspapers are seeing the Internet as an opportunity rather than a disadvantage. They have published their newspapers online and sometimes offered their readers the news free. In return they build up reader loyalty(忠诚)and perhaps persuade some to buy the newspaper sometimes. But is this good for print

27、ed newspapers? Will they finally be replaced entirely by Internet newspapers? No one can say what will happen in the future. But certainly the most popular printed newspapers in Britain are also those that are most widely read on the Internet. So perhaps the future for journalists is not as serious

28、as it might appear. Whether in print or on the Internet their words are being read and their opinions appreciated. So whatever the medium it seems the newspaper is here to stay.1. Which of the following can provide readers with details of the events covered? A. Television newscasts.B. Telephones.C.

29、Radio programmes.D. Newspapers.2. Whats the main reason why fewer people read printed newspapers today than before in Britain? A. People dont enjoy reading newspapers any more.B. Mobile phones and computers can offer more detailed information.C. The arrival of electricity has brought about many new

30、inventions, from which people can get news.D. A printed newspaper is not the best medium for people to get news nowadays.3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph according to the writer? A. The role of a newspaper is more important than its form.B. An e-newspaper is more important than a prin

31、ted one.C. A printed newspaper is more important than an e-newspaper.D. The circulation of a newspaper is more important than its form.4. What can we know about The Thunderer from the passage?A. It was the leading newspaper in Britain in the 19th century.B. It reported everything that happened in th

32、e 19th century.C. The Times and The Thunderer were two major newspapers in Britain in the 19th century.D. To the government leaders, it was just like a crash of thunder, urging them to make new laws beneficial to ordinary people.5. What effect can the Internet have on the printed newspaper?A. The In

33、ternet newspaper will totally replace the printed newspaper.B. Its certain that journalists will be out of work in the near future.C. Many printed newspapers have taken advantage of the Internet to win over more readers.D. Many printed newspapers have found more disadvantages than advantages of the

34、Internet.BAs a journalist, a writer aims to collect all of the facts about an event or incident and present them as truthfully and factually as possible. But sometimes leading members of the government or other high-ranking officials dont want the truth to be told. Journalism can be a risky and some

35、times even dangerous profession. Sometimes journalists risk their lives in order to report an important story. At other times, they risk going to jail rather than reveal (透露) one of their sources of information.Unfortunately, many journalists are killed every year just for doing their jobs. Over thi

36、rty reporters were killed last year alone. These people asked questions, researched records and reported on the truths they found. The following stories are examples of the dangers journalists face around the world.In the country of Haiti, a radio talk show host was murdered after allowing members o

37、f a political opposition party to express their ideas on his radio show. He was killed by a mob of people holding machetes(大砍刀).The editor of a weekly newspaper in Mexico was shot in the head shortly after he reported a story that revealed something corrupt about the federal government. He had repor

38、ted that local politicians were using drug trafficking money to fund their elections.In the Ukraine, a television show host was attacked and beaten with baseball bats by people who didnt like the content of his TV show. His last show was about government corruption.Good journalists must be brave. Ot

39、her people might do everything possible to avoid exposing government corruption. But good journalists are driven to make the community more aware of the truth and to fight for freedom.Sometimes, these courageous journalists are successful in bringing about social changes. Other times, in many countr

40、ies all over the world, journalists who dare to risk doing their job are silenced. But by retelling their stories, we can continue their fight for freedom.6. A good journalist should have the following qualities except _.A. being courageous enough B. covering the events factually C. concealing the g

41、overnment corruption D. revealing the private life affairs of a pop star7. According to the passage what might NOT happen to a journalist if he tells the truth?A. Being appreciated by his editor-in-chief. B. Being killed. C. Being promoted by the government leaders. D. Being put into jail.8. What ca

42、n we infer from the passage?A. Some jouralists can bring about social changes.B. Journalists are often under great pressure when reporting government corruption.C. All jouralists report stories as they really are.D. The radio talk show host in Haiti is a powerful person.9. Which might be the best ti

43、tle of the passage?A. Journalists Fight for NewsB. Journalism: A Dangerous Job?C. Reveal Some Untold StoriesD. Whats the Goal of a Journalist?10. Whats the function of the examples mentioned in the passage?A. To support the writers opinion that journalism can be a dangerous profession.B. To prove fe

44、w journalists are courageous enough to do their jobs.C. To reveal a fact that a journalist will be killed if he does not tell the truth.D. To reveal a fact that some journalists are bribed by local politicians. 书面表达 每年的5月8日是世界红十字日,你作为新世纪校刊的小记者,在红十字日来临之际,对新世纪学校的红十字会组织进行了一次采访活动。请根据下面表格中的内容,为你校的英语园地写一篇采访报道。时间2010年5月7日地点新世纪学校红十字会办公室采访人新世纪校刊的小记者被采访人新世纪学校红十字会办公室主任温馨采访内容1. 红十字会为云南旱灾、玉树地震灾区捐款;2. 由红十字会会员组建的青年志愿者开展了赠灾爱心义卖活动;3. 青年志愿者还走进社区,发动更多的人奉献爱心,宣传了红十字会精神。注意:1.词数: 120左右2. 参考词汇: 世界红十字日World Red Cross Day小记者teenage reporter红十字会Red Cross Society(RCS)义卖make a jumble sale_


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