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1、Culture in the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty 隋唐文化 lThe Sui-Tang period was another milestone in the development of the Chinese culture after the Qin-Han period.In terms of the flourishing age in ancient China,no one can write off the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty.In 589,the unification of Chin

2、a by the founder of the Sui Dynasty put an end to the period of division and turmoil,which lasted more than three centuries l隋唐是继秦汉之后中国文化发展的又一个高潮时期。论中国古代盛世,言必称“汉唐”。经过魏晋南北朝长达300余年的分裂割据,至公元589年隋朝重新实现了全国的统一 The achievements surpassing those in the previous dyanstieslThe foundation of the Tang Dynasty u

3、shered in a mighty Tang empire.The Tang Dynasty was at that time the largest and,economically and culturally speaking,the most developed empire in the world.Supported by the full-fledged national strength,the culture in the golden age of the Sui and Tang dynasties saw its achievements surpassing tho

4、se in the previous dynasties l继之而起的唐王朝是一个国土辽阔、国力强盛的封建大帝国。如同隋唐建立的赫赫事功一样,其文化发展也达到了空前繁荣的水平。Economic development as a catalystlThe cultural progress resulted from the following factors.The economic development in the south in Wei,Jin and Southern dynasties acted as a catalyst in the leap of economic str

5、ength of ancient China.l究其原因,魏晋南北朝南方经济的发展使得古代中国的经济实力又跨上了一个新的台阶 The decline of and the emergence of lThe decline of the influential and privileged families of scholar-officials and of hereditary power and the landlords made it possible for the clan commoners to enter the historical arena and for the

6、newly-emerging forces to rise rapidly to dominance l士族门阀制度的衰落和庶族地主的兴起进一步解放了社会生产力并革新了社会制度,各民族的文化融合也为社会发展注入了活力 The integration of the cultures of different nationalitieslThis unleashed the social productive forces and transformed the social system.The integration of the cultures of different nationali

7、ties infused the social development with vitality l各民族的文化融合也为社会发展注入了活力 The competition of Confucianism,Taoism and BuddhismlThe Sui and the Tang dynasties were magnanimous and tolerant in their academic and cultural policy.Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism were competing against each other in a bizarr

8、e and beautiful way.Integration was the result of mutual absorption and infiltration l在学术文化领域,儒、道、佛三家思想竞相斗艳,在相互吸收和渗透中走向融合。隋唐统治者实行了兼容并包、宽容大度的文化政策。Different favors by different emperorslEmperor Wen Di of the Sui Dynasty esteemed both Buddhism and Confucianism.Taoism won special royal favor in the Tang

9、 period,because Li Er(Laozi),who was supposed to be the founder of that school,had the same family name as the imperial family.Empress Wu Zetian promoted and popularized Buddhist doctrines l隋文帝崇佛,也重视儒学。道教教主老子(李耳)与唐朝皇室同姓,道教受到尊崇 l后来武则天又弘扬佛法,佛教盛极一时 Positions of Buddhism and ConfucianismlIn the Sui-Tang

10、 period,the process of the integration of Buddhism into the traditional Chinese culture was by and large accomplished.Confucianism remained in the dominant position in the Tang Dynast l隋文帝崇佛,也重视儒学 Tolerance by the sovereigns helpful in the assimilation and mergerlThe sovereigns tolerance of Confucia

11、nism,Taoism and Buddhism was helpful for the three branches to assimilate and merge with each other,resulting in the integration of the three,on the basis of which the Confucian school of idealistic philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties took shapel统治者对儒、道、佛三家学说的兼容,有利于三家思想的融合。正是在“三教合一”的基础上建立了此后宋明

12、理学的体系Self-confidence,vigor and openesslThe magnificent culture in the Sui-Tang dynasties demonstrated to the world her self-confidence,her vigor and her openness.The Tang empire developed extensive ties with many countries and regions.The golden age of Sui-Tang witnessed closer relations between Chi

13、na and foreign countries.Changan was the cosmopolitan cultural center l隋唐文化以其宏大的气象向世界展现了它的自信、热情和开放。长安成为当时世界文化的中心 Cultural exchange unprecedented reached cliamxlThe minority nationalities in China as well as foreign emissaries,ecclesiastics and merchants came to Changan en masse,bringing with them ex

14、otic products,music,dance,customs and religions,such as Buddhism,calendric system,medical science,art of South Asia,music and dance from Central Asia,Zoroastrianism,Christianity,Manicheism and Islamism from West Asia.The cultural exchange between China and foreign countries reached an unprecedented

15、climaxl南亚的佛学、历法、医学、艺术,中亚的音乐、舞蹈,西方的祆教、景教(基督教)、摩尼教、伊斯兰教文化一齐涌入中国,中外文化交流出现了一个前所未有的高潮 Indication of the self-confidence and great momentumlThe open policy of Sui-Tang indicated the self-confidence and great momentum derived from the overall national strength and the advanced spiritual civilization.l文化上的开

16、明与开放,从一个侧面反映了建立在强大的综合国力和高度发达的精神文明基础上的隋唐文化的大气 Inexhuastible treasure and incomparable heritagelA gem of the Chinese culture,Tang poetry attained its peak in the celebrated poets Li Bai,Du Fu,Wang Wei and Bai Juyi,who left behind tens of thousands of poems,giving the world an inexhaustible treasure an

17、d incomparable heritage.lThe art of papermaking and block printing was passed on to other nations and continents and as a result the Chinese made a tremendous contribution to the world culture treasure and incomparable heritage l唐诗是中国文化的瑰宝,诗歌创作在唐代出现了一个高峰,涌现出李白、杜甫、王维、白居易等伟大的诗人,留下了几万首脍炙人口的诗篇。唐朝的文化成就还有颜真卿、怀素等人的书法,阎立本、吴道子等人的绘画,僧一行的天文学贡献,以及精美绝伦的雕版印刷技术等。这一时期,造纸术与印刷术传向海外,对世界文化的发展做出了重大的贡献


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