小学四年级人教精通版(上册)英语总复习归纳(DOC 8页).doc

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1、人教版(精通)四年级英语上册期末总复习资料一、26个字母听说读写二、 个四会单词Unit 1:China 中国 America 美国 England 英国 Singapore 新加坡 Cananda 加拿大good好的 friend 朋友brother兄弟sister姐妹 boy男孩girl女孩teacher教师farther农民postman邮递员 doctor医生nurse护士driver 司机Unit2:class班级 grade年级 one一two二three三four四five五 Six六seven七eight八nine九ten十eleven十一twelve十二 Thirtennd十

2、三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen 十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十Unit3:pineapple菠萝lemon柠檬appl苹果pear梨watermelon西瓜 Kifi fruit猕猴桃orange橙banana香蕉potato土豆tomato番茄 Carrot胡萝卜cucumber黄瓜eggplant茄子greenpepper青椒Unit4:fine晴朗的nice好的,令人愉快的warm温暖的cool凉爽的 Hot炎热的cold寒冷的sunny晴朗的cloudy多云的windy有 风的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的U

3、nit5:cap帽子 hat有边帽子,草帽T-shirt体恤衫dress连衣裙 Blouse女士衬衣jacket夹克raincoat雨衣sweater毛衣 Skirt短裙 shirt衬衫shorts短裤jeans牛仔裤socks袜子shoesUnit6:big大的small小的long长的short短的tall高的fat胖的thin 瘦的strong强壮的new新的old旧的老的happy幸福 快乐三、会听说认读的Unit1:new friend 新朋友 from来自see 看到 meet遇到again再次 Nice 好的 glad好的this这 too也where哪里welcome欢迎 Wh

4、o谁game游戏guess猜do does是(做)look看beautiful 美丽的what什么great好的nucle叔叔aunt婶婶TV reporter 电视播音员be careful小心policeman警察Unie2:pleased 高兴which哪一个how如何about关于in在里面name 名字go去number号 数字line up排队count数数from to从 几到几 your你的one and two壹加贰right对 play玩find找 Neighbours邻居very good很好wake up起床late晚了some 一些milk牛奶thankstime时间

5、why为什么so所以、如 此funny有趣的 vegetable 蔬菜Unit3:like喜欢in English用英语说show me给我pass me 递给我 Peel剥eat吃smell闻that那and和let让excuse me对不起 Bread面包know知道bat球棒smart聪明的fruit水果have有 Has有juice果汁please请can能Unit4:today今天play football踢足球play with my kite放风筝 shall可以zoo动物园here这儿Fish鱼swim游泳we我们 good idea好主意water水thank youweat

6、her天气shop 购物dear亲爱的now现在great太棒了well好的put on 穿上Unit5:over there在那边for you给你 open打开 pretty漂亮 Happy birthday生日快乐help帮助try on试试sure可以 Look at 看看they他们really真的vest背心those那些certainiy 可以may 可以,会them他们(宾格)walk走路Unit6:elephant大象so如此ear耳朵eye眼睛rabbit白兔tail尾巴 Monkey猴子mouth嘴come here过来both 都是twins双胞胎 But但是Happy

7、 New Year 新年快乐act表演nose鼻子clothes 衣服 四、重点句型Unit1:Im from America.我来自美国。 Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Who s this girl? 这个女孩是谁? Shes my sister. 她是我姐妹。 Who s this boy? 这个男孩是谁? Hes my brother. 他是我兄弟。 What does your father do? Hes a teacher.What does your mother do? Shes a doctor.Uint2:Which class are you i

8、n? Im in Class One ,Grade Four . Whats are your unmber? Im unmber thirteen.Whats seven and eight ?Its fifteen .Whats the time ?Its 7:20 . Whats this? Its a pineapple. Whats that? Its a whtermelon. Whats this in English? Its a potapo . Whats that in English?Its a carrot .Do you like eggplants?Yes,I d

9、o .Do you like green peppers?No, I dont .Unit4: Its fine today . Hows the weather today?Its sunny .Unit5:Its sunny today . Put on your cap ,please. Whats in the box? Its a dress. Can I help you? Please show me that jacket. Can I look at the blue shorts? Here you are . May I try the shoes on? Certain

10、ly.Unit6:Look at the elephant. It has big ears. A rabbit has long ears and short tail. Im tall. You re short . Happy New Year !五、普通句型Thiss my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。Lets play the game.Lets go and play.We re happy to play.Shall we go to the zoo?Shall we go swimming?(shopping)Can I have some cold water,p

11、lease?(milk)Its cloudy now .Its so hot today!Where s my new T-shirt?Its over there.Where is my cap?Where are my jeans?Open it and see.This is for you.Can I look at the orange vest and red skirt?Can I look at the blue jeans and green shorts?Can I try it on?(them)Im short and fat.We look like twins!Th

12、ey are twins!My sweater is old. But I like it.Lets go to see Miss Liu.Please show me your new clothes.Lets sing “Happy New Year”.Tom is swimming.What do you do,Dad?Can you spell it,please?Do you like tomato juice? Yes,I do.六、补充Beijing China London 伦敦 EnglandOttawa渥太华 Canada Washington D. C. 华盛顿 Amer

13、icaDraw 画 write 写 cut 剪,切七、归纳疑问代词What 什么 Where 哪里 Who 谁 Which哪一个Why 为什么 How 如何、怎样人称代词I 我 my 我的 me我 ( 宾格)we 我们 our 我们的 us 我们 ( 宾格)you 你 your你的 you 你 ( 宾格)you 你们 your你们的 you 你们 ( 宾格)she 她 her herhe 他 his himit 它 its itthey 他们 她们 their them主格 宾格 形容性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词 I me my mine myself you you your you

14、rs yourself she her her hers herself he him his his himself it it its its itself we us our ours ourselies they them their theirs themselies 主格用作主语,如: I am a girl.宾格用作宾语,在动词或者介词后:动词后:This is me.介词后:Go without me.所有格相当于形容词,后面接名词,如:This is my book.名词形式的所有格=所有格+名词.比如:my book = mine (当然,前面要有提及,要不然你说Mine别人不知道你说的具体是什么东西)如: A: Is this your book? B: Yes, It is mine!(相当于It is my book!)主格人称:i you she he they 作主语时用宾格人称:me you her him them 作宾语使用反身代词:myself yourself herself themself himself强调自己的什么,意思为我自己,他自己。他们自己物主代词:my her his your their 后可直接跟宾语8


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