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1、Unit Two Format of Thesis WritingTeaching aims: Students should be able to1. review basic information of thesis writing2. master format of thesis writingI. Kinds of formats Chicago Manual - The Chicago Manual of Style 学术论文写作与书目格式的权威地位。 MLA - The Modern Language Association Style人文领域经常采用的一套书目格式指南 APA

2、 - Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association社会科学领域的学术期刊经常采用的书目格式 II. Format of the thesis Writing1.Front PartCover, Blank page, Title page, Abstract, Key word, Content2.Body PartIntroduction, Body, Conclusion3. Ending PartAcknowledgement, Note, Bibliography1. Front PartCoverThe re

3、lated information on thesis: Title, Author, Instructor, Professional titleTitle pageThe title, Subtitle. In the middleAbstractan isolate essay which includes the problem and methods of the research, the references and conclusion1. Front PartKey words words and phrases which can describe the main ide

4、as from the essayContentserial numberIntroductionChapter One A BConclusion2.Body PartThe introduction usually explains the writers motive, intention or purpose in discussing his or her topic, and its scope and focus. It also provides the background or the situation the reader may need. BodyThe main

5、parts of the thesis.Conclusionthe summary of the thesis3. Ending PartAcknowledgement optionalNote and Bibliographysource of reference, basic requirement of academic writingIII. Format of Documentation1.The purpose Avoid plagiarism2.The rules of quotation and paraphrase1) In most field, paraphrasing

6、(summarizing or changing the original words to your own words) is preferred above direct quotations.2) Cite others work in the proper documentation style of your field. Proper documentation must appear in the text and in the bibliography.3) Summarize a large section of work instead of quoting the en

7、tire part. Ideally, two or three sentences will summarize several paragraphs. Pick out only the most important points.4) Give a generalization, citing several authors who have come to the same conclusion at the end of the sentence. 3. The Format of Quotation 1) Direct Quotation: Use quotation marks

8、totell your readers that you are borrowing someone elses exact words. Short works (less than 40 words) or no more than two lines of a poem, which may be quoted within the paragraph.Tips for direct quotationNote the author ,publication time and the page of the quotation.Eg. One recent study points ou

9、t that ”the language of scientific writing varies greatly from the language of social science writing” (Zhou, 1999,p.161) Use Ellipsis to show something omitted.(中文是六个实心点,英文是三个实心点,省略号在句尾可使用四个实心点)Tips for direct quotationUse the single quotation marks when there exist double quotation mark in the ori

10、ginal text.Put the comma and period inside the double quotation mark , semicolon 、colon and exclamation mark outside the double quotation mark .2) Indirect Quotation: For a long section, change for another paragraph and remember to condense the space (5 spaces). Directly after this indirect quotatio

11、n, it should be followed with author, year and page. 引用文字超过40字,则不用引号,另起一行,从左边缩进近5个空格,隔行打印。The APA style of quotation of more than 40 words is just as follows: Display a quotation .引用诗歌超过三行,则需另引一行,从左边缩进10格,隔行打印。Tip for indirect quotation:A. SkillsUse passive voice instead of active voice.Find synonym

12、s that are less formal or are more like the style of your own writing.Change the sentence structure, possibly changing the clauses around.Cut out unimportant information for the purposes of your paper/points.Tip for indirect quotation:B. unchangeable rulesDont change or try to paraphrase numbers.Don

13、t change the intention of the original author by choosing the wrong word.Dont make the original author seem to say something different or have different emphasis.Ex for paraphrase practice:1.People in every part of the globe dislike aggressive Americans.Hints:Dont change “aggressive Americans”Change

14、 “in every part of the globe “. Can you think of a single word to substitute?Key: 1.People worldwide dislike aggressive Americans.2.Those who support war to achieve their personal objectives consider the Security Council to be weak.Hints:Use different phrases for “Those who support war”Use a differe

15、nt word for “considers” Use a negative word, along with the opposite of “weak”.Key: War supporters believe the UN Security Council is not strong.3. Why do teenagers turn to delinquency? Some experts believe they become delinquents because of dissatisfaction with family life and friends, but this vie

16、w is short-sighted and stereotypical. Recent studiers have look at this problem in more depth.Hints: Take out the questionStart with the idea of “recent research”Keep the words “short-sighted and stereotypical”Key: Recent research has examined the reasons for delinquency and found that looking only

17、at the dissatisfaction with family life and friends is short-sighted and stereotypical. 4. Some evidence reveals that smoking might be a cause of baldness. The correlation is interesting since it links two factors that have no genetic connection.Hints: Begin with “according to”.Instead of “smoking m

18、ight be a cause of baldness”, use the passive voice “baldness may be caused by”Key: According to some interesting evidence, baldness may be caused by smoking even though there seems to be no genetic connection.More Tips for quotation:1) Accuracy Dont change the spelling、punctuation、format of the quo

19、tation in accordance with the original one.2) Consistencequotation mark 3) Note after quotation pareathese, footnote, endnote2. The format of Note1)夹注 (pareathese): 段中注,文中注或随文注,即在需要注释的文字后直接加圆括号引出所引文字的出处。该形式清晰、准确、简便。但所提供的信息内容必须与后面参考文献所列作者书目相一致。(Bear,240)2)脚注(footnote): 页末注或页下注,用一横线隔开,与文本最后一行之间约有四行空隙。

20、3)尾注(endnote):也称篇尾注,文本的后面,另起一页。脚注和尾注包含的内容:作者姓名西先名后姓,中先姓后名。若用英文表示,则编者,编纂,译者的姓名前加 “eds”,”comps”, “trans”.中文表示则为“编”,“撰”和“译”书名英文名加下划线或斜体,中文用 表示,表明版次,英文用序数词和ed.表示,中文为第几版出版信息出版地点、出版社和出版年份。放在圆括号内,格式为(出版地:出版社,出版年份)。卷号英文用Vol中文用第几卷表示页号单页缩写为p.,多也为pp-.尾注的格式为:作者姓名./。书名(版次)(出版地:出版者,出版日期),卷号,页号。3. Format of Biblio

21、graphy1)ContentThe bibliography should list some information about books and articles used in the essay.2)FormatAuthor./works./publication address: Press, publication time.Eg. Watson, George. Writing a Thesis: a guide to long essays and dissertations. Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2003.冯幼民(编著)。

22、高级英文写作教程:论文写作。北京:北京大学出版社,2002。排序:按英文作者姓氏的字母排列,中文作者按汉语拼音顺序排列。若连续引用同一作者的多部作品,则按作者标题的英文字母顺序排列。在作者处用三个连字符代替,再加入作品名称和出版信息。每个条目从第二行起要缩进五个空格3)More detailsA.作者英文先姓后名,中间用逗号隔开,后面用句号。中文也是先姓后名,中间不用标点,后面加句号。Lee, Bear. 李艳雄。若一篇文章或书有两个或三个作者时,英文作者只把第一作者的姓与名颠倒,第二、三作者则保持不变。如果是多个作者时,可以只列出第一作者,其他的人可用et al. 代表,如:Schultzc

23、, Brrigitte, et al.B. 作品名称。若录入是一本著作书籍的名称,英文作品要用斜体或加下划线,中文用 标注。若录入的是一部作品中的某个章节或某份期刊报纸中的一篇文章,则先录入文章标题用“ ”,后面再录入作品期刊和报纸的名称。Dryden, John. “The Three Types of Translation.” Reading in Western Translation Theories. ed. Zhong WeiheC. 出版信息。 出版信息包括出版地、出版社和出版年份。格式是出版地:出版社,出版年./。北京:北京大学出版社,2007Shanghai: Shangh

24、ai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.D. 网上资源作者姓名、作品或材料标题(用下划线或斜体)、编者、编纂或译者姓名、出版信息、访问网站的日期和网址Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Tenry Churchard. 1996. 10.sept. 1997 4.Format of opening reportTitle of the thesis.The purpose of the study of the subject.Researching situations both at home and a

25、broad.The cause and meaning of researching the subject.Main viewpoints, contents, important point and difficult points of the subject.The writing structure of the subject, including: introduction/statement/conclusion/ReferencesResearching basis.Researching methods.Writing stages:1st draft: time; 2nd draft: time; 3rd draft: timeThe final version (Thesis defense: time)6 / 6


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