外研社小学三至六年级复习知识点(DOC 13页).docx

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1、外研社小学三至六年级复习知识点一、词汇常用物品:door, window, desk,chair, blackboard, schoolbag, pencil, pen, book, cap, present, cake, ball, kite(门,窗,桌子,椅子,黑板,书包,铅笔,钢笔,书,帽子,礼物,蛋糕,球,风筝)颜色:red, blue, yellow, green, black(红色,蓝色,黄色,绿色,黑色)动物:panda, dog, cat, bird, chameleon(熊猫,狗,猫,鸟,变色龙)数字:one, two, three, four, five, six, sev

2、en, eight, nine, ten,eleven, twelve(一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,十一,十二)身体器官:head, leg, foot, arm, hand, nose, eye, mouth, ear(头,腿,脚,手臂,手,眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,耳朵)家庭成员:mother, father, grandpa, grandma, sister, brother(妈妈,爸爸,爷爷,奶奶,姐姐,弟弟)职业:teacher, pupil, doctor, driver, nurse, farmer, policeman(老师,学生,医生,护士,司机,农民,警察)代词:I,

3、you, it, me, he, she, your, my, his, her, this, that(我,你,它,我,他,她,你的,我的,他的,她的,这个,那个)二、句型1、打招呼及问好:Hello!(你好)Hi!(你好)早上见面说:Good morning.(上午好!)下午见面说:Good afternoon.(下午好!)跟人道别语:Goodbye.(再见)Byebye.(再见)跟人道谢语:Thank you!(谢谢你!)Thanks!(多谢)询问对方的身体情况:How are you? Im fine, thank you.(你好吗?我很好,谢谢你。)祝别人生日快乐说:Happy bi

4、rthday!(生日快乐!)给别人东西时说:Heres your present.(给你的礼物。)2、询问姓名:-Whats your name? -Im +姓名。例句:Whats your name?(你叫什么名字?)Im Sam.(我是萨姆。)Whats your name?(你叫什么名字?)My name is Panpan.(我的名字叫盼盼。)3、描述物品的颜色:Its +颜色。Its a/an +表示颜色的词+物品。例句:Its a black dog.(它是一条黑色的狗。)Its an orange dog.(它是一条橙色的狗。)4、询问数量:How many (+名词复数)?例句

5、:How many boys?(多少个男孩?)Twelve boys.(12个男孩。)How many red caps?(多少顶红色的帽子?)One red cap.(一顶红色的帽子)5、询问年龄:-How old are you? -Im +年龄。例句:How old are you?(你多少岁?)Im nine.(我九岁。)6、询问物品:-Whats this/that? -Its a/an +物品。例句:Whats this?(这是什么?)Its a desk.(它是一张桌子。)Whats that?(那是什么?)Its a chair.(它是一张椅子。)7、介绍某物/人:This i

6、s my +物/人。例句:This is my school.(这是我的学校。)That is my classroom.(那是我的教室。)This is my English teacher.(这是我的英语老师。)8、确认物品:-Is it a/an +物品?-Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.例句:Is it a dragon?(它是一条龙吗?)Yes, it is.(是的,它是。)No, it isnt.(不,它不是。)Is this your mother?(这是你的妈妈吗?)Yes, she is.(是的,她是)No, she isnt.(不,她不是。)9、询问位置:

7、-Wheres the +物品?-Its in/on +地点。例句:Where is my pen ?(我的钢笔在哪里?)Its in the bag.(它在书包里。)10、描述职业:Hes /Shes + a/an +职业。例句:This is my mother.(这是我的妈妈。)Shes a teacher.(她是一个老师。)Thats my father.(那是我的爸爸。)Hes a doctor.(他是一个医生。)第二册(三年级下)一、词汇动物:monkey, lion, tiger, elephant(猴子,狮子,老虎,大象)日常活动:ride, go to school, pla

8、y, go to work, go shopping, watch TV, go fishing, walk, sleep(骑,去上学,玩耍,去工作,去购物,看电视,去钓鱼,散步,睡觉)季节:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter(春天,夏天,秋天的季节,冬季)天气:nice, warm, hot, cold, cool, sunny, windy, snow, rain(好的,温暖的,热,冷,冷,阳光,风,雪,雨)食物和饮料:meat, rice, noodles, fish, milk, orange, apple, banana, pear(肉,大米

9、,面条,鱼,牛奶,橙汁,苹果,香蕉,梨)程:Music, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Science(语文,数学,音乐,艺术,体育,科学)二、句型1、询问最喜欢的事物:-Whats your favourite +名词?-Its +喜欢的事物。/My favourite +名词+ is +喜欢的事物。例句:Whats your favourite song?(你特别喜欢的歌曲是什么?)My favourite song is the ABC song. / Its the ABC song.(我喜欢的歌曲是ABC歌。)2、询问动物名称:-Whats this? -Its

10、a/an +动物名。-What are they? -Theyre +动物复数。例句:Whats this ?(这是什么?)Its a panda.(它是熊猫。)What are they? They are tigers.(他们是什么?他们是老虎。)3、描述自己的喜好:I like +名词/动词-ing. I dont like +名词/动词-ing.例句:I like football.(我喜欢足球)I dont like basketball.(我不喜欢篮球)4、确认对方喜欢的食物/饮料:Do you like +食物/饮料? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont.例句:Do

11、you like rice?(你喜欢米饭吗?)Yes, I do.(是的,我喜欢。) No, I dont.(不,我不喜欢。)5、确认第三人称单数喜欢的食物/饮料:Dose +主语+ like +食物/饮料?-Yes, she(he) does. /No, she(he) doesnt.例句:Does he like milk?(他喜欢牛奶吗?)Yes, he does.(是的,他喜欢。)No, he doesnt.(不,他不喜欢。)Does she like apples?(她喜欢苹果吗?)Yes, she does.(是的,她喜欢)No, she doesnt.(不,她不喜欢。)6、描述某

12、人的日常行为:主语+动词原型/动词第三人称单数+其他。例句:I get up at seven oclock.(我在七点起床。)She goes swimming.(她去游泳)7、询问对方的日常行为:-What do/does +主语+ do +时间?-主语+动词原型/动词第三人称单数+其他。例句:What do you do at the weekend?I go swimming.(你在周末干什么?我去游泳。)What do you do in the morning?I sleep in the morning.(你在上午干什么?我上午睡觉。)What does Lingling hav

13、e at school today?(玲玲今天在学校上什么课?)She has Music ,Art and PE today.(今天她上音乐、美术和体育。)What does she do at the weekend?(她在周末做什么?)She goes swimming.(她去游泳。)8、描述季节和天气:Its +表示天气的形容词+ in +季节。例句:Its warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.(春天里天气温暖。我们在春天放风筝。)Its hot in summer. We go swimming in summer.(夏天很热。我们在夏天去游

14、泳。)Its cool in autumn. We play football in autumn.(秋天天气凉爽。我们在秋天踢足球。)Its cold in winter. We watch TV and play table tennis in winter.(冬天寒冷。我们在冬天看电视、打乒乓球。)9、询问位置:-Where is +物品?-Its +表示位置的介词短语。例句:Where is the book? Its in the box. / Its on your desk./ Its under the chair.(它在盒子里。它在你的桌子上。它在椅子下。)10、描述某人有某

15、物:主语+ have/has got +某物。例句:Ive got a new book. Its about animals. Its about sports.(我有一本新书。它是关于动物的。它是关于运动的。)Amy has got a bike.She goes to school by bike.(埃米有辆自行车。她骑自行车上学。)11、描述某人没有某物:主语+ havent/hasnt got +某物。例句:Sam hasnt got a bike. He goes to school by bus.(萨姆没有自行车。他乘公共汽车上学。)12、确认他人是否有某物:-Have/Has

16、+主语+ got +某物?-Yes,主语+ have(has). /No,主语+ havent(hasnt).例句:Have you got a new book? Yes, I have. No, I havent.(你有一本新书吗?是的,我有。不,我没有。)Has she got a bike? Yes, she has.No, she hasnt.(她有一个自行车吗?是的,她有。不,她没有。)第三册(四年级上)词汇颜色:purple, pink, white, orange(紫色,粉红色,白色,橙色)数字:thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, sev

17、enteen,eighteen, nineteen, twenty(十三、十四、十五、十六、十七、十八、十九、二十)月份:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December(一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月)地点:supermarket, station, hill, house, park, lake, China(超市,车站,山,住宅,公园,湖,中国)物品:letter, picture, thing, bo

18、at, chess, chopsticks, vegetable, flute, clothes, stone, animal, soup, light, biscuit, fruit(信,图片,点,船,象棋,筷子,蔬菜,长笛,衣服,石头,动物,汤,光,饼干,水果)描述事物的特征或动作的程度:little, interesting, hungry, nice, difficult, fast, far, high(小的,有趣的,饿了,好的,困难的,快速的,远,高)方位:next to(邻近)二、句型1、询问路线:-Excuse me. Where is +地点,please?-Go strai

19、ght on. Turn left/right.例句:Excuse me. Wheres No.2, West Lake Road, please? Go straight on. Turn left/right,(打扰一下。请问西湖路2号在哪里?直走。向左/右转。)2、描述位置:主语+ is +表示方位的介词短语。例句:Its next to a supermarket.(它的旁边是一个超市)3、询问正在做什么:-What + be动词+主语+动词-ing +其他?-主语+be动词+动词-ing +其他。例句:What are you doing?Im reading a book.What

20、 is she doing?She is writing a letter.(你正在做什么?我正在读书。她正在做什么?她正在写一封信。)4、询问是否要某物:-Do you want some . ?-Yes, please. /No, thank you.例句:Do you want some rice?Yes, please. / No, thank you.(你想要些米饭吗?是的,请给我一些/不了,谢谢!)5、描述能力:-Can you +动词原形+其他?-Yes, I can. /No, I cant.例句:Can you run fast? Yes, I can. / No, I ca

21、nt.(你能跑的再快些吗?是的,我能。不,我不能。)、询问计划:-What are you going to do?-Im /Were going to +动词原形+其他。例句:What are you going to do? Were going to go to Hainan.Im going to go to Hong Kong. Im going to swim in the sea.(你打算去哪里?我们打算去海南。我打算去香港。我打算去海里游泳)、表达请求:-Can I have some .?-Yes, you can. /Sorry, you cant.例句:Can I hav

22、e some sweets?Yes,you can. /Here you are.Sorry, you cant.(我能吃些糖吗?是的,你能,给你。抱谦,你不能。)、数生日:There is/are +数字+birthday(s) + in +月份。例句:There are three birthdays in March. There is one birthday in May.(三月份有个生日。五月份有个生日。)第四册(四年级下)一、词汇描述人或物的特征:nice, shy, clever, naughty, cool, little, cute, beautiful, long, wi

23、de, many, old, famous, great, young, strong, better, worse, right, quiet, bad, thirsty(好的,害羞的,聪明的,顽皮的,冷静的,小的,可爱的,漂亮的,长,宽,很多,老,著名的,伟大的,年轻的,强烈的,更好的,更糟糕的是,正确的,安静的,坏的,渴了)星期:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday(星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日)疾病:stomachache, cold, headache, fever(胃痛

24、,感冒,头痛,发烧)方向:east, west, south, north(东、西、南、北)动作:take, help, learn, think, agree, call, phone, dance, stop, happen, ride, carry, bump, fell off, went, bought, had(带,帮助,学习,思考,同意,电话,手机,舞蹈,停止,发生,骑,携带,撞,摔,去,买了,有)二、句型、描述人或物的特征:主语+be动词+形容词。主语+be动词+a/an+形容词+名词。例句:Shes a nice teacher. Parrot is a very naugh

25、ty bird !This is my big brother。Hes cool.(她是一个好老师。佩勃是一个淘气的鸟。这是我的哥哥,他很酷)、描述将来要做某事:主语+will+动词原形+其他。例句:On Monday Ill go swimming。Robots will do everything。(星期一我将去游泳。机器人将来能做任何事情)、确认对方将来要做某事:-Will you +动词原形+其他?-Yes, I will. /No, I wont.例句:Will you take your kite tomorrow?Yes,I will。/No,I wont。(明天你将带你的风筝吗

26、?是的,我带。不,我不带。)、询问将来做什么:-What will +主语+ do + on +星期?-On +星期+主语+ will +动词原形+其他。例句:What will you do on Monday? On Monday Ill go swimming。(星期一你将做什么?星期一我将去游泳)5、描述将来的天气:It will be +表示天气的形容词+in+城市。例句:It will be windy in Beijing.(北京明天有风)6、确认将来的天气:-Will it be +表示天气的形容词+其他?-Yes, it will. /No, it wont.例句:Will

27、it be windy in Beijing?Yes, it will. /No, it wont.(北京明天刮风吗?是的,刮风。不,没风。)7、两个人或物的比较:A + be动词+形容词比较级+ than + B.例句:Amys taller than Lingling.Beijing is bigger than Tianjin。(埃米比玲玲高。北京比天津大)8、描述城市的方位:城市+ is in the + east/west/north/south.例句:New York is in the east。Haina is in the south of China.(纽约在东方。海南在中

28、国的南方)9、描述国家的首都:城市+ is the capital of +国家。例句:Beijingis the capital of China. London is the capital of England。(北京是中国的首都。伦敦是英国的首都)10、描述人或物过去的状态:主语+ was/were +描述人或物特征的词。主语+ wasnt/werent +描述人或特特征的词。例句:They werent old then. They were young.(那时他们不老,他们是年轻的)11、描述过去的动作:主语+动词过去式+其他。例句:I helped Mum.On Monday A

29、my phoned grandma.Yesterday I watched TV。(我帮助妈妈。星期一埃米打电话给奶奶。昨天我看电视)12、确认过去的动作:-Did +主语+动词原形+其他?-Yes,主语+did. /No,主语+didnt.例句:Did Dad cook lunch?Yes,he did。/ No,he didnt.(爸爸做饭了吗?是的,他做了。不,他没做)第五册(五年级上)一、词汇描述人/物的特征:clean, enough, careful, fantastic, useful, blind, deaf, sad, bored, angry, surprise, tire

30、d, dangerous(干净的,足够的,细心的,很棒的,有用的,盲,聋,悲伤,愤怒,无聊,惊喜,累了,很危险的)疑问词:when, how much, whose(什么时候,有多少,谁的)食物或饮料:food, ice cream, cheese, juice, sausage, coffee, tea(食品,冰淇淋,奶酪,香肠,果汁,咖啡,茶)代词:mine, hers, his, yours, them, those(我的,她的,他的,你们的,他们的,那些)二、句型1、询问对方回来的时间:-I/We came back +过去时间。例句:We came back last Sunday。

31、(你什么时候回来的?我上星期天回来的。)2、询问可数名词的数量:How many +可数名词复数+ do you want?例句:How many apples do you want?(你想要几个苹果?)询问不可数名词的数量:How much +不可数名词+do you want?例句:How much milk do you want?(你想要多少牛奶?)3、描述数量:数字+ box(es)/bottle(s)/kilo(s), please.例句:five bananas, two bottles of apple juice, a cake and half a kilo of che

32、ese.(五个香蕉,两瓶苹果汁,一个蛋糕和半公斤奶酪)4、询问过去做什么:-What did +主语+ do +过去时间?-主语+动词过去式+其他。例句:What did you do at the weekend?We visited lots of place.(周末你做什么?我们参观了许多地方)5、询问过去去过哪里:-Where did +主语+ go +过去时间?-主语+ went to +地点。例句:Where did you go at the weekend?We went to Big Ben and the London Eye.(周末你们去了哪里?我们去了大本钟和伦敦眼。)

33、6、询问物品的归属:-Whose +单数名词+ is this?-Its +名词性主代词/名词所有格。例句:Whose bag is this?Its mine.(这是谁的包?它是我的)7、描述有多个物:There are +数量+名词复数(+表示地点的介词短语)。例句:There are twenty-five children in the class.(班里有25个孩子)8、描述动作能做到的程度:主语+ can +动词原形+描述动作程度的词。例句:You can play football well.(你足球踢的很好)9、描述不能做某事:主语+ cant +动词原形+其他。例句:He c

34、ant see.They cant walk.(他看不到。他们不能走)10、询问具体做某事的时间:-What time do/does +主语+动词原形+其他?-主语+动词原形/动词第三人称单数+ at +具体的钟点。例句:What time do(does) you(she) get up?I(she) get(gets) up at six oclock.What time does school start?My school starts at eight oclock.(你几点起床?我6点起床。学校几点上课?我的学校8点上课)11、询问情绪状况:-Whats the matter?

35、Are you feeling ?-Im +描述情绪的词。/Nothing.例句:Whats the matter?Are you feeling sad/bored/angry?Im happy/sad/bored/angry. /Nothing.(发生了什么事?你感到伤心/无聊/生气?我很快乐/伤心/无聊/生气。没什么)12、描述应该或不应该做某事:主语+ should/shouldnt +动词原形+其他。例句:You should look, then cross the road.You shouldnt walk in the road. You should hold my han

36、d, too.(过马路时,你应该左右看。你不应该在公路上散步。你也应该拉着我的手。)第六册(五年级下)一、词汇常用物品:television, fire, radio, telephone, CD-ROM, card, dictionary, newspaper, pocket, photo, bed, list, shoe, ticket, toothbrush(电视,收音机,电话,消防,光盘,卡,字典,报纸,口袋,照片,床,列表,鞋,机票,牙刷)称呼:grandchildren, grandmother, parent(孙子孙女,奶奶,父母)动作:learn, study, ate, ga

37、ve, drank, find, bring, use, stay, climb, suggest, wore, told, borrow, arrive, made(学习,研究,吃,喝,找到了,带,使用,保持,爬,建议,穿着,告诉,借到了,到达,制造)描述人或物的特征:different, retired, traditional, delicious, easy, light, broken, heavy, hard, excited, same, funny(不同的,退休的,传统的,美味的,简单的,轻的,破碎的,重,硬,兴奋,同样的,有趣的)二、句型1、描述过去的动作:主语+动词过去式+

38、其他。/主语+didnt+动词原形+其他。例句:We lived in a small house. She didnt have a television or a radio.(我们过去住在一个小房子里。她没有电视机也没有收音机。)2、描述过去有/没有某物:There was/were/wasnt/werent +某物+过去时间。例句:There was a small house four years ago.There werent any buses many years ago.(四年级前有一个小房子。许多年前没有公交车)3、询问过去三餐吃什么?-What did +主语+ hav

39、e for +三餐类名词?-主语+ had +食物类名词。例句:-What did she have for dinner? -She had fish and chips.(她晚饭吃了什么?她吃一鱼和薯条)4、询问物品的位置:-Where + is/are +物品?-Its/Theyre +表示位置的介词短语。例句:(请问关于计算机的书在哪里?他们在C列。)5、描述物品的特征:主语+ is/are +描述事物特征的词。例句:This black bag is nice.(这是一个黑色的包)6、描述某物对某人来说是 的:Its +描述事物特征的词+ for +人。例句:Its too big

40、for you.Its easy for him.(对你来说它太大了。对他来说很容易)7、询问对方过去去某地的时间:-When did you go to +地点? -I/We went there +时间。例句:-When did you go to Xinjing? -We went there in July.(你们什么时候去的新疆?我们7月份去的那里)8、询问对方的意见或建议:What/How about +名词?Why dont you +动词原形+其他?例句:What about chopsticks?Why dont you give him a kite?How about a

41、 dragon kite?(筷子怎么样?你为什么不给他一个风筝呢?龙风筝怎么样?)9、询问对方打算去哪里:Where are you going to go ?例句:Where are you going to go ?We are going to go to Beijing.(你们将要去哪里?我们打算去北京)10、询问对方打算去某地的时间:When are you going to go there?例句:When are you going to go there?Im going to there this summer.(你打算什么时候去那里?我打算今年夏天去那里。)11、询问谁打算

42、去某地:Whos going to go to +地点?例句:Whos going to go to the airport?Im going.(谁去机场?我去)第七册(六年级上)一、词汇地点:Mexico, Canada, Australia, restaurant, square(墨西哥,加拿大,澳大利亚,餐厅,广场)常用物品:postcard, stamp, moon cakes, lantern, chopsticks, knife, fork, bamboo, CD-ROM, library card, CD(明信片,邮票,月饼,元宵,筷子,刀,叉,竹,光盘,图书馆卡,CD)频度词:

43、sometimes, often, always, never(有时,通常,永远,永远不会)动作:collect, meet, believe, clean, show, hurry(收集,相遇,相信,清洁,表明,快点)二、句型1、描述某地有某人/某物:There is/are +某人/某物+其他。例句:Theres a Chinatown in New York!There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.(在纽约有一个中国城。那里有许多中国商店和饭馆。)2、描述爱好:动词(短语)-ing + is +某人的+ hobby.例句

44、:Readingis my hobby.Flying kite is my hobby.(阅读是我的爱好。放风筝是我的爱好)3、确认对方是否有某物:-Have you got a/any +某物?-Yes, I have. /No, I havent.例句:Have you got any books?Yes, I have. /No, I havent.(你有书吗?是的,我有。不,我没有)4、询问对方在节日做什么?-What do you do on +节日?-I/We动词原形+其他。例句:What do you do on Spring Festival?We eat a big fami

45、ly dinner.(春节你们做什么?我们吃一个大的家庭晚餐/年夜饭)5、询问对方最喜欢的事物:-Whats your favourite +名词?-Its +喜欢的事物。例句:Whats your favourite festival?My favourite festival is /(Its) Spring Festival.(你最喜欢的节日是什么?我最喜欢的是春节/他是春节。)6、确认对方是否能做某事:Can you +动词原形+其他?例句:Can you speak English?Yes, I can./No, I cant.(你能说英语吗?是的,我能。不,我不能)7、表达请求:-Can I +动词原形+其他?-Yes, of course.例句:Can I write to


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