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1、八年级上Unit 4 Numbers一. 课前回顾( ) 1. divide A. alive; not dead( ) 2. especiallyB. very; more than usual( ) 3. brainC. find out how many times one number goes into a bigger number( ) 4. calculateD. of or like people, not animals or machines( ) 5. partE. all( ) 6. humanF. on the other side in a game, fight

2、, etc.( ) 7. livingG. an ancient calculating machine in China( ) 8. lightningH. something which has been made for the first time( ) 9. inventionI. the part inside the head of a person or an animal that thinks and feels( ) 10. abacusJ. one of the pieces of something( ) 11. wholeK. find the answer by

3、using mathematics( ) 12. againstL. a sudden bright light in the sky when there is a storm 二、本节内容【词汇拓展】1. especially1. especially = particularly (adv.) 特别地,尤其, 格外2. specially = in purpose (adv.) 特意地 我特意为你准备了一个蛋糕:_3. 区别 especial 和 special: especial 强调“特别,尤其”; special强调“特殊的,专为.准备的”2. least1. 比较级变形过程:li

4、ttle - less - least 至少:_2.(反义词组)至多:_3. own1. own = have/possess (v.) 拥有 他拥有一辆新车:_2. owner (n.) 拥有者 他是那辆车的拥有者:_3. Its his own responsibility. I only borrowed the book, its not my own. I cant carry it on my own, its too heavy. 词组归纳: 某人自己的某物:ones own ( adj.) + n. 某人自己的:ones own (pron.) 依靠自己:on ones own

5、 = by oneself 4. nation1. nation (n.) 民族,国家2. nationality (n.) 国籍3. national (adj.) 国家的,民族的 the national flag4. international (adj.) 国际的 an international sports match5. time1. times = age (n.) 年代 在古代:_ 表示倍数或次数 三倍:_ 四倍:_2. in time 及时 on time 准时 3. all the time = always 总是 from time to time = often 时常

6、 4. at the same time 同时 for the time being 暂时, 眼下6. way1. 方式,方法: in many different ways 用不同的方式 in the same way 用同样的方式2. 路线,路途: on ones way to 在去哪里的路上 by the way 顺便问一下 in the way 挡道 lose ones way 迷路7. as1. 用作连词: 如同 as these pictures show. 按照 Do as I say! 当.的时候 I saw her as she was getting off the bus

7、. 因为,由于 As she has no car, she cant get there easily.2. 用作介词: 象.一样 He is as old as me. 作为 As a writer, shes wonderful8. near1. near (adj.) the near future (adv.) We live near school.2. nearly = almost (adv.) 几乎, 差不多 The train was nearly full. He is nearly 16. its his birthday next week.3. nearby (ad

8、j.) 附近的 We went to a nearby town. (adv.) 在附近 A football match being played nearby.9. invent1. invent (v.) 发明 Who invented the telephone?2. invention (n.) 发明 The telephone is a wonderful invention. Do you know the four great inventions in Chinese history?3. inventor (n.) 发明家 Can you tell some great i

9、nventors in the world?10. develop1. develop (v.) 发展 Some children develop more slowly than others. Our country is developing very quickly. 开发 Develop the natural resources of a country.2. development (n.) 发展,成长,进展 developer (n.) 开发者 3. developing (adj.) 发展中的 India is a developing country. developed

10、(adj.) 发达的 The USA is a developed country.11. calculate1. calculate (v.) 计算 Have you calculated the result?2. calculation (n.) 计算 The calculations are based on these statistics. calculator (n.) 计算器 Electronic calculator calculating machines 计算机12. accurate1. accurate (adj.) 精确的,准确的 He gave an accura

11、te description of the thief. 2.(反义词)不精确的,不准确的:_3.(副词)精确地:_13. electronic1. 辨析:electronic electric electrical electronic 电子的,电子器件的 electric 电的,发电的, 电动的,(任何直接用电,或产生电的) electrical 与电有关的,用电的,电气的 an electrical engineer 2. electricity (n.) 电 electrician (n.) 电工 14. power1. power (n.) 能力 She has the power

12、to see into the future. 体力, 力量 You can feel the power of the nature. 权力 He wants power as well as money.2. powerful (adj.) 有力量的,有权利的 The car has a very powerful engine. The president is very powerful.15. live1. live (v.) 生存,过.生活 live a happy life (adj.) 实况转播 It isnt a record show. It is live. (词组)以.

13、为生:_2. life (n.) 生命 There is no life on the moon. 生活 Life isnt all fun. 一生,终身 She has lived in China all her life.3. 辨析:living alive lively living (adj.) 活着的 the living things ( living room 客厅)alive (adj.) 有生命的,活着的,充满生气的 Although he is old, he is still very much alive. lively (adj.) 活泼的 a lively son

14、g/mind 生动的 a lively description16. instruct1. instruct (v.) 教导,指示2. instruction (n.) 指令,命令,指导 a book of instructions 使用说明书3. instructor (n.) 指导者,教练 a driving instructor 【数词的用法】基数词(一)基本概念:表示数目多少的词叫基数词。1. 1-12独立成词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve2. 13-19 (+teen

15、):thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen3. 20-90 (整十位数+ty):twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety4. 21-99间的两位数,先说“十位”,再说“个位”,中间要加连字符“-”5. 101-999之间的三位数,先说“百位”,再加and,再加末尾两位数。 6. 1000以上数,使用计数符号,每三位加以逗号,从第一个逗号起单位依次为thousand, million, billion.“万”表达为ten

16、thousand 例:579 five hundred and seventy-nine 802 eight hundred and two 4, 352 four thousand three hundred and fifty-two 14, 615 fourteen thousand six hundred and fifteen 123, 456, 789 one hundred and twenty-three four hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine(二)基数词用法:1. 从句子成分上分析,基

17、数词在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语等。 Four of them went to the factory. (主语) I want two. (宾语) My classmate is eighteen.(表语)2. 编号的事物用基数词。 Today we are going to study Lesson Five. He lives in Room 801. 3. 表示“年、月、日”时年份用基数词,日期用序数词,其顺序由小到大。 The accident took place in 2006. 这次事故发生在2006年。4. 钟点表达法 1. 先点后分,顺读法。如:8:53 eight fif

18、ty-three 2. 先分后点,倒读法:前半小时用“分钟数 + past + 已过钟点数”;后半小时用“(60-分钟数) + to + 下一个钟点数”;正好半点用“half past + 已过钟点数”;一刻钟用“quarter”。 7:20 twenty past seven; 6:35 twenty-five to seven; 1:58 two to two; 8:30 half past eight; 9:15 a quarter past nine; 9:45 a quarter to ten.5. 用于加减乘除的数字用基数词。 One plus two is three. Five

19、 times six is thirty. 6. 表示百分数用基数词。 Thirty percent of them is water. 7. 表示分数时,分子用基数词,但分母要用序数词;若分子大于1,分母上的序数词要用复数形式。 Two fifths of the book are mine. 8. 表示带有小数的词用基数词。小数点前的整数按基数词的规则表示,小数点写作point,小数点后的数字应按数字直接表示出来。 18.38 可写成 eighteen point three eight.9. 数词 + 名词 (+形容词) 作定语,名词用单数形式。 A twenty-one-year-ol

20、d girl is behind me. 10. 两组与数词有关的介词短语: (1) in + 定冠词the + 数词 的复数形式,表示年代。 in the 1870s / 1970s (2) in + 物主代词 + 数词 的复数形式,表示某人的年龄。 in ones thirties 在某人三十多岁的时候 有时在物主代词后面可加上形容词early 或late 使含义更确切一些,in his early thirties. 注意:“十几岁”要用in ones teens,不可以说in ones tens。11. 数词前加every,表达“每一段时间或每隔一段” every ten days e

21、very four weeks 每10天/每隔9天 每4周/每隔3周 every ninth day every third week (三)基数词考点:1. 基数词表示顺序编号时:名词 + 基数词 ,此时两个词的首字母都要大些。 Class Three Room 5 Lesson One2. 确数与概数的表达。 确数:基数词+单位+复数名词: two hundred students 200名学生 概数:单位加S +of+复数名词:thousands of visitors 成千上万的游客3. “整十加S” 用于表示“几十年代”或“某人几十多岁时” In the 1960s, people

22、had to lead a poor life. 在20世纪60年代,人们不得不过着贫困的生活。 He invented many things in his twenties. 他在20多岁时就发明了很多东西。序数词(一)基本概念:表示顺序先后的数词。序数词大多由基数词变形而成,需掌握了基变序的方法:1. 口诀记忆:基变序,有规律,词尾加上th; 一二三,单独记,词尾分别t,d,d; 八减t,九去e,f来把ve替; ty如果做结尾,直接把y变ie; 若遇几十几,只变个位就可以。 注意:fourfourteenfortyforty-two ninenineteenninetyninety-ni

23、ne fourthfourteenthfortiethforty-second ninthnineteenthninetiethninety-ninth(二)序数词的用法:1. 序数词主要用作定语、表语,前面要加定冠词the。 The fifth lesson is very easy to learn. You are the first one I believe. (三)序数词的考点:1. 序数词表示顺序时,前要加the,后面接单数名词。 The second picture is very beautiful. The fourth student comes from America

24、.2. 表示日期中的“日”。 2016年9月19日,表示为“September 19th, 2016”; 读作:September the nineteenth, two thousand and sixteen3. 序数词的缩写:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 20th 63rd 78th 4. 序数词表示编号顺序时: Unit One= the first unit Part Two= the second part几种特殊数词(一)普通分数: 子基母序,分子1,分母+S 1/3: one third 2/3: two thirds 1/2:读作 a half或one half 1/4读作

25、 a quarter 或one fourth(二)百分比:基数词 + percent (per cent) 2%读作 two percent 27%读作 twenty-seven percent(三)习惯表达: one and a half apples= one apple and a half 一个半苹果 half an apple半个苹果 one or two apples= one apple or two 一两个苹果 10:30 half past ten 10:25 twentyfive past ten 9:45 fifteen to ten 或 a quarter to ten

26、加减乘除-数字的运算(一)基础知识:=: is/ equals +: plus -:minus *: multiplied by /: divided by 都是介词。 加法:3 plus 9 is/equals 12.减法:9 minus 3 is/equals 6. 乘法:3 multiplied by 9 is/equals27.除法:9 divided by 3 is/equals 3.(二)句型:通常用“加减乘除”的动词原形来开头,构成祈使句,命令做题者。 Add A and B Subtract A from B Multiply A by B Divide A by B If w

27、e add 2 to 5, we can get 7. Multiply 2 by 3, please.数词专项练习( ) 1. _ tourists went to Hong Kong last October for the opening of H.K.Disneyland. A. Thousands B. Thousands of C. Thousand of D. Thousand( ) 2. _ people celebrated Disneylands 50th birthday in California on July 17, 2005. A. Thousand of B.

28、Thousands of C. Thousands D. Ten thousands( ) 3. The police found about _ the paintings in the museum had been stolen. A. hundreds of B. two hundred of C. hundred of D. two hundred of( ) 4. About _ of the computers in this room are online. A. two-fifth B. two-fifths C. second-fives D. second-fifths(

29、 ) 5. _ of the apples in the fruit bowl are big and sweet. A. Two-third B. Second-third C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds( ) 6. _ of the foreign guests are from _. A. Three-four, Russia B.Three-fourths, Korean C. Three-fourths, Italy D. Three-fourth, Germany( ) 7. The famous professor lives on _ floor

30、in Block _. A. four, 5 B. four, 5th C. the fourth, 5 D. the fourth, 5th( ) 8. It is said that two _ students are going to have the Listening Contest this weekend. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of( ) 9. About _ people of our town attended this get-together. All of them had a go

31、od time. A. hundreds of B. three hundred C. three hundred of D. three hundreds( ) 10. A: How many students in our school have passed the exams? B: _. A. Four-fifths B. Fourth-fifth C. Four-five D. Fourth-fifths( ) 11. It was reported that _ of medical workers were needed to fight bird flu. A. hundre

32、d B. hundreds C. five hundred D. a hundred( ) 12. A report says that about _ of the English teachers in Shanghai are under the age of 35. A. three-fifth B. third-fifths C. thirds-fifth D. three-fifths( ) 13. Now class, please open your books and turn to _. A. 32 pages B. page 32 C. 32nd page D. page

33、s 32( ) 14. Mr White was born _. A. on June 28, 1968 B. in 28 June, 1968 C. in 1968, June 28 D, on June 28 in 1968( ) 15. He is a generous man. He has sent _ Chinese paintings to the museum. A. hundred of B.hundreds C. three hundred D, three hundred of( ) 16. The musical “Cat” was a big hit. _ peopl

34、e went to the Grand Theatre to watch it. A. Two thousands B.Two thousand of C. Thousands of D. Thousand of( ) 17. The train accident in Madrid, Spain killed _ people. No Chinese was _ them. A. two hundred, among B. two hundreds, among C. two-hundred, between D. two hundreds, between( ) 18. It is rep

35、orted that over _ American solders have died in Iraq. A. five hundreds B. hundred of C. five hundred D. five hundreds of( ) 19. There are over _ books in our school library. A. five thousand B. five thousands C. five thousand of D. five thousands of ( ) 20. _ of the girls in our class _ in the danci

36、ng group. A. Two-third, is B. two-thirds, is C. Two-third, are D. Two-thirds, are三、课堂练习一、选择填空: ( ) 1. Weve learnt about _ English words since we entered school. A. two thousands B. thousands of C. two thousand D. thousand of( ) 2. A: Do they all live in school? B: No, about _ of them live in school.

37、 A. five-nineths B. second-fives C. two-third D. four-fifths( ) 3. 0.76 reads _. A. zero point seven six B. zero point seventy-six C. zero and seven six D. zero seven six( ) 4. Tom, _ late again next time. A. isnt B. dont be C. dont D. doesnt be( ) 5. Let us play football for another twenty minutes,

38、 _? A. shall we B. will you C. dont you D. do you( ) 6. _ students in our class like English. A. Thirty of B. The thirtieth C. Two thirds D. Two-thirds of( ) 7. A computer can do a calculation _ you could not do in your whole lifetime. A. what B. whose C. that D. when( ) 8. Some people call the brain _ computer. A. an alive B. a living C. live D. life( ) 9. Amy went to school in a hurry and she left the door _. A. open B. opened C. closed D. is open( ) 10. A calculator can _, subtract, _ and divide. A. plus, multiply B. add, multiply


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