高中英语人教版必修三第三单元单词拼写和完成句子复习过程(DOC 8页).docx

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1、精品文档人教版高一英语Book 3 Unit 3一、单词拼写1. The old man was proud of his a_(冒险)in the Sahara Desert.2. Judging from his m_(举止),I dont think he is well-educated.3. It takes a lot of p_(耐心)and hard work to be a good teacher.4. A(n) a_(作家)must have the ability to think up new ideas for stories.5. Have you returne

2、d the n_(小说)to the library?6. Your composition is good except for a few f_(错误)of spelling and grammar.7. Her mother will not p_(允许许可)her to go travelling alone.8. The s_(场景)of this play is set in Germany during World War I.9. You didnt bother me. On the c_(相反), I like to be with you.10. It is u_(难以置

3、信的)that he managed to finish all the summer holiday homework in just one day.1. The old man was proud of his a_(冒险)in the Sahara Desert.adventures2. Judging from his m_(举止),I dont think he is well-educated.manner3. It takes a lot of p_(耐心)and hard work to be a good teacher.patience4. A(n) a_(作家)must

4、 have the ability to think up new ideas for stories.author5. Have you returned the n_(小说)to the library?novel6. Your composition is good except for a few f_(错误)of spelling and grammar.faults7. Her mother will not p_(允许许可)her to go travelling alone.permit8. The s_(场景)of this play is set in Germany du

5、ring World War I.scene9. You didnt bother me. On the c_(相反), I like to be with you.contrary10. It is u_(难以置信的)that he managed to finish all the summer holiday homework in just one day.unbelievable答案:1. adventure(s) 2. manner 3. patience 4. author 5. novel 6. faults 7. permit 8. scene 9. contrary 10.

6、 unbelievable二、单词拼写1. He is a man with the scene of h_(幽默)and we all feel it happy to stay with him.2. The main purpose of a play is to let the c_(人物)speak for themselves as much as possible.3. In the last two d_(十年)of the 20th century. IT industry has greatly been developed.4. Yesterday afternoon h

7、e went to a b_(理发店)and had his hair cut.5. All the people present b_(鞠躬)to Henry when he left the restaurant.6. This newspaper, i_(出版发行)weekly, is popular among teenagers.7. The director was thrown into prison because of f_(伪造)some paper money.8. Adams had nothing for two days, so he w_(狼吞虎咽)all the

8、 ordered food.9. Teaching disabled children takes imagination as well as great p_.(耐心)10. All the rooms r_(预定的)in the hotel, we had to stay with some relatives for the night.1. He is a man with the scene of h_(幽默)and we all feel it happy to stay with him.humor2. The main purpose of a play is to let

9、the c_(人物)speak for themselves as much as possible.characters3. In the last two d_(十年)of the 20th century. IT industry has greatly been developed.decades4. Yesterday afternoon he went to a b_(理发店)and had his hair cut.barbers5. All the people present b_(鞠躬)to Henry when he left the restaurant.bowed6.

10、 This newspaper, i_(出版发行)weekly, is popular among teenagers.issued7. The director was thrown into prison because of f_(伪造)some paper money.faking8. Adams had nothing for two days, so he w_(狼吞虎咽)all the ordered food.wolfed9. Teaching disabled children takes imagination as well as great p_.(耐心)patienc

11、e10. All the rooms r_(预定的)in the hotel, we had to stay with some relatives for the nigth.reserved答案;1. humor 2. characters 3. decades 4. barbers 5. bowed 6. issued 7. faking 8. wolfed 9. patience 10. reserved三、单词拼写1. Many women were j_(妒忌的)of her beauty.2. Its just u_(难以置信的)that I got the highest ma

12、rk on my test.3. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome a_. (外貌)4. Through his sense of h_(幽默的), he made his classes lively and interesting.5. Its bad m_(礼貌)to speaking without your mouth full.6. After living abroad for sixty years, he returned to his b_(出生地)in his eighties.7. He is excited t

13、hat his new n_(小说)sells well and has been translated into foreign languages.8. They say that the new film is a(n)_(冒险) story.9. It seems that some young people dont have p_(耐心)with anything.10. The children s_(尖叫)joyfully and danced around the tree.1. Many women were j_(妒忌的)of her beauty.jealous2. I

14、ts just u_(难以置信的)that I got the highest mark on my test.unbelievable3. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome a_. (外貌)appearance4. Through his sense of h_(幽默的), he made his classes lively and interesting.humor5. Its bad m_(礼貌)to speaking without your mouth full.manners6. After living abroad f

15、or sixty years, he returned to his b_(出生地)in his eighties.birthplace7. He is excited that his new n_(小说)sells well and has been translated into foreign languages.novel8. They say that the new film is a(n)_(冒险) story.adventurous9. It seems that some young people dont have p_(耐心)with anything.patience

16、10. The children s_(尖叫)joyfully and danced around the tree.screamed答案:1. jealous 2. unbelievable 3. appearance 4. humor 5. manners 6. birthplace 7. novel 8. adventurous 9. patience 10. screamed 四、单词拼写1. He is always w_(闲逛) from morning till evening, doing nothing.2. I didnt sleep well last night, bu

17、t it was my own f_. (过失)It had nothing to do with my roommate.3. I easily s_(发现认出) him in the crowd because he was much taller than the others.4. Ill see you after school, if time p_.(允许)5. In a war thousands of lives will be lost and a large a_(数量) of money will be wasted.6. A s_(一场,场面) in a play,

18、film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.7. The guards p_(准许) me to bring my camera and tape recorder.8. If you s_(盯着看,凝视) at someone or something, you look at them for a long time.9. The fire brigade rushed to the s_(场景) in good time.10. Some banks make it di

19、fficult to open an a_(账户).1. He is always w_(闲逛) from morning till evening, doing nothing.wandering2. I didnt sleep well last night, but it was my own f_. (过失)It had nothing to do with my roommate.fault3. I easily s_(发现认出) him in the crowd because he was much taller than the others.spotted4. Ill see

20、 you after school, if time p_.(允许)permits5. In a war thousands of lives will be lost and a large a_(数量) of money will be wasted.amount6. A s_(一场,场面) in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.scene7. The guards p_(准许) me to bring my camera and tape re

21、corder.permitted8. If you s_(盯着看,凝视) at someone or something, you look at them for a long time.stare9. The fire brigade rushed to the s_(场景) in good time.spot10. Some banks make it difficult to open an a_(账户).account答案:1. wandering 2. fault 3. spotted 4. permits 5. amount 6. scene 7. permitted 8. st

22、are 9. spot 10. account五、单词拼写1. Your b_(出生地)is the place where you were born.2. We must protect and encourage the n_(新奇的,新颖的) idea.3. A n_(小说)is a long written story about imaginary people and events.4. I set off for a new a_(奇遇冒险)in the United States on the first day of the new year.5. He used a p_

23、(短语)I hate: You have to be cruel to be kind.6. An a_(作家)is a person whose job is writing books.7. Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to w_(闲逛游荡)the streets and sleep rough.8. A p_(人行道)is a path with a hard surface, usually by the side of a road.9. My ideal job is to become a b_.(商

24、人)10. A p_(许可证)is an official document which says that you may do something.1. Your b_(出生地)is the place where you were born.birthplace2. We must protect and encourage the n_(新奇的,新颖的) idea.novel3. A n_(小说)is a long written story about imaginary people and events.novel4. I set off for a new a_(奇遇冒险)in

25、 the United States on the first day of the new year.adventure5. He used a p_(短语)I hate: You have to be cruel to be kind.phrase6. An a_(作家)is a person whose job is writing books.author7. Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to w_(闲逛游荡)the streets and sleep rough.wander8. A p_(人行道)is

26、a path with a hard surface, usually by the side of a road.pavement9. My ideal job is to become a b_.(商人)businessman10. A p_(许可证)is an official document which says that you may do something.permit答案:1. birthplace 2. novel 3. novel 4. adventure 5. phrase 6. author 7. wander 8. pavement 9. businessman

27、10. permit六、单词拼写1. If you look a_(朝前看), you look directly in front of you.2. A b_(海湾)is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards.3. If a bad or undesirable situation is your f_(责任过失过错), you caused it or are responsible for it.4. Wipe the s_(斑点污点) on with the eggplant.5. Harry stepped into p_(

28、通道) the and closed the door behind him.6. An a_(解释说明)of something is a theory which is intended to explain or describe it.7. The American E_(大使馆) has already complained.8. If you s_(探索寻求)something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one.9. He doesnt have p_(耐心)the to wait.10. Ideas, at

29、titudes, or reactions that are c_(相反的) to each other are completely different from each other.1. If you look a_(朝前看), you look directly in front of you.ahead2. A b_(海湾)is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards.bay3. If a bad or undesirable situation is your f_(责任过失过错), you caused it or are

30、responsible for it.fault4. Wipe the s_(斑点污点) on with the eggplant.spot5. Harry stepped into p_(通道) the and closed the door behind him.passage6. An a_(解释说明)of something is a theory which is intended to explain or describe it.account7. The American E_(大使馆) has already complained.Embassy8. If you s_(探索

31、寻求)something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one.seek9. He doesnt have p_(耐心)the to wait.patience10. Ideas, attitudes, or reactions that are c_(相反的) to each other are completely different from each other.contrary答案:1. ahead 2. bay 3. fault 4. spot 5. passage 6. account 7. Embassy 8

32、. seek 9. patience 10. contrary七、单词拼写1. An e_(信封)is the rectangular paper cover in which you send a letter to someone through the post.2. If you say that something is u_(难以置信的), you are emphasizing that it is very good, impressive, intense, or extreme.3. A s_(牛排)is a large flat piece of beef without

33、 much fat on it.4.P_(菠萝) is rich in nutrition with health care function.5. She had homemade ice cream for d_.(餐后甜点)6. The a_(数量总额)of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.7. When people are r_(粗鲁的无礼的), they act in an impolite way towards other people or say impolite thin

34、gs about them.8. She smiled again in a friendly m_. (做法,方式)9. When someone s_(尖叫), they make a very loud, high-pitched cry.10. If this offer is g_(真诚的真挚的) I will gladly accept it.1. An e_(信封)is the rectangular paper cover in which you send a letter to someone through the post.envelope2. If you say t

35、hat something is u_(难以置信的), you are emphasizing that it is very good, impressive, intense, or extreme.unbelievable3. A s_(牛排)is a large flat piece of beef without much fat on it.steak4.P_(菠萝) is rich in nutrition with health care function.Pineapple5. She had homemade ice cream for d_.(餐后甜点)dessert6.

36、 The a_(数量总额)of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.amount7. When people are r_(粗鲁的无礼的), they act in an impolite way towards other people or say impolite things about them.rude8. She smiled again in a friendly m_. (做法,方式)manner9. When someone s_(尖叫), they make a very l

37、oud, high-pitched cry.screams10. If this offer is g_(真诚的真挚的) I will gladly accept it.genuine答案:1. envelope 2. unbelievable 3. steak 4. Pineapple 5.dessert 6. amount 7. rude 8. manner 9. screams 10. genuine八、完成句子1. She sacrificed her career to _ _ (培养抚养)the children.bring up2. If you want to _ _, (前进

38、) you must leave things behind.go ahead3. I only came to liverpool _ _. (偶然)by accident4. Why do you _ _ (盯着看)me like that?stare at5. I cant _ _ (作出解释)the missing money?account for6. _ _ _(相反地), the instructions have been damaged.on the contrary7. Everyone in the classroom likes to _ _ _.(冒险)、DIY手工艺

39、市场现状分析make a chance在调查中我们注意到大多数同学都比较注重工艺品的价格,点面氛围及服务。8. The man who was _ _ (衣衫褴褛)was a beggar.in rags9. _ _ (关于至于)the others, I hope you will join me in keeping her in our thoughts.As for10. I dont think he is stupid; _ _ _(恰恰相反), he is clever.on the contrary300元以下 300400元 400500 500元以上11. Lets _ _

40、 _. He may still be in the office now. (碰运气)据介绍,经常光顾“碧芝”的都是些希望得到世界上“独一无二”饰品的年轻人,他们在琳琅满目的货架上挑选,然后亲手串连,他们就是偏爱这种的方式,完全自助。take a chance12. He has _ _ _ (打赌)that it is going to rain tommorrow.made a bet(一)DIY手工艺品的“多样化”13. He always speaks to everyone _ _ _ _. (用友好的态度)in a friendly manner据调查统计在对大学生进行店铺经营风

41、格所考虑的因素问题调查中,发现有50%人选择了价格便宜些,有28%人选择服务热情些,有30%人选择店面装潢有个性,只有14%人选择新颖多样。如图(1-5)所示14. _ _ (至于)the party, we will decide later.As for15. _ _ _, (说实话) I dont think we have a chance of winning.加拿大公司就是根据年轻女性要充分展现自己个性的需求,将世界各地的珠类饰品汇集于“碧芝自制饰品店”内,由消费者自选、自组、自制,这样就能在每个消费者亲手制作、充分发挥她们的艺术想像力的基础上,创作出作品,达到展现个性的效果。To

42、 be honest2、消费者分析16. He _ _ _ (陷入困境)and couldnt get out of it.中式饰品风格的饰品绝对不拒绝采用金属,而且珠子的种类也更加多样。 五光十色的水晶珠、仿古雅致的嵌丝珐琅珠、充满贵族气息的景泰蓝珠、粗糙前卫的金属字母珠片的材质也多种多样。got into trouble17. She talked to us _ _ _ _ _. (很有礼貌地)3、你是否购买过DIY手工艺制品?in a very polite manner18. Its a nice place. Weve stayed there ourselves, _ _ _ _ _. (事实上)as a matter of fact精品文档


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