最新译林版五年级英语下册语法知识点总复习资料(DOC 5页).doc

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1、精品文档五年级下册知识点一、名词 (单数,复数,不可数)1. 单数 a fairy , a toothache an art room/ English teacher / idea / umbrella ( a.e.i.o.u)2. 复数 1.一般直接+s:trains,students, 2. 以s. x. sh.ch结尾,加es:bus-buses,class-classes, 3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,加es:librarylibrarieshobby-hobbies citycities familyfamilies 4. 以o结尾的,加es:potatoes, tom

2、atoes 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen child-children foot-feet, tooth-teeth3. 不可数 bread,meat, soup, milk,juice,tea , rice 二、人称代词 1.主格:I we you you he she he it they 2.宾格:me us you you him her him it them try it/them on help me/him/her Whats wrong with him/her/them? eat them be b

3、ad for us Let me/us. give it a cake come to see him 3.形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their三、介词1、表示时间的: in 月份 : in January , in April in the morning /afternoon/evening in 季节 : in winter on 具体日期 on the 23rd of June at 具体时刻 at five oclock2、表示节日的: at Spring Festival at Christmas / Halloween on M

4、others Day on Childrens Day3、表示地点的:(far from/near/next to/beside/behind/between/under/in/on/at) at the party / at the princes house / at the traffic lights / at the bus stop at Park Station / at home/school on your left on Moon Street / in Sunshine Town四、季节和月份 Spring is in March,April and May. warm

5、Summer is in June,July and August. hot Autumn is in September,October and November. cool Winter is in December,January and February. cold 五、基数词和序数词 基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirt

6、y 序数词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth thirty-second 序缩写: 六、哪些情况加动词原形:1.can /should /would 2. let 3.助动词 do/does 4.to练习:1.Su Hai should _(take) some medcine. 2.Lets go and _(have)a party.

7、 3._(do)Nancy _ (like) _(dance) ? 4.Cinderella has to _(come) back before 12 oclock.七、哪些情况加动词ing 1.be 2. go 3.be good at 4.like 5.what /how about注意:动词ing形式也叫作动词的现在分词(-ing),变化规则:(1)直接加ing:drawdrawing playplaying (2)以不发音的e结尾的,去e加ing:dancedancing skateskating makemaking havehaving writewriting livelivi

8、ng come-coming ride -riding drive-driving(3)以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅元辅”结构的,双写末字母加ing:swimswimming runrunning chatchatting sitsitting put putting shopshopping get-getting练习:1.Lets go _(swim) this afternoon. 2.Youre really good at _(skate). 3._(be) your uncle _(read) books now? 4.How about _(watch) a film?八、现在进行

9、时 表示:正在进行的动作或存在的状态。(now/listen/look) 构成: be(is/am/are) 动ing例:特殊疑问句 1. What are you doing? I am sweeping the floor. 2. Where are you going? I am going to the playground.一般疑问句 1.Are you cooking tomato soup? Yes,I am./No, Im not. 2.Is he looking for some juice? Yes, he is./No,he isnt. 九、一般现在时表示:经常发生的动作

10、或存在的状态,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。(always 总是;usually 通常;often经常;sometimes有时候)例:What do you (usually) do on your birthday? What do you eat at Spring Festival? 注意主语是三单时,动词要变为动三单形式,变化规则如下:1) 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s. : climbs / takes/ picks 2) 以ch,sh,s,x 或 o 结尾的动词,在后面加 -es.例: teaches , watches, does , goes, catches ,brushe

11、s3) 以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把 y变为 i 再加 -es. try-tries十、 辨析2.和 and (Su Yang and I) are helping her. with ( We )often have a big dinner with (our parents) .3.也 too Its Su Yangs birthday too. (句末) also Its also Su Yangs birthday. (句中) either They should not eat or drink either. (否定句)4.Be动词 (is/am/are) I am / yo

12、u are 单数/不可数 is / 复数 are 5.想要 want =would like + 名词 She wants a big cake.= want to=would like to 动原 She wants to buy a big cake.=6.是的时候了。Its time to have lunch. (to +动原) Its time for lunch. (for+名词)7. look for 寻找(过程) Liu Tao is looking for some milk. find 找到(结果) Yang Ling cannot find the bookshop.8.

13、 or (通常用于否定句) and (通常用于肯定句)十一、易错词汇和词组 1.whos (是谁) whose(谁的) hes(他是) his (他的) there are有 theyre 他们是 these 这些pretty 漂亮的 present 礼物 parent 父或母read 读 ride 骑2. play basketball play the piano play with Kitty the cat 3. sweep the floor 4. clean the car / table clean the classroom / library5. wash clothes /

14、 the dishes / some vegetables 6. give to / sendto / writeto / showto / buyfor 7. fit / hear well 、work on a big ship、 too young/late/many sweets 8. what / where / when / who / whose / how many/ how old /which(哪个) 十二、文化板块1.Ilikereadingfairytales.Ilikereadingstoriesabout(关于)theMonkeyKingandNezha.2.Int

15、heUK,weaskWheresthetoilet?IntheUS,weaskWherestherestroom?3.Youhaveafever.Yourtemperatureis102F. 102?Its39C.4.Ieatwithchopsticks. (Chinese)Ieatwithaknifeandfork. (Western)西方人5.HalloweenisonthethirtyfirstofOctober.Childrenusuallydressup.TheyknockonpeoplesdoorsandshoutTrickortreat?forsweets.6.Peopleint

16、heWestusuallyopentheirpresentsassoonastheyreceivethem.十三、 四会单词和句型单词: why,because,clothes,let,put on,have to,take off,moon,street,near,city,by,bus,on foot,metro,taxi,bike,plane,train,take,get on,get off,walk,hospital,shop,zoo,film,stop,feel,should,have a rest,toothache,anything,clean,cook,busy,garden

17、,sweet,vegetable,tomato,potato,look for,love,bread,January,February,call,May,June,September,October,November,birthday,April,game,March,July,August,December,play,answer句型: 1. Why are you sad? Because I cant go to the party.(问原因)2 . How do you come to school? I come to school by bus/taxi. (问交通工具)3.Exc

18、use me, how do I get to the cinema/hospital? (get there)You can get on/off the metro/bus at (问路、指路)Then, walk to/go along .(问路). You can see on your left/right.4.What wrong with you? I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache. You should/shouldnt (问身体状况)What wrong with him/her? He/She has a fever. How d

19、o you feel now? I feel better(好些) . / cold/ hungry/5. What are you/they doing? I am/We are/They are sweeping the floor. What is he/she doing? He/She is cooking dinner. 6. Are you cooking meat? No, Im not. Im washing some vegetables. Hows the meat/soup/? Its yummy/nice. I cant wait! I love it! (veget

20、able salads)7. The Spring Festival is in January or February. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.(注意festival不是节日名称时不要大写)8. Whens your birthday? Its on the _of _. (四月21日)What do you do on your birthday? The 鏃 father 鏀 rudder 敮 Cong plank 綍I usually(have a party/buy a birthday cake/eat noodles

21、/)(问生日)The 鎵樼洏鍖呰The Qian 斿綋 Zi 欎簣 Chen 伩其他重要句型1. Because I dont have any nice clothes.閰嶉?=Because I have no nice clothes.2.3. The Zhu 涘簲閾 sentence 綅 Xiang?I come to school on foot. = I walk to school.4.5. The 鐗祫 Geng$the 悊鏈 dry 瀯Yang Ling gets to Su Yangs home by metro.The Ying 樺彇鏉冮檺 Chen?=Yang Ling takes a metro to Su Yangs home6.7. The Xian 侀? 鏃 Duo?Can I go to school by bike? = Can I ride a bike to school?The 鍑 Hong Chuai 鍖 ?No,you cant.8. Its far from school. = Its not near school.9. Lets take the metro. 10.11. The 鏍囧噯 Wan 滀笟 Fu 嬪簭Bobby is very happy to help them.12. 精品文档


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